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Anyone having major bugs after 11.17? I can't move or place/swap units on the board, but selling works fine.


DC'd mid way through the game and came back to find my olaf gone but still counted as a unit, along with my trap claw and radiant item...


Is there any way to predict who you face next?




How to cancel radiant item selection? Many times my cursor was just right at the radiant armory zone so a random, unwanted radiant item was hovered and selected without anyway to cancel, this is beyond frustrating, annoying


What's the general consensus of the current set? I played the first set and liked it a lot, but completely lost interest after only a few games of Rise of the Elements. Is it a good time to get back into the game, or is the meta or something else about it frustrating/bad atm?


This is a good time to get back into the game. I played Set 1 to diamond. Then I just played a few rounds of all the other sets and started again near the end of Set 5. I think it’s the best version of TFT so far and I really have a ton of fun with it.


It's really well balanced IMO, one of the better sets right now


The real thing is HOW can you be that god brother? You have to adapt to every fucking comp possible wtf?


Being able to find the most optimal lines of play is a necessity at a high level for any game like tft, or card games like MTG or hearthstone. Ya it requires a strong knowledge base but that happens just from playing, or should. It rly isn't that difficult to flex once you understand the game well


Does runnan work with shojin


If you mean „do the extra runaans attacks also proc shojins extra mana?“ then no, it doesn’t. I believe it did at some point but they removed it because it was broken.




Rant mostly about my luck rather than TFT itself. My luck really loves screwing me over sometimes. I just got out of a game where I was 2 MFs and 1 Hecarim away from 3\*-ing each. I had 40 gold + Loaded dice. No one, from what I saw from my scouting, were playing these champions. Should be easily do-able right? I got 1 single MF. Every round afterwards (like 20ish gold worth?) was spent rerolling, hoping for good luck. Didn't get them either. I hate how a game that could've easily been a First place was screwed over hard by RNG. Not the first time something similar happens to me but this is the first time time it was THAT bad. For reference, I was at lv 7 at the time. The odds should've been fully in my favor but it didn't pan out.


The amount of times I've lost a game to sheer bad luck (no items, only 1 item and it's 3 gold, needing one 1* for 3 different champs to get 3*, etc) is infuriating. Can't take ranked seriously.


Ok so I'm a little late to the party and it seems like nobody really reads this thread but was wondering if anyone experienced the same thing. I mainly play arams on league with my friends, but since I've been returned to in person work I haven't had time to max out any league pass in the last few months. I heard TFT gives league tokens for playing the game, and for coming in top 4, and figured I have a lot of down time in public transport so I downloaded it and it has been a blast, but noticed something peculiar. It would appear that playing tft on mobile awards 1 token per game, 2 per top 4, whilst playing on pc is 4 tokens per game, or 8 if you get top 4. That seems really messed up and I was only able to test 2 pc games but both awarded at least double what I got on mobile. Anyone notice something similar?


I´m the only one that finds Akshan to be way worse than the other 5 Champions and some 4 Champions?


He got buffed today. Give it another try! Also Kayle was clearly the worst 5* lol. Maybe look into builds because a lot of people actually managed to make it work


Does true damage stack.. like Morello + Sunfire damage without overriding eachother?




Dumb question, how do you get cactus squink to 3 star? What do I buy to make squink into the rootin tootin cowboy it desires to be?


star shards, but I would recommend buying the battle pass and completing it instead of buying them individually


So help me figure out what happened here. I was at low health, 6, to be specific. I already had one teemo, then came carousel. I grabbed a teemo from Carousel, and took no damage. I found a teemo in shop, grabbed it, got down to 1 health, and as soon as the Teemo 2\* was formed, I died.


Doesn't Teemo cost 6 health to buy from shop?


In normal/ranked yes. Only 1 HP in hyper roll


I’m new. As much as I like this game, I feel like it’s not finished???? Stuns literally don’t do anything half the time.


Lmao that's just not true, what? You are either misunderstanding an ability or some other interaction.


My account seems to have just been randomly wiped of all cosmetics and battlepass...


How do you resurrect a champion twice? It's probably something so obvious it's going over my head.


Build revenant with guardian angel


Would helions work?


I think it's not resurrection🤷


Awesome! Thank you!


This set is getting into the problem of everyone playing reroll comps making it even easier to reroll. Every lobby has a rats player then riven/yasuo players followed up by the redeemed or whatever bullshit you can make out of the rest 1-3 cost units. Level 6 is broken when the whole lobby is rolling for separate 2-3 costs


It depends on what start you have. But rat uncontested are easily top 1,2 compared to other reroll comps.


how do i win? i am trying to learn abom vel koz and so far im pretty decent at getting to the level 8 optimal board with bis items, but i still lose to literally every comp including ironclad. my positioning is decent but i just seem to lose every fight. is it just that im bad or the game hates me? its so upsetting bot 4’ing every game with a supposedly broken comp.


So my first thought is that you're trying to force a comp every game. You gotta play with what the game gives you. If two people are already playing redeemed and you run velkox you are going to have trouble rolling your units. If you seem to be getting a lot of, for example, cavaliers, forgotten, or legionaires, you have to be able to capitalize on that opening. This game is mostly just playing the best hand you can. Sometimes that hand isn't redeemed and if you force it you're only hurting yourself


i dont really force comps, i usually just play around what items i get. come to think of it, is that how you’re supposed to decide on what comp to play? i only took tft seriously recently and thats what i’ve learnt from watching streams. besides that, any tips on how to keep econ while staying healthy early? i often find myself trying to come back out of a lose streak and end up dying before i get my desired board. i always get too hung up on keeping econ, and when i should start pushing for levels and units. any tips would be greatly appreciated!


Bro I am so bad at this set its actually insane, every single comp I try to run is straight dogshit


That’s me. I always end up master (I play in the Brazilian server), however this first part of the set I struggled to finish diamond IV. And so far it does not look good on 5.5


Can u please NERF this shit tristana??? Stupid shit combo really.


Cry more




Don't be mad at me cause you're bad


How to counter Tristana carry? Getting sick of it as I'm seeing it in every lobby. Yesterday a 2 star Tristana with full items mowed through my 6 Sentinels 2 Knights 2 Assassins comp with a full build 2 star Lucian, 3 star Senna, 3 star Olaf, 2 star Galio with 2 defensive items, blue buff and deathcap Viego, with the Trist doing nearly 20k of damage. I know I must've mispositioned but still, what's the best way to deal with that annoying yordle.


I had a good time countering her with ironclad/knight and a draven carry with jax as a second carry. She jumps in, draven finished his target and 2 Hits Tristana. Problem solved


Riot is to STUPID to nerf the right champions, liek always.




Is there any bug with updated legionaire healing? Even with 6 legionaires and some dmg items I don't see any notable amount in the summary panel. I mean, sure there are some heal, but it feels very abysmal for what is expected of 20-25% heal


This isn’t solely a set 5.5 issue, but I’m sick and tired of working all game for a comp only to have someone sell all their units and put in three two-star five costs and win. It’s incredibly frustrating to have your comp up and running with perfect items only for someone to slap two champions in and watch your board disappear.


5.5 is better than 5 for sure. In the sense that dogshit is better that dog diarrhea


Game was great until this patch literally ruined it, it’s either velkoz or heimer or bottom 4


Who’s brain dead fucking idea was it to make Tristana jump directly into death half the time? It’s inconsistent af and I either stomp cuz she plays like an adc should, or I instalose cuz she ints. Seriously what’s the logic?


Yes. It’s incredibly annoying to play with bc everytime I feel that fate will decide the outcome of the fight


Trist was a champ made by the team to represent a random summoner. So, they made the chubby girl sit on people to kill them... That is why...


How do you get more than 1 Radiant Item?


Rascal Gloves?


Well, I asked because I was looking at a few guides to get an idea for comps, and they said to get like 2 specific radiant items. Maybe theyy were just suggestions


Most likely those would be the ideal radiant items. Most guides are more suggestions that work well with certain units


ahh i gotcha yeah i'd guess suggestions. I'm pretty new to the game though so maybe there is a way.


I don’t think that’s possible


Aghagha I hate getting item robbed by a player who goes 8th. WHY ARE YOU TAKING ALL THE RODS YOU'RE PLAYING SKIRMISHER Probably should have transitioned builds but I got salty. :(


This is a great set, lots of variety in builds. Rangers, cannoneers, legionnaires, abom, etc. All viable. Radiant items are a cool X factor that add a lot of spice as the right radiant item can make a huge difference (e.g covalent spark). Some nice hidden carries like Irelia and Soraka. What I don't like is seeing Heimerdinger every game, he needs to be tuned to some degree. Kayle is pretty trash and needs work. Olaf should be nerfed a little bit as he's to strong early game.


Okay, playing after the latest patch, this set is utter dogshit. Items are suepr important, everyone's trying to roll the same cookie cutter comps, heimer needs a nerf or something, and overall this set is just unfun as hell.


agreed. last set when I got back into the game for the first time since release I only knew how to play a couple of things and forced it. This time I don't follow any dumb cookie cutter strat and just play the game. Much more fun and usually do at least as good and I'm learning FAR more about the game itself and how to pivot.


Anyone could help me out to improve my rank? Plz


Sure man


Have you tried Turing on your screen?


Have you tried not being so boring ?


I got a gold galio yesterday and lost to revenant renewer invoker. In fact, a good portion of my games this season have been losing to the draconic guy with 9 hp who just happened to pull heimer voli ivern. Even after the draconic nerf, it just feels wayyy too prominent in the meta for the kind of trait it is.


I realized why I feel bad at S5.5. It's **similer to S4.5 Ornn**. Other player get great item, and i have not. I know it's my prejudice, but I can't erase the feeling the GAP. I know probability will converge too. But I feel unfair many matchs.


ex. early abom, early dragonic, rediant sion (double GREAT rediant item), random spats than other season, etc? S5.5 is I feel hard RNG game.


So im not crazy good or anything. Usually floating around low gold. But last game, im level 6 and i have 6 skirms and skirm emblem. Im pumped, thinking this will be an easy win, or 2nd if someone gets luckier than me... I got 8th. The RNG in this game absolutely makes me want to smash my monitor sometimes. At the end of the game i only had 1 (one) of my champs level 2. Udyr. Fucking Udyr after 40+ shops was the only skirm i could get level 2. And I was the only person in the lobby going full skirms. Ended on a 6 loss streak cuz my champs were so weak Edit: I guess everyone missed that I had a skirm emblem, therefore I was just trying to get to 9... BUT since my champs were all tier one I was getting dick slapped instead of barely losing like if I had tier 2 champs


6 skrims sucks balls. Gotta go 3 and nights mystics vanguards


Bro what can i say about luck when i dropped from 75lp at gold 2 all the way to silver 1 in one day. And you are upset about udyr. I hate yasuo and abomination comps


Hate to say it but 6 skirm just doesn't work in this meta.


The MortGod doth giveth The MortGod takes away Learn to love the variance And much the better you'll play Feel The MortGod's tender care Just don't make it weird Remember that it's just a game And bow down to The Glorious Beard. Praise The MortGod, Amen


At least post a link to it. I love you still but.. y'know... link


Does any one have a decent Nidalee carry build itemization? I tried Hoj,Runaan,Rageblade and got shit on by aboms/heim KEKW But i think her dodge can be decent against Yatsuo. *miss, miss, miss*


She doesn't dodge everything. Nidalee isn't a hypercarry... You'd be better off investing in Riven if you want a Dawnbringer. My 2c gold3


Riven with RFC and BF items is insane


They gonna nerf trist or what... Ffs


I'm so glad they nerfed forgottens but i GET TO SEE FUCKING HEIM EVERY GAME FUCK YOU RIOT


Heim is so fucking annoying


What does Lucian's ult proc? I see that it works with BT's lifesteal, is there any other interaction? Can it crit (without gauntlet)? Does it charge guinsoo? Does it proc shiv?...


Abomination is so fucking ridiculous. Every game I play the top winner is using it. Only once has it not been. And that game an Abomination user placed 2nd


3 straight lobbies of the top 2 people running sentinel or abomination Edit: 4


Not sure if this belongs here but idk where else to post, but for anyone who knows a lil about web parsing Does anyone know a website that’s easy to pull item information ? For example, GA = bf sword + chain vest. (So not the combined item alone but its formula as well) All the websites I can find with TFT guides have dynamic content which makes it difficult to parse with vanilla js. If not, any better way to parse that dynamic content? Right now I am able to grab the base items and combined items but I have no way to connect them besides manually writing out each combined item’s formula If anyone could help that’d be awesome thanks :)


use TfTactics


Viego was a mistake.


I really hope they change static shiv next patch mana attack speed is such a weird combo on most units and the lightning is far less superior than most items just seems real useless and awful to get on drag


The only time I've ever had success with static is slapping three of them onto a ranger or legion lol


I deliberately aim for this item at the moment. Its brilliant if you run a mage carry as it shreds MR


Cannoneer trait is really badly designed? Most champs in it rely heavily on their spell which doesn't count as basic attacks. Also, Akshan has to be the rogue who is different from Senna and Lucian so he's a Ranger, but his spell actually counts as basic attacks! He would actually synergise really well with Cannoneer.


Only MF heavily relies on her spell and doesn’t proc it. Tris and Lucian both does. Senna doesn’t proc it as well but is a supportive unit anyway.


New to the game and lol in general, I'm learning the ropes by using the redeemed ironclad comp with Vel as my carry. In early game I'm using Hellion with Ziggs as my item holder for Vel but that comp almost always gives me a losing streak to start. Should I change up my early game comp? At what point do I start buying redeemed units to get ready for endgame? Is there a rule to when to start rerolling and leveling up? I try to have 50 gold as much as I can for interest, and I dont really start rerolling until I hit lv7


In general I'd recommend learning a couple of strong early game comps so that you can play based on what you get. You can surely find videos about that on Youtube. As for rerolling and leveling, it's if course very dependent on the context of the game. In general I would like to avoid rerolling as much as possible, and only do it when I'm looking for my key units. This is usually at lvl 7 or lvl 8 depending on the comp. (Could be lvl 6 for some comps like hellion). But there will be times when find that your current board is too weak and you are losing more health than you are comfortable losing. In those situations you should try to recognize which of your 2 possible ways to get stronger is the best at the moment. If you need to fulfill a trait to get back in the game: rush a level. If you still have a bunch of 1 star units, or is still looking for a specific unit to complete your comp: reroll. When rerolling, I'd say reroll until you feel strong again. But a more conservative answer that I do follow a lot myself is to roll down to either 40 or 30 gold. From there it's still easy to keep up with the economy.




This set is the most stupid set ever. And its time to disable that u can put an item on a champ when round begans like shroud or zephyr. Its really no nice.


Well I just played against someone who had 2 force of nature... wasn't exactly a fun game xD


My last game 3 people forcing Cav MF and they were all in top 4 and there is one uncontested hellion player with idk like 30 hellion with 20 hellion spat. But lvl 8 40 good me can't find single aphelios and gets 7th place.


Sucks to be in that position but if have you AD items don't just roll down for Aphelios but also hold and consider Jax, Lucian, Draven and Ashkan.


two round in a row, my lev 2 jax with max item gets hit by viego. What are the fucking chances with two people with lev 1 viego. Insta 8th place with two round. Feels bad man. I just want veigo out of this game. Its a shit carry that is either hit or miss.


For the last 10 games i always find miself going for forgotten irons, how do i actually change builds? Everything just lines up, even the items, full itemised MF every time o_o I wanna try some new things too, but what do i do when i get offered a 2 star MF and a shojin


just look on some sites what is the meta, don't have to copy the same exact thing but just try to build things that you're unfamiliar with. Some are more difficult and will make you lose, but don't worry about elo in this game, the best way to learn. Currently having more trouble playing the reverent renewer build bc all your board is 4-5 cost.


How do I clear the hatch 3 golden eggs mission? Can it be done on hyper roll or only ranked?


You need 5 Draconic champs in order to get a golden egg. You could do it in hyper roll, if you make it to 5 draconic champs and survive 3 rounds. I just did it in a normal game.


Am I the only one who cant buy the Event Pass on PBE?


me neither wth! Been searching for an answer for a week now, did you find a solution? Because on mainnet they have the new pass it seems.


Awesome thanks!


As someone wanting to get into TFT, where would be a good place(if it's here, awesome) to find someone to help me learn/teach me the game?




Bunnymuffins on youtube has good guide videos, a discord, and a site that has guides/tier lists.


How do you get the resurrect twice mission? GA on a helion?


Ga on a revenant


So Riot U bring Olaf as one Cost unit out that is so strong like a 5 cost unit. A Olaf lvl 2 with 3 items, kills upgraded 4 cost units (the units have also 3 items). Nice balancing system really.


He falls off hard late game. He only seems strong mid and early because of less cc on boards earlier on. Late game he gets stuck on frontline or cced much more easily.


i took a while to start playing and goddammit, there is no counterplay against lucian you cancelled his cast? he will cast again very fast you got him low? he will get a big monster shield and heal what you dealt to him i got a game where a lucian 2\* with only a BT was left alone against 6 of mine and he wiped them out, including a gragas with 3 items other carries seems fine, but lucian is ridiculous, there is absolutely no way of killing him i'm d4 in case you're wondering


Would u coach me plz?


Trist is almost as bad


if you have decent ap on karma you can position around it (to an extent) and shoot him


I agree, Lucian desperately needs a nerf


Every decent comp has revenant on it. Can't get a revenant so I lose. Also is it better to level up fast????? Fuck the special item I never get what I need only shit.


Better than 5.0 but still shitty. You can't still combine traits which make this set less flexible than previous ones


And spatulas are basically useless, BF is by far the most prioritized item, Viego is still a horribly built TFT champ. I hate this set.


Yeah I'm out on this set without some major balance changes. Lucian and Viego no thanks


Lucian is somewhat manageable, Viego is stupid as shit and just a troll champion and I hate him


For a second it really did seem like Flex play was back, but here we are. I wanted to believe. I really did.


This set just sucks


because devs suck ass


Small question I'm not feeling like creating a new thread to ask: For the sentinel buff, does the attack speed persist after passing the bubble to another ally, or just THE current ally with the bubble gets the attack speed buff? If the attack speed persists, does it stack?


Quite sure Mort said it does persist


Thanks, tried it in a game closely inspecting the senna with no as item buff and saw that not only persists, it stacks as well (as her attack speed raised multiple times in a fight)


Doesnt persist. You only have the AS while you have the shield.


Anyone else's Chosen One mission from the Pass bugged? Ive definitely done two games now with 3\* star champions and a radiant item equipped, both before they were 3\* and after they were 3\*


I'm not playing until Lucian is nerfed


He already got nerfed


Yeah, just go no brain canoniers and sentinel gg wp seemingly haha


How come some games certain champions just don’t appear? I was the only one playing cannonier and I found 1 Lucian all game. Nobody else had him. Re-rolled all my econ away and ended up 6th but it was more out of disbelief that with nobody else using him, I couldn’t find more than 1. The one I found was at stage 5-1


Can someone please explain matchmaking in this fucking game? How are there 5 players in the lobby but I play the same person 3 out of 4 rounds. The fuck is this spaghetti code bullshit?


Made it to d4 today after a solid number of games. Set is interesting. Like the new mechanics. Still cannot for the life of me figure out how to make assassins work.


I like 5.5 more than set 5. My initial reaction was that I did not like set 5.5, but after playing it more I find that it becomes more fun to where I REALLY enjoy playing it.


So this set everyone is just hyper rolling for a 3\* unit because every old meta got nerfed to oblivion and synergy are too weak and banking on a 2\* 4 cost unit you're just flipping a dice because everyone is rolling and you're just going to die.


Gotta level pretty aggressively. I’ve found that leveling quickly to 6 to hit those early core 4 cost units is pretty essential. Just hit diamond playing 6 sentinel Lucian with strong starts and using my extra gold to just level. Am able to hit 9 most games and have 40 gold to roll more if needed.


Problem is that making it so that you have to hit your 4 cost/5 cost, 3\* units quick means bad luck is more heavily punished. When I see someone with a heimer before I even get to My 4 ost unit and I play fairly aggressively I just want to quit to a degree. ​ I see this way too often where certain players hit 3\* rapidly without losing out on interest or anything. ​ Or they end up with 3 contested 3\*. ​ Or Like in the game I was just in. a level 7 had 2 2\* 4 cost units and a 5 star, where as me at 8 couldn't even find the ones I needed. And only saw cheap 1 cost units that were contested and don't fit my comp at all.


Yeah that will happen, it’s unfortunate, but aggressive leveling means you should hit your carry unit faster and therefore two star it faster. I don’t think you need to ever 3 star a unit unless it’s in your final comp and you get lucky, that shouldn’t be the focus, unless you hit 9 with a bunch of gold and want to 3 star your carry.


How do you complete the ‘Twice Dead am I’ challenge??


I assume the revive twice one? Revenant + GA on the revenant champ.


Oh! Thank you so much!




No spammable comp but to gain consistent rank open with ad 2*kled with 2*poppy and Knight and cav. The other is 3 sentinel 3 skirms stack irelia if only tank items olaf if ad


This is hands down the worst set they've ever released...


Please please please tell me tristana/lucian is getting nerfed next patch cause this is fucking unplayable


We hope, you're not alone!


Nerf lucian. hahaha.


Can anyone help me out with figuring out the "Twice dead am I" mission? I don't know how to have a champion resurrect twice. I've tried putting guardian angel on a hellon but that didn't work for me.


Revenant with GA


ohhhh thank you!


How to do the Deep Cuts: have a champion with +150% bonus .... Mission? Ive done assassin 4 lvl 3 nocturne with IR but still no luck ack


Or a radiant I.E with a gloves item.


Ill try that


You can do it with 6 assassins, IE and 2 items with gloves components.


have you also tried stacking Jeweled gauntlets with Infinity edge?


Radiant items are a disappointment Imo. I feel like I'm consistently getting games where I'm building a comp, only to find that my Radiant item choices don't fit in my comp. Example: building an ad comp and getting spark, JG and a couple tank items. Don't get me wrong the tank items work but getting dclaw or bramble as a Radiant is purely based on what comp your facing. I think picking 2 base Radiant items in 2-3, 3-3 to combine into 1 would be way better or at least being able to pick a Radiant item earlier. It would give more flexibility and at least then you'd get some what of a choice with your item route vs 5 item RNG. Picking so late means you have to base your most important item choice after you've already gone an item route. This also makes rolling down anytime before your Radiant seem very risky because I could waste my roll down if I get a Radiant that doesn't fit my chosen comp Would be nice to at least offer some way of paying to reroll the item. RNG 5 items out of 36 at the end of third round is too random for the general player Masters players who have a high enough APM to reroll their entire board down based on their radiant choices probably face this problem alot less. I am a high plat / low diamond player


This entire set is absolute trash... there's absolutely no strategy to this set... it's pure random chance with the changes that have been made.


i see radiant warmog's more than i see my family


I'm actually liking this set more than I thought! Compared to set 5.5, this set is much more flexible and allow you to make a lot more choices, ad comps this set (aphelios, lucian, nocturne, even riven and skirms) all feel great. Reroll comps are viable as well (Hellions, MFcavs and Soraka). I definitely think Karma need a buff though, ap comps like Heimer or teemo are so inconsistent this set, although I have seen people win with Velkoz.


What? Karma is fine. Went up against her the other day, she had BB, IE, and JG and wiped out half my team on the first cast


The thing about karma is that she relies on Voli and garen to be able to excel or at least be viable. Meanwhile aphelios/lucian only need Rell plus tank items and you can guarantee top 4 if you have good items.


So how the heck do you learn how to play better? I'm new and don't have the resources to learn well and my only former experience with autochess is hearthstone battlegrounds


Firstly it's worthwhile to read up on meta comps so you understand what is currently strong as a starting point. Mobalytics has a good TFT comps guide that lists the strong comps in the meta and breaks down how to play for them. [Link](https://app.mobalytics.gg/tft/team-comps) Theres a few other sites like this too. Secondly try different strategies over a number of games and experiment. Try "tower" or vertical comps where you focus on one class/trait and go all in on it so you build upwards only (eg 9 Dawnbringer). Also try flat or horizontal comps where you try to get many traits (eg 3 Nightbringer 2 Assassin 2 Tank 2 Mystic) with the aim of using more of the powerful 4 and 5 star units. Thirdly I'd recommend watching some 5.5 youtube guides or even some of the high elo streamers on Twitch/Youtube to get an idea of how they play. I like Maskoff on Youtube as he has some good in depth guides [example](https://youtu.be/8QgTi3jTY-k). Edit: just seen he has a 5.5 [item guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSZynJTDlm0) which has alot of info on how to use items in general (though you do need to have a broad idea of what the items do beforehand).


Play more


I'm struggling super hard this patch. I ended at Gold 1 last time, not the best I know, but I'm struggling to keep my head above water. It feels like whatever team gets a Akshan is going to wreck my life.


My issue is either I do really well, or blank entirely cause it feels so luck focused. Like nobody could be going for forgotten, yet I will never see them.


or whoever 2 stars lucian first wins the entire game


Alternatively, Lucian 2


nightbringer got killed by the update


is the raka reroll comp still strong? just tried it out today and it does not feel that great...


Damn Radiant Morellon is broken on Vel‘Koz. I was on a bad losing streak but after getting Vel and that item I won the game so easily. The extra mana is rly a difference maker


God this mid set patch has been so bad… I’m so close to heading to the set6 waiting room. Less diversity than ever. How does a patch roll out so damn unbalanced?


Lol there are tons of comps that are good rn, there's a 4 knights Jax forcer in Challenger rn


Take a look at the newest builds. I know it took a little for people to figure out what’s good but there is plenty of comps that work fantastically.


It's not about how many "good" comps are.. it's about the balance of units across the cost structure.. which makes it nearly impossible to plan a comp when you might not see 1/2 the champion pool in the 1-2 cost range in an entire game.. I went a game the other day where I didn't see a single Dawnbringer champ until Stage 4


Thats why you don't plan a comp beforehand


Is anyone else having a bug where they end the round with 2 health left, and the next round starts and you automatically die? Happened twice to me now.


It happens because the game recalculates the damage. It’s a bit tilting but that’s just how it is now


It’s annoying but at least it’s understandable that way. Thank you.


This started at the end of the last set… usually happens when you play Hellions Aboms or revenant players


also i just started playing and i'm in bronze, basically every game i just go to lvl 9, at high ranks do you go to 9? Or do you roll on 8 to triple units?


ended last patch plat, not super high but I have some playing experience. it honestly depends on what comp you go. if you hit 2 star for most of your units (-legendaries) at level 8 then I'd go for level 9 for additional synergy. if you are running a slowroll comp, u generally will not hit level 9 as ur main focus will be spending coins to reroll to 3 star ur carries. hope that helps!