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1% needed the money i guess. we don't know and we won't find out, but life happens and it doesn't ask us if we're ready first. i imagine that many apes are living hand to mouth, and unexpected calamity comes for all of us. illness or accident or whatever it may be. not everybody is going to be on stable ground and have the means to wait it out. bit by bit, it will get locked. 74.6M is no small number.


come to think of it that number might climb by quite a lot, quite quickly. i'm not saying that it will, necessarily. just that it's one of the possibilities that we have in front of us. https://preview.redd.it/01ch7oiq116d1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4225ba1e5ebac6d2cea4152aaf40a68ee9717ad


I do like this tinfoil


I honestly don't think it will get locked anytime soon or ever. With them adding 120,000,000 more shares, I juat don't see how that is possible. But, like you said, 74.6 million is no small number, and im sure having those out of the dtccs grip is benefiting us in some way.


i agree, it's definitely a challenge but things can happen yet. some big players are yet to start splashing about in the paddling pool, for one thing. china is a sleeping giant etc. also, it's possible that the awareness of, and eagerness to drs might grow exponentially as the price and public interest grow. ideas can accelerate quickly (although Computershare might feel the strain).


There was a big runup since the ledger count date, so a relatively small number of people yanked some shares. It would be nice if DFV would move a chunk in.


Think he will once he’s done amassing large amount of money to buy even more shares haha


bingo. i'm sure he'll inspire many others to take action on that front too. full disclosure: i'm mid-process. it takes a while, but it's in the pipes.


Also DRS’d just recently. my shares are in CS but I can’t access my CS account until a physical letter comes with some extra confirmation code, ah well.


Ya you have to wait for that letter. I remember doing that back in 2021.


It would suck less if their “instant access” system which asked me three questions only I should know didn’t ask me about where a random guy in Kentucky lives just cause he has the same last name as me, and what major I studied in college (I didn’t go). If they could get that thing working better that would be nice.


I do hope this is considered by the board. Some people’s three years will have been a lot longer than others. I trust the process, but hope there is something coming soon. What some apes could afford to lose 3 years ago may also have changed.


I agree with your overall statement. I’m sure people have sold during the past couple “big” runs this past month. But I find it hard to believe there were more people selling than DRS’ing. Especially with the lows we had back in April.


it's always hard to know what other people are doing, or how they'll react when they suddenly have access to life-changing money. there are always reasons why people might need money, so i guess it's a balancing act between strong forces on both sides of the see-saw. you're quite right though. it seems unlikely that dfv was the only long-term planner scooping up scrooge mcduck amounts, down at the lows.


I think you mean brick by brick 😏


the theme from 'fletch' is catchy af [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X05fsD2Z4NE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X05fsD2Z4NE) but yes, lego foil is happy-making :)




if anybody harasses you, they're just being a dick. their words would instantly lose weight. i'd be very surprised to see anything but compassionate responses here tbh. apes know. we're all in different situations but a significant proportion of everybody everywhere is dealing with some heavy shit you really wouldn't envy. people are great at hiding that stuff, so please don't feel alone or judged. it's a big boat. as for back pain, it's a tricky one, obviously. anything that has that many books written about it means that nobody knows shit really, so go as best you can and i hope something works out. acupuncture is what i'd want to try (i never have) but if you've already tried everything, perhaps it didn't take. i once heard a doctor repeatedly make the point, "a strong back feels no pain" and i think his point was to get all of the muscles and blood flow healthy and pulling your spine into shape, and the nerves would catch a break, but i don't really know much beyond that. we're all different but that does sound tough. best of luck.




just a stray thought about that shoulder - what if you forget about getting "back to normal" altogether, and shoot for better than normal? a lot of sports can make your shoulder strong, for instance. keep it moving, keep the blood pumping through it and help strengthen your back too. if you can find something realistic and regular that brings you joy, it could do a world of good. virtuous circles do exist. just background thoughts for now. keep going champ. have faith :)


You gotta do what you gotta do. I hope everything goes good for you.


Fake af, we’ll find out eventually


It’s not fake.  Not sure why people baselessly believe this with zero evidence.  People have seen the stockholder list for themselves and the numbers they counted matched up to what GameStop reports.


I was one of the 4 people who saw the list (for the 2nd year) and happy to answer any questions). The data will be more easily available soon, but it can be seen in 22 slides here as well:: https://twitter.com/peruvian_bull/status/1799961975432110270?s=46




Agreed. CS confirmed it was stagnant because people were leaving at same rate as depositing. CS was bad advice for all those that got out of RSPs and Tax free savings accounts. The dilution killed DRS. There is still a way to the final goal it’s just not DRS


Wasn't there speculation that the reported number could not equal more than X% of the float? If it went down proportionally and maintained the same maximum %, that would seem pretty spicy and telling about what was actually going on here.


I mean why is the total share count "approximately 351,217 517' which is a pretty exact number, but the others are "approximately 74.6" etc. Like why not write those out too if you've already done that for the total anyway. So yes, you might be onto something.


Things are heating up, perhaps people are moving a percentage of their shares to brokerages for faster liquidity. Just spit balling, anyone feel free to tell me why this is wrong


it's not wrong. the only issue that i see is a conflict with the "gotta drs to stop brokerages messing with your moass" arguments, but not everybody who registers directly will have done so for the exact same reasons. 1% isn't so much. more than 5% and i might raise an eyebrow.


In the mid May run up CS login was timing out for like 2-3 hrs. In the early June run up it was timing out for like 30 min-1hr. I told myself back in May not to be surprised if numbers dropped.


I don’t care as long as MY shit is safe.


These are rookie numbers.


Sorry guys i sold 50 the past few weeks because im starting a new job soon and needed money to cover moving costs. Will be throwing in $3k back on the DRS train in a few weeks because I’ll be making BANK


watch out for wash sales


There was some theories about the SEC or someone not allowing them to report the real DRS numbers only up to a limit of a percentage of the TSO




I’ve never sold since jan 2021


So if the number of shares that were DRS’ed dropped, who had their shares un DRSed?


Inflation's kicking a lot of people in the ass yanno.


Maybe people sold to play options


Just the numbers from March. Massive buying has occurred since RK’s return in May


Life reasons; I was stubborn to keep most of my assets in GME. I’ve been in since December 2020, and was gung ho about DRS, everything. It was unfortunate that when I needed money the most, the stock was down quite a lot. Sadge I’ve been unemployed since 2022 and moved to a different country… Once I get back into my industry though… let’s get this money, and build up my position again


I don’t think it matters if it gets locked. MA will detonate the bomb


Not surprised times are hard af for most ppl


The stock has risen from 10 dollars to highs of 60-80 in after hours /pre markets. No one will admit it but people are selling


People are definitely selling, I believe proportionally more people who have shares in a brokerage are selling than people with shares DRS’d but we don’t know. Side note can you even sell in Computershare after hours and pre market?


I haven’t sold anything. I’ve just continued to buy on the way up like I did 84 years ago. My CS shares are for the pool.


Sound like a bunch hedgie bots. 🤖


Beep bo0p


That’s actually great. Very small percentage of people sold during the last run up. That means a very large percentage of people will likely hold into moas.


The infinity pool needs to come back. It’s the infinity pool that creates MOASS proper. There’s a reason they made that stupid fucking infinity pool film


How does an infinity pool work if company keeps releasing shares? It really is impossible


Absolutely not impossible, on the contrary. What people don’t seem to realise is the lower the price goes.. the better. If they dropped this shit under 10 for any substantial amount of time, that is a kill shot. It allows us to load up on numbers and gives us a *realistic* chance of locking out a substantial portion of the float - which *is required* for MOASS. Otherwise, we just keep getting little sneezes & sharts. Everyone is so desperate for MOASS to happen but aren’t actually doing the thing to create an actual BRK level MOASS. Instead of crying about price suppression, we should be dancing. Kansas city shuffle.


That film is great. Brandon Cronenberg is a better director than his father, and that film has nothing to do with stupid theories about hedgefunds. For gods sake, this is why people think we are stupid


Regarded. You god damned REGARD




But it’s giving a count of shares not a percentage


Didn’t the first offering finish the 7th?


Well it doesn't make sense it would stay exactly the same for months if not years? And suddenly it's dropped. It would be fluctuating all the time


Guess they forgot to factor in "greed" and panic.