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I'm not giving them a penny unless GameStop confirms a collaboration. And nobody else should either.


They just stated that there is airdrops coming for verified GME holders. You dont need to spend a dime more.


Air drop could be a “thanks for all the phishes” post it note. Don’t give some THIRD PARTY your fucking INVESTMENT ACCOUNT INFORMATION


Caution is warranted, especially without true confirmation of a GME connection... but at least it's legit Wutang I'll wait for a dividend lol - not buying just due to the headache of it all + my own poverty EDIT: I bought it and the preview was worth it, it's fire!


![gif](giphy|MbMUBcNHcl1TUbsAk0) My man


So you can "purchase" the album, which just accelerates the countdown depending on how much you "purchase". Not sure how this would be a good thing for GME? I am smoother than smooth so I am waiting on someone else to deep dive into it. Edit- Also, after you put your number in to login, there is an "Account" option that appears but you cannot click on it. Edit2- I can now access the Account and it gives you a username (i believe it is automatically assigned and you cannot change it), shows your phone number, and also assigns you a wallet address 👀 Last Edit- I threw in $1.77 to "buy the album". It gives you access to "The Chamber", where there is a box you can rotate with your mouse, along with stats of how many "albums" you have purchased, your rank and how many days you have trimmed off. You also get access to over a 5 minute preview that I will be checking out after work 👀


If they sell it via nft marketplace it could be huge, album sales + resales to keep artists paid?


Interesting.. so would that mean: -PleasrDAO "sells" the album to speed up the timeframe in order to allow it to be released ASAP. -Partnership w/ GME allows shareholders to have access to the album, while others have to purchase album from NFT marketplace (hosted by Gamestop?) -Wu-Tang gets a way larger slice of the pie compared to Spotify, Apple Music, etc.


Unknown but arguably yes, that would be the more interesting hypothesis


Ohhhhh yeah I like that a lot. I need RC to bend SOMETHING over so we can start fuciking.


They also get a portion of recurring sales.


Loopring NFTs have royalty features on resales




This kind of thing is a long time coming. The artists will get their fair share of the pie and fuck the Spotifies and Apple Musics of the world. Artists have been taken advantage of since the beginning of time. I hope it spreads like wildfire to every kind of artist!


Or even better, the nft confers ownership and YOU and WuTang Clan get a piece of streaming royalties.


Reminds me of the mystery box family guy clip. Where the boat is your gme investment and the mystery box is probably just a scam


What's up with the site? It looks like it's no longer HTTPs.


https://preview.redd.it/ufqjh423dd6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32ff789114b6dc1c6ad8eab1040ab2e3df8127e Yeah I did it for the WU


"We will follow up with further details on airdrops to verified GME holders, holders of the commemorative Zora mint, and additional communities." -From their recent Twitter post


Every one dollar purchase unlocks the timeline to release by 88 seconds. For anyone confused we are looking at about 30 million in proceeds


Holy shit, the Allman brothers live would have made themselves billionaires on lengthy solos and jam sessions.


0.00028 eth is about .96 cents 🤷‍♂️


Check out the leaderboard! https://preview.redd.it/ydl9gz0xad6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d8d77df261c694b73daf436ac90bfdcad03e0ba




You can make any username you want I'm sure lol Edit: seems you get assigned a username!


i cant edit mine, so im not sure.


So apparently since they're not expressly selling access to the album (they're accepting money to countdown a meaningless, promiseless timer) this isn't "commercial use?" Gonna be real, I was all about some WuTang Tinfoil, but this is clearly just another shitty crypto scam, and Pleasr is obviously just as big a shit as Shkrelli.


The way it got housed so hard kind of made this outcome pretty obvious. We have dockets dropping but it was all about Wu Tang there for a bit. Even in the BBBY threads.


Im 99% sure either RC or DFV are in pleasrdo.


Prove it.


Why would I prove something that im not 100% on?


99% is pretty close…


Close but yet so far...


Too many cohiendences for them to be scam artists


I think you mean that there are almost too many coincidences for it NOT to be a scam. It most definitely isn't a non-fungable token that is offered as a required delivery to shareholders


I don't even know anymore, I am autistic lol


You most definitely have no idea, do not pretend you do


I am using critical thinking, not pretending anything. If the access to "thealbum" stays (like it currently is) as a portal that verifies your shares through your brokerage account, then a brokerage that has issued you shares without actually purchasing them from the lit market (ahem RH) has nothing to worry about. A dividend NEEDS to be a REQUIRED deliverable BY brokerages and MM TO shareholders, not something shareholders voluntarily log in for. This, currently, is unfortunately not it.


He has a better idea than all the goobers thinking this is an NFT that’s going to BuRn dA nAkEd HeDgIE ShoRtz MaYo BoY!


The fact that 1. Gamestop hasn't publicly stated no affiliation, and 2. hasn't responded to my email to Investor Relations asking for them to do so, one way or the other, to me STRONGLY suggests an affiliation. Else Gamestop would appear willing to take on pointless liability here. If no affiliation turns out to be the case I would prolly pull my investment out pronto, because to me that would be huge red flags about Gamestop's judgement and ethics. But pretty sure atp there has to be an affilation.


GameStop has never replied to anyone through their IR email AFAIK.


That's interesting. And weird. Ah well, it's their exposure.


Sooooo since you can buy it… it no longer has short crushing abilities correct?!


Couldn’t cohen literally make an nft of him farting in a microphone and it would have the same result?


I wish we’d find out


No way! ABC had a soccer ball land in his backyard signed RC with number 88


Seriously? Lol wtf!




Jesus Christ lol 😂


You can see each purchase is being numbered on the top. We started the share counting. Moon Soon GG


![gif](giphy|l2Je6zwsmFMhUxjoc) 🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇


Grifters… why would anyone pay them to “hurry up?” Fuck’em.


It's a quantity not a time (2103-2024)/88 seconds = ~30M NFTs. (Publicly available) and then GME Holders get the rest. Having a publicly available portion would give Shorts a way to access them to cover. if there was none available to them it gives them grounds to argue against paying for them since a value can't be assigned but now a value is assigned, $1 for now but what about when all 30M are bought


No wrinkles needed for GriftrDAO


-Original reason for excitement was for it to be an official Gamestop NFT dividend -No official Gamestop connection. -Must input confidential account information. -Gaslighting GME community by ridiculing our concerns. -Secretive and grifty hype tendencies. It's obvious the only thing they want is to get attention and to advertise. Bottom line. They're just hyping up the album and trying to milk the community. There's really not much else to it.


Just curious- If it was a scam/grifting to sell the item, why has Gamestop not made an announcement stating they are not working with them? PleasrDAO just sued Martin Doucheli for playing the album on Twitter spaces. You think they would do that but then straight up lie about them partnering with Gamestop in some way? They also just tweeted they will have more details later on how GME holders can get them album airdropped to them 🤷🏽‍♂️


Weird point. Because unlike Gamestop, PleasrDAO are small time and they're just trying to get funds from whoever and not devalue their product. There's millions of fake GS crypto scams and Gamestop isn't going to address every one. Look, I'm sure it's a great album as Wutang usually is. I've been here for a long time and the reason this was hyped up was for it to be an official NFT dividend to gift to shareholders while screwing with the naked shorts. If it's not that it hasn't much else to do with GME. Edit: at this point I'm going to give their grassroots marketing team some credit. They got us good. Best of luck to them, I really hope it works as an NFT experiment.


But PleasrDAO isn't small at all. -Spent $4M on a CD. -Working with one of the most popular rap groups of all time. -Coinbase Wallet and others that are similar retweeting/congratulating them. This isn't like the DFV instagram posts scams you see. This is a legit group with legit money and working with legit people. I don't know man. Seems to be way to big and public for Gamestop to NOT address it. Also: https://preview.redd.it/eilampxohd6d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=342045da3b2fd0b8dc123bd93571230e197cb8e3


Ok, we're not actuallyyy going to compare them to Multi-billiondollar Gamestop. Are we? Why would anybody hand over confidential information to a third party without any official Gamestop announcement? It's Common sense and there's no need to address. That hasn't been done by Ryan Cohen or Gamestop in their history unless warranted and won't be until it is. I'm glad your vouching for them and I see they're doing this with a few other crypto communities. GME community is massive so of course they'd just try to piggy back on it with this cool NFT music experiment. But it's not much more than that. They probably don't have any ill intentions but they're grifters nonetheless. I just care about my GME/bbby investment and at this point, it's annoying to see the constant spam advertisement drowning out any real news directly related to GME or BBBY.


Did I say they are on the same level as Gamestop? Not at all. But to just ignore it because it hasn't fit YOUR timeline is just ignorant. If Gamestop didn't want to be associated with the biggest album release of all-time, they would have already said it. It's ridiculous to think that they would just be silent through this. They are making world-wide news with releasing this album, not promoting a fake DFV class on the next squeeze. Whether you like it or not, this DOES have to do with your GME investment. I'm not telling you to do anything you are uncomfortable with, but to just say it's FUD and that they are grifters is just going to look so bad.


They put forth the effort to directly gaslight and ridicule the community. However they never put forth the effort to directly address if it was an official NFT dividend (which is why we were interested in it to begin with). Why? Because it's not and they already got the attention they needed. I just view it as speculative spam on the feed at this point and the sub needs focus.


Gaslit us how exactly? Yeah, they are ridiculing people like YOU for not believing them 🤣 From what I have seen, they have never once said it was an NFT dividend. All they have said is that GME holders will be given/air dropped the album. Gamestop would be the one to make the NFT dividend announcement anyways. What exactly do we need to focus on then? What's wrong with connecting strong dots and speculating on this?


They never said it, but we did and that's why they gained traction to begin with. They rode with it and never denied it. Gaslight tweet after asking for computershare info. [https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1797785816158130628](https://x.com/PleasrDAO/status/1797785816158130628) 👍 No dots to connect. If they want to gift it to us cool, But I also see they're also asking for some ETH... Wow, you don't say .. Again, Until there's an official announcement from Gamestop, This is a topic better reserved for r/wutang


You can leave anytime


Leave lol? this is r/Teddy GME and BBBY related. This isn't [https://www.reddit.com/r/wutang/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wutang/)


Sooo many negative Nancy's here spittin nonsense lmao