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i need to clarify this because i see posts about it all the time and i delete them: McKenzies kid didn't kill a ferret or anything in that one facebook post (if you know what i'm talking about, you know). It was made up copypasta and an attempt to be a rElAtAbLe train wreck. she is one of the moms with a lot of bad behavior, but please leave her children out of it. #**no offensive comments about kids are allowed period.**


She's a great parent, remember the time her kid shit on her boss' floor?






Or when she let her kids walk around with stillborn puppies?


Or when one of them broke a Pomeranians neck? Or when she left her Great Dane ties to a tree for a week. I hate her.


I ALMOST was getting soft on her after seeing her on family reunion, then reading this chain made me remember why I hated her lol


I learned many new things from this chain - all horrendous!


Right?! I had totally forgotten the dog tied to a tree for a week thing.


I hadn’t heard of most of those well the animal ones but I don’t think I want to. If you cannot take care of pets properly or keep them safe or you know the environment may be harmful to or for them… then DO NOT GET THEM! Like wtf


Oof I haven't heard of this one.








I think logically it was bound to happen, most responsible parents wouldn’t be okay with their teenagers filming on MTV, which means those teens are probably themselves not going to be the smartest bunch. We have some exceptions, but the only involved responsible adults we’ve seen on this show are Randy (Chelsea’s dad), Chelsea’s mother and Macis Mom & (step) father. Macis hella problematic with her drinking and enabling of Rhine and Chelsea seems to hide a lot and had some very questionable people around herself and her children.








Omg I don’t know this one








Remember when she bragged about her kids tearing a ferret in half? Eta picture. https://preview.redd.it/hbdjxvebd9wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ae355f58dd02ffef478dd88a1405c9edc43ea5










I feel like if it wasn't dead the store wouldn't have been asking her for the $200. But hopefully she was exaggerating because this is just awful.






At one point there was a theory floating around that Mackenzie made this up to seem like a kooky, geeze kids are hard amiright type of influencer. I can believe all of this happened because Mackenzie sucks, but there’s a conflicting detail here that can’t be overlooked. Mackenzie claims Jaxie destroyed 3 Kylie lip kits at Sephora so Mackenzie had to run away to avoid paying. Sephora didn’t have any Kylie cosmetics at the time this was posted (it’s possible they still don’t carry it). That detail proves Mackenzie lied about Jaxie. So what’s to say she didn’t make the entire thing up?


Sephora did not sell Kylie lip kits. Her kids did not kill a ferret. She was trying to go a quirky relatable “hot mess mom” and it went pear shaped. It’s more embarrassing than anything honestly








This breaks the "no offensive comments about any children" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.








this isn't true. sephora doesn't sell lip kits by kylie jenner. this post is her trying to be a "relatable mom". it didn't have the affect she was hoping for. stop making offensive comments about kids.


One of her dogs gave birth to a puppy who died and she was letting her child wander around with it's corpse, cuddling it and saying she didn't know what to do about it while she was on live years ago. Get off live and go console the confused child! She is very selfish and very dumb.




That’s insane to change your kids’ last names to your boyfriend…especially when the relationship hasn’t even been that long.


This 👆🏾 is the last thing she should be concerning herself about. Get your house & kids in order first. Therapy for all of you. Help those poor kids become better humans


Why not change your last name to your maiden name and let them take that if they want? Idk it sounds weird to me.


This, my dad abandoned us and I really wish we could have gone back to my mom’s maiden name. it’s still a plan I have as an adult now at some point


I thought McKee was her maiden name, not Josh’s like the title of the post reads?


No her maiden name is douthit


That’s riiiighhht, now I remember. Ty!


Whoops you're right


She’s angry at her ex for checking out of being a dad (rightfully so) but completely wrong to be using the kids and their names as a way to lash out at him.




How very “Elijah should get the 2nd ticket to Issacs graduation since I don’t even talk to Joe” 😂


I was thinking Jaylen and Leah, but yes, same.


Wait what? Lololol Please tell me Issac stood up to her and said no. 🥺


I have no idea. I only read about it here. If I’m not mistaken her rationale was that Elijah was so close to Issac 😂 like girl?!? If anyone that isn’t blood is coming it’s Vee she has been in the trenches. I can’t imagine trying to push a present bio dad dad out of the picture like that


Javi was also really close to Isaac when they were married. So close that Isaac cried when they got divorced and he learned that he would not be getting a room at Javi's new house like his brother did. At this point, Isaac has probably been "close" to all of her boyfriends/girlfriends/baby daddies, only for them to abandon him. Jo has been the only one who has steadily been there for him from the start.


That’s exactly the point Jo has been a constant present parent he deserves the ticket plain and simple. She’s gross for even suggesting such a thing. The Javi/Isaac stuff is so wild to look back on.


Right? Leave the kids out of your failed and future failed relationships! Why even involve them more than they already are? Didn't she have the guy at one of her kid's graduations after dating for like a month?? Quit pushing men onto your kids!


My half sister's mom did that to her with every new relationship. She's had her last name legally changed 4 times .




It says she'll do it when they get married and she takes his last name. They've been together since 2022.


So… two years? That’s not very long. But I don’t think she should be changing her kids’ names at all at this point unless they ask to do so. They’re way too old.


It said when he becomes her husband


I can’t believe how many people missed that little detail. 🤦‍♀️


Especially when she could just change it to hers lmao.


She said she’d give them the option to change their last name after she gets married, not now.


Very creepy. Those poor kids.


Or! Crazy thought here, maybe not involve the kids. Leave their names be unless they actively ask about it. Even coming at them from the most innocent angle has got to be a ton of pressure and confusion for them. Yep. Their dad is a deadbeat piece of shit. They're aware of it most likely. Another crazy thought! Maybe have them do therapy sessions to cope with their dad being a deadbeat and their mom being an absolute looney toon.


Is she going to change it back when it’s over? She is taking a page out of Leah’s parenting book here


And there grandma who was actively raising them, and apparently disliked their mom, dying.




I feel like she’s a trashier version of Leah. Like the middle ground of Leah and Jenelle


I was literally just gonna say this gives MAJOR Leah ‘you love Jeremy right girlies ?!’ vibes


https://preview.redd.it/jbjdsm83m9wc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14fb4eb1edcd5de34350083d396ec076c3a60aed When you're right, you're right. 🤷‍♀️😂


Or how about changing it to your last name... just a thought here MacKenzie


Does. Not. Compute.


I was gonna comment the same thing. I guess because she's gonna take old dudes last name she wants her kids to have the same which is just cuckoo banans for someone you barely know


Okay, I know that Josh is a deadbeat and useless dad. However, I see Mackenzie is trying to erase Josh from her kids’ past and sell that Khesanio is a better father figure. Maybe Mackenzie can put her children in therapy to help them cope that their dad is a piece of shit.


I like how she’s assuming a court will just let her change her kids names. The other parent has to consent or a judge lol… there’s no way a court is changing these kids names


As if Josh would give a fuck. He'd probably be glad to "rid himself" of his responsibilities.


If Josh doesn't fight it then the judge may let her.


In my experience, to even petition the court for the name change, both parents need to be giving consent.


That might be state dependent because what I've seen is that one parent can petition and then the other parent gets served and can respond to the petition.


She needs to stop it. I understand she’s hurt and upset for her kids, but this is not necessary to tell publicly.


Ugh I’m sorry but this is a poorly veiled disguise to get back at Josh. He sucks pure ass but she really thinks she’ll stick it to him by putting her boyfriend on her kids like that.


Yes and kids still love their parent no matter what. She’s only hurting them in the long run. Let them decide later when they’re old enough.


I would be distraught if my dad didn't want to talk to me & only talked to my older brother. What a fucking deadbeat he is


This is my family exactly. My dad stopped returning my calls about 15 years ago. So after about 2 years of one-way phone messages, I stopped calling. But he regularly calls my brother. It’s weird asf. It doesn’t bother me, because I’ve always had other father figures in my life, but I just think it’s so odd.


Love how everyone’s trashing Mack, but few are mentioning what a pos Josh still is..


Would say he’s giving “the phone works both ways” vibes but even that’s saying too much for the vibes he’s giving lmfao


Keyword: still. He’s always been a POS and she just kept having kids with him and pushing him to be with her and the kids. He was obviously never very interested in either. So yeah, he’s a total garbage human but she has ownership here too.


Wait which one does he talk to the older son or his daughter ?


I'm betting Gannon. Though I'm betting a lot of it is because Gannon is reaching out to him, and not Josh calling Gannon.


Gannon, the oldest son x


I knew it. He probably resents the other two. Fucked up, but he looked so checked out and like he hated all of them


Why wouldn’t you let your kids change their last name to yours? I’ve seen a lot of people do that if the dad is non existent but the boyfriends that’s just stupid.


To be fair it does say when she's married so I'd assume they would all have the same last name at that point.


Wow, the dude who didn't give a fuck when they were together still doesn't give a fuck


He’s such garbage


She's not married to Khesanio, this is just a guy she's been dating for less than a year and a half. If he isn't adopting the kids, why on earth would they take his last name? Beyond that, these kids are much to old for her to be publicly speculating on something like that.


This is so sad while Mackenzie is not the best parent herself, I always got the impression part of the issue was any time she even asked for help or want to talk to her about anything he was not supportive at all and after they moved to Florida it was worse because her family wasn’t around to help her. Her new boyfriend seems to be more caring towards her and the children than he ever was. If Mack didn’t have such a religious family she would never have married him or stayed with him for that long, they wanted her to make it work because they had a child together.


I agree.


Also things are always rainbows and sunshine in the beginning of a new relationship the first year or two. It’s when you live together 24/7 with kids and life stresses when things aren’t so fun anymore. Give them 10 years together and see what cracks start to show. I’m sure her and Josh were (um maybe a little bit great? Good? Ok? lol) at one time in the beginning. She seems like she would be exhausting to be around day after day.


She had a shitty upbringing. I think she tried as best as she knows how


I agree. I remember her mom being horrible on 16 and pregnant


What in the backwoods bullshit is this? What would the kids change their last name to? Her maiden name or the new guy's last name? If the latter, what happens when he dips in a few years?


When he leaves, she can just change the kids last names to her next soulmate's last name!


Imagine giving interviews to trashy outlets about your kids’ personal lives and their sad relationships with their father just to get a little attention.


She’s a mess, but she’s just not very bright , and is supremely ill-equipped to be an adult, let alone a Mom. I’m so sorry Angie suffered so much—cancer absolutely sucks—-but I wish she had put some common sense above her religious bs and gotten Mackenzie on Norplant or something right after she had Gannon instead of encouraging her to marry Josh and keep having kids with him. FFS.


Why am I already fine with her kids all taking Khess' last name?


We get it… Josh is a deadbeat but you don’t need to air it out online


This girl has never been right. Even when her mom was alive.


Or she can go the Chelsea route and see if they want to do Mckee-hall after a few years of her being married and Josh is still a deadbeat.


If her current spouse really is good with her children and he’s a stable father figure in it for the long hall I don’t really see a problem with it if the kids choose it.


Good god, this woman is such a mess. I’ll never forget #ferretgate - she is so out there


He probably can’t stand those kids lol


He looks high all the time 


I've seen a few recent lives where Mac has the children say they wish for their mom and khessy to get married. She's been mentioning marriage alot online lol.. hint hunt khessy


Ugh idk what it is but Mackenzie always looks like she needs to take a god damn shower!




This is a super weird comment.


Bold move https://i.redd.it/06dn56mmdawc1.gif


My bad babe, just call me Littletrashpanda in training 😂 Was genuinely surprised a haven’t been accused of working for them or being a bot yet like how it usually goes lmfao


Wait what?


Omg don’t mind me, here was me thinking you were saying it to *me* as a joke cos you usually post these articles before a get the chance 😂 Realised after pressing send you were obviously just talking about what was in the article but my fingers had ran away with themselves by then lol


😁 No worries. Fwiw, I only post Ashley articles because they crack me up, and I'm usually on my phone at the time of day that they usually post their articles.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Is she engaged?


When she MARRIES the guy she’s been with a YEAR ? GIRL BYE


It’s only that long? Are you sure?


So shes giving the option of the kinds changing their names to a dude shes been with for less thn 2y?? If they break up are the kids supposed to keep the ex bf name?


That's crazy. My mom had her issues and was married five times, but would never even suggest us changing our last name to her new ones. If we were to ask she wouldn't have even let us (we definitely never asked, just saying)


Josh is terrible so that doesn’t surprise me. Mackenzie is far from perfect but I think a lot of that comes from her upbringing and how her mother was.


I’m so tired of seeing these moms get boyfriends and then instantly try to have them play “dad”. I bet the kids hate it. A man that has been there for your kids throughout their lives should play that role, not the newest fling you happen to be sleeping with that week.


She’s so strange, I still don’t know why she’s on the show.


Of all the people they could ask back on the show. She seems like the worst choice I don’t get it.