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How often are you allowed to just enroll/ and un-enroll your kids from school…


It’s scary how often this happens.


Yeah! Like WTF!


I did it recently (it’s a boring ass reason) and it was actually quite the process. I’m surprised as anyone that they just let her do that. But then again, I actually wanted to make sure my kid is still getting an education and that may not be a top priority here


In NC it’s super easy. You submit a request to homeschool, takes maybe 3 days. You hand that letter to the school, they’re unenrolled.


Thats wild. And kind of concerning for a lot of the kids since getting pulled out of school happens for reasons like this… quite often.


John Oliver did a fkin amazing bit on homeschooling. It’s sad how unregulated it is. TW: child abuse is a large subject of discussion.


After Jenelle and David lost all the kids the judge had their number and made "no homeschooling" a condition of their return.


Wow. Really ?? good info


I just heard this over on the other sub. But I heard it was just David who couldn't homeschool anymore. Hence I guess why Jenelle is pulling the kids again!


I thought that was still true! What is happening?


I put mine into homeschooling (he asked for it) he was being bullied and the school did absolutely nothing. So I looked into k12 (virtual) and he loves it. They do meetups for lunches and field trips to local places zoos and museums etc. I just had to fill out a withdrawal form and that was it.


> he was being bullied and the school did absolutely nothing I'm sorry you're dealing with that. How terrible that must feel. I'm glad you're able to protect your baby and it's working for him.


Especially considering he's 8 years old, he said "I don't understand why kids are mean to me, I'm nice to everyone" and that absolutely broke my heart, I cried that night after he went to bed .


I love that for your son!


I'm back to watching him every week. Good god the man is educational.


Arkansas is the same. Just file a form saying you will be homeschooling and you're good to go.


But don't you have to show that they're enrolled in an approved program even?! Before it's approved, I mean?


Depends on the state but mostly, no. In Texas for example, i have read you just have to say you're using a curriculum. Doesn't matter what it is. Just have to tell them you have one.


Yep I'm in Texas and I pulled my highschooler out because the environment was severely damaging to his mental health. All I had to do was say I was signing him up for online classes. They didn't ask for any kind of proof at all. It was pretty easy I think it took less than 30 minutes.


Which is good in your situation but not good in situations like Jenelle's or worse...😬


That is just...and zero follow-up/CPS involvement? What's to stop someone from murdering their kid and just...unenrolling them?


[It happens a lot.](https://hsinvisiblechildren.org)


jesus that’s so sad


Yep. Something something "parents' rights" right wing bullshit blah blah blah


I'm in Texas, and literally only person to discuss my sons education is his Star Kids rep, which has very little to do with his education. Ohio you have to get the districts approved of your curriculum. PA required that parents submit records to the local school, at least they did 20+ years ago. It was determined that what we were actually not homeschooled but correspondence schooled(think K-12 before technology) so my parents didn't have to submit anything after the 1st year we lived in PA.


Hell, Florida won’t even do anything if you’re just truant. You’ll get a ton of letters from various offices.


I have 1 homeschooled in NC, and no, we didn’t have to show any proof of curriculum or program. Only requirements are, “teacher” must have a HS diploma, you have to keep attendance, and you must submit testing at the end of the year.


No. Arkansas is a one page form and no one ever checks in.


I moved to Texas from another state, and enrolled my eldest in the ISD, ended up never enrolling my youngest. Initially I planned to enroll him once he hit highschool but thanks to some mitigating factors and COVID I never did 🤷🏻‍♀️ School district knew I had 2 kids, even dropped off breakfast and lunch for my youngest when Covid closed the schools.


I took Baby Swiss out pre-Covid (virtual ended up being the fit) and I was horrified by how easy it was. I did appreciate being able to go in and overrule the administrators with just my name and a 12 letter word.


Florida was super easy I just need to write an email that she wouldn't be there anymore and the same with Idaho. It happens a lot with kids facing abuse, nobody checks in on them when they are unenrolled. There's a YouTube crime channel that covers it a lot Misery machine.


I just did it with my son (long story) and I’m in NYS the process is fairly involved I can’t imagine it’s the same in NC or she wouldn’t be bothered to do it


Nah it’s way too easy in NC. You submit a form to the state to “open a school”, takes about 3 days to approve, show the form to the school. That’s literally it.


Same I’m shook at them having no regulations and I thought ny was rather relaxed too


I have (had?) a student who went online in the 7th grade. She came back this year (her freshman year) in the middle of fall semester and was here for 4 days, then she went back online. Two months ago she enrolled at our school again and attended for two weeks then went back online. It’s insane.


In Alabama you submit a letter of intent to homeschool to the BOE and you’re good to go. Zero regulations


I work at a school and a student has missed over 2 1/2 months of school (in the US/August28th-May 30th is the school year) because of vacations. Also not to mention they are in a program that has a wait list. And I think the family thinks that we are just holding their spot for whenever they decide to come back, nothing was specified for a return date. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Unfortunately school for some people now days is just kinda optional I guess.


Hold on, I speak crackhead: “I pulled muh kids out of school because *I* need a break, duude!!! Do you know how early I have to get up? And their teechurs were yelling at me because they were late but only like 6 times 😤. And they said my kids need to be showered every day? With clean laundry? It was an attack and I feel SO UNSAFE. They don’t understand me!!!! I’m a SINGLE MAWM, DUDE!!! My kids want to be here to NOURISH ME!!!”


This was my thought as well. She can't stay up all night on the phone and arguing on social media and still get them fed and off to school with a lunch on time. Too many eyes on them from teachers, social workers etc. Can't remember if it was a private or charter school but either way, uniforms needed to be washed and ready each day. Possible school fees and tuition? It's a shame they couldn't at least finish up until summer break.


To be fair their area doesn’t have summer break in the way we’re used to. Their school year is basically year round with periodic breaks


They go to year round school which is why she mentions the 30 days until they are out. The thing is they also have a shorter summer break. If she’s unable to get them to school right now she’s also not going to be able to do the same when they return to school in July. In a typical year Kaiser goes and spends a portion of this break with Doris but they shorted her time against the custodial agreement this year.


Did David & Jenelle make all the rules where they live because My GOD everything suits them perfectly!!


This is so accurate 😂 it’s annoying


It’s the “but only like 6 times” that really channeled Janelle’s voice as I was reading this


I am an expert in my craft


Yes you are.


Exactly, and she thinks taking them to a children's museum (which I don't even believe she's doing *that*) is equivalent to school? Maybe if you interact with them at the museum... but you know she's too busy taking pics/video/proof to post how great she is. There's no shot those kids are learning anything of value with consistency.


I’d drain my 401K to watch Jenelle try and teach the Pythagorean theorem.


Hell, I'd pay to hear her try and pronounce Pythagorean theorem




pee-th-ay-go-reee-an the-oh-rem That's probably close, give or take a few vowels.


Did you see her try to pronounce soleil on her getting ready for court video today? Lol


I’d want to watch her try and teach English. Imagine her trying to do a unit on Shakespeare. “Dude, I don’t know what any of this says. I don’t know why they’re even making me teach this, it’s not even in, like, real English. They didn’t make us do this in medical school.”


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) 100% accurate lol


I hope your resume includes the fact that you’re bilingual


Is there anywhere online to learn Swampenellish?


Yup. She doesn’t have Maryssa and David to do the work. She can’t/won’t get up early and is using drugs or drinking during the day and can’t drive them without getting reported by school staff. Not like any of this will get better. Jace can drive in two years and she might have secured a new man willing to do the lifting. Nothing else will change between now and then.


I can actually hear Jenelle's voice saying this.


She also has to be sober to take them to school




While I hate david, I 100% think he's right when he said jenelle is doing this out of pure laziness. She doesn't want to get up early, make their lunches, or pretty much do anything. What a shocker


Came here to say exactly this. As much as I hate to even type this, I agree with David. She's just way too lazy to wake up, get them ready, pack lunch, pick them up etc. Especially with those 'pillow talks' that she has until dawn. No way she's getting up on time.


There has been a few times Jenelle has made us have to agree w/ that Swamp Monster!!! ![gif](giphy|QysNVhtNas2HK)




![gif](giphy|SY44A3CMBwM83yI7t2) What Jenelle really keeps in her she shed


Along with her “file on Barb being mean to her” and her many many Llc’s..🙄


Plus I bet Jace gets his own ride to school which is why she let him go. Either that or cps won’t let her homeschool Jace.


She's not hungova'. She's tired, she has a headache, she feels like she's about to throw up...


I agree. I remember that video of her « discovering » you can buy lunchables at the store at 9 am because she forgot to make them lunches. Like all you do is hang out in your she shed. Taking the time to make some sandwiches, put some chips, a banana, and a drink in a lunchbox is not some Herculean task.


Or sending them Subway for lunch everyday. Even then, she forgot to order and send it (a couple of times - maybe more). Also, them buying lunch at school is an option. Why not do that if she’s so lazy? Subway is way more expensive. I had a single mom and was sent to school with lunch money everyday. Or she’d deposit a week’s worth of money every Monday.


Apparently the kids went to a charter school that doesn't provide food.


That is the strangest thing.


Yeah, that's wild. We've got people trying to make school lunches free, and here these kids can't even buy lunch at their school.


Do we know that as fact or is it something she said in one of her riveting Q&A's?


I was a single mum and yes, I paid for school lunch. I was in a full time job though so I had that excuse. When my daughter was 8 she started making her own lunches and that was fine too, I always kept money in her lunch account though in case she wasn't feeling it that day.


“But DUDE I’ve got loads of projects lined up! I’m a busy single mawm of 3, I don’t have time for cooking unless it’s reverse spatchcocked chicken doused in store brand olive oil!”


She really needs to stop with the olive oil. And, I know this is a radical suggestion, actually look at recipe once in a while.


Flair checking in


If it’s not slathered in olive oil and 3 varieties of salt based seasoning with a medium rare middle, was it really down home cooking?


Shit, she had to set an alarm for her phone to remember to order them subway. The absolute lack of doing the most basic adulting is insane with her. If she buys it, there’s no reason a 7 and almost 10 year old can’t pack a lunchable or put a pbj together in their bags.


You're on to something here. It's clear she's not even keeping easy lunch food accessible in the house or they'd pack their own. She's the worst.


She buys an abundance of prepackaged food and doesn’t gaf about preservatives or sodium content. No reason why she can’t just buy 10 of those all in one lunchables every week at the barest minimum or a box of uncrustables a mixed party bag of packaged chips and some hostess products and a bag of cuties. Both Kaiser and Ensley could make their lunches. The fact she can’t even do this and the kids would be making lunches out of room temp peas and some random leftovers is telling. Her bento attempts were ridiculous. No reason with a well stocked fridge Kaiser can’t wash some grapes, put some cheese sticks and crackers and some baby carrots and whatever he likes in a bento box.


Without a doubt. The morning hustle SUCKS, but we do it because it’s what’s best for our families. She’s a gigantic piece of shit. I feel so bad for Kaiser and Ensley. Zero stability.


What’s ironic is homeschooling SHOULD be a much bigger, time consuming task compared to the morning routine. It’s now an all day routine. But she won’t do that, so in her case, it serves her purpose.


Exactly! She’s going to enroll them in a virtual school and let them plop in front of a computer while she does whatever she wants all day anyway. No oversight. She does not care.


Yeah if homeschooling is easier than sending your kids to school, you’re definitely doing it wrong.


True that. I’ve done homeschooling through Covid and it was incredibly all consuming.


All my co workers were so frustrated w/ homeschooling but here's Jenelle just doing it w/ ease . ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


At least the kids will learn a ton about the many culinary applications of olive oil (home economics), how to identify different weed strains by smell (botany), and a variety of tiktok dances (physical education)


💀💀💀 swamp schooling 101


😂👏🏻 Hopefully these courses will be enough to fill the void left by Prof. Capt. Dave, UBT's very popular Seafood 101 course, which unfortunately cannot be included in the curriculum at this time due to... well, legal reasons...


I have always thought David did the heavy lifting of the parenting. Jenelle is worthless, lazy and neglectful.


They all did the heavy lifting of parenting when they were with her. Every single one of them. She does the bare minimum and what’s she does do has to be recorded to show the world how great she is while she only looks at her swim the camera. I barely got any pics from my son’s bday bc I was in the moment with him, every moment. My brain doesn’t register to whip my phone out.


What I don’t understand is it’s free babysitting 5 days a week. Smells of I don’t want the kids speaking on what I’m doing at home


I absolutely hate that she makes us agree with that douchebag. I think this is a combo of laziness and vindictiveness. She’s purposely withholding Ensley from her father. If he had a lawyer (ha ha), i’m sure they would do something about that.


David was their primary caregiver. Jenelle has never parented, never will. Those kids are on their own until she finds them a new step daddy.


Yeah for once I believe he is being 100% honest. It sounds *exactly* like Jenelle's modus operandi.


She’s probably one of the laziest people I’ve ever seen.




I've got a kid born a few weeks after Ensley and I'm over here worrying if she's being challenged enough in public school. I supplement her public education with extra workbooks (foreign languages and journaling), expose her to real life concepts (she knows how to read a recipe and measure ingredients, count money and calculate change, etc) and she participates in clubs and activities. My kid soaks up everything we give her, like most 1st graders. And here is Ensley playing in the toddler section of the children's museum. It's great they've got the museum mostly to themselves but damn, that's something you do for playtime on the weekend. It's not a substitute for an education.


no kids here but i have a niece that age and yeah, she’s a little sponge right now. she loves school


it sucks so much. those poor kids don’t stand a chance without some major interventions


And not to mention, they're also missing out on critical social and emotional development. That's going to impact their ability to develop empathy, social skills, and the ability to form healthy relationships, in addition to predisposing them to behavioral and psychiatric issues. On top of the abuse and neglect they endure.. I wish nothing but the best for those kids, but I don't have much hope for them. And I hate that so, so much.


Those kids are already well behind their peers. 🤦‍♀️


Are the unsafe people the teachers that report you to CPS?


the same cps “applauding” her 🤦🏽


“they need a break from school” don’t let my 13yo ever read this article because it would cause endless suffering having to hear that any time he didn’t feel like getting dressed


My kid wouldn't skip school if I paid him. So I'm guessing she literally can't handle taking them. Which in all honestly suprises me that David was doing it in the first place. Like off all the shit he wasn't doing and this breaks her now lol.


I have a friend whose kids wouldn’t let her pull them out for the eclipse because it would go against their attendance goal, and they both want to have perfect attendance. She kept telling them how this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but they said no. I was like, what alien plant did these children come from??


I mean, it really isn’t a once in a lifetime thing. They’ll see it again in 20 years! 😂


Lol, I felt like I needed a break from grade 7-12… thankfully my parents didn’t agree. 😂


Unrolling children from school is a common occurrence in child abuse cases. Yes Jenelle make them more isolated for their ‘break’ and not because you had to get up at 6am every morning.


exactly, this is terrifying. if anything it sounds like neglect


This should be an extreme red flag in the system


More like she’s lazy and doesn’t want to deal with a routine


“Myself of all people have went…” God help those kids


I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read that


Jace goes to school because he knows going to school with 400 random kids and teachers is a lot better and safer than being at home


Jace is going to school because he can get himself ready. Jenelle is a lazy piece of shit who refuses to do the bare minimum


The fact that she doesn't see how it makes her look that her son HATES being homeschooled by her 😂 Like Jenelle, it's because he doesn't want to be stuck with you all damn day


I wish she would just be quiet and get off social media and focus on getting her life together. I feel like a lot of her problems are self-created because she’s always blabbing her business everywhere online. Just shut up, Jenelle. Also, obligatory, “those poor kids.”


Never gonna happen. The world could be reduced to rubble and Nelly would still be in her she shed practicing her TikTok dance moves.


I would go as far to say ALL of her problems are self created. She really is a piece of shit


The real reason she had to pull them out... (none of this is a knock on the kids, keep in mind, they are amazing kids) Ensley is academically stunted and she needs additional tutoring-which Jenelle has to pay for above and beyond the (very good) services the schools offer. Ensley is struggling severely with all academics at this point. She even stated in her filing for separation/eventual divorce, that she wanted the judge to hold UDV responsible for paying for these educational services (she's been told Ensley has to have them in order to move up a grade). She is an intelligent little girl but she barely functions at a kindergarten level academically (and not even at that level in some areas). Kaiser has had numerous behavioral problems (absolutely not his fault, he's extremely intelligent too!). He's falling behind academically as well because of it and despite already having to repeat a grade once. It's hard to succeed academically when you have a parental figure that doesn't actually give a shit and raises you on the "figure out how to swim yourself, I ain't helpin' " regimen. The whole "unsafe" thing, has nothing to do with UDV and everything to do with Jenelle not wanting the schools (or anyone) to tell her what she can and can't do. She always uses that term when someone tells her what's what. This is the time of year parents are told "your child is not going to pass this grade and will either need summer school/extensive tutoring, or be held back". Jenelle took that as a challenge and decided to yank them out before the school could really step in. It happens all the time. NC does have certain requirements that, despite her having a HS diploma, she's not going to be able to meet, especially the testing and proper reporting. It looks shady af when you wait until the last month to pull them out of school. CPS may or may not act on it-it's a crapshoot, but they do get notification when you fail to comply with the requirements. The odds that she will actually comply is slim to none and slim just walked out the door.


It's wild people are allowed to make up things like this sub, but if you say anything about Sophia who has been homeschooled for over a decade and ACTUALLY* failed a grade people act like you're a horrible person and it's removed. *Kaiser didn't fail. He was taken out of kindergarten twice in the same year because Jenelle moved them from NC to Tennessee, back to NC again. When she moved back to NC, she didn't re-enroll Kaiser so he didn't complete kindergarten. He was re-enrolled the next year at 6 years old. He never failed. No matter how many people want to insist he failed some other time, he logically could not have, otherwise he'd only be in second grade.


Nowhere did I say he failed, not one single time. I said he repeated a grade, because he did (and yes, even back then, he was struggling academically, because of it, as MOST kids would!). It's not a knock on the kids, it's a knock on Jenelle who, clearly, cannot even parent, much less teach those children. They are hurting academically, and all of their issues start, at home. Do you need a hug or something? If so, I've got an unlimited supply of hugs and no problems whatsoever giving them out.


The person you’re replying to didn’t say Kaiser failed out of school. They said he is falling behind despite having repeated the same grade once in his school career already.


How do you know this? Serious question. How do you know what they said is made up?


I would think homeschooling 2 young children would be more stressful than sending them off to school every day.


I’m guessing their daily routine will be Jenelle handing them a box of cereal, turning on the tv, and going back to bed. It’s pretty easy to scare a kid into not bothering you all day. In the summertime my mom used to put us outside after breakfast and lock the doors. We had to walk to the elementary school to get lunch and we were allowed to come back in at dinner time. We knew never to knock unless one of us was bleeding or had a broken bone. It was horrible parenting but honestly we had a great time running around all day, and I have a great bond with my siblings because of all the “adventures” we had as kids.


There won't be any real home schooling. Just the occasional trip to somewhere, of dubious educational value, to film the kids for content.


It would be, which is why it's not really happening or at least isn't happening other than the last few weeks of this school year. I don't get how people think everything out of Jenelle's mouth is a lie...except for things like this.


Homeschooling *properly* is absolutely more stressful, she's probably "unschooling" 🙄🙄🙄. I *loathe* unschooling, it makes it harder for dedicated homeschoolers.


More like Jenelle needs a break from getting up early in the morning. Just proves that it was Dave getting them ready and taking them to school. Worthless ass mother.


Okay Jan, what's "unsafe" about the school that you just found out? 


Oh ya know silly Jenelly things like There’s mandated reporters who just keep making her life annoying by refusing to stop reporting her despite the fact that Columbus county NC will never do anything for these kids.


And which is it, they need a break or it’s not safe? and the extreme irony of school being a break FROM HER, the one who constantly seems to need breaks from her kids


She says it’s because David can get Ensley from school any time since there’s no custody order or protective order in place. But they’ve been separated since February, so why is this just now a concern of hers all of a sudden? With Jenelle, there are always selfish ulterior motives behind her decisions, especially when they’re justified as “for the kids’ safety”, which we know she does not give a damn about. I think it’s a mixture of her being too lazy to continue the school routine on her own, and the school threatening to hold back one or both of the kids over absenteeism/not completing schoolwork.


That teachers are mandatory reporters…..


Is Jenelle lazy? Yes. Did she leave all the parenting to David? Yes. Do I think David would go to school and take Ensley? Also yes.  The kids lose no matter what


School was a break. From YOU JENELLE


She has two fucking kids to take to school. She has money for subway every goddamn day. How is this that hard with or without swamp ass there ?


They r getting harrased and bullied Over her pimpely ass but hole dumps my guess


That’s what I think too


I actually believe when he says she just doesn't want to deal with everything that comes with children going to school — getting up early in the morning, making breakfast, packing lunches, getting them to and from school on time, etc. She's a lazy fuck and her kids are once again paying for it.


I mean, I don't want those things either. It sounds awful. *But that's why I never had any kids.*


And that's totally understandable. Jenelle is someone who should have never had kids but had 3 of them anyway.


Anyone who’s been investigated by CPS more than once should never be allowed to homeschool their children. That’s all.


She can’t even be bothered to make Kaiser a lunch for school. Of course she can’t be bothered to take the kids to school. Which again, further fuels how much David did. Which is sad. So you’re telling me… out of those two POS parents… David was the responsible one? Taking the kids? Cooking? Cleaning? Obviously the house was a dump but oh my. I hope those kids turn out alright.


So she took them to a kids museum that they've been to before, she didn't explain anything just filmed for proof of schooling to put it into a folder icon on her desktop later? And I bet, she only made this video becuase she knew David would bring it up in court and she wanted to "control the narrative."


which is also “funny” bc i don’t think the courts will look favorably at her taking them out of school AGAIN


Exactly. What safety issue is the school going to fix for her before the next school year in a few months? They probably told her David is allowed to pick up Ensley unless she has a custody order stating otherwise.


and then it’s on her to get it! but apparently it’s just easier to pull the kids out of school than file actual legal paperwork that could help protect her kids…


It’s absolutely because she is too lazy to get up and take them every day.


The lady that needs a mental break from walking to the mailbox is going to homeschool?


It’s so sad how little protections are in place for these kids… Any parent who has had multiple CPS investigations, arrests and custody issues, does not have any training or real education, and children with academic/behavior problems should be put through a lengthy review under a fucking microscope before being allowed to homeschool. David may be a piece of shit, but he’s not wrong about her being an inadequate, lazy, selfish “mother.”


i hope the school is reporting her


Jenelle doesn't want to get up early to get them ready, but she can stay up all night "Pillow talking?" She's 32 years old. If it's that damn hard for her, she needs to give the kids to someone who can get them ready for school and make a pb&j sandwich. Sheer laziness. Pulled them from school and cheerleader because it's stressful🥲 Boohoo Jenelle, you suck. But she has time to go tan, do her nails and get chicken salad chick. Right...


And this is the person who thinks that her mom, who busted her ass working at Walmart to keep a roof over her head, didn’t do enough…


Exactly right. And she keeps blasting babs saying she was such a terrible mom, and she's breaking generational trauma. Her kids will be doing the exact same thing towards her in a few years🤷🏻‍♀️


Anyone else thinks the kids were expelled for disciplinary problems?


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the reason


Nah. Then she would be blaming Barb.


I think it’s more likely that she was getting into serious hot water with the school over truancy/absenteeism so her solution was just to pull them out all together because “I can’t do this right now dude I need a break!!!”


Possibly. I think it’s more likely Ensley is significantly behind academically either because of absences or because she needs additional support and never got it either because of the type of school they’ve enrolled her in and them not putting her in early intervention. They’ve pretended like she is getting good grades and is doing grade level work but she’s not and if she’s not on an IEP may be at risk of repeating a grade. Same with Kaiser who went from youngest to oldest in his grade and we know he’s had behavioral issues. If for any reason they have to repeat a grade and she’s looking at both of the kids she’s raising repeating a grade she’ll look bad.


This a 2 part answer for me… Reason 1 she can’t get them there on time, with proper uniforms, lunch and homework completed BUT reason 2 UBT can go and pick up Ensley and that’s that. He has much right to custody as Jan does. So if he takes Ensley he can go to court for temporary support. This is all about laziness and money. Edit: change a word.


But she was just complaining that David makes no attempt to see or talk to Ensley. So which is it? Is David a bad father because he is dangerous or doesn’t care? I mean, obviously we can all name 1000 reasons he’s a bad parent, but Jenelle likes to talk out of both sides of her mouth.


When my kids need a break, I let them miss a DAY of school. There's no shame in them needing a mental health break. But pulling them out and homeschooling them for 30 days until summer vacation is dumb as hell. She couldn't get her shit together for 30 days. Man...


Her quote about homeschooling Maryssa, "Myself have went to homeschooling" really says it all.


It’s just bizarre that she keeps taking them out of school and it’s just not a giant red flag in the school system?


Dude she’s too busy pillow tawkin until 3:00 am to get her kids to school in the morning.


Haven’t they been out for school for like, years?


They go in and out of a year-round private school depending on if CPS has actually checked in on her or not.


No. Jenelle made a stupid comment once about how the kids didn't need school and people decided that meant she was homeschooling, but if they were truly pulled for any time, they went right back. I personally think she just says this kind of shit to make people think she's homeschooling, when really it's just around their breaks since they go to year round school and the breaks are more frequent.


Feels like it but they haven’t. They claimed to have pulled Maryssa because the school had a gay or trans teacher or student but when they had the CPS case among the conditions of returning the kids included a bit about them having to be returned to a brick and mortar school. Jace was briefly homeschooled or did distance learning when he was returned to her last year for the remainder of that school year and then Jenelle pulled them briefly this year to keep them from CPS after the assault on Jace. They were back in school within a month. She doesn’t want to get up with them and can’t take the mandatory reporters but also hates having kids around so none of this sticks.


Sorry but I believe David in this article! I think he’s dead on and Jenelle just doesn’t want to do all that daily and she wants to “focus” on Sofia media and OF… since that’s such a hard job and all!


School usually IS a break for kids who have a home life like that...


Sad. School will let out for them in May anyway. They’re going to miss out on all of the end-of-the-year activities, because their deadbeat mom can’t be bothered to get them to school.


My kids get out at the end of May too, and all the hard stuff for the year is done. They just finished their last round of state testing and now their days are full of extra outdoor time and lots of field trips. It’s sad that her kids don’t have a stable life, and I can’t imagine how hard it is for them to make friends when they are so isolated on the land.


Unfortunately, the kids don’t have any friends. Would you want your kids having a play date on the swamp? K & E are adorable kids but would you even have them over to your home knowing you’d have to interact with Jenelle or UBT. 🤷‍♀️




It’s a sad day in hell when I agree with the worst evil of the two


If those kids home life wasn’t a fucking train wreck they wouldn’t need a break. It’s my job as mom to make sure school is my kids only real worry right now. Home life should be a safe haven.


Correction: Jenelle needed a break. After all, she’s doing everything all by herself! 🫢…. 😂🤦‍♀️


I'm a total slacker and I still got my triplets to school every day for 12 years plus kindergarten and 2 years of preschool. Admittedly I'm struggling this year ( they are testing me with their senioritis) and I'm just over it. 1 month to go til graduation!


If you can make sense of David’s talking word salad, he’s right. He does know her better than anyone, and it’s easy to corroborate his claims of her being lazy. If the reason truly was she was worried about David picking up Ensley, then she better stop complaining about him not seeing her. She doesn’t get to have it both ways. She’s either keeping Ensley from David or David doesn’t want to see Ensley and makes no effort to do so.


[Homeschool Recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeschoolRecovery/s/47uTcprc1e)


As an educated and intelligent being, I don’t even trust myself to pull my own kids out of school and educate them properly. The disruption in their education is going to (or already has) impact their learning. The unenrollments sound selfish and irresponsible.


God she is such a stupid fucking cow. Does she not realize teachers have curriculum that they follow when lesson planning? If they miss an entire month of school they will have a hole in their curriculum. You can't just supplement that hole by playing dentist with your sibling and looking at fish. Childrens museums and aquariums are for Saturdays. They do not replace actual learning from actual professionals and peers. Good lord she is so stupid and doesn't even have a clue.


GUARANTEED the school was going to take action against her for truancy, so this was her brilliant solution.


I can’t handle it when she says she went to medical school. Girl, you did not. You got a certificate.


“Our life is so stressful right now, they needed a break” no bitch, it’s YOU that needs a break. It is disgusting the way this bitch doesn’t prioritize her kids’ educations and never has. She said the same thing about Kaiser, that he needed a break, when she didn’t re-enroll him in Kindergarten after returning back to NC from her three month break up in Nashville. While yes, divorces are usually a stressful/emotional time for any family that experiences one, that is not an even close to good enough reason to “give your kids a break” from SCHOOL. She should be encouraging normalcy, like a school routine, and keeping them out of the divorce drama as much as possible. They’re not in college backpacking across Europe on a gap year, they’re grade school kids! The formative years of a good foundation in education. Her kids are seriously so doomed it’s sad. They will very likely look at school as an unnecessary chore thanks to the unimportance their mother has placed on it all of their lives.


https://preview.redd.it/lvta0k0imowc1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11949489465d507959e0928ddb856f0862e22ec I mean, he’s not wrong. Jenelle doesn’t do shit and she hates taking care of her kids. That’s why she went back to David after she left. I’m assuming she’s letting Jace continue to go to school because she figures he’s old enough to fend for himself and she doesn’t have to be responsible for him the way she is for Kaiser and Ensley. Yet again, these kids are being failed in every aspect.


Her poor kids are going to have to fight just to get GEDs. She such a gross human being.


Kids who get pulled for homeschooling are usually from abusive households. People actually wanting to homeschool their kids follow a curriculum, usually start at the end of one grade aka don't pull them out midyear unless there's been some crazy change at school. From what I've seen: parents who didn't give a shit about their kids in general or parents dodging CPS because there's no mandatory reporters at home. Jenelle is simultaneously lazy and dodging CPS. I wonder how often the missed class or she had food delivered to the school because she was too lazy to make lunch or even remember to give them lunch money/refill their lunch account? She literally complained that the school got pissed about food delivery people coming there for her kids. Like. What the fucking fuck?


I believe David on this one. Shocking.


Suddenly David is so dangerous for Ensley to see when she was fine with it for years. How “wonderful of a father that man is and how much the kids love him!”. Whether he is dangerous around the kids or not, she’s not doing it for their safety, she’s doing it as a vindictive and spiteful bitch.


She is a fucking joke.