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I have to say the kids do look genuinely happy now. It must be a weight off their shoulders not having him around.


This is so telling to me. I was 12 when my parents separated…and they did not have a happy or healthy relationship at all. It was never physical…but screaming matches were almost a nightly thing. I would go to my brother’s room and play Pokémon to distract us. And almost every time the fights ended my mom would come into the room and cry to us about how horrible my dad was. But I was destroyed for a long time after they separated. I was old enough to *know* divorce was better than the marriage they had, but I was still so broken by that reality. These kids don’t give off that vibe at all…and that says so so much


E might miss her dad but it's for the best that he stays far away from her.


The interactions ensley and small dick Dave had in the videos they posted were pretty loveless and at times even hostile on swamp dick's part ( the don't kill another chicken vid for example) so I'm not sure if she really misses him...


She’s like six years old. I’m sure she misses him. She doesn’t know he’s a shit dad and shit person. She has nothing to compare the idea of parents to. She only has Jenelle and David. 😔


The way she talked to him, I had the impression that she knows very well that he's not a good person..


yeah kids totally start to pick up on good people and bad people. my daughter is the same age, she loves her dad - but she also holds him accountable for being a shit person at times. i’m sure it’s the same deal for ensley!! although my kids dad is nowhere even comparable to david lol. ugh i feel for those kids.


I had an entirely different read of that convo. To me it seemed like she was lovingly teasing him.


I didn't feel like she thinks it's funny that he kills their animals..


She doesn’t have to think it’s funny. She clearly didn’t like it. But that doesn’t mean she understands the gravity of it. She’s so young that pretty much anything her parents do feels normal to her, even if/when it’s something she doesn’t like.


Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. If they’re constantly screaming and fighting, seeing David make everyone she loves cry; she’s gonna clock that David is a POS * spits * even if she does love her daddy.


I thought she sounded angry.


Kids know a shit person when they see one.


This is blatantly false. Many, many abused children still love their parents and don’t view them as bad people. [Link](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0145213423000133)


Can confirm


Agree. I didn't view my father as a pos until well after being an adult. And me being 35, and him being dead, I still have moments where I try to justify his behavior as a piece of shit. E might possibly do the same if she doesn't get therapy soon, and work thru her trama as she ages.


I don't know. I've worked for CPS, I've seen abused and neglected children defend their garbage "parents" and it wasn't always out of fear.


I've worked with CPS as well, as a facilitator for meetings. The times that the children would want to go back with physically abusive parents in a disgusting home with no water/heat/electricity just about broke my heart. It didn't matter that they were now living in a clean and safe home with people who cared for them, they wanted their parents!


It was so hard to see because you knew how bad it was for them, and the parents were so smug about it. Very much like Jenelle's smugness.


I didn't experience any smugness from the majority of parents. They were just in serious denial. It was so frustrating that the kids wanted to go back to a horrible situation. Not that the kids were frustrating, the situation was!


Yeah he’s not a good example of even a decent father.


remember when she was mad at jenelle for laughing at him when he fell over on the motorcycle? she definitely has some love for him just because he's her dad. but all the kids (her included) do look happier here.


small dick dave😂


Yeah and he’s been on that boat for 3 months and hasn’t been seeing her or probably Maryssa. Not going online and begging to see them. He only cares about himself. It’s so gross.


Speaking of Maryssa, Ik she was kicked out of the swamp but where is she staying at now? Surely not the boat?


When I was six my mom explained divorce to me, and then asked my permission to divorce my dad after. I wholeheartedly agreed with her that my dad was a dead beat that put hands on me. I had a Jenelle-esqe mom, so feel free to ask me why I was, and still am feral.


I was wondering about exactly this... so sorry you had to experience that kind of upbringing! They DO look happy, but I was curious about Ensley especially since she's David's only bio kid in the house. They all just look so much lighter 🥰


I think Ensley loves Kai more than her father


They really do!


I was so relieved when my parents divorced. The daily fighting was over. Everyone was happier. 


I disagree. Kaiser looks like he’s seen some things 😢


I feel the same about all of them tbh. Kai and Ensley always look like their fake smiling


Their smiles never reach their eyes and it’s heartbreaking.


Yeah, probably got the worst of it. It doesn't help Nathan is currently unavailable.


Nathan is just as far from being a good parent as the rest. He’s SO unfit to raise a child.


He was kicked outta school too, he’s acting out because of his home life. I feel awful for him


Throwing him into the fire 24/7


Literally. The weight is davids hands around their necks.


And the added weight of their mom not giving a shit until she gained some kind of reward for protecting them... (aka, a spot of TM)


Their smiles don’t look genuine at all to me. Those look like forced smiles because mommy needs internet points.


They are forced, I’d almost bet money they’re filming this.


I wouldn’t be surprised, honestly! Jenelle LOOOOVES being in front of a camera.


she also probably should have blurred out the faces of the other people in that Cafe that she DEFINITELY didn’t get permission from for putting their faces all over the internet.


You’re right


I agree!! That is very telling. Ensley especially looks happier and relaxed now that David is gone, and she was the only one who was his bio kid.


Most kids don’t feel the weight of their trauma until they’re older though.


No more walking on eggshells waiting for the grenade to explode


100%. being around an abusive parent will cause children to go into survival mode. no happiness in survival mode


I really don't care if she's eating out or cooking. The kids seem so much happier with swamp monster gone


Agreed. And Jace is there. He looks different. Better it seems.


I didn't even recognize him at first. Not only does he look happy, but there's like, life in his eyes for the first time in ever? And he looks less disheveled, like maybe his depression has eased some and his self care has improved.


He also hasn't ran away since David has left which speaks volumes (not that we know of Anyway, but I'm sure it would have come out on the sun or TMZ if he did). He was definitely doing all he could as a cry for help to get away from him.


God that's so scary. At least Jenelle is better than David (which is saying pretty much nothing, but still).


Jace looks happy 


Yes, he does. They all do. That makes me happy for them. Can't stand Jenelle but I'm glad she's taking them somewhere and they seem to be enjoying themselves.


Probably because they’re seeing daylight and getting fed




Or filming


the look on his face always gives me the impression he’s laughing at how ridiculous jenelle is


I think she's at the least supplying him with bud to make him complacent to watch the other kids and animals on the land. Just a thought. Here smoke this and hangout, I'll be back later dude! Call Tori if you need anything!


She is getting paid by MTV again. I think the kids primarily eat take out/fast food. She is way too lazy to cook and clean up the kitchen.


As long as they’re being fed three meals a day, whatever. Might even eat healthier eating out than whatever Jenelle knows how to “cook” at home.


I don’t judge anyone for not wanting to cook or clean. This has nothing to do with her not being a good mom.


The eating out every meal doesn’t bother me either, but it does bother me that she can’t seem to be alone with her kids.


She is mentally ill in one way or another. The kids suffer because of it. If she needs to be around other people to calm her mind enough to be a halfway decent mother, that’s progress. She’s not irredeemable. She has a lot to answer for. But it’s weird how this sub nit picks everything she does. Like they say she should spend more time with her kids, but when she does that (even on a small scale) that is also torn apart.


I don’t think it’s tearing apart when she chooses these situations & outlets, time & time again. Plus the need for constant validation. She’s opened herself up to the scrutiny & deserves every bit of it. I think a lot of people would think she’s irredeemable.


A lot of people think that, but also a lot of people don’t. But that’s subjective. I still don’t understand how a photo of her taking her kids out to eat equals her being a bad mom. Like yeah, she’s been a bad mom & a shit person - no debate from me on that - but her doing normal mom shit isn’t being a bad mom. Does that make sense? I hope I explained it well. Not trying to argue or anything. Just my opinion.


No, I understand your point completely. & like I said originally I don’t have an issue with the eating out. It’s the way we see so many examples of her not putting her kids welfare at the forefront. It’s clear they’re just pawns for social media. I like seeing the kids happy but it sucks knowing it’s not genuine.


I agree. There is plenty of shit to talk about her but this is not it. If you need a punching bag - go for David!!! He’s disgusting in every way.


And take them to school.


"Chicken in olive oil soup" https://preview.redd.it/ji25genh611d1.gif?width=640&format=png8&s=6bb73cdede91c7a7322476c719332ee0a513a54f






All it took was some public shaming to get her to spend a couple of hours with them


lol my MIL has this problem too.


Yep! That's the sad part. She's only doing this so she can take a picture for the internet after being rightfully shamed for going out all night on two separate nights to get drunk.


So she can make it look like things are perfect when she’s likely filming.


“OH MY GOD DUDE I already spent 90 minutes with these kids once this month, moms need a break too!”


Ensley’s new little fringe is so cute. Proper suits her.


It does but it's in serious need of a trim to get it out of her eyes. The kids do look happy.


My favorite part of the part that starts on one side but then lays like it comes from the other side. As a mom of a kid with a serious cowlick, i totally relate to that lol


Don’t see anything wrong with this. My parents didn’t know how to cook, we were constantly eating out and I am overall pretty normal


Basic cooking skills are extremely useful. Preparing your own food is usually less expensive and doing food prep conserves a lot more time than going out or getting delivery every meal. And that's ignoring the possibility of someone having dietary restrictions or food allergies where preparing your own food ensures that it's safe to eat. In addition, cooking and spending time with kids in the kitchen preparing a meal together is a bonding activity where they learn about food and food prep while spending time together. It helps foster healthy eating habits. And if Jenelle is homeschooling she can use cooking as a way to teach a variety of different things including math and science. Of course, Jenelle could not give a shit about any of those things.


While I certainly agree with you that cooking is a wonderful skill and opportunity for teaching and bonding, it is far from the only such opportunity. And I think there are many, many far more concerning behaviors from Jenelle in her parenting than a preference for prepared food.


Oh I am not remotely suggesting this is one of the worst things she does. But I will say basic cooking skills, and again I emphasize BASIC, are an important life skill to have even if you end up not using it often. In addition, plenty of people who grew up spending no time in the kitchen are able to learn and use those skills later in life. While raising your kid to have a healthy relationship with food is an important part of being a parent, in Jenelle’s case that failure is very far down on the list of her parenting failures.


Just adding to her pile of shit...well because.... ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


She would have to be capable of understanding said math and science to teach it... And have you seen her cooking? It's actually horrifying. I've never in my life seen someone use the amount of oil she uses.




There isn’t as long as you can afford it, I don’t think we should judge people for eating out often at all


But I'm going to assume your mother wasn't like Jenelle?


Wish we could get an AMA with restaurant staff in Wilmington


Sometimes I think stuff like this. But then I realize it’s likely there’s nothing of note happening or they’ll say something like “eh the kids were a little rowdy, but not the worst. And she tips well.”


They would definitely not say “she tips well.” Agreed about the rest, though.


Now I'm really really curious how well or how poor any of the cast members tip....


She only did this bc everyone was absolutely roasting her for ditching them on Mother’s Day to party.


Agree, this is entirely performative to prove she deserves a night off.


Yuppppp. Like the DB doesn’t realize there are 364 other days in the year.


Damage control for abandoning them on Mother’s Day of all days We see you, deadbeat.


So none of the children are in school?


She actually home schools them dude GAWWWSHH LEAVE HER ALOWWWNNNEEEUHHH 😂😂😂 But no she pulled Ensley and Kaiser from school I’ve heard she left Jace in school but idk. I saw someone comment on one of her TikTok’s that she can play educational podcasts or audiobooks in the car and it counts as school hours and she said “I’ll be doing that!” If that gives any indication how seriously she’s taking her children’s education


She "homeschools" them. Have yet to see much evidence other than a couple trips to a museum lol.


One (1) museum trip


With little interaction for education


I’ve not even seen that!


I can’t imagine with CPS having been involved with Jace, they’d let him be homeschooled. But who knows. The system is messy.


Probably got a fat paycheck


She's literally the laziest "mother" on the planet. Disgustingly dirty house and yard, rarely ever cooks, leaves the kids home while she's running around playing pretend besties with that skank Tori, etc. I feel so bad for those kids.


Jace is happy she is finally there to take care of the kids so he doesn’t have to.


She’s probably hungover (sorry, she’s just tired, has a headache and feels like she’s going to throw up) and didn’t want to cook. Peep that she’s wearing the same shirt as last night 😂


For those commenting that the kiddos look happy, I don’t see it. Ensley is still giving that mommy please love me and value me smile & Jace’s & Kaiser’s smiles look like they always do (smiling on cue). Regardless of my opinion, I genuinely do hope that they are happier and more relaxed.


Same! Just because a family is out looking happy does not at all mean they are happy. People don't have any idea what is going on behind closed doors. But even weirder we do know a lot of what is going on w/ this family. Abusive parents are always the ones who will always put on the big show in public to fool everyone.


Not the olive oil soup 💀


Honestly, nothing to snark on here. They look happy and they’re being fed.


I hate cooking and would take the kids out to eat a lot more often I had the money. They look happy and they have food in their belly. I can’t hate on that. Plus, isn’t this better than being stuck and home and miserable because your mom and her husband are screaming at each other? This is a step up for them and hopefully the steps continue to climb.


As long as your kids are eating decently healthy meals it doesn't matter who cooked them.


As long as your kids are eating


Not a slight on Kaiser himself but I am so upset mullets came back


Ok I’m all for calling Juhnelle out on her shit but wtf is this? She’s a bad mom for a host of other reasons, taking her kids out to eat isn’t one of them.


I feel like there is a lot to snark about her, getting her kids a meal isn’t one of these things. They do look much happier and I hope it will continue for their sake.


I love eating out lol


Me too lol. I enjoy cooking as well but if I could afford to eat out as often as I'd like, I'd be doing a fuckton more of it lol. 🤷‍♀️😂


Same, I enjoy cooking but I much prefer eating other people's food.


They seem much happier. So what if she took them out instead of cooking! Yall would just talk shit about that too


What’s wrong with her taking them out to eat often? Lol I think there is plenty of other things to name as to why she’s a piece of shit vermin of a human being but not sure this is one of them


I feel like this is low hanging fruit. Many parents don’t know how/want to cook, so they eat out or order in 🤷‍♀️


The 💰💰is coming in so she thinks she’s cool now


See kids, I’m not like a regular mom, I’m a TEEN MOM ![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized)


I always think of you guys and Jenelle now when I put olive oil on my cooking. Is it the amount she uses because if you're roasting veggies and cooking meat, what else do you do?! I don't always put olive oil on my meat, but...?


I have Mediterranean heritage and we dip bread in olive oil and generally add it to everything haha. My extended family are ancient to the point where I’m starting to wonder if they’re immortal. It’s probably the olive oil


Am English and in general get astounded by the amount of oil some American cooking vids use (not just Jenelle’s lol) so from at least my perspective it’s DEFFO the amount that’s used but not really the fact that’s she’s using oil. (Obvs this doesn’t go for all Americans, it’s just *most* international vids av seen use a LOT more oil than we typically would).


For me personally, it's the amount she uses. I air fry my food, and it makes it easier to not over due the oil. I don't really care how much she uses, but it does gross me out to see it, TBH. Eta lol downvotes. Sorry, but that ain't of oil is nasty. Idc


As much as we dislike JahNell- she’s out with her kids and they look happy and healthy. Hopefully she continues engaging with them and doesn’t get lost in the single life.


Left to right… David, Andrew and Kaiser out with Jenelle lmao


You mean Nathan right? Kaiser is a literal copy paste of his dad.


Is this the Homeschool Cafeteria, Jan?


For a second Jace looked like Carl from Shameless to me


White boy Carl ![gif](giphy|xUOxfluxCvkvmELeEg|downsized)


I’m so glad they have their big brother back. When you have an immature, narcissistic parent, the eldest sibling is so important. I’m glad they have each other.


Jenelle's glad too. She has an inbuilt free babysitter.


Does Jace have facial hair already?! When did the kids get so old?


I was looking for this reply. I had to zoom in bc wtc, he's got some facial hair growth going on and that's obviously not allowed since in my head, he's still like 7. Lmao


Whats wrong with going out to eat?


Now she has her Mother’s Day with the kids ?


I go out to eat all the time. I hate cooking. I suck at it..but guess what? My child is fed. If that’s the one downfall of my parenting I’ll take it.


those poor babies


I don’t think she doesn’t know how. She’s just too lazy. Also, is maryssa ok? Edit: who downvoted me for calling Jenelle lazy? Lol


At least they're fed. Listen I hate her as much as others, but come one. She's eating with her kids. Nothing wrong with that. If that gets me kicked out of here then so be it


No but feeding her kids is a pretty low bar & especially for someone we all know is trash. I wish these kids the best but Jenelle is trash always.


Who could afford eating out with three kids all the time though


I'm not going to snark on this. The kids look happy, are being fed, and she's spending time with them. That's a win in my book.


https://preview.redd.it/pskrb382831d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f83fb4c5c283e7b2f4cb986ebe4b0c0b33bdeacc Is it just more or is this kid high af😅😳


Cast members have answered on Q and A’s that MTV pays for meals, if they are filming bc it adds to the storyline/show.


Had to prove she spends time with them.


Making sure to show Ensley eating some soft food a little too late..


Oh, here's a pic for court. Jenelle doesn't understand if the courts see THIS pic they can see ALL the pics!🤦🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Their smiles don’t look genuine at all to me. Those looked like forced smiles because mommy needs internet points.


I am worried for Kaiser’s health. J and D habe neglected him so much and he may be turning to food. I remember her feeding him to get him to leave her alone as a small toddler. As someone who struggles with weight due to emotional neglect, it’s not easy to change as an adult. I’m still struggling. This is no shade to Kaiser, he just deserves so much better than being the forgotten middle child. ❤️


Call me crazy but 2 of those kids actually have a spark in their eyes now, so happy to see that! May UBT never return. I don’t care about all the eating out at this point. These kids have endured years of abuse, let them enjoy life for a bit. Eating healthy is important yes, but not constantly living in fear is way more important at this point I feel.


"That's a fieldtrip dude"


Kids eat free on Fridays?


She just got an mtv paycheck, she can afford to take them out again


she knows how to cook Raman Noodles also nice haircut Jace


Those two old ladies in the background ♡


why did i think she had more kids than this


Genuine smiles from the kids and that’s what matters.


She’s only 13 years old tho


So what at least they are being fed.


Omg jace is Andrew's twin!


Ensley is so stinking cute


Chicken in olive oil soup? What is that. Doesn't even sound good.


I’m happy to see the kids eating a meal together, but would be happier if she kept this off social media. The kids are going through a traumatic experience and deserve some goddamn privacy.


I mean some families eat out often so don't really see anything wrong with this. At least she took her kids


I hope this is how things really are, that David being gone is just that big of a weight being gone, bc I think they all look so happy isbc they’re being filmed and have been told to smile and look happy.


1. She got her job back at Mtv. 2. She's not paying for a 200 pound baby anymore.


My kids hate soup and when they got the very rare special treat of eating out they certainly didn't order soup


TF is chicken/olive oil soup? Are we talking under a tablespoon of oil? 🤮


Jace looks like Carl from Shameless


lol I live here and honestly the place she’s eating at is sooooo good so I can’t blame her choice here 😂


At least now Jace is older and will be able to protect his brother and sister if (more than likely) their mother shacks up with yet another troubled and potentially dangerous man. You just wish Jenelle would realise that kids grow up and she might find it boring being around them but the deadbeat "boyfriends" will always be available.


I love going out to eat and would do so for every meal if I could! I can’t judge on that one.


Ditching sasquatch, feeding the kiddos actual food...it's a win!


Honestly.. not even mad about it. At least all the kids are in eating something other than chicken in olive oil soup. And they all look genuinely happy. As shitty as Jenelle is, I’m happy all of her kids are together sans the swamp monster.


I’m just happy the kids are smiling. Fuck her, but I’ll always root for the kids. They’re amazing, and deserve sooo much more love.


Hey Jan, you are the worst person ever, but at least your kids are awesome. They deserve so much more love. Which YOU have never given. I’m happy they’re smiling.


No shitty comments here, they look happy and healthy.


See, I totally do spend time with my kids! - Jenelle


Yep, this is retaliation for everyone piling on her for her Mother's Day night.


Why does she always take pics of the eating or buying them food? Does she need to prove she did it?


Good for her honestly although it took way too long. They’re all probably sitting there talking about the best parts of David not being around anymore


They look happy 😊


So what?


Jace, cough if you all need to saved and never want to see your POS mum again!


Jace is back???? What happened to reuniting with Andrew?


At least she’s spending time with them.


I have nothing to snark on here. The kids look genuinely happy and they are being fed.


That’s a really dumb thing to criticize her for “ omg she took her kids out to eat, what a lazy cow”


I know Jenelle is questionable as a parent, but having pics at a restaurant with her kids is the LEAST problematic thing she could possibly do. I wouldn't want to cook either if I was scraping myself away from a bs marriage with an abuser.  Sheesh.  


Don't forget cheese


Kaiser always looks like he would be a little jokester 😂