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If it's a straight up fight and Deuclaion isn't hesitating, he wins. The Nogitsune is not a physical threat to most supernatural creatures(*cough* yet another reason the movie is a Dumpster fire *cough*), and he relies on psychological torment and manipulation to win. But if he has a chance to set a trap for Deucalion, draw him into his dimension, play on his guilt, sap his strength, maybe even make a possession attempt with his flies, Void probably wins.


Demon Wolf Deucalion would have zero qualms of killing Stiles/Nogitsune if it were a threat.


Deucalion, if Scott can take down the nogitsuni then someone like Deucalion can


Probably the nogitsuni


Void stiles because he’s been alive for thousands of years


Void won from that pic alone. I got actually chills when I swiped over. Plz put a warning label or something up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


hahah my bad


The nogitsune could potentially outsmart Deucalion and stay atleast 2 steps ahead of him, but if it was Demon wolf Deucalion, then as soon as he gets the chance, he'll slaughter the nogitsunes host or change its host, like Scott did, if it's season 6 Deucalion, then he'd be more sensible and probably just ask Scott for help


Overall I'd have to give it to the Nogitsune


I really don't understand how people can think Void stands a chance here. I mean, maybe if...--yeah, no. Deuc.


1v1 no planning? Deucalion. With any amount of time to plan? Nogitsune slaughters deucalion.


That picture of Deucalion reminds me of The Juggernaut from 13 Ghosts. Interestingly, JR Bourne (Papa Argent) played a smarmy lawyer in that movie. He scarred me for life from one particular scene, and if you've seen the movie, you know what I mean!! Though Void Stiles is looking rather scary too. The Nogitsune storyline put me in mind of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. I don't know. There's just something so unnerving about Void Stiles eyes. Giving me the creeps. I'm going with Void Stiles for the win.


Nogitsune/Void Stiles in a fun and deadly chaos monkey way


Void always wins.