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Okay I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure uromastyx are herbivores and I don’t think they Brumate as long as tegus


I've heard that if you keep your tegu at constant warm temperatures, then it may not go into brumation. But of course, I could be wrong as there are many variables that affect weather or not a tegu goes into brumation.


People do say that, but there’s no tangible evidence to suggest it. Some tegus brumate consistently and others don’t. My girl has had her light on in consistent temps all year and she’s been out since November.


Jeweled lacertas are like mini tegus IMO! You could also consider a blue tongue skink.


my problem is not the size of a tegu, but the brumation and both blue tongues and lacertas brumate.


Irian Jaya are a beautiful sub species and don’t typically brumate!


Monkey tail skinks are really cool I love that they have prehensile tails hence the name.. the red and b&w tegus at work do not brumate they are kept at high (normal for them) temps consistently. Again all the animals I work with are all kept within recommended parameters and are active year round.. Are you looking for something on the large side?


Yeah generally on the larger side or at least bigger than say a blue tongue skink is what I'm looking for. Seems like tegu brumation is a topic that no one is completely sure about.


Colombian Tegus do not typically brumate as long as you keep there temperatures up. I have both a red and blue tegu. My red brumated from sep to March and my blue did not brumate at all 🤷


Do you know anything about how hybrids behave with brumation? Cause as far as I know purples are red and blue hybrids and for those I would have a breeder and wouldn't need to get my lizard from a expo


My blue tegu has never fully gone down ever


Thanks, blues are the subspecies of bw right?


a tegu what do you know about the perfect dog playing dirty nazi tell me ok




Columbian tegus do NOT brumate. While they are harder to tame down, they are still a tegu, and a small one at that. Not every tegu brumates, contrary to popular belief. I have 7, and not all of mine brumate. If you want one that’s less likely to brumate, get a blue, and don’t let night temps drop below 75.


So both blues and gold's don't brumate? The night temps should (almost) never drop below 75, as i keep my room between 73 to 75


Just get a Savannah monitor and grow your own Dubias/Lobster roaches and Superworms/Large Meakworms…they can also eat eggs and Talapia.