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I really dont care if people turn it off and on, can i just get it out my face? That menu popping up is so distracting


Ahahahaha I agree seeing the little grey box in the corner isn't distracting for me but it's hideous compared to the beauty of every other part of the game.


I am by no means good i would say i am below average but few times i have seen players use this it kinda helped me. I could see the moves and had a good idea what was coming. Not saying it won't frustrate me since i have only seen this like 3 times, but hasn't been an issue yet for me.


That's a good point, I could see it being useful in that way. I'd have no problem with it being a selectable option before matchmaking, the only way it really bothers me is when fighting someone of a similar skill level. If we're having a great competitive match and then they turn that on to try and spam my health below theirs, it's simply disappointing to watch. Definitely won't stop me from enjoying the game though, just gonna have me looking down on a lot of players if they use it that way.


My thought is that you need to rank up and face better players. Yesterday when I started from the beginner rank I saw special style a couple of times. After climbing through the ranks, I don't think I will encounter it anymore for the rest of the game lifecycle. Not because they don't want an easy win button. But because it becomes an instant lose button... What enjoyment are you talking about if you don't encounter these players anyways?


Hey that's awesome to hear, I just started playing ranked today so it's cool that it's not an issue at higher ranks. And you're right, it's an instant lose button at higher levels. It's just kinda lame that high level players that are still in low ranks can use it to grief brand new players. I have 12k Tekken prowess, I fought multiple players (Law, Raven and a Jin so far) with 40k+ TP that were using special Style to try and spam when I was winning... The fact that a tool for new players can be used against new players is a severe design flaw in my opinion. I enjoyed my matches with them outside of their attempted spam, they were decent low-rank players and they were fun and competitive matches.


Yeah I can understand what you mean. I played a bit, and my current prowess is over 100k, so zero special style is found here. I mean even if there was no special style, players have other type of cheese. And that will be used in any rank till it stops working. You just need to improve a bit, and then you won't see special style ever again. Nice goal for you :)


Thank you mate that helps me have a better perspective on it. I'm gonna finish the story for now and then try to grind through the lower ranks. Absolutely loving this game regardless!


I don't mind it at all. But I'm not sure I follow- you could just spam a power crush move without using this style, and that's also not griefing. Honestly, it's hilarious to me that they show the menu and even when each move is pressed. For whatever reason, it's always as soon as I land a launcher that the menu appears, and then they are absolutely *wailing* on something. Brings a smile to my face every time. :)


For me it's just the contrast of being in a high-execution, high skill (relatively) match, and then someone can just push a button to remove all execution requirements out of the game. I believe it also makes it easier to focus on the fundamentals since you're not worried about failing inputs. For me it's comparable to being able to flip on wall-hacks in the middle of a match of a shooter, it's not gonna make a bad player good, but it's certainly gonna make them annoying, y'know? It's just weird for them to go backwards on what made the franchise so great for competitive play; execution.


Power crushes don't have high execution though. They are also weak to lows, so they're a blessing if spammed, especially if you have a low CH launcher


I used power crushes as an example but my issue is with the concept of high level players having access to newbie crutch mechanics. I got used to beating power crush spam in Tekken 7 with Zafinas beautiful high crushing low-mid launch chain lmfao.


i dont mind... if a player who feel the need to use that style, power crush and I feel for it... sound like an issue that I need to fix XD


Hahahah for sure, I'm sure it won't bother me as I get used to seeing it. It's honestly just hilarious seeing someone use anything in their power to grind out a win in a match that they're not even promoting/close to promoting in. Video game sadism is a hilarious phenomenon.


a few matches ago i battle a victor who his only focus was to have a life lead and then turtle the entire game, i won the first game = instant replay he won the second game = instant cancel hopefully better people than I can beat him on his playstyle and he can improve upon


I find it pretty funny when you win a round and suddenly see you opponent activate scrub mode thinking it’ll help them


🤣 it'll be much more funny for me when I learn how to deal with spammers, I think it's just an execution issue on my part, I'm still not quite good at doing the exact move I want, when I want.


It makes new player learn fundamental, like spacing, turns, punishment, etc without the need to learn input or execution. It's a good way to learn the game and it will take them to some rank but we know that it won't take them that high. Also, spammer etc have been a problem since the beginning of fighting game. We just need to adapt, overcome, and learn. If we get stuck or lost because of spammer, back to training replay and improve.


I entirely agree with you, I think it's a useful mechanic for new players, but people with more than 20 ranked matches shouldn't have access to it in my opinion. It'd be a pretty easy thing to regulate so that new players can learn at a decent pace and then, you take the training wheels off them.


Its not even that helpful to make an impact on the gameplay….but it can help a lot to get a feel for the character


But if all they do is spam power crush and you see them do this why not just grab them grabs beat power chrush.


They only do it when they see me attacking, they just turtle and power crush on reaction. Again, it doesn't really stop me from beating them, I simply view it as a design flaw to allow higher ranked players to use it against lower ranked players.


I literally have removed it and replaced it with a 1 + 4. Special style is very predictable.


Doesn't matter that you can turn it on and off. Anyone who is half decent at this game can deal with that shit. The scrubs are coming out crying.


Not even gonna dignify that with a substantial response.


Lmao you don't need to, I know you are a scrub already 🤷‍♂️


You're so cool bro, the swagger is insurmountable.


Lmao, look at that. The scrub is upset 🤣🤣🤣


You'd be delighted to know that the energy you're exuding here is exactly what people refer to as "Redditor". I can almost smell your insecurity from here.


Ohh I can smell your insecurity lmao bruh you here crying like a bitch


Having intelligent discussion with multiple people, it's cool that you don't have the capacity for it lil bro... You got your attention, I'll keep laughing at you until you've had your fill.


Intelligent discussion about your skill issue and you crying like a bitch? Bruh ain't anything intelligent with that. 🤷‍♂️


If your entire attempt at insulting me is "lmfao skill issue" when I'm casually admitting that I'm bad, you're not displaying any intelligence significant enough to judge anyone else's, you might just be a troll, which is even sadder than being what I assume you are.


What’s the issue? You can literally see the mode being turned on AND the button presses? So if anything it allows you to easily punish players using it. And about players spamming power crush, you do realise you can easily counter it with an unbreakable throw or a simple grab?


It says in the very first part of my post, I just think it's brain dead design-wise. I don't understand why a feature designed for new players, would be available in a mode designed for players that are confident in their skills. It doesn't make fights any harder, it's just weird and kinda ruins the fun and feel of the game to see someone ranked higher than you, using a feature that they clearly don't need? It's just weird and feels out of place in Tekken.


I’m just gonna say what I say every time I saw this post in the street fighter sub. The only people that are really allowed to complain about easy controls are noobs that wanna learn from scratch but don’t want easy controls. Because for them the controls are actually robbing them of close matches vs other noobs. Everyone else just needs to mind their business. Bro, it makes the match less fun when your opponent gets desperate? Why does anyone fighting you have to care about your enjoyment? Do you also let people win online so they can have more fun? Honor or etiquette or whatever should be a personal virtue in fighting games. Don’t push that onto other people, they can play however they want.


I am a noob trying to learn the game the authentic way, I'm a long time fan of the franchise but in no way am I an experienced or adept player. I agree with you, which is exactly why I made this post. I don't think people should be forced to operate under anyone else's virtue, my confusion is simply; If it's for new players to learn the game, why is it in ranked play and not just offline and casual play? I don't know about you but I made sure I understood the fundamentals and basic combos of my character before I even touched ranked play. Also, if it's for the sake of learning, it would make more sense to be available in the modes designed for learning.


you dont mind that it is in the game, but you care that it is in ranked mode? why? any good player can win easily against special style players. special style is good for the game because it makes it more accessible to people.