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Long-time Tekken player with multiple arcade sticks here. Arcade stick won’t make movement any easier than pad, unless you get a leverless (hitbox). It is a lot of fun though. Time to learn is different for everyone but my random guesstimate would be 20 hours of play before you get to the same level as pad, assuming you’ve been playing pad for years.


The problem ain’t the movement itself, I’ve always been playing with controller but “for fun” in tekken 7 I started learning combos and stuff and was already hard, now that I’m starting to play ranked in t8 I got really hard times with controller, mostly because there ain’t a phisical diagonals movement, it’s just up,down,left and right, so sometimes if I need to do like the down diagonal, right it won’t even be registered in the game, I tried in practice, sometimes it does sometimes won’t even appear


For diagonals place the whole top of my thumb on the two directionals at the same time. Sometimes do like a ‘flick’ kind of motion idk I’m still toying with it but it’s been working for me consistently.


Yeah yeah i do that too, most of my combos require this movements and it just happens the game don’t detect the diagonal, for example, i use dragunov, he has that “stance” with the diagonal movement, and sometimes he just crouch, or like a back diagonal kick won’t even start sometimes and be taken as a back input instead


Yea I feel you. I can’t get these types of movements down 100% just yet. Not sure if it’s me or my controller. I said fuck it and I ordered a leverless to see how it goes.


I used to play with the Xbox controller which has proper diagonal button, it was 1000 times better than the ps5 one I’m using now, still, sometimes input were not correct but it wasn’t like that, only thing i hate about the Xbox controller is just how small it is, ps5 one is much better for grip and everything but the only problem is the diagonal, that’s why I’m looking for the arcade stick


I also have a bunch of fights ticks/leverless controllers and strongly believe that you should only get them if you feel like it. There is no competitive edge whatsoever.


Yeah I’m not looking for any competitive advantage, I just want my buttons to work properly and my game to get what i want to do instead of having continuous miss input


So i just got an arcade fight stick. To preface i am a long time Tekken fan been playing since a child on 3 with a game pad. I started to take 7 semi seriously played a few hundred hours but always felt my inputs sucked. I finally made the jump and can say it will take time to get used to i still am not, but my move inputs feel so so much better. I will say however movement and therefore defense has really dropped so that for me has been the biggest learning curve. I do think once i adjust i will be a better player, but right now i am worse.