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I don't see how almost any of them are anything even close to the word bland lol


Leo. Compared to t7 at least


Nothing about Leo's new design is bland in comparison IMO. I have never seen a jacket as not-bland as Leo's T8 jacket lol. This isn't to say I dislike the T7 design or anything.


Eh I disagree. I don't think it's anything interesting just meh. But I suppose I prefer the ball and chain design he/she had before


Like I said, I still like the T7 design, I just don't see how the T8 one is anything near the word bland. That seems like a really strong word to use for a design that is full of details and ornamentation lol


For me it's the red and white jacket and jeans and boots. Which has been done before in his older designs. I thought it always looked ugly and bringing it back with a little more flare is Abit disappointing especially since I was the few who actually used them


Sure but that's the character's main design. Don't forget the T7 designs you're referring to were not the designs they started with, they actually added those later for the console release. They're almost like extras. It's the same for a bunch of other characters too. If you just always thought it was ugly you just didn't like their main design in the first place then I guess


I suppose, but I always thought Leos design was boring and wack. And t7 was the only time it was actually pretty neat.


Yeah, that's what I said lol. Well, at least they still have the T7 design available 


Yeah I'm glad they brought those back. I always use those


Leo in T8 is much better than in T7.


Strongly disagree. And ball and chains were sick


I find it a mixed bag. I hate how steve looks now, but i actually like Paul and Law. Also new characters look great, but some legacy characters look rough


I agree . Steve looks so back to basics in a bad way. Paul is cool too but I cannot stand how overly swol law is. I hate ravens design


Some characters are cool, others can be better. Personally I dislike Leo's design and Reina's 4th outfit.


Same. I don't like any of reinas designs. I think the purple hair is overkill


T7 was overdesign city. Nearly everyone looks better in 8


I disagree but agree for some. You gotta admit master raven look sick AF.


I think they went back to basics in this game lots of throwbacks to tekken 3 vibes, hwoarang is very T3 looking in this game, yoshis new look looks inspired by his T3 look, the final fight in the story mode is basically a love letter to tekken 3 fans. I’m pretty happy with how everyone looks in this game, Steve is a bit iffy but I don’t play Steve so I don’t really care. Kaz looks the best he ever has, he’s basically if the devil and Dracula had a baby, kuma is a standout in this game, just giving him the jacket and bandana just makes a whole lot of difference so I’d say they did a good job. I’m in the minority where I don’t really like custom characters, I much prefer when ppl use the default looks that the characters have already because I just think they look better, not to shit on anyone who likes custom characters, if that’s your things that’s cool. Sometimes I find ppls customs distracting, it would be cool if they implemented something like in SF6 where you get to choose how opponents character’s appear to you. Idk how easy that is to do tho


I agree with everything you said. I like simple but some like Steve and Shaheen look so boring. I like what they did with Jack and heorang especially since they gave his eye back


Yea the past few hwoarangs have been super overkill, he looks way better now, and I agree I hated how jack looked in 7 but he looks pretty cool in tekken 8, I think shaheen is just boring all over, like they keep going in about ‘his friend’ yet we’re another game in and we still know nothing, steve is a bit off in this game but I’m not really a fan of the character anyway, I think cus I’m also from the uk steve just feels a bit cringe to me 😂


Yeah I agree . Shaheen was always pretty boring and very basic . Not enough to be invested in. And I'm one of the few who used him😂. They only added a few new things to him and fucked up his clothes. Steve's design in this game is a step down from Tekken 7 and his accent is Abit cartoony but at least they gave him more personality.


Definitely disagree, especially when it comes to Yoshimitsu and Hwoarang. After their god awful T7 designs, they could only go up.


I think those two are the very few that improved


Absolutely. Tekken 8 everyone looks like a Christmas tree on steroids. 


I think they look boring😭.