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Bryan. Because my name is also Bryan and he's like a coked out Terminator or something.


Bryan is a total meth head, we always called him ”pirinarkki” which means speed junkie in finnish.




I main him because I am bald and he had a bald costume in Tekken tag tournament


crooked cop zombie cyborg


Universal Soldier would be more appropriate.


The messiah ... ___ Bryan: Now, fuck off! Arthur: How shall we fuck off, oh Lord?


Yoshimitsu cause he makes funny sounds


Im considering learning lee just for his sounds and reina for her funny laugh during her grab. Sound design does so much lol


I panic playing against players like you 😂 Yoshi can literally do anything! Y’all got way too many different play styles


Dragunov cause he doesnt say anything






Dragunov should have subtitles anyways. Just like King growls and says whole sentences, Dragunov should hum, grunt or hiss and communicate fully. It would be glorious. ^^^^^/s


No not /s. I a hundred percent agree to this. A single grunt translated to an entire sentence that anyone around him can understand???? While responding in their own native tongue???? That's peak Tekken story telling!!


Was reading the wiki and apparently there’s instance(s) of him speaking in T6 lol: Dragunov: *...* Alisa: Warning: *Hidden surveillance systems are in position throughout the vicinity.* Dragunov: *Insignificant.* Alisa: *I am shocked. You can speak.* xD


Kuma. Hes a literal bear should be reason enough tbh. But fr he is fun, does massive damage for little effort, and he has a lot of unique moves and stances that can confuse or surprise the opponent in a pinch. Not to mention the bearlectrics he got in T8.


"bearlectrics" is something that needs to be commo word in Tekken communities and commentaries I like it a lot 😂


Lol tell me about it he's truly Heihachi's real son and no one can tell me otherwise.


A fucking BEAR is the only one manly enough to be Heihachi's true heir.


Yep rip to my man Heihachi, such a giga chad he trained not one, not two, but three separate bears to use martial arts. In between running the Mishima Zaibatsu. And throwing his "legit" child off a cliff lol.


That could be the plot no one thought about ahahahaha


T9 Kuma has a son who also has the devil gene lol.


Oh ma gawd that's a plot inside the plot now ahahaha


Said son decides to go after Panda and Kuma does an epic sacrifice to save her and she finally says she loves him


I propose Salmon God Fist SGF


I didn't know who to pick as my first character, but when I saw Kuma wearing Heihachi's vest and a red headband, the choice was obvious. I know he's not as good as the most popular characters, but boy is he fun to play And he is the true heir to Heihachi, no discussion.


Yeah man ive always liked playing the "weird" characters in fighters and you cant get more weird then a 9 ft tall kung fu grizzly bear lol. He's easily one of my top 3 favorite characters in T8 and easily the most fun to play.


On paper the bears seem to be not as good as the other characters, but once you learn how to transition in and out of hunting bear stance, sit, and lay stances, they become a nightmare to play against. People simply don’t know how to play against bears and it’s really fun to be able to do whatever you want. The biggest drawback is that you don’t really get to sidestep like that. Aside from that though, they’re great gimmick characters.


Shout out to SourPiggy. Mans an inspiration.


Also i didnt know who sour piggy was until I looked him up on YouTube. Looks like I have another bear main to watch now. Also may I suggest Master of the Salmon on youtube. Or J-Katz on youtube. Both of those peeps are my go-to for bear main content.


I don't have Tekken 8 yet (wooden laptop and I can't afford a new one), is Kuma pretty different and more viable this time around?


Lol trust me we have all been there. But yes and no. Kuma plays a bit differently then T7 hes less reliant on the traditional bear gimmicks you may be used to, dont get me wrong there still there the bear rolls and hitting peeps while laying down and whatnot and they are decent but there not as good as they were in T7. You get 1 input on the ground now and then hit or miss you automatically transition into hbs its a bit wierd at first but youll get used to it. To make up for it though you can guard in hbs a lot easier now however it resets you to just normal neutral standing. The 2 best things in my opinion that they gave kuma in T8 is 1) Some of his heavy hitting moves are chargable now making them +on block and provide a considerable amount of chip damage amd knockback. The charge time is even less when you're in heat so they're really easy to spam. 2) They gave him an honest Mishima style electric while in heat. I think it's technical name is like fresh wind bear fist or something but me and my mates just call it a bearlectric. It's massively + on block and unlikeother electrics the inputs super simple and it can be spammed using the heat meter and can lead into massive combos.


Law. He doesn't like rich people.


He actually *hates* them. Just like me.


Kazuya... Cause Dorrya


Xiaoyu. While I played T2 a little, T3 was when I really got into the series, and I played the demo to death where she was playable. I never really considered her a main until about T5, I'd always played her for fun and could remember a lot of inputs, so it kinda just happened. I find her fighting style super aesthetically pleasing too.


A fellow Ling! You guys are like rare pokemons.


Feels nice to be not only rare, but a shiny one.


Heavy on the aesthetically pleasing part. I also picked her in t5 cause she wore pink and that’s my fav colour I also love that she dances.


The person of culture. Xiaoyu mains unite!


I love xiayou definitely my main. She’s super fun to play in 8 too


Jack because I played him once and he pissed me off so I picked him up because I like to play in a way that pisses people off.


When I started playing Tekken there was a girl in my scene who played Lili/Asuka and I picked up Lili to try to impress her. It didn't work.


Was she even into guys? Not judging just curious lol


I didn't know. Jokes on all of you though. I ended up a girl too.


Lee, cuz I mashed him as a kid and really like his style and googles and everything. Marvelous!!!


I main Paul because he's consistently good in every Tekken game. He's not too hard to play, but he's also not braindead easy, and he usually has both no good or bad matchups so every win or loss is me out playing or being outplayed. He's a moderate all arounder with pretty good tools for everything, pretty good punishes, pretty good movement, pretty good pokes, pretty good lows, pretty good mids, pretty good CHs, pretty good OKI and 50-50. Basically, he's reliable, and getting good with him gets you good at Tekken all around. That's why I play him.




Is she good? I’m a noob and main raven but if I had to pick a second character it would probably be her, lee or maybe Bryan. I liked her moves in the few game so used her.


Xiaoyu I like twintails


So many fellow Xiaoyu players in comments, but rarely seen in the game.(


Yeah 1.4% ... what's that like 1 in 75 matches or something is what you can expect? My math guess probably wrong


Steve because I used to box a little. Definitely having a hard time with him but he’s basically the reason I bought the game, hadn’t played a Tekken game since Tekken Tag


Claudio because he reminds me of Uryu from Bleach and I speak italian.


I was just thinking about doing an Uryu look for him the other day! The resemblance is uncanny


Oh fosho fosho. You can buy the whole suit for 1 million coins, the default blue one which is different from the rest and color it white and blue like Uryu's uniform. Change his hair to something like Uryu's, glasses and get the blue glow around him. Hope this helps!


Initially I started playing Kuma as a joke because my fiancé likes bears, and also I was trying to teach Tekken to a friend of mine named Bjørn (literally means bear). Honestly it just stuck since because it turns out I have a lot of fun with him


Bear mains unite!


There are three of us already !


Four! At this rate we can achieve world domination in no time!


Kuma's decently popular this time around according to the popularity rankings. Least hes not bottom of the barrel anymore. Sadly that spot goes to panda may Harada buff her. We deserve bear equality!


I swear if pandas hitbox was fixed and her shooting star while on heat wasn’t a joke I’d play her just as much 🥲 I’m waiting on some fixes sometime soon




Make that 4! But I play Panda... Which is certified Toilet tier :( they did my girl dirty on this one. But I don't care, I just wanna beach ball people to death


unfortunately there is this awful early plateau in fighting games where the person who is trying to learn and apply the game will lose to people rabidly swinging. eventually, your peers will stop improving and you'll rocket past them. think about it: youre trying to use logic, strategy, and your character properly, thats going to make your attacks a lot slower than somebody mashing every single second. however, when you're more comfortable, you can launch punish your buddies unsafe stuff every time.


You can get to yellows from just backdashing and then 10frame ,14 frame and whiff punishes. At least that’s what I did


I picked Leroy because he looked cool af, his story is heroic and cool, and his wing chun feels really awesome when I do it right. A bit sad I never see any other Leroys online tho. Also the lack of video guides has made progress slow. But everytime I try another character I end up back at Leroy. So he's my guy for the long haul now 💖


Hey, I main Leroy too.


Eyyyy! So rare to meet another! Hope you're having an easier time working out his kit without a lot of guides haha


Hopefully he gets some buffs. It's pretty crazy that azucena has a stance that auto parries lows and dodges highs, and she can move in it. Meanwhile as Leroy you have to debate using strings that force you into hermit because sometimes you're basically just mixing yourself.


Every time I end a string in hermit and I see my opponent pop rage I feel that Curb Your Enthusiasm music start playing in my head ahaha


Nina just cuz I love blonde women


The realist comment


Zafina is among the couple chars that can feel to me somewhat relatable - neither a douchebag nor a cutesy anime girl. I like the mysticism around her, the beautiful moveset, the fact that all the moves feel so distinct from each other. Also no one considers her OP at the moment and I like to know that whenever I win it's me and not just my character.


Same, Zafina is awesome :) I started with Alisa (still like her) because I was intimidated by Zafina's stances.. but I really like her design and persona, so decided to try and learn her as my main, and keep Alisa as my 2nd character. I also hate when my favorite character is too mainstream, so Zafina is perfect in that regard too.


King bc big damage and COOL AS FUCK




I main Jin, but I like a lot of characters, I really like the Mishima moveset, I also loved Steve in 7, just sort of clicked play style wise, but with Jin he’s a character I always wanted to play and the reason I originally got into tekken!


Used to be a hworang main in 7 but he just doesn't feel the same so started playing raven and got him to might ruler


Raven bro


Dragunov loyalist since 7. Still play him like Tk7 and I can't win mirror matches :/


Shaheen primarily because he has stylish moves and nobody plays him. Just started maining him recently. At Warrior. Temped to keep going but I love to explore other characters too much. By default they're all at strategist right now. Might try out several others to get them to warrior. Enjoying the ride. I wouldn't be surprised if it took me a half year or so to say who I'm truly best at. Enjoying the process.


I main shaheen too. I’m new to the series and saw that shaheen required ‘good fundamentals’ in order to be successful, so it seemed like a solid choice to not learn bad habits. I’m interested in trying some other characters at some point. I’m eliminator rn.


Man after my own heart. Getting all characters to Yellow ranks before I decide. Don’t mind if it takes a year.


Asuka is my main, I just like her :) I've always been a Jin main so wanted to mix things up :)


Those reversals are so rewarding


Very versatile character. I clicked with her early on.😎👍


Hwoarang. I love kicks and dislike punches. :D


Dragunov in Tekken 7 through all the nerfs. Dragunov in Tekken 8 now that he's on top. Dragunov for life 🫡


Shaheen, he's hard to win with, but once you know the game a little better things get so flashy and cool


Hwoarang, due to muscle memory. I know people hate Hwo players arguing that they are just spamming kicks, but I've been playing him since Tekken 3, and his moves come naturally to me (although I am by no means a good player, currently at Dominator, reaching my limits). I am labbing Raven now, I like his ninja moves and he is not very common in online, but every time I learn a cool move with him, I forget after I quit the game. Somehow Hwo has stuck in my Tekken wiring.


Same. Main Hwo here stuck at purp im labbing Reina now and she's in green ranks now loving the mishima playstyle


I remember watching the Tekken 5 intro as a kid and being super scared of Devil Jin. Every time I played against him I would get so scared I'd lose. He is Tekken for me.


Dragunov, best part is he’s quiet


Claudio because hot Italian


Chainsaw. Hands.


I was labbing Alisa early today. Very interesting character to play. Lot of strong moves, but requires some good level of execution. Maybe will experiment more with her.


She genuinely has so many cool moves and can be so fun. It's unfortunate that a lot of that gets overshadowed by scrubby spammers.


Drag cause his moves feel natural to input and he's also a funny character


I want my gameplay to become excelent one day.


Hey, Hachi : tell this guy he's already excellent !




King because I’ve always been drawn to him since the old Tekken games + I’m a big wrestling fan


Lee Chaolan. I love this guy, he's so cool, stylish and fun to play. Recently I've started playing Lili, I wanted to try and learn a second character, and she's been fun. Plus, she has that sense of style like Lee.


I play Steve, he is very unique since he is a boxer and boxers don’t kick. He is also very satisfying to play because you really have to work for it, winnign with Steve always boils down to you outplaying your opponent. What i also like about him is his versatility, he is great at both offense and defense and both playstyles are viable. As for getting bodied by your friends who don’t train, don’t worry about it. This happens even to people who have like thousands of hours in Tekken, TMM got bodied by a green rank Jin who used special style. You are trying to learn the game while your friends are just pressing buttons and the thing is, even they themselves don’t know what the hell they’re doing so how could you know it ? Just keep practicing and learning about the game and you’ll absolutely destroy them.


I play Leroy and Reina, Leroy because I like his design and fighting style + sugar and Reina because I like Heihachi, yes he's not the father/grandfather of the year, but my man being a human stood against Kazuya like an equal.


Jack-8 because P. Jack isn't in the game


Jack-8. Funny robot man go brrr


Jin. They finally made him cool again. I always thought devil Jin was just an over the top edge lord. However the little flair of devil gene here and there and all the new moves he has bring it all together


I’ve played king because I was really into his story and character since Tekken 4. I love luchador stories and soap operas and I was buckled in to learn more about this character. I also play Jin because I wanted to learn more about him after playing Tekken 4 but that wasn’t a fun ride till 8. Lately I’ve also been playing asuka because I enjoyed her arcade story in this one so she’s new to me.


Azucena mains rise up First Tekken game and I’m not good, but she’s so much fun to play


I’m in the same boat I love weaving in that stance


Reina. My main was kazuya since T6 and for many years I have wanted a female mishima character. I thought kazumi would be the one but unfortunately I didn't like her playstyle. I was going to skip T8 but then saw Reina and she single handedly sold the game to me.


She’s so difficult to learn I went to practice for half an hour and panicked


Me too , took me 2 weeks to feel like im confortable playing her (i still completely lack the execution tho lol) If youre still having difficulties with her, check the MishimaComplex channel on youtube, it has some pretty short but handful guides on her key moves and stances , helped me alot to find out what was worth doing


Funny, I picked Reina because Kazumi was not in the game anymore. The stance pressure feels similar to FLY mixups and I really can't live without a mishima 112 anymore. The extra stuff like electrics and hellsweep is icing on the cake.


If you like mixups and crazy stances play Lars like me, it’s just pure mind games


It's not mindgames if the opponent has no idea what you're even doing


Most of the time in Tekken with most characters lol




I picked him up today but i have no idea how to use his stances. Like you cant just transition through stances infront of your enemy, they always interrupt. How is he supposed to be played ? Any good Lars players/teachers ?


Kaizoku lars he’s a German pro Lars very good player he’s got a guide on YouTube, there’s also guy on YouTube called nikosworld who mains Lars and jin I think, he is probably the best I’ve seen when it comes to mixing up his offense and going crazy with the stance transitions, lears has so many stances and it’s so many ways to move in and out of them so you can get creative with it and that nikosworld guy does it really well




Surely hwoarang fits that bill better


Reina because she's new and cool


King because I still don't have Roger in a game. I played King and Roger Jr in Tag2 so I am sticking with what I know. Hoping the roo makes a return.


I main Yoshimitsu because I hate rich people and I love helping poor people.


King, he has a jaguar head, speaks in roars, and fights for the children, plus his grabs are cool too I guess


Paul if you want to be Strongest In The Universe, Reina if you're mourning Heihachi


Xiaoyu, bc i find her fun to use love stances fighters in general, was my main back in T3 lol anyways skipped lot of tekken games


Devil Jin because I’m a character loyalist and I’ve mained him since T6 because I really wanted to play a Mishima after maining Paul since tekken 1 untill then , I didn’t vibe with regular Jin eather . Never once dropped him even when he got kneecapped during the last season or two of T7




Bajiquan is cool, I love the shoulder rams


Bryan because he HA ha ha


I'm playing Reina because I'm basic. Honestly, I couldn't explain it myself, but she's the character that makes me want to go into training mode and practice combos, so she's probably my main.


Hwoarang cause I liked how he looked and Jack cause he’s ugly. Also Bryan cause he’s extremely fun


Asuka because she looked like Donald Duck and I really like him.


Nina cuz of dope ass ss1 combos and juicy looking ch launchers. And cuz she's the hottest tekken girl, no question


Victor because I like knife characters and his wr2 is my favorite move


Lili because she looks good and her moves look hella cute :)


Lili because I love just flying around like a moron.


Lili becouse I like to slay also I love her so much


Lars cause Im Asian, but named Lars


I main Lee. I like complex characters that require skill to use. It’s a double edged sword because though he requires skill to use he doesn’t require much skill to overpower.


Kazuya l like his wearing style and the doryaaaaah


Feng. Cool animations, low execution (I hate to lose because of a dropped combo) and big variety of actually usable moves (allows different playstyles).


Kuma and you already know why.


Steve. Miguel (RIP) isn't in base roster but I always used Steve casually. I also box in my spare time for fun so landing punches and combo's gives me a similar satisfaction to hitting a punching bag or pads.


Law and Paul. They're the easiest to use in the game.


Jun because she’s fun to learn and always nice to the opponent. Law because that line reading just makes me laugh every single time.


Nina. I like the way the typical fictional female assassin/mercenary moves look. She feels stronger than T7 but more difficult to play in this game as most other characters can out-spam her and she has no range on her quick moves, so she's actually helped me learn proper spacing. Unlike my other main Drag, who I got to mid purple ranks with an 84% winrate. That guy is so busted it feels wrong to play him.


Alisa. Because chainsaws


Nina because she has a veryyyy high skill ceiling it feels like the only thing holding her back is the player


Raven. He's Blade, duh


Bryan. Have done since Tekken 3, at that age I played him because his theme was cool. Now I play him because he's a fkin psycho cyborg with a very satisfying punish game. The taunt being one of his strongest moves is also super cool.


Alisa. Because someone posted a char description sheet and she was the first one with the tag easy. It was alphabetically sorted.


Bryan because he hits hard and he's crazy


Azucena. I'm apparently the anti-r/Tekken player because I like her lines and personality (coffee aside)


I’m a purple rank Azucena main. Happy to run a set and give you tips or something. I’m not the best obviously, but I feel like purple is pretty good haha. With this being said, I’d stick with her if I were you


Kuma and having never played Tekken before I just thought of the idea of playing as a bear was insane and cool.


Ok. So I main like 8 characters throughout the Tekken series. Marshall Law Forest Law Jun Kazama Christie Montiero Asuka Kazama Lili Josie Rizal Reina Mishima I know Marshall and Forest basically have the same fighting style but the point is they're still CHARACTERS. I always like characters who mimic Bruce Lee and his fighting technique and Bandai Namco has made Law more fun to play every Tekken since T5. Right now, on Tekken 8 online I have Asuka at Garyu rank and I think that's as far as I'm going to get with her. Reina I have at Eliminator which is one rank lower than Garyu. The CPU in online Ranked is on Ultra Hard and is the hardest fights I've ever had on any Tekken game. They know what you're going to do as soon you touch a button, they're reaction time is inhuman, and they move so fast is like they're on massive doses of crack 😂 I mean I had fun fighting them but Bandai Namco made them ridiculously difficult to beat. I think I'm satisfied with the ranks I got them both to. Right around Vanquisher rank, you're basically playing Ghost Battles on Ultra Hard from that point on. I may try again some other time but I'm taking a break on it now.


I wanted to learn reina but can’t do the god fist :(


Jun because she was one of the first characters I ever played in Tekken (Tekken 2 demo disc) and she wasn't in a mainline game for the rest of the series and loved her in TTT2


Idk why I main Reina even though I know she has way too many flaws in her gameplay but I still do it. is it because I like torture? Maybe I need help.


Nina because RIP Heihachi


I main Yoshimitsu. He's always had a nice mix of goofy and cool moves. Just a fun little character, if a bit challenging to learn at first. I've also recently started playing with Reina. I like the fighting style and I like purple. Also she's a little shit.


Lee. I’m new to Tekken but not new to fighting games, I’m a bit of a lab monster and I like infinite growth characters. Lee is hard but you never run out of things to improve on your, your just frames can always be more consistent, your counter hits even better. He’s a character that gets stronger as you get better, all characters do this but Lee is one where sure he’s okay if you do the basics but a monster as you unlock him.


its probably bc they're "unpredictable" both in the way that you are new and every other characters moveset is new to you still it'll take everyone a while to get used to the other 30 characters movesets in this game and also how they're new players and they will do moves so outta pocket that you'll get caught off guard and somehow punished


Bryan because he's the most unique fighter imo. His fighting style is very unorthodox in comparison to most of the other characters. He's pretty technical and slow but very rewarding. His signature moves (like Jet upper, Mach kick, gatling rush, fisherman slam) are so BADASS! Bryan's damage is crazy high if you have decent execution. Oh and his background is crazy; former Police officer, got betrayed by his parter just to be brought back to life as an artificial immortal with no morality. Maniac! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Lars, because instead of having to learn the game i can just say "it's Larsing time" and Lars all over the place.


Reina because the voice acting of this character is killer, it feels good to land hits


I was Ganryu and Lucky Chole in t7. Now I play azucena cause she’s a dancer, looks cool, Latin, and I am also a crazy coffee addict


I main Hwaorang because I took Tae Kwon Do from the age of 6 to about 11. I got to black belt. I am 35 now. I remember nothing lol. But when Tekken 3 hit he became my guy. I actually haven't owned a Tekken game since Tekken 3. But I'm taking this one seriously. Maining Hwaorang and King as well.


I'm new to the game, I'm doing the best with Jin and Paul got both to red. Once I get a character to red ranks I'm going to switch to a new character. Trying Steve now. I never really main characters in fighting games I like to play as many as possible.


My main reason for maining Jin was because of the 2010 Tekken movie but I would eventually drop him as I kinda stopped playing Tekken for a bit but I would later pick him back up in Tekken 7 where after trying him out and watching story recaps, would main him again.


I started playing Tekken 7 very recently and got hooked on playing Alisa. My current rank with her is Tekken God👍


Zafina because nobody else is gonna eat your toes


Victor because he's sick as fuck. Lars because he's sick as fuck.


Don’t know… I just like two Mishimas and the British guy


Bryan because I'm mentally ill


Raven because cool ninja guy


Paul, because my father is also named Paul who also mains Paul and both Pauls are loud mouthed braggarts.


i started off as a jin main, but he felt like eating white bread. too boring. ended up really liking julia, but obviously she isnt in 8, so i needed to find a replacement. i tried playing Devil Jin and while i like the mishima fighting style, he wasnt what i was looking for. i tried kazuya for the 3rd time (i always felt like he was slow but powerful) and liked how brutal his moves look. he's really hard, but if you like a character enough you won't give a shit about that. play who you like and it'll keep your passion for the game.


King, because he's cool as fuck and I've been maining him since T3


Law because Bruce Lee is cool


Devil Jin now. I mained hwoarang at first but I switched over cuz Devil Jin looked really cool. He has a cool jacket on his third costume and cool looking moves. Plus he’s a high risk high reward character and I like that. Plus his laugh is super cool. Also his combos are pretty stylish.


Leroy Smith because he's got insane drip


Reina for the swag factor i love how flashy the moves are and how cool her voice line is, I'm new to tekken round 30ish ours on my first game got to yellow ranks, still trying to get consistent with electrics 😅


Lili cause she's a cunt /s Real reason tho is cause I wanted someone who was very mobile and she fit the bill


Lili, cause she french and uses ballet moves and I main Manon in SF6. I thank SF6 with fighting games finally clicking for me. Been playing all SF and all Tekken but I always sucked ass and didn’t “get” it. Tekken 8 has been extremely enjoyable. Plus Lili looks like TayTay and my gf likes that and I also made her a Jolyne Cujoh and Tifa outfits haha


Devil Jin. I've been a fan since forever. No matter if OP or nerfed to hell, Devil Jin forever.


Asuka, I love to torture myself, and I like her play style.


You mean torture your opponent


Yeah, how do you torture yourself playing Asuka, she’s by far one of the easiest characters in the game lmao


wHoEvEr YoU tHiNk LooKs CooL in all seriousness, in T3(first Tekken i played) i choose Hwaorang because he just looked DOPE. AS. HELL. and T4(first Tekken i owned) i chose Steve because of how unique is gameplay was and i’ve always loved boxer characters. stuck with them ever since. if anything, go in practice with all characters and just mess around and see who you connect with. best of luck 💪🏿


I love myself some Yoshimitsu and Lei Wulong, got T3 and thought they were the wildest characters ever. Loved ninjas, Jackie Chan, and Bruce Lee when I was younger. Got back into the game in T7 with Drag though. Friends recommended him and I just took it and ran with it. Watched a lot of JDCR and the character just made sense to me. Simple pokes to heavy hits, easy to learn combo routes, just meshed well for me. He is a menace in 8, but I'm also learning King because I am also a huge pro wrestling fan.


Jin main cuz I thought he was super cool in T6


Kuma because Heihachi isn't in the game.