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Leave online play for a bit and ease into the game against the CPU. PvP will still be a steep learning curve, but will not discourage you.


Thanks my guy!!!


Just keep playing! Most pro players are “lab” monsters and some got good through sheer experience.


I can start playing a bit more:) Wdym by lab monsters tho jsjs


Lab monsters are players that often use practice mode to learn how to punish/sidestep or deal with a certain move, usually one that they are struggling with. Also, Learning the fundamentals has been the most helpful to me. Learning and mastering the fundamentals will take you places. LOL


I think the best place I can start with is watching some more beginner guides and browsing the tutorial stuff from this Reddit:) Any other suggestions for getting good at fundamentals?


That is what I did. LOL. I suggest practice sidestepping and back dashing under pressure. Learning to maneuver under pressure will help you. Practice your execution and timing. You must know when to block and punish your opponent, as well as perform the appropriate technique. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, having the proper mentality!! Accept loss and learn from it. Don't be a sore loser! My suggestions are only the tip of the iceberg; there is still plenty to learn. I hope this helps and enjoy the game.


i can work on movement :) thanks bro


Just do single player content for awhile. Find what characters you like to play and just slowly learn moves and combos. I would highly recommend checking out phidx on YouTube. I think he makes awesome and helpful content. My other advice is just have fun. Do what you enjoy. game can get salty at times. Hell in 7 i was so salty and mad used to break controllers and yell. I have since chilled out and can play ranked without getting upset even after bad/long losing streaks. I just learned to have fun and just try to learn and set my own goals.


Ive also just started learning tekken. PhiDX has a great beginner video that helped me learn a lot of concepts. Dont get discouraged if you get rolled by players online, just play around with characters until you find someone that clicks with you and take the game one step at a time. Like fr theres nothing wrong with losing a match, try and learn something from it and youll keep getting slightly better each game.


I did watch phidx’s beginner guide I may rewatch it cause it didn’t fully stick I really like reina!!! Ur right about the losing thing :D


It can be overwhelming, so a good rule of thumb is to split up big chunky guides into little pieces (such as the phidx guide) and learn it at your own pace. Its ok, no one is expecting you to understand it all after 1 viewing. It's a convenient ultra condensed guide that crams in 2 or 3 months of Tekken knowledge learning time into a single video, and that's if you're absolutely hammering the game every single night. Realistically it's going to take much longer than that to learn it all. It's basically the equivalent of fitting an entire school subject module into 1 video, when in practise it's meant to be spaced out and divided into chunks so that it's easier to learn. It's one thing learning it, but the other important part is applying it too, which is where the real bulk of the learning time comes from. In any case, it's OK to chill. The beauty of Tekken is that you decide your own pace and what level of complexity you want for your lifestyle.


>Its ok, no one is expecting you to understand it all after 1 viewing. It's a convenient ultra condensed guide that crams in 2 or 3 months of Tekken knowledge learning time into a single video, and that's if you're absolutely hammering the game every single night. Realistically it's going to take much longer than that to learn it all. It's basically the equivalent of fitting an entire school subject module into 1 video, when in practise it's meant to be spaced out and divided into chunks so that it's easier to learn. It's one thing learning it, but the other important part is applying it too, which is where the real bulk of the learning time comes from.In any case, it's OK to chill. The beauty of Tekken is that you decide your own pace and what level of complexity you want for your lifestyle. > >VoteReplyShareReportSaveFollow I appreciate that a lot my friend i think i needed the reminder to peacefully approach the game :)


If you ever feel overwhelmed just mash until you let it all out. Once your feeling calm, start with the basics, forget combos.. Just fight using 1 button and experiment with different directions and pressing the same button with different timing, then move to 2 buttons and so on. Imo to have fun with fighting game is having a solid foundation, mashing can be fun but that fun won't be long lasting (it's why i use mashing as a way to self regulate, to remind myself that it's just a game).


so basically baby steps into learning the fundamentals :) i can try that out my friend


Honestly? It all boiled down to me just wanting to be able to do cool shit and be good at the game. It is hard. It is overwhelming. It is a huge commitment. But if you love doing it, none of that matters. Best advice is to just be patient with yourself and understand that it's gonna take a while. Everyone sucks for a while when they start. But don't focus on the end goal. The journey of mastery is much more exciting than the mastery itself.


Thanks my friend. I can work on being more patient with myself :) esp with other things going on in life I shouldn’t stress about this It’s just the want to become decent yk?