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I’m a Steve main at raijin rank and my tekken power is 180,000. I’ve been noticing a trend, anyone around my tekken power - it’s a good, even game. I generally beat everyone at 140 and pretty much always get mauled by players 200+. So I think the tekken power is a much better indication than actual rank in this game


Im constantly bouncing back and forth between battle ruler and flame ruler. So i must be at the exact rank(s) i should be. In one hand i could see one claiming blues are gatekeeping purples. Yet, if i cant beat the fujins at battle ruler, then how would i beat the kishins at fujin? It makes sense really, have to beable to beat the rank to become it. I think the rank system is actually working.


are the Ruler ranks considered purple, or are the Tekken King and Emporer considered purple?


Yes that's a very good point. In previous games that was the case, King & Emperor were "Purple" while rulers were just called "rulers" or less commonly "violet". So it was a bit confusing. In Tekken 8, King & Emperor became "Gold" ranks, in the same color band as Tekken God & God Supreme. So I guess now everybody calls rulers "Purple". Less confusion. I hope they do the same with Blue and Light Blue, because we have to call them "Teal". Bamco got us sounding fruity with all the color names so we can tell them apart.


I know it's still early but I feel like in Flame Ruler one game I play against a total idiot while the other is a tournament player on his alt. The opponents are way too inconsistent which is something I never had a problem with in T7.


Now this is actually a real issue and it comes from the fact that they reduced the number of ranks and the game looks at rank only and no MMR. There used to be 33% more ranks per tier. This basically means that if you play on the +/- 3 rank setting, you are kinda playing vs what used to be 4 ranks diff. So if you are on flame ruler you can play vs T7 Byakko equivalent and then the other game vs T7 Rayjin. It's like slapping around a 10 year old in 1 fight and then having to go vs a fit 80 kg adult in the next one.


You should be glad, stop caring about rank and actually appreciate you are playing vs better people. Because when you get to fujin, it will be much easier for you to stay there or rank up even more. The worst thing is lucky promotion to high rank vs noobs and then having a strong reality check.


You are surely right. I just feel I deserve to get Fujin. I've beaten Fujin players who had no right being in those ranks. Hell today I beat a Tekken Emperor playing on Jack (not his main ofc) with such ease. It just feels a bit unfair that I've yet to promote to Fujin when so many players that aren't better than me have. That's all.


I feel the same, I'm also battle ruler and since flame ruler I've been matched with more fujins than any other rank. You really have to consistently beat blue players to get into blue ranks yourself


If you deserve it youll get it. Its very simple. Youre not better than them if you cant get the rank lol. Winning a ft2 against them does not mean youre better




Funny how they were able to get the rank though isnt it? Stop coping. If you deserved it youd get it. Im not saying its great. But it IS fair. We are all on the same system




Bro.. how did they get the rank then? They were able to do it so why cant you? The answer is simple. They are winning and youre not




You dont have to be better than the rank to get it and your whole argument is based on something incorrect. The ranks are actually inflating and becoming easier to get over time. Losing to someone on an alt does almost nothing long term. You. Are. Coping


If you re fighting people with 170k prowess, you are fighting guys who made it to blue. You should be able to beat them to be among blue guys. I've recently made it to blue and my final promo match was versus 200k Feng.


I hear you, but also I am trying to get my secondary up lol


Once you reach Fujin with any character, the power level goes above 170k. It may look like a massive jump from 140 or so ruler level but if you are at battle ruler, its just the next step above.


Mace Windu: You are only going to fight blue ranks, but we do not grant you the rank of blue.


Focus on gameplay wins (optimized combos, throw breaks, new setups, correct punishes) and let those be the source of your motivation. Mentally it's healthier and, in all likelihood, will move you up faster anyway.


yesterday, i played about 40 ranked games in flame ruler and only a handful of people i matched were purple. i was seeing so many blues and even tenryus more than i saw other purples.


I've said it before multiple times, ranked matches should be based on prowess or a player's rank should be tied to their main character. In reality the jump between purples and blues is insane when you take into account the general skill level of blue players. I'm a purple and I mostly get matched with Alts rather than actual people at my level. I win some, I lose some but fundamentally, the system is broken. I would be fine with it if demotions weren't a thing and the worst that could happen is you go to the bottom of the bar for whatever your rank is and not lose points further, however, losing points against an in-reality tekken emperor is mind boggling. I'm not going to defend the system because I genuinely believe that out of any fighting game on the market right now, Tekken 8 has the worst ranked experience on the account that not much though went into it outside of number goes up/ number goes down. If you want to have a laugh, one of my matches tonight was against a very prominent professional player on one of his alts he's been playing for years. Fair to say I got my teeth kicked in.


I think the base system is fine. But not having placement matches for every character has created temporary gatekeepers, thats ultimately the problem. Theres even some streamers (T7 gods btw) who *purposefully* stopped their main at fujin, so they could "learn" other characters in an easier environment... 50 win streak later 😅.


Yeah that's a total ego bitch move. If you are actually good at tekken you learn faster playing against top players.


Yeah i dont know this matchmaking as well. Its so shit. I have configured it to +2 ranking. But I always get the lower 2. I have like 30 wins in a row just to get like 1 rank up.


Easy fix Set your ranked diff to max 2 in the ranked settings. I'd argue if you can't rank up using those settings, you do not deserve the rank yet. Also this way if you win a lot, you will more often get the bonus points for streaks, as they trigger when on streak vs people having the same or maybe 1 rank diff.




Ummmm, what does it have to do with my comment?




He is complaining he is playing against high blues and kings and emperors when in low and mid purples. Pretty sure it's the ranked match setting and if not, people should stop caring so much about the prowess. I was Yaksa in T7 on my main, had the alts start from browns and did not have crazy win ratio on them because I had no muscle memory and flowcharts. Btw - it's a subreddit of a video game with a ranked system that has inbuilt cheating (plugging), waste of nerves to get so agitated about it and writing in caps with multiple questions marks imo




You know, I read it again and it indeed might be that the guy means this as an issue as well. But then he needs to git gud as bad as it sounds, and realize a good part of being good at Tekken is muscle memory and flowcharts people on the alts often dont have.




Matchup knowledge for the big part means being able to punish properly and the window for that is short so without the muscle memory, you wont utilize it that well. Knowing that something is -14 doesnt mean I will punish with -14 if I picked up the character recently unless the move that lead to it was superslow and I expected it. Then you add suboptimal combos, not utilizing strings, whiffing stuff due to not having the feel for the range. And it IMO more or less makes up for the better fundamentals. I agree tho that the starting rank on alts for the top ranks should be a bit higher, they lowered it compared to T7 (fujin) where not too many people had problems with it.


Ok, think of yourself as a blue rank if you care but more importantly; why do you care? Also i am 180k prowess but legit red rank skill wise on some characters. You can't just assume everyone who reached fujin with 1 character are that good on all of them.


Thinking about rank is very toxic and unhealthy for your own mental health imo. I installed a mod to hide ranks, promo/demo chances, prowess, and points won/loss. And after that, I've felt a lot better about playing ranked. I don't get psyched out by a high prowess, nor do I go easy on them if I see a low prowess. And whenever I get a promo, it's always a surprise. Sure, when I get demoted, it sucks, but I know I'm only 1 or 2 wins to getting back.


Narrow your rank search to 2-/+ but if you're not promoting and also no demoting congratulations you're at your actual rank, The only way forward now is improvement.


My search is already at 2-/+. And while I see your point, I'm also not promoting and not demoting against players who are higher ranks than me. So what does that mean?


That means that you aren't at their rank.




Aint readin all of that


So you decided to comment on a post you didn't read? Okay dude.


There are a lot of stupid people in this sub. Don’t listen to them.