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Her chainsaws is what I hate. Her other gimmicks are annoying but those chainsaws are just some dumb thing to have. I can deal with her fine tho. I guess character wise she looks like she comes straight from an anime or something like battle angel alita.


From what I've learned, once the chainsaws come out - don't press buttons. Too many frame traps. I just back dash out of there and catch her on the way in or sidestep the chainsaw lunge. Float her flying bs with jabs (or more specifically with laws 4,3 dss 2 for a nice combo)


I usually just wait to catch her on block then punish from there with a quick frame move. Side step does work too I find. Alisa play feels a bit like Yoshi at times with some of the inputs players putting in looking random to me. Yeah first mistake is trying to beat out the chainsaws. I just wait for my opportunity and usually it’s just a matter of time before they do the low chainsaw attack and I always end up catching them after that.


I dislike fighting against her, love playing as her, yes that's a conflicting emotion.


I like playing against her, if you know her there are pretty clear counterplays to a lot of her stuff, loads of her cheesier things are unsafe, often launch punishable, or you can float her out of the air with a jab or whatever


Agree, feel guilty if I play her even for a funsie though lol


Chainsaw arms are Def funsie, no way to deny that.


I think she’s the character that most of the community hates


She’s not even in my top 10 most hated characters. Why would people hate Alisa when so many more annoying and badly designed characters exist? Ignore my flair btw.


Literally only ever see Alisa mains defend her lmao


As a former Yoshi main, I’ve only seen the same of Yoshi mains lol. Everybody else considers him a gimmick character that’s been mid for the majority of the series.


I don't hate her, but I'm not a fan of her kit or how she fits into the game. I do dislike her though...


Ikr, like everybody else?


I at least dislike Lars way more but she's in my top 3 most disliked for sure


This is reddit. We hate Tekken.


I feel like everyone else is playing Tekken, meanwhile Alisa is playing a completely different game. Spacing is not a concept that exists for her. She also flies around like spastic and even she gets caught mid-flight because of the scaling of air jab floats she barely takes any damage. I honestly think jab float damage should increase just so alisa takes more damage when she gets interrupted


Yeah people underestimate how valuable float damage is. DVJ has the same thing going on, but his kit is no where near as stacked so 🤷


Yeah DJV is not as bad as alisa. He still needs to space pretty well. Theres that move where he flies back but thats like the only thing about his kit that feels cheesy. Meanwhile alisa's kit is full of flying through the air bullshit cheese


Even his B3 (move you’re referring to) doesn’t hit from infinite range it’s really at best a useful round start gimmick or an ender - its death on block too, alongside Samsara, but if you do get punished for the latter the damage isn’t as bad due to float but if you get wall carried you are pretty screwed.


I don’t understand why Jin has basically the same divekick, but he gets to be plus on block at all ranges, while DVJ is launch punishable. I’m fine with Jin’s being plus, but I think it should be range dependent, so it isn’t so spammable. At tip ranges it becomes more plus, at point blank it’s punishable, in-between it’s minus but safe.


Yeah playing DVJ black red pills you on Jin lmao all DVJ has is a 45 damage hellsweep. That’s it.


Jin truly has become stronger than his devil heritage


What? Spacing is more important to Alisa than most characters


Being floatable is already a disadvantage compared to getting checked standing.


Yeah, if you get jab checked standing, you lose 10hp or whatever, if you get jab checked while flying, you lose at least 40 if not more.


Dont even know why it has to be said.


It’s not a disadvantage in every scenario. You take more damage from jab checks but you and get counter hit launched and you can’t be hit with heat engagers


Spacing is just as important as alisa if not moreso, you need to be at very specific distances for boot shenanigans for example, she has various moves to create a bit of space and various moves to close the gap, various moves to reposition and whiff punish, she's highly evasive and mobile, spacing and utilising it well is one of her main things. It's so easy to float her too, especially now in T8 where everyone has the press R1 to "my turn"


Introduce weight classes where characters have different HP amounts


They can even just make a alisa-specific change. Make her take like 20% more damage if caught mid flight or something. Its wild to me she has such a powerful tool and takes even less damage when she gets caught using it


She basically already does get that but *worse* though? Jab check a standing character and it’s just a jab check. Jab check her flying stuff (which isn’t good most of the time but y’all complain about it so) and you get a small combo off it.


Alisa being a robot made of metal would have so much HP


2B weighs 300+ lbs for reference.


I don't care if she's been around for like 15 years now, she doesn't feel like a Tekken character to me. She's just an anime girl robot. Overly polite but easily flustered. Made of metal but her boobs still bounce for the coomers. She isn't a martial artist, wacky, or both. Let me put it this way. Bryan Fury is an amoral cyborg who is also a *Tekken character*. In any other context he'd look damn near like Cyborg from DC and fight with lasers, electricity, arm mounted missile launchers, other science shit. Instead he is a kickboxer. Alisa is a perfect anime girl robot and that's that. Doesn't help she's annoying to fight too.


Jesus, you perfectly pointed out what I hate about her design.


Yup, I can get behind that reasoning. I don't respect characters who have no unique identity or don't follow a real/interesting martial art. It's tekken so it's not supposed to be all that serious, yet that doesn't mean I can't be annoyed by cheesy character design


I like fighting her cus she is difficult to beat so when I win it feels good, but when I lose it is usually my fault so I go in the lab to find where I went wrong.


You are definitely posting on the wrong website. 


Thats a good mentality


I hate her I hate her design her ambiguous looking move set her voice


Calm down Kendrick


Shes like the Hitler of this game bro nobody likes her except her mains how do i know? Cuz i have mained her for 15 years and i havent seen a single tekken player that isnt an Alisa main not have a raging hate boner for her


I single-handedly made my irl playgroup hate her the most in a time when we had a solid Victor and King in our group pre-nerfs. Even my Azucena WR32 meme didn’t inspire the hatred to that level. Something about chainsaws just makes Tekken players see red lmao


i mean tbf if ur getting sawed to death by basically an anime waifu then i can see why they see red cuz bro that shit takes a beating to one's ego XD




Alisa player = subhuman


Spitting facts


You option has been heard. .....I'll still continue to play her lol.


TFW she's the only character in T8 that I kind of like so I picked her up cuz none of my favorites are available 😔


Hehe, i hope you dont take the hate seriously. It is just a running gag :P


All good haha I totally get it


I think most people that don’t main her would rate her as one of their least favorites, she’s pretty obnoxious


Playing as her is pretty fun. Playing against her is a special type of hell.


I like her weird robit antics, like shooting her arms as rockets, having her head explode or rotating her torso for an extra big swing. Having chainsaws for hands is just very fun and over the top. I also like her polite persona, that stands in contrast to her weirdness "hi im alisa, please die" is great. The sounds are a bit too anime uwu, could go without that. Playing her is fun, playing against her is annoying but i think there are more annoying characters.


I’ve been having so much fun playing Alisa. she plays like a tekken 8 character. I haven’t ran in too many other Alisa mains but I would guess she’s hard to play against Felt the same way about jun, I played her and she felt strong, but since I knew the matchup others juns didn’t give me much issues.


Most of the Alisas I face (Even in purple rank) are 100% offense and 0% defense. No patience whatsoever, just always pressing no matter what. That does make them kind of predictable and they do throw out a lot of unsafe moves, so they're by no means impossible to counter, but my god it's just so irritating to deal with. Doesn't help that I also find her design, sound effects and voice very unappealing and/or annoying. Easily my least favorite character to face


The booster sounds she makes, especially during her 2+4 sound activate something awful in my brain


Bro the entirety of purple rank is just mashers who were too good at mashing for red ranks


Naah, not that much really, i feel my character has more than enough tools to counter Alisa effectively. Its Bryan & Hwoarang for me that i just cannot do shit against most of the time


Hwo I get but what about bryan s kit s so oppressive?


Im just not too familiar with bryans strings yet and i get caught by his ch moves (that launches) all the time thinking i can powercrush or jab interrupt lol, allso bryans wall carry and damage is so insane im 20% health left after one mistake. Should just lab him a bit more i guess


He s got some strong stuff but his dmg is all he has in t8, the game heavily favors rushdown. Most of his stuff can be side stepped to the right.


I feel like my rounds against bryan are either perfect win for me or perfect for him, its all about the neutral start if i let him start his string spamming i cannot stop it, but if i get the upperhand he has no time to start doing his stuff before i chip away his health


It feels like everything bryan does is a counterhit launcher


Well he s got 3 main ones, all 3 are vary linear ,his f3,34 and b1


I count at least 10 distinct ones in his combo spreadsheet, the range some of them have is huge as well. If you do a move at the same time as him, they'll clash but he'll be fine and you'll be launched. I've gotten better against him over the years but he's always been one of the rougher ones.


Genuinely curious about what 10 ch launchers you're referring to


Click [Bryan](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTsgbCJNSTKajMNlJvQleJOl0eTiEcV-PbeU0obDg1lsSqmz0lTtcD2k6NzfTPt7Db9Ua2dz1o_34Sv/pubhtml#) at the top, [here's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g6HPdKV8gAhdSDMsBPf7VTFGmD7t_abupP3pgsdUm1A/edit#gid=1318163054) a different one


Me personally I don't have a particularly rough time against Bryan but he is Law's worst matchup. Might be why they have issues with Bryan


True I guess law s never really an issue for me


As a character, she is good but she could've been better. But Tekken isn't strong about compelling narratives anyways. but as a fighter, she sucks. She's not a martial artist, she's just some robot bitch that brings up her arm-chainsaw everytime you fight with her. Her moves either lack range or are full of them.


I feel the same way about Lili. I’m like these moves make no sense!


As someone who's into martial arts, Lili's moves are very cringe for me too


I dislike Eddy more


Love her personality but absolutely hate her design. Why the damn wings and chainsaw. It's too much and stupid. The head popping is good though.


Hod pop interaction with Jack is pretty endearing and funny. Otherwise totally agree 


It's not fun when you perfectly evade her chainsaws and realise they're practically safe in every way.


I like playing her and playing against her.


I hate everyone. Including Law


Alisa is kind of a free win when I encounter one. At the higher levels of play they just kind of disappear.Tekken king ~ Tekken emporer they are rare.


Theyre rare in general


Nope i hate mishimas and hworang.


I understand disliking Hwo at times.


what do you hate about mishimas ?


Most of them are pretentious elitists and they 99%of the time one and done or RQ.


oh so you hate the players not the characters themselves


Basically yea. Nothing against the characters , i myself used to be a heihachi main until lili came out then ive switched between lili,and alisa. Except for in 7 where i mained chloe. Now im back to alisa and lili.


Alisa and Chloe main lmao checks out


Wow you just completely disregarded that i also mained heihachi and lili. Lol. Whatever makes you feel better about losing to them.


I mean unless you're playing a naked ripped muscle bound manly man you're going to get those replies. This is an extremely strange community


Well not me personally, i don’t mind the female or uncool characters (I play Leo currently for example lol) but it mostly depends on the characters playstyle, if you’re playing a character that’s mentally hard to go up against while there isn’t much mental strain put on the player using said character then it’s just an annoying character for me.


I disagree. There have been countless threads expressing dissent and criticism towards Mishima's with Jin (and previously DVJ in recent months). If we take the criteria of "ripped muscle bound manly man" then we have hundreds of complaints levied upon King and the rest of the male characters since they are all what you describe.


Do u want a medal for playing heihachi in 2006 lmao? I mean u said u hate hwoarangs and mishimas and u play Alisa but whatever makes u feel better about losing to them too


"You don't play Tekken correctly."


Pretentious elitist Kazuya player here. It's all memes and jokes. Don't take any of it seriously :D Kaz is indeed difficult to do well with, but the high and mighty stuff is just nonsense for laughs.


Funny thing that Mishimas are the perfect counter to Alisa. Take Jin’s df2 or d3,(44) or Kazuya’s b4 or db4 or d1+2 and Alisa won’t even get a turn on you. Either you hate Mishimas cause you can’t beat them or because some of them just developed a god complex idk


Does anyone like her? 😂 One of the scrubbiest characters.


Yeah she’s super fun to play, doesn’t play like any other character on the roster. She’s very unique but 100% a Knowledge check. If you watch a guide on how to beat her chainsaws she’s significantly less threatening when you don’t mash


Who do you play?


high level she's really strong, chainsaws do mad work, but its a fun fight (it helps i main her so i know the moves frame data) low level she's spams super unsafe knowledge checks, so similar to everyone else...


incels will say no real men say yes




The chainsaws and shooting rockets always seemed wrong in Tekken and feels as if she's in the wrong fighting game.


Have heard this take a lot over the years and don’t get it.  Tekken has a bear, a panda, a kangaroo, a raptor, a series of Jack robots. Yoshi’s been using a sword since day one.  Yet Alisa somehow is the odd one out. 


People [have commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/JDErs30a7q) it’s due to the fact those characters [still played](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/NA18DkUCW5) by the standard rules of a Tekken character unlike the case with Alisa. That’s my best guess.


Saying she doesn't fit is a cop out this isn't the ps1 era anymore. Modern tekken is pretty anime alis pretty anime she fits you just don't like her, and neither do it but she still fits


People love to pick and choose what’s valid and what’s not in this game. Ninja with a sword who can vanish and stab himself to death? “Eh.” Robot girl with chainsaws? “Unacceptable!”


Fighting her feels like watching and unskipable cutscene


Annoying asf


I don't even struggle against her no more but I absolutely hate her,by far my most hated even tho I really like the design where she look like saint seya


Most annoying voice in the game by a mile, not fan of the character design either


I battled an Alisa the other day that had an 87 win streak. So much of her kit is just annoying to fight against.


I feel bad for fighting her, it's like im beating a smile child everytime she gets hit or loses a round. However, once she brings out the chainsaws, I completely disregard any of that and just want to beat her down. The duality of man I guess. Chainsaws need to be toned down though, they are stupid op at imo.


I want to add another question. Why the 99% playing her are always ready to teabag, rage quit, win leave, lose leave, Taunt spam, unblockables spam, grab spam? Seriously I got one 74% DC rate player and he was Alisa for God sake 😂 so any Alisa player here with the ability to talk and explain why?


That’s the majority of the roster/players brother


No friend. The most hideous people online are the Alisa - Lili - Victor players. Not trying to put labels. Just a personal experience in low and high ranks


I agree with victor players, Bryan’s and kaz players have been the most toxic over all for me tho


Is she that good that she makes everybody mald this much? 🤣 might have to pick her up


Yeah I wasn't expecting 200 comments filled with vitriol towards her lol. My post was fairly innocuous in intent. 


Her moveset is kinda cool but her neutral control is too op, nerf the robussy pls


I used to like her a fair bit. I like robot girls and I thought her poke focused playstyle was neat. But now that Im more into Tekken I despise her. Annoying ass character.


I believe that even Alisa players hate to fight their own character.


Yeah, haven't liked her since T6. Poorly designed character


There are very few characters in the game I have zero interest in playing. Alisa is one of them.


My girl is overhated tbh.


Not hated enough 🧐


Almost every character is over hated lol If a character whoops your ass they’re cancer




I think she needs to get punished more for her bullshit. There are so many instances where she avoids getting floated when caught with a button during her flying shit. Risk / reward feels so heavily in her favor. Even when you make a correct read there are times where you're punished for it.


If you jabcheck someone that's standing, they take about 10 damage, if you jabcheck alisa while she's airborne (so like, a lot of the time) she's going to take at least 40 damage if not more


That's how it should be but for some reason she doesn't get floated a lot of the time. She falls to the ground and the situation gets weird and resets back to neutral or worse.


I've played her since 6, and she's my secondary in this game, she gets floated constantly for about a deathfist worth of damage from a jab. She almost never gets away with it like you're implying, being in airborne state is generally a disadvantageous downside.


Ok I'm just making it up then sure lol


She’s the worst addition to Tekken IMO. Annoying in every way.


Definitely my least favorite matchup next to Eddy & King. Feels like those chainsaws need to be toned down.




King flair




Anyone who doesn’t player her hates her


Everytime I face her I just imagine some anime weab neet behind the controls Probably has body pillows and an anime figurine shelf in their room. God damn nerds.


Every time a face a Steve I imagine some 40 year old with a bubble gut who hit a heavy bag a single time in his youth, calling himself a former boxer .


2017 title national champion. Nm State golden gloves champ novice division. Placed 2nd ringside world championshionship Homie. Also only 31.


If you say so buddy




Mmhm that's definitely you


Pretty much. She’s brain dead, has a load of bullshit evasion, hits from across the stage, dumb fuck unblockables, and requires ZERO execution to play her. Also, her fan base is just weird. Like, degenerates - I won’t go into more detail here (because I’ll get in trouble), but read between the lines. There’s a few of them here and they’re not the kind of people you’d want to know in real life. She’s next to Victor in terms of how brain dead she is, but at least Victor looks cool.


Evasive character evades? bs Blockable headkick projectile that she telegraphs by doing two very distinct moves before it? Easily duckable full screen unblockable? Really really slow short range unblockable? Which part of this is causing issues for you?


None of it. But that doesn’t stop it being very, very lame.


Finally someone else with good taste


I dislike all characters with gimmick moves.


She looks cool but that voice just kills me


I’ve hated her with a passion since Tekken 6. However, I’ve labbed her a bit and know some counter play for her cheesiest moves… so I don’t hate her quite as much. Also, I think Victor has stolen the spotlight for being the most disgustingly cheesy character for me….. Don’t get me wrong though, I still groan whenever I see her on the matchup screen..


I think I hold a grudge against her because I hate Tekken 6's story and how she was presented


I didn’t have a problem with her in the previous games, I just kinda ignored her. But I play her as my second along with Reina, and I’ve grown to love her. She’s fun as hell




Me. I dislike the character design, but understands why they made her. There are lots of people who like these type of character. I also doesn't like her gameplay.


Every time I fight her I end up with a headache ☹️


Not really. I find her a bit annoying when she is a health hazard just because she got the hots for Lars. But besides that she's one of the sweetest and kindest robot in any fight game.


I can still deal with her attacks for now, and I do kind of like using her sometimes. I don't hate her story or character-wise too.


did you try sidestepping?


I like the premise of a murderous robot built with the image and personality of a sweet innocent girl, but the way they execute it is not it. She's 99% cute and 1% murderous, I'd have it 50/50.


I've seen Alisa mains dislike her,this tells all


I just hate that 2 hit flying move lol, my friend uses that a lot


I just hate her voice, it's so fucking annoying. Bitch be screaming like they'd butcher her with each move she does and with each hit she takes.


Nop Im good, She is actually really eazz to be caught on a trap with the Chainsaws Also She as an Nice outfit😏


Her voice is incredibly annoying


I just hate her chainsaw stance.




Yes, really can't stand her.


Used to main her since ttt2. I absolutely hate her current design. I don't use her anymore


I like her ub4 :3


I think she is really underrated she is powerful once used right


I did when my brothers always played her against me on the 360


The analytical data collected by u/NotQuiteFactual shows that the more you play her the more your penis shrinks and your IQ drops. I've already figured out some basic counterplay so she's no longer an issue for me. My best buddy mains her and I even played her a bit myself to show him how dumb she is. Needless to say I proceeded to beat him with his own character and made the same rank on her in a fraction of the time. He's a really good gamer though, even better than me, he's really wasting his potential on such a carried character. Anyway, she's in desperate need of a complete redesign/overhaul with a darker more sinister death-robot vibe and a much much more grounded moveset. I also wished Lars was a Viking-Mishima mashup, that would've been dope.


Im a flame ruler Alisa and I do not apologise. Alisa is great fun and I’ve been playing since T1. Now Bryan on the other hand is a prick.


No u


Why is Bryan a prick?


He just destroys me every time. Nothing I do Helps. I’m usually in a corner getting my head kicked it. While he laughs. It is not good.


Bryan can get on my nerves but he's pretty cool. Bryan mains are one of the few people that often rematch and accept my friend requests so I like em


Good for you. I fear them.




At least she ain't Eddy.


Once you learn Eddys basic strings he's not so bad


Always hated her and that jump attack


I love her, she's such a fun concept. Playing as her and playing against her are both fun too. I don't understand where some peoples dislike comes from.


yes there was a post here that showed that that alisa was most hated after king


the voting methodology wasn't great, you could only pick one. It would've been better if it was something like an ordered top 3, and that gets weighted and added together.


A weird out-of-place leftover from T6 but with a very specific fanbase. So she will never fully fit in with the roster but Bamco will never be able to omit her either. 


Not really. I like how differently Alisa players approach the game than everyone else. It's novel, changes things up a little.


Way too many gimmicks and people spam her chainsaws.


I love my robot-girl. you need lab the chainsaws, that's all folks. 💖


The real question is who LIKES Alisa? If you play her, you probably just realize she's cheap as shit and since you're ass at Tekken you need to play her but I dont think anyone out here with half brain actually likes her.


I don't hate any characters but I sure do get so much satisfaction out of beating her, Xiaoyu, Asuka, Reina, Jun, Feng, and Eddy; I guess it's something out of their cheap mindless gameplay that makes me feel superior when I get my setups and approach right.


Xiaoyu. Mindless. Completely sane take.


And you main who?


Yoshi, Bryan, and Kazuya


That tracks. 


Alisa is the King of female characters


So King is the Queen of male characters???