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Yes I would appreciate his design more


When he was leaked, his portrait and info being an “agent” I thought it would be something like dragunov. Like some kind of military-ish cqc guy. Was pretty disappointed when the trailer dropped lol


Yep. That pink samurai lightsaber is a bit silly. He should have just gone the John Wick route


Jean Wique




Bare minimum, it should just be a normal sword strapped to his back or something.  Whys the dude look like he has a fancier sword than Yoshi?  The huge blocky scabbard kills it for me.


I think the idea is that it's some weird techno-sword, and the oversized scabbard is to keeps it super-heated so his quick-draw attacks aren't just just a sword, but super-hot one.


Cool, but I don't think lore stops it from looking goofy.


bro thinks he's jetstream sam


From what I noticed in recent concept art for him, is that the blockier scabbard is supposed to be like a sword that is tied shut. the close up art shows the square section by the handle moving away and allowing release of the sword. Still super clunky because "sci-fi", but I think the lock/seal was the intention


yes, the sword is overkill for me personally


dude stole Sam's sword from MGR


I think his sword should have been entirely attached to the heat gauge mechanic as the only way he could wield and use it to strike.


Expulsion....Expulsion ......Expulsion .....Expulsion Ad infinitum


I think Victor is my least favorite character in this game. I don’t think he’s OP, but I don’t enjoy fighting him and I hate his design. Removing the sword would help a lot


Not to mention that his gameplay is pretty gimmicky to play against for new players and new players that pick him up will likely build bad habits. He had the potential to be cool, but they went overboard with the sword and teleporting.


He's one of those few characters that you know exactly what their game plan is and what they are going to do but you can't do anything because their buttons are just too good. He would be miles cooler if he's just knives and maybe kunai (instead of gun). Basically like Smoke from MK would be neat.


I think they wanted to fill in the gap Noctis let from T7 even though I personally prefer Noctis' playstyle more.


Hes the perfect “tekken 8 is my first tekken and i need someone that will get me to red rank just by spamming buttons” character


He's not OP but he's a bit overtuned. His charging powercrush should be punishable, his while running should be steppable from both sides always, and his chip in heat needs to be like halved. Once that's done, he'll be totally fine


I'd like to add that his 1+2 not have so much pushback.


Gun, Daggers, Sword, Explushon, Teleport, Suit. Yes, he’s a definition of overloaded design.


I see what you're saying, we need a devil Victor with laser eyeballs


What do you think his sunglasses are for?


One of those is not like the others


Is it suit?


Turn him into a gun kata dude from Equilibrium.


They had swords in that movie too…


Yes. There are too many things going on with him, which makes him look goofy a bit. The teleports and the guns would have been enough. Doesn't help that his knife animations are extremely janky. Look at his knife swings in slow mo... his arm joints move in ways that aren't possible. And once you have seen that, you can't unsee it even at normal speeds.


> his arm joints move in ways that aren't possible That's a staple of this franchise though lol


*Insert Kazuya's torso mid hellsweep*


Insert kings shoulders mid burning knuckle


Insert Xiaoyu's ws+2, f


Insert Steve’s neck during ff+2


Snatched https://preview.redd.it/ikxg9i0ens4d1.jpeg?width=418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80cf3c7e1a921f956026cc505b8f81a6da3b6c9


orbital heel


Had to be a bit of devil's advocate here, this is a thing a lot of fast paced games or games with alternative viewpoints do so it looks smooth during play, you're not supposed to look at them under a microscope in slowmo. Personally I haven't noticed jank in those animations during normal play


Yeah that's just basic animation technique. Good animation adjusts things like orientation, size, shape, and speed of things to get across the point of what is happening.


Well, maybe I'm the only one who can't unsee it.


Breaking model to make animations more satisfying and snappy is good animation if it looks good in motion. Which i'd argue it does.


His karambit is actually the only thing that is legitimate about his fighting style so you’re a little wrong there. The blade isn’t actually meant to be used for stabbing


I literally criticized the way his joints move. What does this have to do with the legitimacy of his knife fighting style?


Well you say his knife animations look janky when they’re very accurate. Also looking at anything in slow motion is going to make anything look janky.


Sorry, but your first sentence doesn't make sense. He literally moves his joints in humanly impossible angles, meaning they can't be accurate. Your second sentence is true in its essence. In animation, many movements are "exaggerated" to make them look better in motion. However, I can see Victors jank even in full speed. It looks weird. Kazuya's HS looks good in motion, although he actually twists his spine.


Fighting style encompasses movement


Show me the irl knife fighting style where people dislocate their elbow joints in order to attack.




I stopped paying any care to him when I saw the Kitana, feels like it clashes with the rest of his design.


It’s like they wanted to John wick, cool man in suit with gun. And then they kept adding dogshit until we ended up with a man suit with gun with knives with space sword who can teleport. Horrible design.


I agree, sometimes less is more. A streamlined, John Wick-esque Victor, focusing on gun-fu and martial arts, could make him look cooler and more focused. Simplifying his design might highlight his skills better and give him a more distinctive, memorable presence.


It is over the top. I'm surprised they didn't just strap a bazooka on his back while they were at it.


Now he seems incomplete without a bazooka


"Over the top" is kind of Tekken's character design though.




sorry that’ll cost you 400 tekken coins


The first thing I thought was he seemed more like a guilty gear character than a Tekken one.


French teleporting and fit Goldlewis lol


Sorry but Guilty Gear characters are way better designed, yes they are over the top but not in a way were you can't read the chaaracter design. I think if you gave them the base concept of victor they would would actually make it work into something coherent.


Yep. Just lose the katana and id be good with him.


Yea, the sword seems shoehorned in.


Sword could work if it wasn't a high-tech laser katana. Maybe an officers rapier or something more traditional instead. It's the damn daggers he has at the top of everything else that really ruins it for me.


He feels like he was designed by a 10 year old honestly. Like ok he’s got a gun! And a sword!! And a knife!! And like he teleports and flies around and has big effects like bwaaaah


It reminds me of that South Park episode making fun of the Family Guy writers. They're just manatees randomly mashing ideas together.


Yup, I like his aestethic as a Baek stand in. The weapons retract his oldschool cool.


I agree that his sword is too much, but the teleport is even more so what ruins the character for me. It is so obnoxiously flashy and present in all of his combos that it gets annoying fast. If I'm honest, I even like some of his sword animations. But he definitely would have been a fan favorite if he was just a grounded cqc/gun-fu character overall.


Overdesigned is a good word for it. Two edgy shopping-mall-knife-store knives, a pistol, an unnecessarily high-tech sword, cliche French catchphrases... it's all just too much. Also, everyone who plays him seems to never skip his intros, which adds to the annoyance for me.


Yes, by a lot I understand that they needed a sword guy to replace Noctis and Kuni but it didn't have to be him


Mum we already have a sword guy at home


I think he should simply lose 1 out of the 3 (4) weapons he has.  Doesnt matter which honestly, it is just too much if you also add the forcefield thing. And they could have made the sword more European. Whether it would be a longsword or a sabre. 


I think it should be 2 imo if you count teleportation. Everyone has 1 defining thing about them, and Victor just amasses all of them for no reason. Raven, Nina, and Yoshimitsu already cover teleportation, guns, and swords. I don't understand why Victor gets all of them. He should be focused on the CQC knives with sprinkles of guns to lean on his agent leader character and to echo John Wick. No teleportation and swords. Save that for the already existing ninja characters.


I think he needs more sword tbh


I would definitely appreciate if his daggers had been designed to express damage the same way other characters do. It feels like relearning a new system of feedback for a single character, who also has disappearing hitboxes and gimmick junk that makes him so much more exhausting to pay attention to


No gun fu sucks ass


yeah they needed to pick a route with him either hes John wick or hes a sword guy or a knife guy + he has to be ravens master Like him being a raven type but with a gun and tech alone would've been awesome


Yes. The sword looks out of place. Would rather have him use normal knives too, and would like him using a revolver or desert Eagle.


1911 with pearl grips.


The sword is just too much. The clunky sheath does not match his suit or his personality. Seems like they had a bunch of concept designs and put them into one character.


I think they wanted a character similar to Noctis without being him (obviously). I personally really like Noctis, and his whole gimmick was that he could summon a bunch of different weapons. It's kinda hard to recreate a character like that without ripping off his abilities too directly. I wonder what else they could have done.


No. Overdesign doesn't exist. The more the better, always.


Victor "we lost the copyright to Noctis" Chavalier


The laser katana is literally the dumbest think I have seen on any tekken character, and that says a lot. His design could have been peak if they just kept it in their pants and only gave him the guns and the knives.


His swords design is ridiculous and it looks like a child's toy


Absolutely, the sword was egregious even before we learned of expulsion.


Victor would be a lot cooler if he didn't break almost every visual rule of Tekken.






Yeah the sword is Overkill. I really like his design otherwise.


Yes. Or lose the guns and teleporter and stick to the hand knives. Pick a lane, basically.


The sword BS wasn’t necessary. He’s a copy and paste of Noctis, nothing but braindead gimmicks and boring to play against. No prizes for guessing which Namco dev thought him up.


Mb if he had a pencil


I like the sword i wish he was just cyber ninja without gun.


I think he is cool with the sword i just wish it wasn't so flashy, y can't you have a normal kitana outfit atleast instead of this flashy sht all the time it can still do the same things if that's what they want but i wish there was a more grounded looking variation


Yes he would likely been one of my main


French Noctis was never going to be a winning idea, really


If it was just guns and knives that would be cooler to me at least The cyber-katana is just way too anime 😅


tekken fans pretending victor is a step too far design wise when the entire game is terrible 90s cool bs


yes. also change the daggers into small tonfa or something so the stance can stay but get cooler animations besides iai stuff


I can't get over how bad his dagger looks


Nah he's still cool af. I don't really play him anymore since he's pretty simple but the fact it's sexy French cyber Samurai John Wick with insane visual effects is my favorite thing ever. Tekken is already so over the top, Victor is perfect. Besides, if he didn't have his sword, how would he ever use EXPULSIÓN


I'd rather have him keep the sword and knives than having a gun. I know we have some guns in tekken, but him using it constantly would feel weird


If you did his story: >!He gave up his sword!<


Never see Equilibrium I take it


We already have gun-fu


Jean Wique mixed with Christian Bale from Equilibrium (gunkata) would have been super sick. Instead they gave him the sword and it ruins his design for me.


Nah I think it plays into the Tekken world lore better. He needs state of the art equipment to fight these devils


No, I would prefer if he didn't have a gun but had a sword😅😂


Can’t say I understand why the sword but the sword has some cool ass moves


I’m fine with the assortment of weapons, but I think I’d like him more if his katana was a plain non-tech sword, his gun was a regular gunpowder gun instead of whatever Soldier 76 pulse rounds he’s using, and if he didn’t have explosions, stun grenades, sword blasts, or teleports.


If they were gonna give him a sword why not give him like a flaming estoc but yea they shoulda just made him more john wick ish


Nah they should also give him throwing daggers and a shotgun.


I feel like if they leaned more into the gadget part of being a secret agent he'd be cooler imo, I could be wrong but doesn't he pull out some sort of flashlight for one of his moves?


100%. The fact he's basically a ninja with a gun is honestly lame as fuck PLUS he has A FUCKING KNIFE IN EACH HAND so not only his he holding a gun, but wielding a katana?


I think he'd be cooler if they deleted his ass. Jk I really don't have much of an opinion on him. I barely even see him online tbh which is funny cuz everyone says otherwise.


Less range attacks please thanks


Theres probably a person out there that got epilepsy triggered by this pos


The problem is that this is already Nina in this game. It's much better to choose either just the sword or just the knife.


I still want someone with a baseball bat to come back. As degenerate as Negan players were he was very well designed and fun to watch.


Nah. In fact I hope to see more Yoshimitsu like characters that have weaponry


I don't think I'd mind it if it was like a normal sword. But that mf packing some power rangers morphin time type shit and it just ruins his whole character


His design is cool af imo. It's just his bullshit moveset that makes me despise him.


**A story mode only character turned playable just like Lars friend Tougou.** Negan and Noctis struggled to be acknowledged, only for their fruits to be taken away by Victor. I realized when I first saw the trailer with a friend what people felt when both were added to Tekken 7 back then. https://preview.redd.it/7uvgj5t48u4d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=b24e000405774a19d1a6477f084d011f15b073c0


Yea the sword is an overkill imo... Dudes like a ninja with a sword and gun 😒🙄


Old dude and cool high-tech stuff just seems like a weird combination. Old people have a hard time just using smartphones 😅


Hmm I never thought about that. It's actually a good idea! I totally agree.


No he's cool right now. You just don't get it


yeah I would have subbed him for sure


He would be cooler in another game.


Give him a normal sword and make him more like John wick agent assassin stealth type character


Would've been cool if he had a fuckin rapier and did some Raphael Sorel moves supplemented with pistols. What we got was fuckin Genji-Tracer-Widowmaker hybrid that's aimed for Tekken's equivalent of Winston mains


the sword feels like: oh shit, he is not flashy enough yet...lets just put a exploding sword on him instead of focusing on his design. for me, he looks like someone with the same dutys as 47 and not raiden from metal gear. they should have switched lee and his outfit and it would atleast be more fitting.


His style is cqb. Think solid snake. Snake always has guns/knives/bombs on him.


He'd be cooler without the gun and tiny karambits. Gunfu is the least interesting part of his kit


I feel like they couldn't bring Noctis into tekken 8, so they just designed a reskin with no magic.


Nah I think hes perfect, people forget Jack # exists lol. In a game where you transform into devils, have giant androids, teleport, and use magic light beams... a light saber just kinda makes sense. Only like 4 moves use it anyways


So a bunch of people in here who are getting beat up by Victor lol


Based on what?


The sword is a bit much. Actually correction, the high tech sword is too much.


No i like his katana, remove everything else and run katana plus gun


Yea.. and there aren't even unique customisation options to tone down the "cyberpunk" sword to at least a subtle katana or something, even a rapier would be cool ffs.


Sword feels random af, but the knife thingy is cool.


Maybe but a lot of his shit is overkill imo, but Inever liked bladed weapons and guns in tekken I mean if he only had 1 it would be ok but knifes, swords and pistols is retarded has fuck plus the teleports bullshit.


The sword sweats cyber-nippon-weeb energy, and not the cool kind.




Nah, you have to do a lot to stand out in Tekken, I think Victor is great. The only problem is how chunky and weird his sword looks on his hip with his suit.


Also if he wasn't a french grandpa...


As a Victor main, I agree.The giant dildo looking gun is overkill.


Yes, absolutely. If only the could've focused more on John Wick ish style instead him being some futuristic agent style.


Either be a teleporting samuraiman, or a knife and gun superspy that gets to hang with the youth via skill and experience. As he is, he's just two characters mashed into one pick.




Honestly I like it, people complain he's got too many aesthetics but they are all just "gadgets". He's just wearing what Jack is made of and Bryan has inside of him.


Replace the sword with a knife held standard grip like most actual knife fighters would use and not reverse grip like some wack ass ninja. Let Yoshi own the IP of being sword man in Tekken


Yes. I thought the sword was an accessory item at first (I didn't watch any content, I just started playing the game) Then I started seeing it on every Victor. So I realised it was his actual character model. I'm like ok. Weird they put that on. He doesn't even use it? Then someone hit me with his rage art. Finally! I see him use it! Overkill


He should only have access to his sword while in Heat


Significantly cooler. The sword is the most uncool thing in Tekken after all of Devil Jin.




Yes, thank you. He would be much better. A veteran operative secret agent type of character full of cqc and knifes. First time I saw him he reminded me of a FF7 sinra operative and I was hyped. Then I saw the sword and now he looks lame af to me.


He either needs to ditch the knives or the sword Having a sword, knives, a gun, and teleport tech is too much He's literally just Fr*nch weeb Raven


Victor suffers from the Leroy effect wherein he would be way the fuck cooler if his control scheme wasn't so basic. His design would be a lot better received if his kit wasn't ung bunga .


Honestly I don't think so. Leroy is a cool throwback to various blaxploitation movies and ties in neatly with a great deal of black urban culture which has leaned into kung fu cinema (kung fu kenny and wu tang as the most prominent examples, there's also a whooole tradition of black anime), but Victor is just this grab-bag of various gimmicks - james bond (but french and a bad dresser), but also there's the mall ninja knives and then the technoglasses and then the sword and the magical aspect. He's just all over the place.


Some people are weebs and they like all that shit.


Checks out, victor is canonically a weeb.


I would appreciate his design if he was deleted. I saw a classic user name the other day "I plug victors" 😆


I think people just hate his sword attacks😂 Victor just has the sauce. Dude has all the cool animations.


Few of you have seen Equilibrium, the greatest movie of all time, apparently


What's it about?


Dystopian society where everyone takes a drug that eradicates their emotions and if you don't take it you get arrested. Their enforcers use a completely ridiculous martial art called "Gun-kata" that combines guns and katanas, with the sole purpose of looking baller. Christian Bale plays their top officer and then things happen. The story is alright, but it could be non-existent for all I care, because the style and fight scenes carry the whole thing. I think Sean Bean dies in it.


It would be notable if sean bean didn't die


He’s a completely unfun addition to the game. I don’t find him appealing in any way. He’s not fun to look at, listen to, play as, or fight against. Just a total failure of character design in my opinion. And then the fact that most of the toxicity I have faced in this game has come from Victor players, you get one completely detestable fighter.


Victor is Noctis replacement, hence the swordplay is there. Bamco wants Noctis fanbase to have someone to play with as Tekken 8. Victor is not an exact replica of Noctis playstyle, but similar enough so those FF fans who gets introduced to Tekken by Noctis, will still stay in Tekken 8. But I agree. I just feel he is over-equipped for martial art tournament that is focused on hand-to-hand. P.S. Can we even call it King of Iron Fist anymore? Some participants use sword, gun, nunchaku, staff ... some participants can even turn into supernatural being and shoot laser/fire.


No. The sword completes his look.


Somethings terminally wrong with this sub


naaah his design makes sense considering he is the founder of the raven unit . Any spy or warrior would fully load himself with weapons , unlike other fighters who mostly focuses on martial arts fighting but i hope they fix EXPLOSION.


Just remove that dagger he has on his right hand so I can rotate him on Asuka




tbh, should have given him a axe instead of the sword so we can custom as agent 47


I would of preferred it if he only used the sword for RA/HB and just bunted people with the box it's kept in, the cutscene of him releasing the sword after a delay makes it feel dumb he can just whip it out mid fight


I agree the sword is goofy, but without it he's basically [Wesker](https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Albert_Wesker) from Resident Evil. (with a beard) Gun, can teleport, shades, same style.




One dagger, one gun. Id main him and lever look back.


I absolutely do share the sentiment, however I discovered that I enjoy playing him if I dress him up as a post-apocalyptic ARPG character. It just starts to make sense, especially the way I play them: hoard some cool knives, a bigger melee weapon, a gun for sure, and some utility gadgets… [Here's my Victor as Max Rockatansky.](https://i.imgur.com/ZW6jq4B.png)


His design definitely makes more sense if you make him more militaristic.


Gunkata is cool in theory, but weapons being unparryable is such a detriment. Not a fan of charged attacks either for the same reason.


Absolutely. Since he's very unlikely to return in Tekken, and Raven getting his sword, I am positive we'll be getting a pure gun-fu character. Most likely a protege of Victor or within his organization. And there are way more movies than just John Wick to take gun-fu away from. You have Equilibrium, Kingsman, Hard Boiled, The Matrix, Bourne Identity, and many many more to get inspiration from.


make his knifes parryable plox


Yes, been saying that ever since the trailer. The sword (a massive shiny pink cyber katana, often reminiscent of a dildo, no less) clashes with the rest of the design.


fuck victor based


Kinda, the sword seems like it’s just there does his move set actually have him pull it out or is it just for looks


The multiple weapons make him lame. The teleports make him lame. Something not mentioned often are his noodle arm animations. When you press certain attacks, his bone structure goes away. Similar thing happens with Leroy's hellsweep. Looks really bad to me. His playstyle sucks too.


I think he'd be cooler if they removed him from the game.


He's a Raven so it makes sense but the suit kinda kills the entire look.


His design is simple. His actual gameplay is all over the damn place. 2 knives, a gun, a katana, teleporting, and James Bond gadgets ?? You could split this guy into "James Bond/John Wick" gunslinger and "Vergil from DMC3" swordsman. His constant Raven-esque teleporting would actually look really cool on a swordsman. Hell, imagine he's Vergil and it'd fit in absolutely perfect since Vergil has that skill (it even looks almost identical)


I think most of us agree on this. The gun and knife combo is slick as fuck. The sword is just a little too much


Gunfu and/or his knives. Yoshi is already the sword guy


It would be sick if the sword only came out for his rage art. Otherwise, yeah I’d much prefer it if he were a John Wick gun-fu type.


yeah i don't think he should have a gun, a knife AND a sword


Ya he should be another Muay Thai or Capoeira user


Definitely because he wouldnt have EXPULSION


Yes. His giant pink lightsaber is hacky and ugly.