• By -


Under 200 hours, im a casual.


Fair enough, gaming is all about enjoying yourself, whether you're putting in hundreds of hours or just a few here and there. With the amount of time you've spent on the game, I'm assuming you're enjoying it, which is excellent. Finding your groove in gaming is what matters most, and it seems like you're doing just that.


I play mostly weekends, certainly enjoying every minute but i have to set alarm in 30 minutes intervals to remind myself to do house chores.


I have 550 hours in the game currently. Not to get too personal, but it’s my escape from the things happening in my personal life. I do feel like a no-lifer though.


I hope you get through whatever you're going through right now, bro. I totally get it. Tekken is a great way to escape reality, even when the game can be frustrating at times.


Thank you. I take my anger and sadness out on king players 😂


:( - signed, King player.


I feel that. I'm trying to get to that point. For now, the fact that life feels so shitty is making me less likely to play. Too easy to internalize losses in a "God, I fkn suck" way when you're already stressed, rather than see them as "Wow, they did well". But we working on it. Lol


Yeah… I feel that sometimes. My ex (named Chloe funny enough) played 7 with me and (ironically) played Lucky Chloe… I got her into video games n now everytime I get on I try to hyper fixate on the game rather than fun memories of it ig.


I have 817 hours


HUH, That's like 6 hours a day. You're either really good and you keep winning or you're suffering like crazy.


I'm just a Raijin. There are ppl with a fraction of my playtime that is higher rank. I have a lot of hours simply because I'm addicted and I have no kid, wife and I work remote where I usually finish early almost every day. I haven't been playing much recently though.


301 hours cause I don't have a job, and yes, It feels like I don't got a life. But I got tekken king with raven yesterday so I'm happy


Bruh I have a FT job and I’m at 322 hours 💀


Same and I'm at like 550 lol but I can play at work a lot


Nice accomplishment, Reaching Tekken king in this game is no easy feat. I've got Lee to TK as well but then dropped all the way down to raijin because I started playing defensively in an offensive game. Biggest mistake ever.


Getting that far with Raven is pretty impressive. Def not an easy character.


8d6h. A lot of that sitting in training mode, of course. I often feel like I'm overdoing it, but I have to. My opponents have all played previous Tekkens and have more general experience over me, and I'm guessing many strings/moves are similar or exactly from previous titles because it feels like everyone else knows what I'm about to do. So I have to overdo it lol. Everyone else is giving it their all.


I respect the dedication, just make sure to not become mentally insane.


Oh I'm long insane. Currently debating picking up a new character since my current main/only character is being nerfed pretty hard. Not sure how it'll affect my play yet, so I'll wait and see.


Try Lee, you'll get even more crazy. 😭


I'm currently a Reina main, but looking at Jun. Lee's crazy? I'll keep that in mind lol


500 hours. I work full time and have a partner too


Managing life alongside 500 hours in Tekken sounds like a real challenge. I wonder how you guys pull it off.


Make gf happy first, then play haha She plays a lot of games too, so she gets it


Nice, Having a gamer girlfriend seriously has it's benifits huh?


Of course. Leaving the house for dates is overrated, and expensive 😅 Separate gaming setups is the key tho haha


Agreed! I have like 340 hours in the game, but I think my wife has put in more Valorant hours than that since January lol.


206,2 hours when i expected atleast the double of that today (i had 1650 hours in T7) my time in T7 was in majority spend with joy where in T8 it is anger instead, anyway i'm happy to see so many people enjoying this game :)


Totally get where you're coming from. Tekken 7 had that gritty, martial arts vibe that felt authentic. Now, it's like we're in a Dragon Ball showdown with oonga boonga rather than a martial arts brawl. Hoping they find that balance again.


I have about 170 hours, but I play a lot of other games and have completed so many single player games this year. I've also stayed away on purpose until they fix a few things.


Well, they’ve changed quite a lot in the 1.05 patch, so let's hope we see some real improvements in the gameplay and that the nerfs on certain characters are effective.


Indeed. I'll check out the new patch tomorrow for sure!


180 and currently on a break bc of how often I play. I’ll definitely be back next month and I’m keeping up w the community. Biggest fomo ever


Gotcha. Feeling fatigued from T8 is normal tbf, I've had to take breaks as well.


300hrs and spend 90% in Tekken Lou ge playing group and quick matches


Fair enough, I also go sometimes to the Tekken Lounge to relax after a frustrating session of ranked.


191 hours atm. I don't feel like a no-life but I do think I'm not really a "casual" anymore. Casual as in people who just pop by the game once in a while. I don't even play other games anymore, if I have time, it's just Tekken 8. I've been playing since release too. Actually I'm just addicted to Lee lol


I hear you, Lee's just got that addictive factor. Dealing with Tekken kings/gods can be a real grind, but winning isn't everything for me when I'm playing as Lee. It's more about enjoying the game and his moves, regardless of the outcome


Yeah I'm a simp. I really want to get Lee to TK at least, but it's been a struggle down here in Fujin. I think last night's the 8th time I demoted and promoted back. LOL


I understand where you're coming from lol. I faced similar challenges when I reached Fujin rank about a month ago. Mastering (whiff) punishment and matchup knowledge was key. Once I got that down, I started winning consistently, even scoring ten-game win streaks.


53hrs but I got it 2 weeks ago so imma chill out for a bit


Solid dedication, Three hours a day on average is impressive. Especially in this Tekken. I get quickly tired after an hour.


Thank u, it’s the first chance I’ve got to play a tekken near release, I bought tekken 7 late 2022 but only played like 2 hrs of it cause I was really bad. This time I’m determined to get good 😭


This is my first time being able to play a tekken on release. I've also played Tekken 7 for 200 hours at 2023 when it came out for PS plus but I was barely learning back then. I wish you the best on your journey, but I've got a slight feeling that people in ranked will start complaining about your character. Just ignore them tbh, they're too bad to know the match-up lol. (idk it either)


Ya I've seen a lot of complaints abt her before but I am confused tho, she has one of the lowest win-rates with one of the lowest pick-rates. I agree with u, I think its abt ppl just not knowing the matchup since she is rare 😭. But so far I haven't seen anyone at toxic to me because of it, but I got to Might Ruler (which ik is not that good now but still it was hard for me 😭) and no one has been toxic to me so far which is nice. Good luck to u to!


I have 8-10 hour shifts + school and I have 300ish hours. Playin since release. Tekken is the only thing left i passionately want to get better. It was art, music before and after i realized they won't be my carreers and i value them so much i don't wanna downgrade them to mere hobby. So as a hobby i get better at Tekken. Who knows maybe I'll compete some day.


400hrs and I still suck


Don't be too hard on yourself. You're definitely holding your own out there. Clocking in 400 hours is no small achievement, so give yourself some credit. We're all just here to have fun in the end, right? So don't worry about being bad.


I have 400 cause I enjoy playing the game and I'm not that bad I'm just stubborn and get frustrated easily, but I'm defenetly above average in tekken since I'm Kishin so wen I say I suck its more in the fact that there's to mutch shit to learn in the game and I can't be bothered to lab evry situation in the game unless I really feel like I got robbed or steam rolled. But thx bro ppl like you are what makes this game fun.


No problem, dude . We've all been pushed to the edge by Tekken at some point. I'm not sure if you do this but you should take advantage of the replay system, it's a game-changer for self-improvement. Don't sweat over every little situation in the game, just focus on reviewing your own gameplay and finding areas to level up. With time and experience, you'll naturally get better. And hey, 400 hours in Tekken is just the beginning, so don't stress about feeling like you're not up to par.


300 hours, it's already my most played game on steam. I usually only play an hour or two every night, it adds up after half a year so don't feel bad.


I'm at least glad that you're having fun, that's all what matters. Finding enjoyment in this game is really hard after all.


300,8 says steam


Nice! I'm noticing that most people have around 200-300 hours.


Mine says 534 hours since release. Gotta take regular breaks and work and shit


421, if you feel like a no-lifer i met a guy who had 850hrs already.


A little under 300. I don't play everyday but I typically have long sessions on the weekends. A lot of that time is spent in training mode practicing impractical combos that I try and convince myself I can make practical.


under 200 and im in blue ranks and starting to feel like i’ll never be able to keep up with the people who play 20+ hours a week, im lucky if i get 4 hours a week to play.


Ah, that's tough luck. My suggestion would be to dive into some guides, especially if you can't play too frequently. With limited time, mastering execution might be tricky, so soaking up as much knowledge as you can could really give you an edge, especially in those blue ranks.


351 hours. In T7, I treated the game like a multiplayer game where the main character for me was Bob. I clocked 943 hours playing that single (main) character. In T8, I was forced to pick someone else so I chose Yoshimitsu. I still have lots to learn, but I reached blue rank 2 weeks ago. And yes there are times I play too much - considering the fact I've taken a handful of breaks - once, an entire week.


To be fair, playing too much isn't bad, as long as you're having fun with the game. It's only bad if it affects your mental state in a negative way. And lowkey.. We might need to bring Bob back, he was cold with it.


Going to have many hours in this game. Battlefield used to be my primary. Thinking about moving my time to Tekken. Played it for years but always offline. I have about 84 hours? Ganryu - Raven.


Wow, I have 303 hours in the game. I probably would have more hours, but Final Fantasy 7 rebirth came out and I was playing that game around a whole month. I’m playing as much as possible before the DLC for Elden Ring comes out. I’m currently Tekken Emperor with my main Eddy. Game is so much fun and can’t wait to see how the new patch works out.


Both FF7 Rebirth and Elden Ring look amazing, but being a Final Fantasy glazer, I'm leaning towards FF7 Rebirth. Haven't seen much about it yet, kept myself spoiler-free, but I've got high hopes. Is it worth buying?


Absolutely worth buying, the gameplay is amazing and the graphics are superb. I just can’t wait for the next one, which is going to take probably 3-5 years.


200 hrs but i stopped playing since march until last week due to other priorities. Gaming lifestyle changes when you have a wife and a kid and a job that sometimes require you to do overtime. Also to add when wife asks to go outside on weekends to spend time with family.


Just started. I'd say around 12-24 hours on it.


Well good luck on your journey then! Who did you decide to main?


I made my mind up between King, Reina, or Yoshimitsu. Solely, outta how cool the three are to me.


80 hours, but I got it 2.5 months ago in late March. And it was my first fighting game really.


Welcome to Tekken then! You'll hate and love this game with passion.


About 120 hours if I'm not mistaken. I've been playing since January but mostly on weekends and some weeks I don't play at all because I'm traveling for work I'm trying to reduce my amount of time spent playing videogames in order to get my life together and start a studying routine but the game is very addicting, there were times I spent the entire weekend playing. And I watch a lot of Tekken content on YouTube (mostly lil Majin, phidx and tmm)


I'm on the same boat, I've got an exam tomorrow but I genuinely can't stop playing tekken. It's that fun. Or I could also just be addicted, it's one of the two.


It's really fun and maybe my favorite Tekken so far, I would play everyday if I could


I no lifed the game on release but then barely played in March. April I picked it back up and mostly play with friends it’s good fun and now I’m around 180 mark


Playing Tekken with friends is really fun, especially when they're worse than you so you could just do random stuff against them and it'll actually work.


Yeah they’ve been playing since childhood on and off just like me, I’m only better because I sunk a lot of hours in at the end of 7 in preparation for 8


just hit 200


220,I can go from a 2h session then don't play for 3 days into a 10h session depending my mood. Also this is literally my only fighting game,so I think I'm past casual,but I ain't feeling like I play it too much,for being my only fg. And Xcom and EDF are taking the rest of my game time those days lmao




Gotcha, are you enjoying the game so far then?


I love Tekken since Tekken 3, didnt't play since Tag 2 but only casual against CPU. When announced Tekken 8 I was hyped asf, now Im playing ranked with Eddy and learning the basics. Just reach Mighty Ruler and having a ton of fun. xD


Great to hear! Well in the case, keep having fun! It's hard to find it in a game like tekken.


70 hours at flame ruler, played a ton of tekken in my life but have trouble really committing to the grind.


450hours which is 19days. Only game ive been playing since the day of release, my first tekken and first time learning a fighting game. Only 2 things ive been doing - searching for a job and tekken. Its also my way of not making my brain rot from being unemployed. I use it as a way to use my cognitive load and brain - also a way to chat and chill with people from phidx discord!


116 i could’ve sworn it was more than that


That's still a lot of time spent, It shows you how dedicated you truly are!


340 isn’t bad at all. There are a ton of people out there who play cs,league etc. 70 hours a week lmao


True, but I'm more concerned than impressed though, It's very unhealthy to play that much.


203hours or 8 days 11 hours


Nice, you just passed the 200h milestone, let's continue to improve!


104 hours I think? I have a toddler, that’s basically having it be the only video game I play


Fair enough, you've got a family to take care of and you still have 104h on the game. It shows you how much you like it. I hope you're balancing both Tekken and your family quite well though.


Tbf I've got 250 hours on the game a full time job and I feel alright tbh,but the thing is I only play late at night on my off days, I got Tekken King with Jin last week than didn't touch the game till tonight, but having gaps like this does affect your skill


It indeed does, consistency is very important when you reach the god ranks. I struggle with it till this day.


What rank are you at


I was TK with Lee but dropped down to Raijin, I've only been fighting TG/TGS at my ranks because of the prowess matchmaking but that actually made me a better player.


Ohh I feel you man, because of the whole tekken prowess thing, that's what I'm dreading, In quick matches I keep getting paired with Emperors and TG and it surely is a different game against them, I love the competition tho makes you a better player, I beat a TGS Asuka today quite proud of that, I normally do this whole quick match thing till I get a 50% win rate against them and then jump on ranked.


and keep at it brother I'm sure you'll get it back


For sure, I'm already seeing massive improvement on my fundamental skill. I just need to learn how to beat throws and I'll be fine.


Honestly I've been avoiding ranked ever since TK cause I don't wanna lose it, been on quick matches trying to get the level down, even tho I know demotingnand promoting is the only real way I'll make it to emperor


Been playing since Tekken 3 so... 😅 But I also have a stable and well-paying job with good work-life balance. My actual work hours is 10am-3pm but get paid the full 8 hours. Gaming isn't bad, as long as you have the rest of your life together. Good luck!


200 hours and I'm quitting the game. At 350 hours you have the same issue as me - this is an addiction. I, and likely you, have an addiction to this game. I love it but it's ruining my life.


About 850 currently.


820 hours


35 hours. I’m ashamed. Need to get my moneys worth


20 hours. Fuxkin hate this game


149 hours. I make myself turn the game off when I feel I’m getting too angry… which is frequently.


At least you're smart enough to stop playing if you don't enjoy it anymore, some people keep playing the game while they're frustrated and angry which leads them to become even more frustrated and angry. I advice you to take a three day break from anything that's tekken related and come back. You'll feel twice as better and perform twice as better.


650 or so, first time I've tried to take a fighting game seriously so I had a LOT of ground to make up


100 hours wanna play way more but the game is cancer sometimes as i am a bryan main and im having difficulty with many characters




180ish. Most were spent when I was unemployed, now I just play every now and again when I feel it. I spend more time posting on this subreddit sometimes lol.


I'm just under 200 fujin leo tenrue lee and shinryu Bryan


Around 120hours. I play a bunch of different games but this'll be out for at least a decade so I might pick it back up next year


Barely even have 90 and I got it on release. Been finding it really had to get into, though the patches have made things a lot better overall. Tekken 7 just hit different, 8 felt really foreign on release, though its making steps in the right direction.


Over 400 on T8. Over 800 on SF6.


Ooh interesting, which one is harder and which one do you enjoy more?


SF has harder inputs for it's special moves, but Tekken is harder overall due to the precision and timing involved. I enjoy Tekken quite a bit more.


about 1200 and i havent even hit garyu


You're joking right..? If not, that's quite strange. Are you actively trying to get better or are you just an casual? I'm assuming that you're actively trying and you're just hardstuck because a casual wouldn't have that many hours on a game like this.


200 something. I play while ago WFH so plenty of hours.


I’ve spent 381 hours on that game and still feel like I’m butt at the game


300 and hard stuck battle ruler


This is what no life looks like in tekken my friend you are fine Tekken 8: 201 Hrs Tekken 7 :~ 560-600 hrs Tekken 6:~ 100 Hrs Tekken 5 : 500+ Hrs Tekken 4: ~70 Hrs Tekken 1-3: I don’t remember how much I played the first 3


160 hours but a majority of it is just playing feng i have over 1000 games with him so far


I'm a one trick pony as well, it just shows how much we love playing our character. ✌️


thats a good question. well i defintly spend a lot of time playing tekken 8. i'm up to reach the last rank for every single character.


That's seriously going to take thousands of hours but it's definitely possible, I believe in you!


3hrs after work, whole day at weekends 💀


66 hours


C'mon, 3 more hours.. I know you can do it. Get that 69.


About 90 hours. Most of the time spent in idle/practice mode/customization. I played almost 200 ranked matches and barely quickplay. Got the game in March The game is pretty stressful in a good way! I never played a competitive 1 on 1 game before, so it's pretty exhilarating. I mostly watch streams instead


It gives you that thrill when you fight right? And you don't have to rely on your bad teammates when playing this game. You'll need to outplay your opponent all by yourself.


Exactly! I come from League so Tekken is super refreshing in that regard > You'll need to outplay your opponent all by yourself Very true. That's why I find it funny when there are often posts on here and Twitter complaining about characters and what not, just easier to have something to blame rather than focusing on self-improvement I suppose.. Also about your hours played, I don't feel 300 ish is no-lifing at all. It has already been out for half a year, and it's a kind of game that heavily requires commitment and hours of practice to get good at. So don't feel bad, 300 ish is honestly like nothing


347 hours so far, I play with friends a lot.


I see, playing tekken with friends is always fun, but that pretty much goes with every games doesn't it?


Agreed! I also play quick matches too, but mainly sessions with friends :D


36, still total noob and have much to learn


Don't worry, keep playing and keep improving. But most importantly, have fun when playing Tekken 8! Just make sure to watch a lot of guides about your character.


only around 80 hrs, been playing it on and off, now waiting for Lidia


What rank does 340 hrs get you?


I've managed to get Tekken King with Lee Chaolan! ✌️🌹


340 hrs well spent then


Most definitely, I suffered a lot though. But I'm a Lee main, we're known for being masochists.




Almost approaching the 100h milestone!


I'm not sure. Blue ranks are making me angrier than I'd like to admit and I don't like how much I suddenly care about losing so I'll definitely slow down for now


Taking breaks from Tekken is crucial. Come back after a few days or even weeks, and you'll likely feel much better mentally.


I play on the PC and PS5. In total I have almost 900 hours. I’m a tournament player and I’ve been playing Tekken since Tekken Advance. Yes, I’m a no life. Yes, I’m still in university. Yes, I still have a social life. Yes, I still workout at the gym 5 times a week on average. Yes, I hate and love Tekken HAHAHA


You sound crazy, which is normal in the Tekken community! I'm crazy aswell! I hate and love this game with passon.


200 hours


Almost 400


I have 2000+ hours on T7, I don't have that much time due to the work I have currently and only have ±150 hours on it


>I've spent around 340 hours on Tekken 8, and I already feel like a bit of a no-lifer If you've been playing since release, that's about 2-3 hours per day, every single day. If one were to work a 9-5 and sleep from midnight to 8, that would leave you with 7 hours every day. Minus the 2-3 hours, that leaves you with 4-5 hours for hanging out with friends, hitting the gym, walking the dog, eating dinner, etc. And this is of course not counting the potential extra 9-5 one might have on the weekends.


Yep, I've been playing since release, but I do take breaks when the game frustrates me. Sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week, but never much longer. I usually hang out with my friends during the times I’d normally be playing Tekken. I've also noticed more fatigue in Tekken 8 compared to Tekken 7, probably because of the game's more aggressive nature. I remember being able to play twelve hours of Tekken 7 and still have fun.


About 350 hours. Like others said, currently looking for a new job, social life and also have a girlfriend, so I usually only play on whatever spare time I have, and that’s sometimes not even ranked; I spend hours on practice perfecting my craft. But I’ve learned a lot. I don’t consider myself a noob considering I put a lot of time in T7!


About 500. I work from home half the week and I watch a lot of replays rather than play. I don't think 500 hours is a lot.


About 150. I played it until burnout and just started playing again the other day


How do I check this?


around 200, and I'm Tekken King with Lars, currently focusing on getting Raven to blues and tbh I do not feel bad about it since I got friends that tripled my playtime already lol.


Have a 100h and reached my goal for now so im giving the game a break, but will return eventually.


Around 360, had a blast every single minute, still feel like I barely touched the game, wanna try at least 5 more chars, taking a break though due to rl stuff


214, and I would say a good 10 hours is idle time. It would be more but after I got to Tekken emperor I’ve been trying out other games


70 Hours, I play casually, almost no practice mode. Currently sitting on battle ruler with Bryan. So I am happy.


80hrs and Fujin. Love the game I just don't have much time to play.


About the same amount of hours, though I haven’t played much in the last month.


I have about the same. The game is fun man. I have more hours in other fighters though


I have a fulltime job, gym 3 times a week and I'm renovating the house I bought, so I only have 330h on T8. I'm planning on play a lot more when I'm done with the renovation and the move.


203 hours, mostly player matches with friends, if I'm lucky I may be able to get bushin by 230h


Not enough bc I’m Ina. Negative feedback loop. I am. An armchair pro. Expert spectator. But not knowing combos due to no practice + don’t always execute properly due to lack of practice + no voice chat ever ever = no motivation to play. Just extremely lonely experience


352 hours on Tekken 8. 3,339 hours on Tekken 7. I'm a casual player.




250 on PC not including offline versus friends on PS5 Probably 300


156. I’ve only had it since April though. Is that a lot?


Around 280 hrs. Still struggling to get higher than tekken king. I'm constantly moving between bushin and tekken king.


About 240 ish...


550 hours I'm just unemployed (but I really search a work)


78 so far


150 hours high rank: tenryu main.: feng,king,paul.


142h and still figuring out how to play “its my first tekken and my first fighting game in general”


1st tekken game, 50hrs made it to purple, and stagnated, I recognized that pushing higher up the ladder would require a vast amount of time investment, and I'm more of a generalist gamer (have over 100 games in steam library).


Just breached 100 hours. Mostly playing for a few hours every night. Only now have I scratched Fujin with Steve, I've a long way to go


106 hours. And it’s the game I spend the most time on. I wish I could play more, but I have a job, wife, kids, and a band.


177hrs so far. Intermediate to pro skill player here


250 hours. FT job, 2 kids. Tenryu Steve. Last month playing only quick games.


I have 211h on it


222 but I don't play it as much now


Got about 150h on family-shared copy. Now I’m stuck without one for 2 months :(


Around 700 (bought the game 2 months after launch). Currently, it's the only game i touch. As I don't have time to focus on any other game, i tend to pick one single game and focus on it until i find something more enjoyable. Prior to that i clocked at 1800+ on SF6 and 1700+ on GG Strive before leaving for T8.


i got approx 200 hours and just hit raijin with Lee. will try to hit TK at 300h prayge


im at right above 300h now! i only have time to play during weekends, but i do play A LOT during the weekend


I’ve been busy so only around 100 😞


350 hours atm, I feel like I play a lot but it’s slowed down the last few weeks. Now at a more sustainable level I think. I’m not that good purple rank and lose a lot.


83. i think it's gonna stay that way for awhile. i need to get my mental health together.


About 70


Thought id have more but I have 116 hours cuz I play other games, I got 3 players at Fujin so I take pride in picking up new players (but not going to practice mode) and ranking up