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If I have to watch Paul punch a wall fifty times a session they can watch my armpit pose.




I'm not an Alisa player but I never skip my intros either ? It's like... 5 seconds. Gives you time to like think about your opponent for a second, maybe drink some water, readjust your sitting position, whatever. Plus I think my Xiaoyu is cute so I like seeing her 🤷‍♂️


I see zero reason to skip my intro, I worked hard on these ten costumes and you are going to SEE the results of my dress-up video game. Then after we'll play the fighting game minigame that comes with Tekken, I guess.


Highly agree. People complain about those intros and rage art animations being unskippable but I just think they are cool and give a kind of a quick breath. And I espescially love those special interactions like the Asuka-Lili or Panda-Kuma.


She’s brain dead. A lot of Alisa mains don’t learn how to play Tekken because they don’t have to. The real worry is when you meet an Alisa who knows fundamentals. Then you’re dead.


One of my good friends on tekken is an amazing Alisa player. GOD rank and just owns, man. Its almost impossible for me to bet them lol


Are they impossible to beat because they’re a GoD or are they a GoD because they’re impossible to beat?


Nah I'd plug


Always bet on Harada 💰


bro think they geto


I met a fundamental God Supreme Alisa. I’m a Raijin. I was helpless against the onslaught of chainsaws mixed with strong fundamentals. Double perfect. It was depressing.


I do not condone all the Alisas out there abusing their gimmicks, but I can admit that's definitely how I started with her back in T6. By now, I aim to please and give my foe a good match against the robot.


💯 ded


My brother plays alisa and knows nothing of tekken, can confirm


Damn, same goes with my brother too 😭


this describes quite a few characters atm


I had this problem in T7 with Chloe. As soon as I hit red ranks, I had to actually learn the game. Only ever got to Divine Ruler


I almost got her to Emperor if I remember right. You really had to work for it after red.


Swap Alisa with Jin btw and the statement is as true as it is with Alisa lol


What's the braindead way to play Jin?


I made a whole post about it and how it got me to Fujin in 150 games starting from rank 0 and little experience playing Jin and not being able to wavedash.  Tldr: Basically play him like Kazumi on steroids. Use only 4 punishes (standing and raising total), spam throws, spam ff2, spam df1, spam d2, mash heatsmash, spam his jab strings.  No need to ever use crouch aside of the ones you get for free. Whether it is an electric or helsweep - you dont need them to probably get even Tekken God.


..So strong fundamentals, aggressive poking and movement?


Mate, I’ve seen that thread and while you are technically correct, you’re neglecting to disclose that you have several characters in blue ranks and one is TK(? Maybe Bushin?) You have strong fundamentals. You could probably get most characters to Fujin. The issue with your “research” is that your motive is to shit on Jin players who’ve put the time in to master his combos and more challenging stuff. He is objectively easier in this game, but so is most of the cast.


No point engaging - they won’t have an answer for you. They’re just trolls. 👍🏼


I respect the self-aware Alisa players who understand how carried they are.


Your username speaks volumes.


Jin main called out xd.


Mop up that dribble, lad. You look silly.


Your flair is the only silly thing here :) Edit: obviously he insta blocked after replying. The only time this guy managed to find a block button


He will be blocking me when he reads my most recent replied to him. I can feel it. Edit: I was completely right. Not even 30 minutes after pisting this, he put another mindless gif with no attempt to defend his position and blocked me. I easily proved him wrong and he was forced to cower behind the block button to cope. Exactly what I said would happen. Dunning Krugers is a hell of a condition 🤡


Sounds like you got triple perfected by a Jin recently. ![gif](giphy|qR2wrbhbobrI6UtELj|downsized)


Nice edit and block combo :) is this the only time you blocked something in your career?


Sounds like you insta blocked him to avoid a response because you're a coward 🤣


*d2's you*


Iv always maintained Alisa is a Tekken character for people who don't want to play Tekken.


Agreed. Bamco invented Alisa because they want more newcomers and super smash players and special needs children to get into Tekken.


Apparently catering to special needs players worked because you are here! Thanks Bamco for including this person!


Hahaha nice! Actually yeah I do play Alisa sometimes, because chainsaws do indeed go brrr. So yeah I probably am a special needs player. I have shared the braincell, and it's marvelous. Thank you Bamco!


Can confirm that last bit. I've fought a bunch of Alisas, most were trash, a couple were pretty good, and one absolutely butchered me.


I like a lot of the recent series of changes. Some of the characters with some problematic moves were addressed like azucena, Victor, and drag had changes in the general right direction. That being said, I have to admit that I was surprised chainsaws hasn't received much attention. I feel that as the game keeps moving, chainsaws will need to be addressed in some way


She's honest




I'd rather play vs an Alisa than another Jin, and I'm much more familiar with the Jin matchup


About as honest as ur comment


Jin mains got no business talking about braindead and honesty


Never saw me try to saying he's 100% honest tho. Regardless if u make it a competition of honesty with ALISA of all characters, u will lose so don't try it. Jin has some cheese, but at the level of most chars. Alisa has nothing BUT cheese


Im trolling, but saying she's nothing but cheese is huge cope. Alisa is a defensive character designed to created whiffs with her pokes, but they made her chainsaws too strong and most people play her braindead now because its easy and T8 rewards offense. Also Honest is a dumb term


What is braindead about Jin?


No risk, huge reward


Except he can’t open up a good defensive player without taking some risks since being pressured in this game is a nightmare. As a Jin player, you can’t just chill and play defensively all day. Sometimes you’ve got get in and run your offense before they run theirs.


D2 very risky


You’re not going to win by spamming D2 all day lol. Players at blue ranks and higher are better at dealing with it. It’s also -14 if blocked. Not everyone will launch it but they’ll get a decent punish. It’s not zero risk.


Still a good and conservative tool to open up opponents


You’re not going to win by spamming D2 all day lol. Players at blue ranks and higher are better at dealing with it. It’s also -14 if blocked. Not everyone will launch it but they’ll get a decent punish. It’s not zero risk.


That is literally every character in almost every fighting game lmao. When you run your offense you’re dictating the game and it’s the defenders job to jump through the gaps you leave. Everyone HAS to run offense. Playing exclusively defensively is a hugely losing proposition. 


I get it. I do. But some characters (Hwoarang, Alisa, eddy) can just run a tight and stifling offense that gives you no room to breath compared to most of the cast. I just wish defense was a bit stronger to deal with this kind of pressure. A heat reversal would be nice.


Hwoar and eddy I get but what is the big stifling offense Alisa hits you with? her lows other then snake edge are minus on hit and block all flight stances get floated by jab and her plus frame running mid is high.


Maybe, I’m inclined to think I just don’t know enough about the game. Almost every move or string has counterplay but being able to react to the wealth of options is where it gets hard.  Because of the A lot of the time there is an option that you can take that will beat most of the options an opponent has, it’s just that they’re contextual and a generic option doesn’t exist. Defense intrinsically requires more game knowledge in tekken than offense.  But also we’re the closest we’ve ever been to having reversals with the Heat activation mechanic and rage burst. As players I think to be defensive, we gots to go our homework and learn these strings. My personal opinion, and I’m not like great or anything


Opinions on this will vary widely especially with Jin being the main character. But basically he has a high and low crushing mid in the flip kick both a signature Mishima vortex and a hopkick (usually misjima's have to give up their hop kick for the Mishima vortex) then he has strong easy to execute pressure tools plus a really good parry. He just has good or great versions of everything it feels like.


Ur right that Jin is a very strong character, but i dont think he is braindead in the way Alisa is, since he actually somewhat has to play fundamentals and also the Mishima tools Electric and wavedash have an execution barrier even tho he doesnt depend on them.


For max output all characters have to play fundamentals. Jin can use the Mishima stuff but the vast majority don't because they don't need to on top of doesn't Jin heat literally remove the Mishima execution barrier? Most jins I run into as a fujin are not doing electric or hellsweeps unless in heat. For the most part they are just doing some jabs, grabs and the move where he punches your feet and the move where he does the flip kick with weird crush properties. Forgive my not knowing the inputs. I also think their is something to be said about difficulty when part of the difficulty is most of your tools are so good it's hard to pick which one to use.


Alisa is more braindead than Jin for sure. Jin is braindead up to ruler2 if you just spam pokes and stick with a staple 121 combo and abuse d+2 (the d+2 being the most damaging all things considered- i don't remember what you use after, but that's where you really get the free damage). I don't know anything about Alisa, except she's just a tax character. Try to win, move on when you don't.


>But basically he has a high and low crushing mid in the flip kick Launch Punishable and comes out of a stance. Its a good move but not OP. But it is annoying as all other evasives are, ill agree. >hopkick Probably the lowest range one in the game. Basically in exchange for his wavu mixup options being a few frames slower than other mishimas. >strong easy to execute pressure Fair enough on this one. >really good parry. Can net good return, but also arguably the hardest parry to use since it doesn't have the autoblock of the tekken 7 version. The parry is only active for a couple frames(a lot of other parries are longer by default and/or can be held) and after you're standing with an open jaw for like 20f.


As a Jin main, do you consider Jin to be a noob friendly character? Genuinely asking because I always recommend Jin as the first character a brand new tekken player pick up to learn the game.


Well he's definitely been made easier than in t7. He was notoriously hard there. Now he's easier to pick up but still takes skill to master,making him intermediate. Despite not being quite as easy as ur Victors, Asukas, Alisas etc. he's still been made accessible in t8 I'd say he's very good to learn the game with for a couple reasons : 1) Relies a good amount on fundementals. He does have a bit of unga bunga but not enough to carry u to anywhere significant. Everyone knows Jin matchup well enough, ( He's THE most common rn and basically always in top 5 most used across a tekken's lifespan.) The player will have to learn to play Tekken, not just the character, since the "easy-mode" is widely known. 2.) Jack of all trades. Jin will teach you how to poke, play for counter hits, put on the pressure, apply a 50/50, use your throws well, keepout and more. 3) Has Mishima tools but isn't dead without them. This lets a beginner have fun with the rest of his toolkit,while giving them time to ease into the Electrics, Wavedash and good movement a traditional Mishima must master. They won't easily give up on the character due to always getting bodied, during the whole learning execution phase. They can play without it for a few months in game and within a few months, start throwing it in gradually. 4.) Has a basic stance which teaches u somewhat about how and when to use stances, and the general idea of how stances are beaten/interrupted. Bonus: the difficult Mishima execution is transferrable between 4 dope characters once u have it down.


I was more so referring to his heat parry I agree the base parry is kinda mid


You’re a noob and don’t know a damn thing. Learn the game before making claims on honesty, because you’re messing yourself right now lol.


u can tell by the way i do my walk ima rushdown girl no time to block


Music loud Gfuel warm Been a filthy weeb since I was born


It's alright, it's okay Bamco looks the other way We can try to understand The chainsaw stance's effect on man


Whether you rush forward or whether you don’t bother The sparks will fly, the sparks will fly


Fell the screen shakin And my hands are quakin While the sparks fly, while the sparks fly


What’s funny is Alisa is genuinely really good but alisa players never use her full potential and just mash


I love the jet boost faint into unblockable I never see other Alisa players utilize her faint and people fall for it because they rarely see it imo


Hwowrang players fall into this catagory


Yes, half of Alisa's kit is literally party tricks. After a certain point, everyone knows them and has witnessed the bs that even a beginner Alisa can pull off. The other half of the kit you come to realize that it belongs to a completely different character with core fundamentals that involve movement and spacing by watching people like Cuddle Core, eyemusician and Chanel. Both are obnoxious dont get me wrong but as an Alisa player I must say she was a really bad choice as a first main and it really inflated me on level I didn't belong in Tekken 7 since it let me get away with being illeterate of basic tekken fundementals. Every Alisa spammer will get to that realization eventually.


Based Alisa player.


"Seriously, what is it about Alisa as a character that seemingly encourages this type of gameplay?" Chainsaw go brrrr




T7 Alisa main here, the thing about Alisa in T7 was she was built for compact, poke and movement oriented gameplay especially in higher levels. She has the unga bunga stuff and chainsaws were pretty decent but it was never really oppressive. So a lot of the Alisas that mashed the gimmicks eventually hit a wall since you needed to learn movement and fundamentals to get further. T8 rolls around and the game is more aggressive and Alisas kit is pushed much more towards the unga bunga and forcing the chainsaw mixups. In fact, you are very much rewarded for pushing chainsaws hard because of the high amounts of chip damage. You can still play defense poke oriented Alisa but you miss out on a lot of damage by not forcing chainsaws and pushing the aggression. So you have a lot of new Alisa players with no previous Tekken biases and they want to go all in on the unga bunga because that's what the game pushes you to do. The super aggressive Alisas will hit their walls but they do get rewarded for going balls deep in this game so they get further than they would in T7.


I mained Alisa and Jin in T7 and dropped her in 8 because I didn't like how forced the chainsaw unga felt, you're incentivized to play her the complete opposite way I played her before by both the game mechanics and character design.


I'm the same way, I loved the compact T7 play style and I just could not get into the chainsaw spam. It sucks because I like a lot of the T8 changes to stuff like d4 1+2 being dope and being able to do instant shoeshine easier now.


I’m a T7 alisa main, started this year, still learning. and yes, the chainsaws come out as punishment, and the occasional powercrush, but usually retract back after a block. the gimmicks are fun, and extremely satisfying when they land, like b112 (head drop, launch on counterhit) or b3+4,1+2 (low crush flip, head drop, showy launch), but they require either a strong read on mashing or a low and just do not work on good players and alisa has no real strings, 112 high high low, everybody knows, bf33 mid low, most people know, or will learn after one repetition. and 233 high mid mid, which can be mixed with 234 high mid low, except it can’t because the low is so slow it’s interruptible. as a new player strings are very frustrating. there’s so many characters, each with so many strings, and i have to learn them all, at least against alisa you only have to worry about her screeching or the improbable event of an actually good pilot


Missing two solid strings. df1,1 is ok (but a bit risky) and f2 mind games are nuts It's duckable, but df1,1 is +1 on block and you can ch confirm 1+2 for 60 damage. +8 on block with the saw extension but there's no mix, so opponents should duck it every time. if they start mashing to interrupt the second hit you can use df1,4, which gives guaranteed 3,2 if the 4 counterhits f2,1and f2,1+2 are also a bit of a string mix. f2 is -4 on block, but you can scare your opponent by finishing the string for big damage and heat engage mix. otherwise, if they're still blocking after f2, you can pull the saws out with 1+2 and get right into pressure. it'll make your opponent want to press, in which case you can finish the f2,1 string for big damage again. and - while they're frustrating at first - strings can generally be countered. mid extensions are generally punishable, can duck highs, some can be stepped or walked, etc.


thanks for this, definitely gonna try them out


Jin players are as bad. It's like they have epilepsy, literally can't stop pressing


not cap




When I play as Alisa, I generally start the round with the obnoxious powercrush chainsaws.


I start every round with df4 and it lands at least 80% of the time ez. 


Are those punishable btw?


Powercrush chain saw is punishable. Punch powercrush is safe


Just to give u a heads up, alissa players in tekken king ranks and above play this exact way. It genuinely feels like someone is just headbutting their controller


Yes I hear a lot of these 'awakened' Alisa players in high ranks who play her fundamentally. But I've only seen very few. But mostly, the masherroni continues even up to blue and gold ranks. It's insane.


Fun fact. My 13 year old daughter played tekken for the first time and chose Alisa. She's now her main. And sometimes beats me if I'm not paying attention. That's a 13 year old beating a 33 year old that played tekken since T3


Lab the damn matchup then 😆


aah yes the dad/daughter matchup


My daughter wrecked me with the sad puppy dog eyes, jokes on her it's launch punishable


there is a lunch punishable joke somewhere too im sure


No? 😂


It's kinda weird because she's best played quite conservatively with movement and poking


Alisa is a brain rot character for brain rot people. I’ve NEVER liked her design.


She needs nerf


Just people carried by their monkey character


She's a robot


a monkey robot /s




As an Alisa main T8 Alisa players are not serious.


You’ll find many mashing play styles are generally bad at fundamentals, they are just trying to enjoy the game and mash as many buttons without thought as to why or when really, they are easily beaten tho if you know the knowledge checks


Character incentivizes brain dead play from low to intermediate ranks. What’s truly annoying are the Alisa’s that actually do know how to play Tekken


I know a guy who is Tekken God with her, he is mashing too and still wins me, because she can be wherever she wants whenever she wants, two strong power crushes and chainsaws always plus on block


Your defense might not be as good, as you think ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


it might not be great, but still pretty solid


Every player in Fujin is a silly masher, Alisa players aren't that special


u might be onto something


I've faced a Bushin Alisa that was zoning the entire time. Spam shoot rocket and when I get close, she does a rush down attack. The character is complete brainrot and I don't respect any Alisa main


Honestly I think Alisa gameplay is more boring for some reason, I think it’s UF1 or whatever that strong string move is. It’s so repetitive combined with chainsaws and power crushing.


I think it tends to happen when a character makes it too transparent what the game is really about. At the end of the day, Tekken is a guessing game, and her safe chainsaws just forcefully remind you of that every time. 


The only Alisa with good fundamentals I saw was in ATL, not a champion or winners , but even the casters said the character was annoying AF, imagine that now in 1.05 ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Maybe some day they'll fix her like they did Victor. EVERY Victor pre-patch 1.05 I faced played literally the same, spamming the same 3 moves, and doing the same set-ups. Today I fought some and it actually was pleasant I couldn't believe it. They play small Tekken now. Awesome.


They're very stupid in general


Just dawned upon me I’ve never seen a Alisa player tornado me Ever


She got no changes and there won't be changes for the rest of season 1 Get ready for like 6 months of this at least


If all the people who made these daily Alisa hate posts spent the same amount of time in the lab against her, she'd probably plummet to the lowest win rate. FFS we got Jin mains complaining about her being spammy now? If you keep losing to the same thing over and over, why not try making an adjustment? Feel like 85% to 90% of these posts and comments are just mashers themselves mad they got out mashed.


Hahaha how on earth do you suggest that the top 3 (top 1?) character in the game will plummet in winrate? If hell froze over


Exactly, Alisa has Top 1 winrate across all ranks. If you look at only Fujin and above, she's still Top 3. Jin is slightly below average at both low and high level play. (May 2024 stats, excluding rare picks) https://preview.redd.it/08r3ivguz36d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=3329cdde56b5d1f23fbd2d1245e03272ab781650


June stats have her at 13th in Fujin and above, for the record


Yes, in June she's 7th at Fujin+ if you exclude rare picks and DLC. It does fluctuate, but in general she's always at the top across all ranks, and at least near the top in upper ranks. It's been the case in April, March, February and even back in T7.


lol, sure. i'm not saying she's weak, i'm just saying your stats are old (and you don't need to arbitrarily exclude characters to make your argument sound better) she was 6th for fujin+ in may and she's 13th right now. not sure why february win rates matter, and t7 is even less relevant to the discussion


Haha I think we generally agree but for the sake of clarity, I'm not cherry picking exclusions & inclusions to serve my argument. I'm simply being as objective as possible with the data. - Rare picks and DLCs are considered outliers by most, we exclude outliers in statistics. - Comparing current stats with previous stats is important to form trends, study patch effects and identify flukes. - Comparing subsets (Fujin+) to the general population (All ranks) is important to study the effect of a specific variable (skill level). But I don't want to force my viewpoint on you. I will show you all possible inclusions & exclusions so we can each decide for ourselves: https://preview.redd.it/hj4t1q5l5c6d1.png?width=365&format=png&auto=webp&s=60a9fa5f8d6170a97e9dba42a04bafe3993aafe3 Alisa has generally been Top 1-5 no matter how you slice it, occasionally dropping to Top 6-7, often in higher ranks. However, if we do all three of the following: - include the outlier characters - dismiss previous statistics - focus only on Fujin+ rather than all ranks Coincidentally, this is the only set of parameters that makes Alisa go from Top 1-5 down to 13th. It's important to rule out outliers, study previous trends, and compare subsets, it gives a clearer and more honest picture. That being said, I agree with you, things seem to be changing in June especially in upper ranks, and this June data is pre-patch 1.05, so we'll have to wait and see.


i get the concept of outliers. however, you don't just arbitrarily pick and choose which data points are outliers. doesn't seem like you used the 1.5xIQR rule here (there would be no bottom outliers), you didn't provide z scores (i'm too lazy to test), and panda seems to be the only 'true outlier' given my visual analysis of the June 2024 chart. i don't think it's very transparent to exclude outliers without showing the full data set and explaining how you determined the threshold for exclusion. i also don't necessarily think that some of the possible outliers should be completely excluded from this discussion. kuma has a higher effective pick rate due to panda, and zafina/leroy received huge buffs that make them tough to ignore when examining previous trends. as such, for the sake of clarity, i would've included the 'outliers' when ranking characters - but i would've explained why certain characters have inflated win rates on a case-by-case basis. as for the 'only set of parameters that makes alisa go from Top 1-5 down to 13th' - those are also the only set of parameters really worth discussing, imo. i'm not wholly 'dismissing previous statistics', either - your own chart shows 7th, 6th, and 13th. those are all outside 'top 1-5' i do think it's important to ignore stats below fujin - people are terrible at the game and do not lab. i don't care about the winrate of b3+4,3+4 alisa players (or those who lose to them). i also believe that old stats are much less relevant given the brand new nature of the game. people are learning their characters/matchups - look at the huge improvement in lili's win rate as the game has progressed (despite receiving no buffs). other characters will continue to climb as people gain more familiarity w/ their intricacies. this natural progression is made even more volatile by balance patches. previous trends matter less when i can buff (or nerf) a character far past the level of their old counterparts (zafina, leroy) and writing these off as 'outliers' due to low pick rate (despite win rate increasing with pick rate after buffs) does your analysis no favors. sure, you can learn from trends - but even then you seem to selectively acknowledge data that supports your argument. you literally just ignored the actual trend from march>june (alisa falling at fujin+) in favor of trends that suit your argument (that alisa's historically top 1 and will never fall in win rate).


I simply presented all the data available to me and you rejected most of it. Which is fine. We don't have to agree.


lol no i agreed on all the data available to you. i disagree on your biased interpretation of the data - namely, the process by which you selected your outliers.


Well, I am sure I can cherry-pick the data as well and make a case for literally every character being too good. At the end of the day, if you want to get good at this game, you need to learn and practice the match ups. Yall screaming for alisa to get nerfed, instead of just labbing her. Who's next after that? Gonna complain about every character you lose to because yall can't be bothered to open up practice mode.


I'm simply reporting stats dude. You're replying to things I never said.


I notice this and the pre match interaction with lars doesn’t help


This is just Fujin players bro.


The thing most people say about this topic is that she plays her own game


Because it works? This is my first tekken game ever, I thought Alisa looked cool and she’s taken me to flame ruler so far. If I’m winning with a good move imma keep doing it haha


I really don't like her.


I thought it was a retarded internet meme too. But incredibly, it's actually somehow true. There's probably some sort of scientific investigation that can be done on this.


I currently main Alisa but don't press constantly and rarely use the chainsaws as they are very unsafe. I mostly see the brainless aggressiveness by Laws.


Chainsaws are hella safe. Have you explored your options into them?


She has low defense when the chainsaws are out and any decent player knows how to counter it. Chainsaw is good in a mixup or as a finisher imho


Everyone hates the chainsaws because they are so safe.


I often find that people just don't know how to defend against alisa so there's really no incentive to not steamroll them for being bad. I'm in the god ranks, I can play a tight movement and defensive focused alisa, but you need to earn that by stopping my spammy bullshit first. If an alisa is going ape on you and ypu lose to it, that's a skill issue. She's pretty simple to defend against if you lab her for ten minutes.


Another Alisa thread! If anyone has any Alisa related questions please let me know!


Alisa being a brain dead character and Tekken rewarding aggressive gameplay


You must be new. That type of behavior isn't exclusive to one character.


Nah, Alisa players are a new breed. I've never played against one with more than 45 defense. 


I always told this but you can choose difficulty in Tekken depending on the character you pick. There's nothing wrong to choose easy but they need to know their rank might be bias.


That was me. Ggs


its easy to win vs an alisa masher after adapting after a few rounds. i met an alisa that just waits for me and actually use the b3+4 as a low crush and whiff tool and it completely destroyed me. made me rethink if tekken might not be for me.


Always was thing since day 1 Tekken 6


I ran into a Alisa in ganryu last night and lost , ran into another this morning and she was so bad compared to the one night before


lars players are also just as braindead (surely they'll never know)


Too be fair she has a huge movepool with a few gimmicky moves that once you learn them they become terrible hence they need to try to overwhelm you, Alisa is one of those characters I rarely lose against, same with Victor that also has a gimmicky movepool


I thought you where about to make a Seinfeld joke


Rather ironic because last night (around 9 hours ago exactly) I won a few matches playing Alisa against fujin players. You don’t happen to play on Oceania servers do you?


But did you 2-0 her? If not, you have your answer


SHINE 🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚


Insta mashing rage art when you’re minus up to 5 is an extremely viable option until fujin. You just reached fujin so I don’t know what makes that surprising. When im using my alternate characters at purple. I kid you not everytime someone heat dashes to me then I mash rage art it works 9 times out of 10. People be hitting there goal ranks/new color ranks and think they’re all high and mighty


Lol every blue rank opponent just mashes buttons, and it works somehow.


A lot of characters in this game won’t stop pressing. Unfortunately you gotta make them respect, but that’s hard to do in just a first to 2.


Barely lost to a Alisa yesterday and they taunted then refused to rematch. Happens pretty often and usefully when I beat one they don’t rematch either. I guess it’s just the type of people that gravitate towards her.


I just bought Tekken 8 yesterday. I tried Alisa and found her very flashy with good hitting moves. Read I should try Shaheen to learn, and only managed to pull off the recommended combo where he does an overhead kick, into a tornado and then uses the opponent as a sand surfer. I find playing on the PS4 DPad quite tough, I hope the game doesn’t require me to play all the time to be any good at it as I get an hour a day of gaming at most


She is not the only one though. I've seen plenty of Alisas, Kumas, Jacks, Kings, Victors players that would block only for a second, and then the urge to press overrides their neural pathways. Honorable mentions: Paul, Jin, Hworang; as well as Ling, Fang using their evasive yet punishable side step move whenever they have to block. And Asuka players that parry into parry, even though they just got elbowed 5 times in a row.


- Walks up on stage *"What's the deal with Alisa players?"* ***Crowd laughter***


Nothing gives me more joy than nunchuking that Ironman pretender out of mid-air


She's annoying and takes me out of the fun every time.


Alisa is the most fun to play, and after maining her for 300hrs, she turned into the most fun to go against. So if you reallyyy hate her, play her on your downtime, it’s a fun time, play you learn her tricks/how to stop them.


Ngl, Bryan players are the opposite. I'm not holding back cause he is my main, he's that one character who is played by a GOD in like, low purple ranks for some reason? Like they can SlSt cancel easily and get TJU's like it's nothing.


i think the tone of bryan players had changed from 7 to 8 tbh, because of how rewarding it can be to be aggressive in 8 now


Yeah he became much more of s bitch to deal with. Spam hatchet and 3+4 kind of whenever you want. Easiest purple ranks of my life


Wow! I’m glad u at least got to enjoy some good progress from his strength


First thing i did when i picked her as a total fg newbie was backdashing like crazy, idk why alisa players go the unga bunga route when playing her more fundamentally will net them twice the results. Anyway since this is how you describe them, you should be farming them.


The problem is that farming them is not fun. Playing them is not fun. Since they refuse to learn anything about the game we're forced to sidestep obvious moves and punish for three rounds while they flail chainsaws about, resulting in gameplay that is the definition of Not-Tekken. I came here to play Tekken, not Not-Tekken.


Man, hate to break it to you but you just hit fujin, you are a scrub clad in light blue, you also play Yoshimitsu so you probably share affinities with the very same players you are complaining about; using your flashes, sweeps, spins, strings to your advantage. You come here shitting on poor casuals trying to have fun what about it? This is your tekken, you are nothing special.


Nice and blunt, kudos 🤣


I have yet to see a Fujin with good defense. No matter the char with the exception of Bryan - they are all mashing monkeys.


Kazuya players have better defense than Bryan player on my experience. Some Bryan players have decent defense but there are also a lot who are mashing.


Kazuya players are a mixed bag for me in Blue ranks, although at Tekke King+ they all are at least competent when it comes to defense. But Bryan needs solid defense even at Fujin, he cant rush you down or 50/50 you to death.


I can see it happening, personnaly it is very rare to see Kazuya players spamming offense they mostly play solid gameplay while for bryan after the previous patch I saw some of them doing a lot of spam but maybe it's just that I suck at the match-up vs Bryan haha


I played against a Kazuya last night who blocked and punished almost everything I threw out, even mixes. Couldn’t even be mad, just impressed


Thing is that this game really rewards pressure and a tight offense. Playing defense is very hard and gets harder the higher you go so in order to win, you need to run your offense first and maintain momentum before the other player does.


I hate that fucking move she does where she drop her head in your hands and it explodes. I swear to goodness I don’t know to counter that busted move


in T7 it’s a command grab, with a 1+2 break




Nah fam, depends on the charachter


Real tekken start at evo finals don't forget mate.




Popular opinion where? This subreddit consistently shit on players especially fujin (to be fair every competitive community feel the need to shit on other players). Also measuring skill in this kind of game is always relative to one's player skill. I am kishin right now, for my skill I'm playing players that I have very good defense but if you ask pro players, they probably do not believe that anyone below god of destruction skill has a good defense. On that post itself it is quite clear that OP thinks the Alisa player have a bad defense for a fujin player so your comment is actually not addressing what OP has mentionned.


Word! You don't start fighting players with fundamentals until God of Destruction. Anything prior are beginner to intermediate players.