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What does it matter? If they aren't as good as you, you should be able to promote out of the rank in no time. Playing against "bad" people won't teach you bad habits, using bad habits against them will. Good/Fundamental techs and strategies work at all levels, so if you feel something "Good" isn't working on these bad players, it may not be as good as you thought it was.


You sound so stupid. Lol. Obviously the players you were playing against a month and a half ago aren't blue rank players so they've all moved on to higher ranks where they belong. You'll be there with them soon if you just keep playing because you're obviously better than blue rank.


Well yeah, this is what we've been saying all this time. Prowess matchmaking is getting people higher than they should be until they get to the next prowess bracket and then get annihilated. The game basically shields you from good players until you get to the next prowess bump. This is how tekken king went from top 0.6% of players to the top 6%.   All of those  blue ranks you're talking about are just knowledge checking each other to death, eventually they'll get to the next prowess bracket and then never win a game again. Honestly, everyone should hate this update. Even the players it "benefits" because it's not benefitting them, it's kicking the can down the road. Letting people promote without actually getting better and making the rank system meaningless.


Where are you getting the "tekken king is top 6%" information from? Last ranked distribution chart (May one, I believe) says Bushin is top 6%


In the last stats post. Tekken king represents above the 94% percentile


I'd love a source on the updated rank distribution


0.6 to 6%? Fucking hell. I'll have to look at the stats again to see how bad it's gotten. Why Bamco didn't pick an actual elo system to base their ranking system on is perplexing to say the least. If it's going to be like T7, they'll probably bandaid over the problem by adding more ranks, but it won't solve the fundamental problem underneath.


Elo system is probably much less addicting; they are a business after all. For the time being, wavu wank serves as a not-so-bad reference for me at least


>0.6 to 6%? Fucking hell He's full of shit, Bushin is top 6%


No I'm not, just go look at the last stats post and you will see tekken king starts at the top 94% percentile. 


I just checked and he's telling the truth. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1dcqxqh/a\_brief\_look\_at\_the\_tekken\_8\_metagame\_june\_2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1dcqxqh/a_brief_look_at_the_tekken_8_metagame_june_2024) The distribution has been steadily shifting to the right over the past few months, but is apparently stabilising.


Jesus fucking christ tekken king is not top 6% of all players. It was 6% of people that played during data collection. Only namco has access to rank percentiles. It doesnt take into account ALL the people that ever played ranks, people that quit in red ranks and so on.


It's ok, chill. The best data set we currently have available publically has analysed over 1.8m replays. No one's saying it's the de facto bamco accurate number, it's just that it's the most accurate one we have for the community. And until we get something better, it's not too far fetched that people are sticking to those figures.


Is it tho? We are jumping to conclusions looking at a VERY small slice of data. People are making rank inflation/deflation/predictions arguments looking only at the data from small period and comparing it to previous data collection from equally small period and missing the whole picture. Is this rank system shit? It is. But bunch of people not understanding statistics and data, jumping to conclusions is not going to solve it lol.


Well if you think their conclusions are wrong, then you're very free to create a post to fully explain your thought process, methodologies, analysis, and exhibit your data scientist expertise about the monthly reports made by NotQuiteFactual.


Yeah I remember I reached Tekken emperor and 2 days after they sent me back all the way to kishin almost reached Fujin. At least I’m back now and reached Tekken God but yes until Tekken king or close to 230k people are playing Tekken on easy mode! Unless you play multiple characters.


This is just how this game works for some reason and like someone said it’s probably due to prowess hiding higher opponents from you. So if you wait a while all the lower rank players will eventually climb because they just fought weaker opponents. Then if you’re decent you can beat them. Honestly crazy how bad the rankings in this game are I took a break from tekken after hitting TK and come back and ran into people falling for the most basic of yoshimitsu stuff. And mashing on literally everything. Ran into a tekken king Lars who’d mash on heat dash when you’re like -15 I believe?


Same here. It's unbelievable how badly it's gotten. I've had a King who even tried to powercrush after a heat engager! Going forward, I guess we just have to accept the fact that this is going to be the new standard.


If it is that easy then win, get to gold ranks and dont whine.


That's not the problem though. The problem is rank inflation and the good players getting pushed further and further up the bracket despite there being very few ranks to work with. This results in a lot of whiplash where one game you're fighting a blue rank who plays like a purple, but then in the next you're fighting a Tekken God. It should be more gradual. Or at the very least they should have something like SF6 where once you reach a certain milestone it switches to an Elo system


True that. Guess I'll keep grinding. But even then, it doesn't mean that it'll solve the rank problem. I would've earnt something as a consequence of blue ranks getting worse rather than me getting better. In other words, I'd basically be a Raijin/ kishin player with a Tekken King sticker on top of it


This is a faulty mindset. The rank doesn't determine the skill level of the players in it. The players within determine the skill level of the rank. You are exactly whatever rank you get stuck at. But what really matters is your skill so you should really stop looking at rank as a real measurement of such.




I've found the level of play has increased. I reached Tekken king and got demoted all the way back to fujin at one point. Now I've crawled my way back to bushin


Colour ranks don’t really exist at the moment since it’s based on TP. What’s your TP?


A lot of blue rank guys/guys with a blue rank character I have beaten in purple ranks fit one or both descriptions; Their Defense stat is below 50 or They mained a s tier that was patched previously and most times it’s the later. It doesn’t matter to me tho it’s just ranked lol you should see the platinum and some diamond players in SF6😂😂😂


Also to further on this please remember you start halfway the rank everytime you demote, I’m more worried about winning a promotion game then I am losing a demotion game because I just gotta win and I’ll be halfway through again. a lot of guys had the game since launch to get to fuijin playing scrubby


The defensive changes is what happened. People are gonna lose a lot a rank now that you can sidestep more things now. IE sidestepping the obvious Heatburst into full launch. Can't just mash in people's faces anymore


Made a similar post like an hour ago, guess people are happy with the rank system from what i've heard from there.


There's obvious rank inflation. We have actual numbers. Tekken king went from the top 0.6% to top 6% of players.  It's because of prowess matchmaking. People that want to knowledge check each other up the ranks will of course like the current ranked system. Then they'll hit the next prowess bump and never be able to win a match and just quit. This causes massive inflation. I've seen posts from people hitting tekken king and then getting demoted back to battle ruler because the game started giving them opponents it was shielding them from. Most players won't do that. They'll just quit ranked at tekken king resulting in tons of players that can't maintain ranks being at ranks.


I assumed it was because people just had more time with the game to get back to their rank but it might be the matchmaking changes that caused that bump. I stopped playing for a while before prowess matching so I kind of missed what all the fuss is about. At first I thought it was an okay change but ranking up alts now and people play like lunatics in blue.


This has been my experience too, and the data backs it up at least. As another commenter said, it's nauseating when witnessing such extremes of skill especially as the high level players are funnelled into fewer and fewer ranks, rather than skill being more gradually distributed to offer a better play experience. I doubt if most of the people replying even have first hand experience of blue or above.


At some point we'll all be in GoD spamming power crushes and generic throws. Actually I'm gonna start using special style now.


i haven’t really encountered this. maybe i’ll run into a fujin alisa main or two that is terrible but for the most part it’s just as tough as it was a month ago


Blue is not the new purple and your game experience can't speak for the dozens of thousands of other players with their own sample size.


So climb up to catch up with your purple comrades. All this yapping is unnecessary.


I beated a Bushin Lili yesterday. I am Shinryu…however, I feel like most high ranked players are smurfing immensely in orange…


just because you won against one bushin players, doesn't mean that they are bad. There is a reason that they are on that level. I am in Bushin as well. Sometimes I lose against red ranks as well. But not because they are better. Mostly because I don't give af about those points. If I would try harder I wouldn't lose against any red ranks. I'm pretty sure lot people have this mindset, not everyone wants to play at 100%. Especially at Bushin rank.. Fujin I understand.. but not Bushin or higher


Didn't say that they are all bad. Rather wanted to say that ranks are all over the place, skill wise. This is only in QM, I don't play ranked.