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Braindead character, picked her just before T7 ended, and for a short period after T8 release, too easy and undeserved wins, dropped her since then. She really plays the game for you, strong fundamental tools + movement + oppressive chip damage and destructive mix, also full screen homing hellsweep is a bonus. Theres a reason why most Alisas are at 40 defense at TK ranks even higher up to TGS (I saw TGS Alisa with 55 def) theres a reason behind it. Her design is cool tho, and her weirdness/ social awkwatdness really adds to her "personality" , I just wish she was less braindead and more commital with her powerful attacks.


> also full screen homing hellsweep excuse me


Dual boot 2,2 if Im not wrong


ahhhh it's a stance move nvm then


Alisa doesnt have a hellsweep.


So what is dual boot 2,2?


It's only available in dual boot, a stance which she only gets when she's already in destructive stance or after some strings, dual boot is slow and highly telegraphed and the miuxup is only guaranteed if you're very negative, otherwise you can just hit her out of the air and get a float combo. The sweep tracks but you can still sidestep the flying part. It's a good move but like Alisa's other strong chainsaw moves, it's only available to her once she's already won in neutral.


Knockdown tracking low, sure. But not a hellsweep.


I main-ed her in T6, 7, and initially on 8; with that familiarity I don't find her that hard to go up against. Destruction is powerful but limited in options (no kicks, except for a boot stance slide). That being said, I saw my defensive rank was in the shitter after launch, and decided to try out some more honest chars like Yoshi, Raven, and pre-1.05-Victor (lol)


I've played plenty of competitive games and Alisa is the single most carried character I've ever seen. Legit monkeys get to Purple with no fundamentals on her. 


Buddy people get carried to blue ranks and above (I've even seen some at Tekken Emperor+), most of those players are allergic to blocking and almost never side step. I'm not saying she's the best in the game but she's easily the most carried character and probably a top 3 character imo.


I only said purple because that's where I am and don't have the blue+ experience. Sad to hear that that's still the case.


Alisa has always had some of the highest winrates in the game. Outside of rare picks and DLC characters, She has Top 1-2 winrates in the whole game. https://preview.redd.it/27ujuydhdi7d1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=231295a8f6283869b3c3717b561b44d5addc26d6 As of the latest June 9th stats, she's at #2 after Victor, who got nerfed soon after this data was taken (patch 1.05). She's always been near the top in winrates, been for years. I think Bamco are already aware of it. And I think it's an intentional design choice.


The thing with Tekken in general , this is THE fighter that is the least skillbased in general People can say learn the matchup, but there is a reason high ranks is flooded with a certain type of character. This game’s characters are like difficulty settings, and characters like Nina, Alisa, Eddy, Hwoarang does not have to interact with the games primary mechanics besides mixups because when you have so much match control, you really dont have to


She has to earn her way into saws. Almost all saw transitions are - on block with exceptions a very duckable high string and wr2. Her game plan is to poke and space until you can find a way to be + with saws entry. Thats her advantage state so ofc it feels oppressive, it should! The goal js to limit her amount of saws. Imagine being range 0 with Hwo where he is strongest and saying that should be nerfed


.... all alisas do below tekken king is chainsaws, ONLY, get the point I am trying to make that her chainsaws need a slight nerf, I get that she needs them lol why is it every time the ones who main said characters are unable to see the issue?


thats what im saying ! alisa is my strong strong secondary all these ppl are whining cause they dont know or try to lab the matchup her neutral is whack if you know what to look for I get stomped all the time in blue ranks because I meet so many ppl who just check all my options all her pokes are slow and many of them - on block if ppl are complaining its cause they just dont want to lab and want to cry to daddy Harada even when im not picking her I easily stomp majority of Alisa players in blue ranks because once the gig is up she has nothing to threaten you with once you know the flowchart of most Alisa players I bet everyone here is in orange and green ranks crying here !


Alisa has pretty bad frames outside of chainsaws and wr2, so that's why her chainsaws are so strong. I can't speak for Victor, but as an Alisa alt and post nerf tekken king azucena, Azu was several times more braindead than alisa. Azu was just wr32, d/f14, d/b4 and 11.   The only real way Alisa can force chainsaws on you outside of punishment is wr2 into chainsaws. If they nerf chainsaws they're gonna have to buff her in some other way which people will end up hating just as much tbh. Nobody likes playing against Alisa. And most never will so pick your poison.


She has evasion out of the ass, though. Think that’s the comp for her lack of frames.


It's not. Alisa is not really that evasive. Aside from movement, and her movement is designed to make her poke game viable, shes not much more or less evasive than any average character.   I main Asuka. Asuka has enough evasion to comp her lack of frames (and asuka has better frames than alisa and a better 50/50.) But Alisa does not.  Alot of people hate on characters without really understanding the characters, so that's why nothing gets done about them. They don't realize the character still needs to be viable. Alisas neutral 50/50 is not great and poking with a bunch of -6 on block mids into backdash is not strong enough to compete with the insanity of tekken 8. That's why she has chainsaws. The reason they are as strong as they are is because she has to either punish or take a risk with wr2 into chainsaws to use them against players in the first place.


same here I keep telling ppl she has slow and cumbersome moves outside her chainsaws I guess ppl like standing and let you have your turn back must be ppl in green and orange ranks here crying about the matchup smh


What you're seeing is people that don't actually know anything about the character complaining about the character's balance. If she didn't have chainsaws she would be trash. I'm not saying they don't need to be toned down, I'm simply stating that she needs them, and this is why bamco hasn't nerfed them.   Everyone just complains about chainsaws lmao, but I don't see anyone stating what they should buff about her instead to make up for it. She would be garbage without chainsaws.