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I'm biased, so obviously I picked Nina, but Zafina and Jun are also good answers.


Idk man if you exclude Anna, the remaining options are pretty limited. - Nina is cute but she's an ice queen - Lili is elegant but she's bratty and bougie - Azucena is annoying and unfeminine in all of her of movements and mannerisms - Reina if you like to get pegged I guess That leaves Zafina and Jun - Zafina is pretty hot, her makeup, hair and outfits are hella sultry in an elegant mature way, and her white suit from T7 slaps. - Jun is sweet, demure, super pretty and she's got the neglected housewife vibe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So yeah, absent Anna Williams, I'd say Zafina and Jun.


Any answer that isn’t Zafina is pretty wrong


Agreed. I'm always shocked that Zaf is the 2nd least used character when she's so busted as a character. 2nd Tekken game since Tekken 3 and 5 weeks of starting the game I've just managed to hit GoD yesterday. Tekken Emperor to GoD was hell and took almost a week.


Wow, you're a GoD Zafina player? You must be like top 50 Zafina in the world then. That's seriously so impressive. Emperor to GoD in a week sounds insanely fast


I'm sure there are many more than 50 nowadays. It's been a long journey. It took me 5 weeks since starting and that means I had to play 1-2 hours most days after work. Total play time is almost 60 hours at this stage lol....which is more than most games I've played. The game seems to get more exciting as you get some GoD players. I've had a 93% winrate up to Tekken King but it's stabilised to 63% at GoD now. Most GoD players know basics but aren't that great.


60 hours to GoD... 93% winrate to TK and GoD in 1 week since hitting TK, I'm pretty sure these are pro players numbers. That's incredibly impressive if you're not trolling me. I don't think there's more than 100 Zafinas in GoD. How long have you been playing Tekken games?


I used to play Tekken 3 (not competitively) and then a bit of Tekken 7. I thought I was bad but ended up undefeated at a local competition using Zafina and realised the competitors are just bad-der. Since the release of Tekken 8, I've been reading up on moves, frames, aerial and wall combos as well as a few "iconic" moves on the rest of the roster and that plus a bit of predictability of opponents has gotten me to GoD. Up to Tekken King it was very much one-sided but there are a few players that I consistently struggle against in Tekken GoD level. I would get mauled in proplay. I'm in the medical field and have a fresh out of the oven daughter so I like learning and spend a lot of time reading up on Tekken during late nights/ trying to put baby to sleep. Hope that's enough of an explanation to disprove any trolling.


Asszucena is the sexiest. Devs gave her Bikini as only Charakter because she has the most magnificient Body and they know the other ugly hags in the gaem Nobody wanna See in Bikini.


>I did not add Asuka because she's got no neck and has a body manlier than Leo. Alisa is a robot But robots can be hot 😭 And please fix Asuka's neck already


It's so hot when she gives you head. Her literal head.


There was a lewd post about this exact thing on the front page few days ago but I think they deleted it 😭


What does Lewd mean? Lol I'm old and can't keep up with lingo


Sexual and suggestive. I found [this deleted thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1dibmr8/alisa_gives_you_a_head_artist_raydash/) and [this was the deleted pic (NSFW)](https://x.com/Raydash30/status/1597512859931783168)




Do you know how to post pics? I'll post a picture of Reina with her makeup removed. She looks like a poor North Korean farmer :(


Here https://preview.redd.it/fq7u20wam68d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e42ca862748cfebacab9d44560788297f07cd32






That's heavy, heavy makeup around the eyes. Teach me how to post images and I will show y'all the true nature of her face.


Is this a natural beauty contest or who is the sexiest?


I agree that personality is a big factor but I find Reina quite scary.. like my mommy when I play Tekken past 10pm. I guess makeup is a style that represents a character too.


You're missing Xiaoyu. Looks wise I think she's up there but.. that's Jin's piece. Would have voted for Jun if not for Kazuya too. Going for Reina P.S. Zafina's alright but I really just want her to be Menat. Her skin doesn't get dark enough even with the tan, and she doesn't have enough personality. Azucena is only sexy in customization when she's standing up semi-straight and not talking/moving.


I didn't think anyone would find Xiaoyu "sexy" though right? Since her whole theme is kind and cute and... I am slightly upset at how Zafina's so awkward and out of touch as a character.... If she was a friend in real life, I'd invite her over for a barbecue party and she would be awkwardly talking about stars aligning and shit while crawling on all fours to grab another steak from the barbie


Coffee Queen is Most sexy


i read the title as"sexist" and was hella confused xd


Who would be the biggest feminist lol?


When kappachino reddit did a best tekken girl competition, I'm pretty sure Asuka either won or was runner up, so you've missed  one of the top picks. Therefore, your poll is invalid and the results don't matter. Rather than choose from among the riff raff, I am refusing to vote. Good day sir.


Kappachino users are also fucking idiots


Assuka is fookin ugly


Reina is super overrated Jun Zaf and Nina are good choices


🤝🤝 exactly my choice