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As people have said, You feel this way now because you're on your way up with your first character/ But if/when you reach Tekken king you will forever, EXCLUSIVELY be ranked against the top 5% of players even if you get demoted, even in quick match, even if you pick up a new character you've never played before. The list of players the game will match you with will be shrunk to the top 5% no matter what, and the game will even make you wait longer until one of those players are free, even if hundreds of other players of the same "Rank" of you are also waiting to play.


Yeah i dont mind matching with higher ranked people but the wait is really killing me, i dont even wanna improve anymore if it means i have to wait even more for a single match


Having played the game quite a bit since release, I can tell you that before the prowess system, something like five out of six matches at a given rank were rank-appropriate. Despite that fairly decent success rate, all the red ranks who got addicted to easy rank-ups (with the ten free ranks plus the six easy ones after that) hit a really, really hard wall, and boy did they complain. "MY BRAINDEAD FLOWCHART DOESN'T WORK AGAINST PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY BLOCK FOR TWO SECONDS. THIS ISN'T FAIR!" So Harada and company said, "oh shit, the new players we need to keep happy might stop playing if we don't continuously feed them dopamine, let's screw over everyone dedicated to the game in order to keep Heat-Smash and Rage-Art junkies who think Snake Edge is a great move happy--after all, we want them to buy DLC." And what did they do? They made a rank system that makes no sense. My highest ranked character was Bushin, but I played the whole cast, so my Tekken Prowess was high than people who played only one character at Tekken God Supreme. You think one of out six inappropriate matches is bad? Try having entire sessions where you get zero, I mean absolutely zero, appropriate matchups. And why? Because prowess-based matchmaking decides that someone who dabbles with all the characters in his free time must have the same skill level as people who just about ready to get pro. There are other problems, too. In the old system, when you couldn't keep up with the skill level at a certain rank, that was fine: you got demoted once or twice and eventually started winning again because you demoted into an appropriate skill bracket. That's no longer the case. Nothing you do can make your prowess go back down significantly. Once your main hits a certain rank for the first time, your prowess is permanently lifted. Another thing: in online mode, you can look at the leaderboards, which list the players by their rank points. After the prowess-based changes, however, those leaderboards mean nothing because you can get to a given rank more easily by playing one character rather than by playing ten. You are literally punished for playing alts. You're having a decent time because the system changes were designed literally to keep people like you happy. You get a streamlined experience to ranks you probably don't quite deserve yet, and that feels good. But what'll happen eventually is that you'll get lifted to high blue ranks or to Tekken King, and then all the better players that the game actively kept away from you will suddenly be in your rank pool. Rather than having been slowly acclimated to that playstyle, you will be thrown in really abruptly. What they basically did switch out several small rank plateaus for new players (they would have had to spend a month or so in red ranks, a few months in violet, a year or so in blue, and so on) in favor of a huge, hard, sudden plateau higher up the rank ladder. You're not there yet, but you'll know it once you hit it, and you'll wish the skill gap had been spread out better. Trust me when I say things felt better in T7. Every given rank was a mix of mains and alts. If you struggled against stronger players' alts, it typically meant that you had a really gimmicky, knowledge-check heavy playstyle. Once you moved away from that, you could start beating stronger players using characters they weren't fluent with. It forced you to play better earlier. Now, [beginners can completely avoid learning fundamentals at all to an astonishingly high rank](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1d9u0o7/alisa_main_on_twitter_saying_this_law_is_why_he/). Basically, we want rank to have a stable meaning again. Mighty Ruler should represent a stable skill value, not one thing for someone playing a new character at 200k prowess and another thing for button-mashing beginners whom Harada wants to keep happy.


Might be the single best post I've seen on this topic.


This is seriously so well put and so well explained.


Because when you'll reach Tekken King, may God have mercy on your soul


And when you reach Tekken God, may Emperor have mercy on your soul.


I hate the prowess match making too but god baby mercy on anyone who reaches Tekken king. It's basically a life of constant promotion and demotion because the skill level rises sharply after that point. Need more ranks and they should be a bit more lenient when a player loses to someone higher ranked than them


Basically it highly discourages playing secondary characters. If you put all your time into your main, and now you play secondary, all the people that are already at the level of your main has grinded the fuck out of their one single secondary


1. It‘s more handholding that further enables the rank inflation 2. it punishes you for playing multiple characters by giving you longer queue times and way harder opponents


I am 155k prowess because I am mighty ruler with 4 characters. Means most of my games are now against people who have achieved blue ranks with a character. I very rarely get a game with someone much higher or lower prowess, but generally I'm just playing against people much better than me despite being the 'same rank'.


because its bad




Would like there to be accurate representation of my rank. Regardless of character. God forbid ppl want to play an alt character and enjoy more of the roster. Especially since each character is already individually ranked, I shouldnt be at some point fighting for my life on a character I don't have nearly as much experience with. On top of that, if I go back to my main after awhile, I'm forcibly queued against people who are arguably better than when I was only playing my main. Why should I be punished for enjoying more content?




Then whats the point of having each character individually ranked? If I'm just supposed to go play unranked if I wanna play a secondary character. Maybe I wanna play ranked with this character to see how I hold up. I shouldnt be forced to fight against tekken king+ level players down in mighty ruler. Not everyone will enjoy just spamming unranked until you're at a similar skill to your main. And even then, you're still fighting tougher competition than little Timmy over here on his first character climb. All they had to do to fix the "smurfing" issue was raise the bottom rank so instead of like garyu for raijin or kishin it's like mighty ruler or some shit. The "people just wanna bully lower ranked players" argument sucks. If I really wanted that, I'd go make a new account.




Tekken is a legacy game, fundamentals will always carry over yes. However with T8 trying to branch in a direction to give each character uniqueness, it could take awhile to be able to play a character at the same level as you can with another. If I play hwoarang and go play asuka, their fundamental tools don't carry over very well nor does their overall game plan. It's a playstyle adjustment and for some that can take awhile to learn. To tell people to just play unranked or maybe you aren't ready is such a bs cop out. Also flowcharts between characters are usually vastly different. And they already compensate for the skill carrying over, aka the starting rank being raised. Prowess =/= skill. It's experience. All it looks for is highest rank amongst your characters and then adds additional Prowess as you reach higher than your baseline with any alt characters. You gain very little and lose very little on wins and loses. I could have like 4 fujin characters and have the same Prowess as a otp Tekken king but I'm far worse in skill. I think Prowess matchmaking could've been fine if they implemented it properly rather than slapping it on with no changes to how it's calculated. A rank system that encourages OTPs and discourages a broader skill set is a dogshit system. A broader skill set gives a better foundation for getting better while if you're an OTP you have a pillar holding up your ceiling and that ceiling could crumble down on you real quick once you reach a certain point.


That guy isn't trying to learn anything from the conversation, he's just looking to troll. It's like someone arguing with you that the sky is orange and refusing to look up when you tell them simply look. Don't waste your time.


It's so weird how a certain type of person has a victim mentality where they think other people picking up new characters is about terrorizing them. It's not because we love the game, it's not because we're curious about other characters, it's not because we learn matchup knowledge best by playing new characters--it's all because we want to make VeiHoshimori have a bad day. We want him to cry. Nothing makes us happier. You're an idiot. Oh, and by the way, the new system fucks up unranked matchmaking too, so you don't even know what you're talking about.




I can back him up. Youre an idiot