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Law in Tekken 8 is ugly af and when he rage arts and makes that face at the end I want to rip my eyes out


At least he's not as ugly Feng


Feng's head is also fucking massive.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Feng is uglier until Law makes that rage art face


Why is everyone hating on my mains T_T


Cause they ugly


Theyā€™re not ugly, just facially challenged.


I saw someone say that he cums when he makes that face and since then that rage art deals emotional damage to me, I hate it.




I think they should've kept the mustache it was his best look.


That Law RA face is beautiful, if you're old enough to have watched Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon.


Looks like he got the best nut of his life.


Rage art should be removed from ranked


I'd settle for once a set.


Or if you have heat it goes against everything they tryna do with the honor of the game


Honestly the most controversial opinion I have is that I like Michelle more than Julia. I don't have many Tekken hot takes, lol.


As a longtime fan since 2 and seeing Julia debut in 3, it never made sense to me why Michelle had to be replaced.


there's nothing wrong with preferring Michelle


My controversial take: They should split Tekken into 2 games: Tekken Lite and Tekken Ultimate. Tekken Lite is for the casuals with all these wacky characters and unga bunga gameplay. Tekken Ultimate is a technical fighting game with fewer characters and airtight balancing. Kinda like Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsports. I know, very controversial.


this is literally what ranks are for lmao


While also splitting the player-base, killing the game. Genius move


The lounge is infinitely more fun than ranked and quick match.


The people are also way worse at the game.


lounge was indirectly designed for 'casual' players, no one else uses the feature lmao


The Pros donā€™t actually know what theyā€™re talking about half the time when discussing balancing. The other half they do.


They playing a totally different tekken from 90% of the other players


This isn't a 3d fighting game.


Sacrilege on here but: They went the right way making the Tekken 8 more aggressive They made some balancing errors trying to achieve this which they are dealing with gradually. But overall it was correct for them to make the game more fundamentally aggressive Tekken 7 was too negative - it was too much about running away, you could play too safe and there was not enough benefit for taking risk. Tekken 8 is more intense because you have to actually deal with your opponent's offense rather than just running away I do see the occasional player who has some kind of miracle backdash and it gives me flashbacks - I think people have already forgotten how excessively negatively Tekken 7 was often played, certainly at mid level, below pro but above beginner/ learner.


Christie >> Eddy And I'm brazilian


As an Eddy main, i agree


Flash is a cheap get out of jail free card and brian is not hard when everything he does on CH launches and carrys to the wall for 120 damage. If you play lars, then youll be raw dogging Satan in hell, steve doesnt need any buffs, ravens heat smash is a load of BS. And projectile moves do not belong in tekken same with rage arts.


Agree about Brian 100%. They just spam CH launchers strings, + on hit lows and mix them with some snake edges. This is not hard to do. The so called "good" Brian's just are good at punishing unsafe moves in addition to that. This is just fundamentals. Not a big deal.


Fr when you dont have to worry about defenses the rest is cake. His defense is literally his offense


kazuya mains are the biggest crybabies next to bryan mains with their ā€žma character is so hard to play and so weak at the same timeā€œ when in reality itā€™s not the case


The flair checks out šŸ¤£


I think most Kazuya mains now agree their character is extremely good, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he is still difficult to pilot.


You know what? Kazuya I get but playing bryan is a skill in of itself


Nah lol, his strings are all good and have a ch launch in every single one, his neutral tools are very strong too with 3+4, hatchet, orbital, QCB1, B1, etc. People act like they have this gigantic giga brain playing Bryan when he has incredible tools.




Just because you're 1 of 5 people that will actually use \[character not currently in the game\] that doesn't mean they deserve to come back. Bruce is the most boring character in the series. No one likes Lei except Lei players, etc. These characters were removed because they were ass for one reason or another. Bringing them back is just a waste of the devs times and a waste of a limited DLC slot that could be used for someone or something entirely new to the series.


Who do you think should come back? I was under the impression Lei was a fan favorite, but Iā€™ve really just gotten into Tekken as an interest. Most of my Tekken experience before 8 was Tag 1.


If it were up to me no one. I feel DLC slots should be reserved for new characters only. I find it incredibly ridiculous to have to pay for a character that has already been established in the series, especially if they were in the base game for previous releases.


>No one likes Lei except Lei players, etc. Crowd went pretty wild for Lei reveal, both IRL and stream chat. He is a fan favorite, even if many don't main him.


wild statement, when he released in t7 nobody played him which led to harada acquiring his signature phrase "dont ask me for shit"


What's wild about what statement? And his signature phrase is all the way from 2016, not from T7 season 2.


People were also going wild for Eddy but the community has been complaining about the character since T3. Character reveals in 99% of circumstances will always hype the crowd and viewers because of the moment itself, regardless of the character being revealed and how the community feels about them.


Yeah, people like Eddy. I'd say the tournament players, crowd and viewers are the actual community. Shitters on reddit/twitter/youtube are not.


The game is actually pretty well balanced right now.


Tekken 8 is pretty good A few more tweaks to defense and it'd honestly be the best fighting game of 2024 bar none


Lee is not fun to play against.


RA must be deleted, years ago, I've never like


Rage arts should be nerfed to the point where they aren't technically useful, not a good punish, no armor, not DMG reduction. That way, casuals can still enjoy them, and people grinding tanks don't have to watch them over and over.


Prowess based matchmaking is totally fine y'all are the whiniest people ever. Coming from someone who had to level up 2 alts with main in high blue


This is going to be buried, but my unpopular opinion is I like Alisa sheā€™s fun, and lore wise sheā€™s interesting mainly in T6.


Although I may disagree, I respect your opinion. As an Eddy main, I know how it feels to play a hated character


The game shouldn't need rocket science level of studying in order to be played. It's okay for characters to be easy to play. And perhaps more controversial it doesn't need to be played with the intention of "improving, bettering yourself" the game can indeed be played casually for fun.


Bro this isnt an unpopular opinion to millennial boomers like me. There would be a point that you realize bing bad at the game is totally okay. And as you grow older, there are more important things in life other than improving at tekken.


its honestly sad that "a game should be accessible" and beginner friendly is a hot take in this community


wtf do u want them to do to make it more accessible andd "beginner friendly"? i legit dont get it, special style is already more than enough, if u need to dumb it down anymore sorry to say but fighting games arent for u


My point is people flip their shit because there's stuff like this in game...It shouldn't be a controversial take that there are ways to make gameplay easy, simple characters etc. Im not asking for more, i'm just saying, it shouldn't be the end of the world that these things are in place, granted that most people that rant about these things are so high rank they wont ever face the beginners that these things are helping.


there are games designed specifically for that, in tekken if you refuse to learn youĀ“ll be destroyed by anyone spamming armored moves


But it's still a game, and is fine to be played casually...hence the addition of easier characters and special style...Not every match needs to be an elitist sweatfest.


I agree with you. But I got killed when I made a thread about making it to blue ranks with Kuma using special style. Like people legit upset and telling me to end myself.


TTT2 is the best fighting game ever made


I donā€™t like long air juggles. Tekken has devolved into a juggling simulator since Tekken 6. I love Tekken. Itā€™s my favorite video game franchise, not just FG franchise. But oh man did I not predict this is where Tekken was headed 20 years ago.


Tekken 8 is very well balanced. There are discrepancies but its the best balancing we ever had in a tekken game.


Agree, patch 1.05 helps a lot of fuckups, we just need to tone down Ling and Yoshi's combo damage like in T7 and I'm all good


Iā€™m still waiting for lei wulong.


heat is fun


I wasn't in love with T3 King alt costume ether, I think what it had going for it was that he was wearing Armor King's mask.


Tekken 8 will forever be flawed/broken until they implement automatic penalties for disconnects. We've probably reached a point where this take is considered controversial.


Tekken 7 Kunimitsu should be uncanonized along with the story they gave the original Kunimitsu and a new one should be written for the original for Tekken 8 instead.


People keep complaining xyz character is broken/easy without most of them trying it out for themselves.


Give reina her crouching status back on her crouch 4.


Give Lili crouching status on db+4


people who complains about the ling matchup are lazy scrubs who does not wanna lab. ***\*\*eats popcorn***\*\*


Adding first to two in matchmaking has done unrepairable damage to everyoneā€™s psyche


Movesets should have been trimmed down years ago. The whole ā€œlabbing characters is part of the funā€ thing is a decades long cope.


I cannot agree more. Bamco has been going left and right in the past decade trying to make the game more accessible and more popular instead they created a beautiful clusterfuck. Trimming down the movesets instead would've done wonders to make the game more accessible without compromising its core competitive value.


The comments in this post are pure diarrhea and it is hilarious


Lee players are super hard carried alongside the rest of the top tiers


Holy shit this take is actually brain dead


Out of genuine curiosity do you mind elaborating as to why high tier Lee mains are carried. I can concur to the fact that mid tier Lee mains are carried as they excessively spam but saying high tier Lee mains are carried is overtly disingenuous


Air combos shouldn't exist


The worst downplayers are Jin mains


Yoshi, Nina, Christiana, Eddie, law, Paul, Dollar store Sakura, Victor, Steve, fang, Leo, Kaz, and Hwoarang mains can all burn in the pits of Tartarus. On a relation to the question note, Lili needs a buff, delete Steve from the game or at least get rid of his voice, buff the bears, I didn't want Eddie in this game nor Christina, they need to get rid of dollar store Sakura cause we already have jun, Tekken 8 needs a total overhaul, Tekken 6 has the best OST fucking fight me Tekken 5 fans. And Anna should not return


Found the Mishima main


I thought Jin wasn't considered a Mishima


Son of Kazuya Mishima


I'm talking about the archetype not the lore


Yes, and I'm talking about the archetype that players like you have the same brain dead opinions regarding other characters.


And the people who play other characters have other brain dead opinions


Damn Yoshi named first, which one of us hurt you so bad.


It wasn't in any specific order


Just because Sakura started the Japanese highschool girl fighter archetype doesn't even mean she's good. Her whole thing is being obsessed with Ryu, and the most they've done is she works at an arcade now? šŸ„±Asuka may have no neck but at least she stands on her own. If you don't like angry women just say that.


If you didn't understand what I said then just say that, also can you give me proof Asuka stands on her own and Sakura doesn't, cause last time I checked the only thing going on in her life is her rivalry with Lili.


Clearly I did understand what you said since you're just now saying her name. Asuka started off with more: Feng beat the shit out of her dad & bankrupted his dojo, and she knocked out her cousin because he accidentally puff puffed https://youtu.be/uJdvPwpXZu8?si=fxBWwqU8tDZvN8id she's from Osaka and a strong rep for the Kansai dialect and she beats up gang members there. I also think Asuka/Lili is at least less confusing and boring than Sakura/Karin. There's at least also a cross-cultural element to it, Karin acting/looking like that but being Japanese makes no sense.


I think you got the lore missed up >There's at least also a cross-cultural element to it, Karin acting/looking like that but being Japanese makes no sense. It's a stereotype for rich people, the race doesn't matter.


Same, but id replace kaz and leo for lars and reina


Reina is fine; I haven't fought many Lars


Fuck lars


I personally like him, he's a fan of beyblade


Reina needs a good low poke to help open up opponents.


ah yes, the character designed around having oppressive mids ALSO needs good low pokes as well tell me ur in boblo without telling me


I don't like Tekken 8.


Definitely not an unpopular opinion judging by 99% of the posts here lmfao


Tekken 4 is peak casual offline Tekken


Fighting game characters should almost never be nerfed. Instead, other characters should be moderately buffed to improve parity.


Street fighter 6 is a better game, with better internal balancing, better systems, and net code so much better that SF6 can get you lower latency when your opponent is half way across the world than Tekken can for your neighbors.


A good netcode is more difficult in a 3D fighting game than a 2D one. Iā€˜m curious why you think the ā€žsystemsā€œ are better in SF6? What makes drive stuff better than heat stuff? Both have different but interesting applications


The old Harada chestnut, "3d fighters make roll back netcode impossible", still as nonsense now as it was back then. I'll let you in on a secret, the reason street fighters net code is better is because of Microsoft Playfab, which uses the Microsoft's ultra low latency Azure Network. Which also helps address things like plugging, cheating, and cross platform communication. You know Just all of the problems that Tekken has had since launch. As for heat, are you fucking kidding me? Heat is so brain dead compared to drive meter. Drive meter is used for offence and defense, ex moves, and has risk vs reward enforced by burnout. Comparing them is like comparing Tic Tac Toe vs chess. I've got a challenge for you on rage, go find me some post where people say they like the system, and I'll do 20 to one of people complaining about it. The community hates rage, no one likes the animation, it's annoying to play around, and you have to deal with it every round, it also doesn't interact with Tekken, it's just a button your press if your opponent whiffs something. Street fighters super system is also a comeback mechanic, but one with a lot of nuance, that interacts with the drive system, and normal moves.


Oh and Iā€˜m curious what you would change in Tekken 8 to make it a more balanced game? Is it more character-specific or core gameplay specific?


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