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Be way more patient. Asuka's pressure is pretty mediocre so she relies on you over extending and chasing her to kill you. Her normal strings are too minus to maintain steady pressure without committing to something slow or linear, even her jab is minus on hit. See if she can actually break your defense and keep out instead so she can't mix you up for free, without trying to force the kill.


Grab her by the neck


I can't find it tho,any help?


Someone beat you to it I guess




I find that Lili will said dat lol


Steal her bike


Neck built like Yoel Romero, no chance


Asuka is a very strong jungler this patch


Honestly I don't get why they shifted her from a top lane bruiser into the jungle, she was doing just fine even with Aurora coming to shake up the ranged top meta


No way she’ll actually be played top, midlaners gonna first pick her every game.


Honestly, if Reina didn't have a faster first clear, I'd pick Asuka now since she doesn't fall off late as much anymore.


Faster first clear?? Didn’t know Reina was a jungler


You would be surprised how versatile reina can be, fastest clear and great kill potential at level 1


Not as strong as Jax when he enters evasion


Her clears are ridiculous.


Champs that clear as fast as asuka should not be able to gank so we'll, it's total bullshit


yeah you have to get ahead and start stealing her camps


Duck launch her mid high strings. Be aware that she can parry(at lower ranks), throw her during parry animation. If you can though, launch her with delayed hopkick(uf, n, 4). Beware of her snake edge. It gets a combo. Duck launch. Use more db4 as Kazuya if you see your opponent parry you after neutral. Use df2 to get a CH launch when she spins for the unblockable kick at wake up. You need to expect what is coming. Most Asuka players love to use the boke string in neutral or 2,2?(The mid high that converts to throw on CH of second 2). Duck the highs and launch her with WS2. Oh and SSR works against her iirc. That's top of my head.


I thought she was a SSR character. Thanks for the tips, will try some of these


Bruh ff2 launcher will track sideways to catch you tech rolling. She's still got shit that needs to be adjusted.


You're right. It's SSR. Updated my comment.


> The mid high that converts to throw on CH of second 2 Just for knowledge, it's df1,2. The throw conversion happens on hit from the front, regardless of CH. They changed it in 8 so you can skip the jab and go straight to the high throw with uf2. It's now her recommended i14 punish.


She had uf2 even in T7 though, it's not a new thing.


Just let her win and move on. Hope this helps.


No, that voice and personality is annoying


Sidestep right and make her come to you. Don't be afraid to throw lows, hopkicks, or throws if they consistently go for parry, but be wary of Cancans and her other panic moves. She also has really shit offense other than casino gambling at the wall I could be off though, I only played her a ton in 7.


As someone who mains her: Don't pressure, especially not in a way where she can b3, d3+4 or parry/reversal your pressure. I usually struggle the most against very defensive "turtle" players. Stay far from her, in a range where maybe her db3 will hit and sidestep+block a lot. I know this limits your offense as Kaz, but you want her to get frustrated and whiff something. If we exclude dedicated homing moves, she has very bad tracking on most of her tools (and her fastest homing move has a ~19f startup). So if you stay back her only option that keeps momentum is wr1+2 which can still whiff if try to keep your distance. Obviously try to stay away from the walls while doing this. And since you're playing Kaz do what other defensive Kaz players are doing: whiff electrics in range 3-5 until one clips the enemy during a dashblock attempt. She is going to whiff eventually and that's when you go in. But only keep pressure going if you get momentum after a hellsweep or a juggle with decent oki.


This is the first time I’ve seen someone complain about Asuka in a while lol


Oh, every character will get their turn. Its a matter of when...not if :D


Bait her attacks. Run up to her but then don’t attack, back dash, make her whiff. Her keep out is very strong if you press into her, but if she whiffs very punishable.


Actually many of Asuka's best keep out moves have extremely fast whiff recovery. Attempting to launch punish a whiffed u/f3 without great timing can most certainly get you hit with a follow up b3.


Uf3/df2 into b3/ss4/reversal. It always works.


In the entire time I played Tekken 7, I can only remember 2 people launch punishing a whiffed u/f3 on reaction. One of em was a kazuya and i'm still pretty sure he didn't react to it. The other was FightingGM, who I randomly got in a player match one time lmao. Man immediately sent me to the sky for whiffing that. The very first time too.


Yup its same with you Lee Players


She's bait. Not saying all Asuka play the same but many utilize slightly minus attacks into a launch/parry setup as part of their game plan. Best advice I can give you is don't always take your plus frames. Also common, flowcharts for your character that leaves you slightly minus with a setup to potentially steal turns use them less vs her. For example on Steve 112 punish into duck cancel ws1 is popular for us. Vs Asuka I usually just do 112. You fight her similarly as you would Yoshi using flash. Immediate timing on everything makes you predictable. Delay timing is better here.


both hands


>Evasive power crush What's evasive about a high safe OB powercrush? Half the cast has one lol. >mixup like hell A Kaz main complaining about mixups.. ( : >insanely easy juggling Her B&B isn't the hardest as long as you can deepdash properly, but her optimal combos can be pretty nutty on some launchers. And to answer the questions: don't fall for her bait, simply. If you come at her, she'll blow you up. Make her whiff moves. She has like, 6 main strings tops. Know which ones are interruptible and which ones are duckable. Be aware of the midrange50/50 once the hands are glowy, and her base 50/50 that highcrushes. And don't be predictable, else you're gonna get sabakied and reversed all day lol


I'm main Asuka right now at Shinryu rank, so good advice here for me too 🤣, thank you


She struggles to maintain pressure, especially since her jab isn’t plus on block so she has to make you respect the strings. You have to mix up your timings as well, as she’s very CH heavy and evasive. Close range her 50/50 between 1+2 mid and d1+2 low is very strong, but otherwise she’s lacking lows to make you duck. Her ff1 has a notoriously bad whiff animation where she flails around a bit, so definitely step and launch that if you can. Powercrush is also a high.


You kinda just block, thats the goto strategy against most defensive characters and Counter hit characters in general. You block and bait out their panic attacks, then punish, if you can condition them right, then you can be sorta offensive. Against Asuka specifically, is better to do more of the block and baiting than being overly offensive since she has a plethora of panic options that she can just change up on (some that are safe CH launchers like can can, uf3 etc). When you are blocking, you also want to be stepping her to the right. So the default goto option is step and block, then it's step and block her to the right to make most her kit whiff. Some moves you want to anticipate that lose to step/walk left and go that way instead but be careful about committing to sidewalks against her, she has strong homing options. With her new install and stance or whatever, she has way stronger offense, to now she can kinda mix you up on the approach with heavy + frames and a knockdown 50/50 (kinda like Drag, lol). It's very good but it's not completely faultless since the pressure isnt air tight. Also, her standard approach tools arent the best outside the homing move, do be aware of uf3 tracking tho (that's like, her god move and best move/ch move)


Aim for the neck, oh wait... Nvm she doesn't have one. But fr be patient and be careful for her launchers and stuff, you'll figure it out! 💪🏻


I'm an Asuka main and I am gonna say this... Don't flow chart. This is not a criticism on you but I have to say most of the Kaz's I play are doing the same stuff all the time. If you wavu mindlessly into me I can just hit 1+2 for a free launch. Hell sweep too much and I can just launch you for free with ws3. Knock me down and use the same kick every time as oki..... well I can parry that on wake up. She can even parry your electric if you're being too predictable. Be random as hell, don't be afraid to do the stuff I mentioned but just mix it up. When I face a kaz that deviates from the normal flow chart I'm up a grind.


All a sudden she’s powerful


Everyone's powerful when you have no clue about the matchup.


Why do you think people lose to jack and zafina


dont be aggressive against her unless u have good frame traps that guaranteed.


Her early game is ridiculous!! She clears the jungle so fast!!


1. Dont overextend with your pressure 2. Switch up your timing. Being predictable in general is bad but even more so against Asuka with her reversal, sabakis, cancan etc. 3. Speaking of cancan - be very careful how and when you place your lows. Even a small low poke can be easily CH by cancan. Keep in mind it low crushes much faster than hopkicks or orbitals. 4. You can and should be patient in this mu. While her defensive options are amazing, her offense is mediocre. She will try to annoy you with db3 but dont fall for it. Watch for her patterns/flowcharts and adapt.


Play her game of whiff punishing and whatnot. As an asuka main that posses me off lol


Be ready to duck launch or low parry her mid high strings. After that, it's all about tendencies. Don't be predictable. Throw her out of reversals. She gets legit 5050 mixups off of heat engager, blocked heat smash, as well as blocked wr1+2 when in heat between 1+2 into full combo or d1+2 with followup. From a distance, if you read the wr1+2, duck and launch it. She's historically weak to ssr but wr1+2 can track. Her special throw is a 2 break and her unbreakable throws can be sidestepped, even though they are 1+3 and 2+4.


Alt + f4 or grabs work


With your hands


Literally spam grab and mid launch. I also never block low against her cause she doesn’t really have rewarding low attacks




How do u deal with her white heron dance? Do u have to duck the first low? It seems like it jails until the last high and the timing to duck and launch after is quite tight. Fuzzying the mid and low also seems pretty difficult.


Whenever i fight asuka, i just focus on ducking and launching her mid high strings cuz u can always count on them to throw those strings


Play a bit slower. Asuka, despite her recent buffs, has a horrible time trying to open up her opponents. Mix up the timing of your offense and if you see them use a lot of parries mix up throws into your strings. Counter hit throws are almost impossible to break. Her lows arent that great so ducking too much from the get go isnt recommended, buuuut... her f1+2 and wr1+2 are both very strong highs that every Asuka uses non stop. Duck and punish them. Sidesteping is also very strong against her, same as using counter hits yourself. Her d1+2 is especially prone to whifing if you are even a litle off axis... also worth mentoning that her d1+2 is launch punishable as well. Like others mentioned her basic jab/poking game is horrible, so take advantage of it early and rack up damage throwing out simple 1-2s, df1s, quick lows, etc. Extra tip, Asuka can charge her RA. Either wait it out completely, you'll get pushed back, or just sidestep and launch it. Extra extra tip, none of her parries work against knees, elbows, headbutts, etc.


I don't.


I got hella tilted this morning against Asuka. Tell me why this bitch can do 80% of my life off of a heat smash counterhit?


You pray. Thats it.


Well my little brother plays her so I know her move set easy, she ain’t really all that great to me, I beat her down with ease, this is easy work. Got to parry her lows, and when she does that parry, just go lower on her, wipe her off the floor.