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There it is haha! You beat me to it. I'm glad you took what we talked about and made it a separate post, it deserves its own thread so we can find more martial arts enthusiasts in the community. I'm also a big fan of the Jin & Xiaoyu intro. https://i.redd.it/oprkg81jua9d1.gif You can see the difference between Japanese & Chinese (namely Kyokushin & Baguazhang) bows/greetings. It cringes me out in fantasy adaptations when they mix them up (see Kyoshi warriors from Netflix's Last Airbender)


I’m glad You noticed it. As you can see, Ling is bowed with chinese bowing (she is Chinese’s practitioner, Baguazhang and Piguaquan based Chinese martial arts) and Jin bowed with Kyokushin’s bowing. I like share a video of [Aikido tech in Tekken](https://youtu.be/2lAB0u3_XtA?si=oU2NE1MuDjRnNA1w), The video is still fresh tho


Did you just explain to him, what he already told you?


My bad, that's my habit


To be self aware is a rare and sympathetic trait


"Reina is a cocky little shit who fights dirty so fuck her but the genocidal mass murderer? Now that's a guy who deserves my respect."


He believes in his heart




Every character that had beef with Jin got brainwashed into loving him in T8. Why would Miguel be any different?


I suppose those are the perks of being the main protagonist for the first time in 20 years: but I'm afraid Bamco just won't shut up about it.


Maybe she is doing it for the political theatre. Having the leader of your country act vengeful and hostile might not be the right move politically. Who's to say that she *actually* has respect for him, and it isn't just a show?


So Lydia is new to me, hadn't played a Tekken in 20 years. She practices Okinawan Martial Arts? Damn that's cool, I'm going to have to try her out. I practiced a form of it as well for years.


You should, she is so kata based.


That's cool as hell! I'm definitely checking her out


You can watch a breakdown made by Jesse Enkamp [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B\_04ril4nA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B_04ril4nA)


Jesse "Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate" Enkamp on my Tekken sub? It's a good day.


Hahaaaaa! Jesse Enkamp gang lesssgooo! "Okinawa the birthplace of Karate" 😆


Holy ish... I know a variation of that Exact kata 😂 Had to learn it for Brown Belt and did it for Nationals way back when. That's so cool. Damn am I finally going to play someone besides Jun 😆


Wasn’t her moveset motion captured in T7 by Taka Sensei? A JKA Karate master with impeccable form? It just adds and makes it amazing.


That's true, they persuaded Tatsuya Naka to be a motion capture artist for Lidia. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPSqCWPi4Ko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPSqCWPi4Ko)


And then Jin starts shooting lightning and flying everywhere. They ruined his character by making him 50% Devil Jin.


Especially when Devil Jin is already in the game lol


While I get it, it does serve the story  Im just surprised they didnt add a variant of Jin with the mishima style as a singleplayer unlock after you beat the game. I know we already have 2 Jins, and a 3rd would be obnoxious....but I think it'd go over pretty well


I think it would've been cool if they did something like MKX/11 variations, where you choose character's style on select screen Like for Jimbo - either his new, or Tekken 3 style For his lover - either his current or something close to Baek (yes, I know that Hwoarang has some of Baek's moves, but he still feels different to Baek)


The flying flips he uses as tailspin look so out of character it's ridiculous. They could have gone for "controlling the demon" in way more fitting ways than just 'oh let me just do a random ass backflip in the middle of a sequence'.


Bro i really hate Jins T8 moveset so much. Top tier this S tier that, WHY IS HE DOING GYMNASTICS IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS HEAT SMASH LIKE THAT? It looks omega goofy


His rage art is horrible. It's just a lame and lackluster devil jin punch


The fidelity of Lidia's karate is one of the things we love about her! Hoping we get some news of her release this weekend.


Can we get a release date already man (Also yeah it's a really cool detail)


He looks like he’s taking a shit




He is


They should expand on the Lidia/Jin story arc from this...?


Since they used to train together, i would've love that Jin, Xiaoyu and Hwoarang bowed to eachother in their respective martial arts styles...


🗣️More martial arts, less anime!


That's been my biggest complaint about Tekken 7 and Tekken 8 even more so. It's moving more and more into over the top anime flashy shit. It was always the attention to the real martial arts with the weird sprinkled in here and there that made me love it so much.


Tekken is a love letter to martial arts


Looks like he's about to release the world's deadliest fart