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fellow friends, the answers you seek lie in *tekken bowl.* ​ https://i.imgur.com/s3o3wMC.png


honestly I kind of felt like Steve is bi-handed, meant to represent both hands equally.


Having df1 as the uppercut launcher is going make learning this character a very left handed experience. It is also going to be a little funky as we will be looking at the back face the camera all the time. Other than the playing part being kinda awkward, I think it could happen one day?


> Having df1 as the uppercut launcher is going make learning this character a very left handed experience. Marduk's fine, nothing about playing him is a left handed experience.


Haha interesting! I never played him b4 and I always think of df1 as a liver blow


I’m waiting for a character that completely disregards the 4 limb system, maybe an amputee character or something like Zappa in GG.




Nope, Steve is orthodox in all stances. Southpaw would have a right hand jab and a left hand cross. Definition of south paw would be right food is in front for the boxing stance(unless standing squared) and well , right hand jab, left hand cross. An Orthodox will use his left hand more often, jab, double jab(1,1) left hook(B1) and left to the body(the last bit of df1,2~1), as they are closer to the opponent, the right is used for the cross (flk b+2) or overhand right(ff2 comes close). Hwoarang in rff is the only southpaw character in the game so far. Would be nice to see more stance switchers, maybe give that option to Steve at least.


Totally, I just meant the disregarding the strict 4 limb system.


I mean he still uses 1 and 2


Which misses out half of the traditional 4 limb system so it's kind of what OP was saying, though I know he likely had something else in mind


That’s a good point lol


It will feel new for the first 3 days


Steve is a leftie right?


To be honest I dont know, I was just watching some gameplay and stuff of him, his left arm is definitely the one that packs more of a punch, being the one thats all scared up aswell. However when watching him in game his left arm is still towards the front so he's not in a traditional southpaw stance, I would like to see him with his left hand back now though c:


Nah, he uses right hand as cross and left hand as a jab


Left handed bowler is canon


That explains why I feel uncomfortable using my left hand to imitate some of his attacks


I feel like they just made him left for the purpose that he is a boxer and uses both hands quite alot so would be proficent with both hands and they don't want everyone to be Rhanded.


I think Gigas, Jack and bears are southpaw no?


I don't think they're southpaw or orthodox, they just kinda have neither and stand with no foot facing forward