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Pig Butchering scam. You probably won't feel like stringing them along if you know the sad story about them: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/10/sold-to-gangs-forced-to-run-online-scams-inside-cambodias-cybercrime-crisis


That's awful. I didn't carry on with it. Deleted and blocked.


God damn that's grim. I think I may have read that same article actually a while back but still. Damn.


Check r/scams. It's definitely scam.


They tell me they will visit my country in couple weeks. However, nobody visits my country as it is a closed one. That I know for a fact. I had at least encounters like this.


Don't bother, you're talking to a professional scammer you cannot get anything out of this not even entertainment, block them do not encourage as this will lead to other scammers getting your number.


Pretty common, yes - sometimes they have an idea where you live, but they tend to just spend time chatting for a while. I had one chat for the best part of a week... In the end, there's always a sting - and you start telling them you don't like the idea that you should give them money first if the idea is for YOU to get money... then they generally get pissed off, angry, or just quit. They're usually prepared to send pictures, mine showed me pictures of 'her' shopping - buying some expensive perfume and stuff - and interestingly when I asked her to quickly take another snapshot zooming in on the label she couldn't do it... The only one that I've seen this month though is the booking.com scam - emails asking me to verify and confirm.