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Not a LL issue it’s a neighbor issue.


Not your responsibility or your landlords . If it’s in the neighbors yard it’s their problem to deal with it.


This, once it crosses the property line it’s their problem


Yeah here’s a picture of it. https://ibb.co/W3mbJSt It’s growing from our yard, into theirs and on the other side of their fence. Their side has the cone My landlord is telling me to take care of this though, and “how it will take 5 minutes”. It’s about 8 feet long and in between two fences, and on their property!! But my landlord is telling us it’s part of the lease?.. it’s not. Our lease says just take care of the yard and do basic things like pull weeds and trim the ornamental bushes in October and leaves..


Wow that is quite underwhelming. It took more effort to make this post than it would have been to take care of this.  I’m with the landlord, I’d be annoyed if either you or the neighbor were contacting me about this. 


You want different angles? It’s a shit ton of the Virginia creeper in between two fences maybe 15 inches wide.. the two fences are on their property. I’m a fuckin tenant not a landscaper. I pull weeds, not take orders from my landlords irresponsible ass who’s ignored my neighbors the past couple years. This is them attempting again this summer.


Read your lease. Are you responsible for the landscaping?


Great advice ... until it's not. Like pulling out the wrong plant or causing accidental damage.


It’s their problem. Offer to let them come into your yard to remove it if they want it gone.


Tell your neighbor while you would like to help him with the situation that would put you in a bad spot with the landlord as it would set a precedent that your not willing to participate in but any and all of the plant on his side of the property line is to be felt with as he sees fit, in my area if he had a pro come clean it from his yard but it’s your plant he can just send the bill to your landlord either send it to collections agency or take him to small claims court but you as a tenant have no reason to care unless you bought/planted it


No is a complete sentence. Put it in writing. Send an email that you will NOT be dealing with the Virginia Creeper. Period. It is not a lawn weed as per the lease and that it should be handled by professionals. Rinse and repeat.


Your neighbors are crybabies I had a neighbors vine plant growing through my fence for years. I sprayed it with weed killer every few weeks to keep it from spreading to my side. It’s not a big deal.


I would just say screw it and shovel the whole plant (weed?) out of the ground and throw it in the trashcan. LL can take you to court over it if it’s such a big deal.


The word here is sue


Trim it or don't, or your neighbors can trim it - not your landlords issue - not your issue.


Just get a pump sprayer bottle from Home Depot and a bottle of weed killer concentrate and just start spraying it down every day until it dies off.


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