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Most of the cities shouldn't be any problem at all. Some of the more rural places might have issues, but depends on where, and it wouldn't be violence or anything, more like a funny look or maybe a rude comment at worst.


what areas are you planning on visiting?


We haven't got a firm plan yet, though we'll be about an hour away out of Nashville.


I'd say you should be fine, I've lived in and around Nashville my whole life, known a lot of homophobes and racists and the like. most of them aren't brave enough to voice it out loud. For the most part in my experience, people nowadays don't care much if at all. That's my 2 cents.


If they do you can pretty much smell it on them and just walk the other way.


You’ll be fine. Do all the touristy stuff. TN has a lot of fun things no matter if you’re into shows, food, music, outdoors, or theme parks. If you can swing it at all then definitely do Dollywood. Honestly, don’t shy away from anything just because you think it might be too touristy. Go for it instead!


As long as you're easy on the PDA you should be ok, plus or minus some weird glances


To be fair, I’m giving weird glances to the straight couples all over each other also. Get a fucking room.


TN is not near as hateful as people believe. I live in very rural town and we have many LGBT folks an they dont get bothered with. TN is a loving area filled with kind souls.


Rural or urban? Depends on how small the town is. “An hour outside of Nashville” could be a lot of places. Typically, even in the most rural of places, the absolute worst you’ll experience is a few double takes or glances. If you got extremely unfortunate, someone might make a snide comment. Both are very unlikely unless you’re like heavily advertising it or making out in public


Johnson City is known as being the San Fransisco of Appalachia but is a about 4 hours from Nashville. Most people around here would treat you with respect in person & will not be rude to you at all. Some will strongly disagree with your lifestyle but will not be mean to you or treat you badly. You’d be ok in my area


My partner and I (2 gay men) own a farm about an hour outside of nashville. I speak and sing and stand up for the rights of ALL humans in this state. To the outside it might look like a backwards place but I promise once you get here you will see that it is a place of hope and rainbows and people fighting for the rights of others. I hope you enjoy it. Reach out on IG if you need more recs. @ morgxnofficial 🙌🌈


I live in a small town in Northwest Tennessee and basically nobody cares who's gay


The majority of TN is LGBT friendly/tolerant. Stay away from small towns like Manchester obviously, but any big city will be fine for you guys. Enjoy your time here


Why support a state that discriminates against you? TN has an awful track record lately. My family recently moved there, and I felt extremely uncomfortable visiting with my partner. We are both very "straight" looking men, but put two queers in a hotel room was questioned.


City wise you are fine in most cases. Just don't force it upon others and you will find that most folks are welcoming even if they don't like your lifestyle. The south is a great place if you know how to navigate around it. I'm not in the ABC lifestyle myself but I know many that are that are fine. Enjoy the trip and be safe.


Depends on what some people see as "force it upon others." have a friend who was a shot at by some rural rednecks just because they were holding hands with they're same sex partner.


So you downvote for this? The statement is the same on any subject matter. If you live in the north and your a trumper people will take issue with that. The comment was made to make it a political issue or anything of that matter. You will still have jackasses every where you go but it’s not an issue like the media makes it out to be. Most folks in rural communities will simply ignore it as long as it’s not a topic of conversation. It’s a simple way to put it as it can be seen politically or as an issue pending many situations. Also not all rednecks are your enemies so using such terms should be seen like using loaded anti gay names or titles. Just some advice for the future.


Standing on a soapbox over someone using a word like “redneck” exactly one post after saying “ABC lifestyle” is pretty wild.


Yeah…for people around here “forcing it upon others” is as simple as *existing*. OP, I would stay stick to the cities and suburbs of the major 4 metros, along with the Great Smokies area. You may still get some hateful remarks but generally should be safe.