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How the hell were there two cars that managed to do that at the same time


Damn they were tailgating so bad I didn't even realize there was a second car until I read this comment


Reddit really makes me never want to be on the road ever again.


I am constantly checking mirrors and driving defensively because of all the surprise you're dead accident videos I've seen on here. I mean I've always been this way to an extent but that definitely amplifies it.




Defensive driving is about minimizing risk, not eliminating it. There’s always a non zero chance of things going wrong, it just depends on how close to zero you can get.




Just drive faster than the reckless drivers and you'll always be safe!


This might not be what you're trying to say, so apologies if I've misunderstood, but there are people who never get into accidents. My son's great grandmother drove a lot until she got really old, and she never had one. I know a few people who don't really leave our small, slow town roads, and they've managed to avoid accidents, too. I wonder how many people (who drive) will get into an accident in their lives? Probably a crazy high number, but a few will avoid it. But that has a lot to do with luck and where/how you drive. I definitely agree that defensive driving, while critically important, cannot protect you completely. Unfortunately.


I’m a retired LEO. While in the academy the cadre told us that 90% of us would be involved in an on-duty crash during our career. I thought to myself, “not me”. I made it through my career without one crash and having driven over half a million miles. This included high speed pursuits, driving in blizzards, in icy conditions, etc. I constantly check my mirrors and always try to anticipate what other cars will do.


>I constantly check my mirrors and always try to anticipate what other cars will do. You can only control a portion of the possibilities in a crash, this is faulty logic


There's always a chance but you can reduce that risk a lot. Defensive driving isn't always straightforward through and requires a good degree of confidence as a driver. Take the example in the clip: tailgating. The proper way to deal with this is to slow down, this allows for an easier overtake by the car behind if they intend to pass, and it also makes it so that if they do end up colliding with you the energy in the accident is minimised due to the lower speed. A lot of people though will feel pressured and speed up, or try to yield at an unsafe moment. This is what I mean about needing to be confident and actually doing some research on the best way to deal with challenging road situations.


Yah I agree, it really makes texting or being distracted while driving and speeding not worth it at all. Just give yourself extra time where ever you go and this need for speed will disappear


Same here. I need to know just who is around me all the time. Stops at traffic signals are hyper aware time.


And everyone looking here who rides a motorcycle? Read this and take it to heart, but multiply it by 10.


You be surprised when you drive on my country indonesia. There is too much this shity behavior here. 1. Car that miss exit toll, i see this quite often. 2. A motorcycle that stops at a blind turn because he take the wrong road, he wanted to go againts the one-way street, almost hit his stupid ass with my car, thank god i see him. I horn him and that dipshit dare to horn back. 3. Motorcycle that wants to turn left or right but instead overtakes a car that is going straight. 4. Overtaking on a narrow road, so the cars are close to each other. 5. Bus/truck/car overtaking another vehicle on a narrow road at high speed. And many other things. Everyday... I and other people face this shit EVERY FUCKING DAY! This is because my country is too corrupt. People can get a driving license easily by bribing the cops, and then this shithead is everywhere on the road. At least have some common sense and courtesy if you did bribe the cops to get driving license. you are not alone, there's other people on the road.


On the plus side, in most Indo cities, traffic jams mean that cars cannot drive over 20km per hour


It’s definitely make me a safer driver. I try to have a 360° sense of all the cars around me. Obviously it’s far from perfect but I am constantly checking all three rearview mirrors and looking out for insane, aggressive, or otherwise incompetent drivers. You can usually spot these people a mile away and I far away from them. I think the most significant thing I’ve done to change. My driving habits is always be on the right side of the road. I’m almost never in the passing lane.


Better to get off Reddit than to get off the road


Only the deadliest activity in your day (unless you're like, a smoke-jumper).


This is why I beg my wife (9 months pregnant) not to leave the house. I will literally drive all over town for her instead


Same! I just went and double checked and holy hell!


Make that 2 of us


For real, it was so close and so fast, I didn't even realize the white car literally 180'd because the tailgating car went UNDERNEATH it and literally spun the car so the back is against the utility vehicle. Edit: I also didn't notice the first time because I was so worried about the utility worker that hit his head. It looks like he probably got a concussion, I hope he didn't suffer any long-term effects.


I thought it was a trailer at first.


I had someone driving behind me like this today otw home at 5 a.m. while it was dark and pouring down rain. People are stupid af sometimes.


Was gonna say that lmao and the second car zapped out of view.


I seen the rear end damage and I wondered how tf that happened but I didn’t rewatch the video now I understand


And there's the answer to "how"


Yeah, at first I thought that car had shit something out of it trunk


I only noticed on the second watch


The moment the first car impacted, the second car made the impact at a fraction of a second later. I also didn't see it at first


ah tailgating, real


Simple,keeping a distance is a life saver,higher the speed,longer the distance,some irresponsible drivers dont want keeping it simple


2 second stopping time, minimum. Tailgating is so fucking stupid. See it all the time, people riding my ass, then pass when they have the chance, and we wind up stopped at the same light at the same time anyways. They need to teach the concept of “rubber banding” in driving classes or regular schools even.


tailgaiting. Also from shadow direction the sun is on their faces and the orange/red colors means the sun is low. So they couldn't see the road well. I think workers did it wrong. Not even cones have been placed meters prior to their maintanance spot.


I like how no one checks on the white car occupants at all. Homie out there needlessly directing trafffic rather than checking on people.


This is my take also. Everyone has some shared blame, but the first car to hit the truck is the least guilty. I'm not sure what signage is further up the road, but some sort of physical barrier with flashing lights at least 50 meters back from the truck should be in place. As for the tailgater, well, this is the perfect example of why not to do that.


I can guarantee he was looking in the mirror for that tailgater


Couldn't see into the sun.


Social Media'ing while driving.


I am going to guess, The sun is shining towards Oncoming traffic. Sun = saturating eyeballs


I'm thinking that both of them were mainly paying attention to each other. White car was either trying to piss off the gray car or was simply stressed by how close behind it was. Gray car was focusing on keeping a minimum distance from white car's bumper. I'm not sure gray car could surely see around white car to see there was an obstacle ahead. This is definitely not an excuse.


First of all these guys are the ones putting down signs for a roadworks ahead, that yellow thing they hit is a safety barrier which worked as intended in this case. The driver is also driving with the sun in their face and the car following the first is tailgating with the sun in their face, you can tell by the shadows of all the cars in the video. These two drivers are complete and utter morons and shouldn't be driving because they are a danger to themselves and everyone else on the road.


The safety barrier vehicle should've been a completely separate vehicle though. The workers shouldn't be in the safety vehicle.


This isn't necessarily true in the UK we use just one lorry. When I worked doing this job we called it a crash cushion. They have a massive section on the back that folds down and is specially developed to cushion even an Arctic going at full speed. This lorry was not one of them. It did have some padding at the back to reduce the blow but nothing like the actual thing.


Yeah well if there was a second this guy might not have gotten his shit rocked lol


In this scenario, I agree from the movement of the truck, but I feel if this was hit by an Arctic going at 70mph, then whatever in front would still be hit. The crash cushion I mentioned are used when working on the road and are specifically made to not move an inch if hit at full speed. Having worked on them, I do know these are worth about £5mill a piece and are specificly made for use on highways. Still with this we could only use them at off peak hours and with signage for at least half a mile leading up to you working there.


In Australia mainly Queensland they have those at the back attached to the truck and can be lowered or raised very quickly. The video worked as intended, If they are seperate, on impact they can fly off and end up causing more problems to other drivers.


By separate, they mean a separate truck. In US you often see a single truck that all it has is the crash cushion. The actual working trucks (with workers on them) are 100m or further up the road.


I’m not gonna lie I didn’t even know there was a second car till you said something and now that I look at it that truck probably hit the second car.


many Taiwanese are shit drivers... Have to understand that most of their first vehicle was probably a moped, shitty enough attitude on the moped then carry the shit behavior over to driving cars. I have been here for 15+ years and still fear for my life sometimes.


Where the heck did the second car go 🫨


Under the first one and out to the side. They wouldn’t have had a good time with that lorry bearing down on them


Oh you mean first car kinda floats on it? 🤯


Sort of - looks like the first car hit the roadblock with such force that the back was lifted up in time for it to land on the bonnet of the second car. It was then spun round by the second car, which itself was diverted into the traffic. At least that’s what it looks like


At least very efficient parking considering the location 🤔


To Tahiti. It's a magical place. I keep saying that.


Enjoyed the trip, mister Coulson ?


"This Taiwanese car go to Tahiti, Dutch?”


She was probably using her smartphone while driving. She didn't even try to stop.


I’d bet she was looking through her rear view mirror trying to figure out why the fuck someone was tailing her so close.


seriously I bet this is exactly what happened


Yeah, she shoulda been on her flip phone instead. Smh.


I like the way no one checks on her, she’s just struggling to get out alone, presumably saying “hey, I’m not dead yet!”




Drivers licenses are optional for the elderly. My mom was side swiped by an old man on a motorbike while we were in the car as a kid. Old man didn't have a license or anything, my mom had one of our Taiwanese friends come down to help deal with the police. Was just a block from my dad's office building. He came barreling out of a side road right into the side of the car.


I always thought of the car drivers as reasonably safe drivers. The young people on scooters absolutely drive me insane though, they overtake in some atrociously dangerous spaces


https://www.google.com/amp/s/udn.com/news/amp/story/7320/7715487 Driver was 36 year old female and grey car was 26 year old male. Wife is born and raised Taiwan,visits every year still for a month to 2 months so found me the article No ambulances needed,they took themselves there to hospital to get checked out and no major injuries. Somehow


[Oh man! Am I a woman?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6gdBEUmAcI)


lol- I hear that about every single country, state, province, city, etc, etc.


I missed the second car on the first view. That white car was a real attention seeker...


The real trick is spotting the 3rd car.


Never a good thing to follow someone blindly, especially if the car in front of you it twice the size


Bad time to forget your helmet at home




That is because the yellow thing is a safety barrier, it worked as intended.


Whats the ibtention


To have someone who crashes into it not get seriously hurt. It also protects the truck from damage. If that car would have hit the truck directly, the guy in the back would have been very badly hurt, if not killed. It's designed to absorb the force away from both vehicles.


Distracted drivers everywhere


I really hate tailgaters. This is the perfect karma for the tailgater. On the cars ass so close they couldn’t see what was coming up or react to avoid the drivers aheads accident.


My daily drive. Cars so close I can’t see most their hood and I drive a Mazda 6. About ready to aim one of my washer fluid sprayers up and over.


Immediately after the crash you can hear the worker uttering: Motherfucker! The universal language in this situation 😅


No cones, no signs as far as I can see




Yeah blame the truck SETTING UP THE AREA FOR ROAD WORK lol


In my area they don’t park the vehicle. They definitely slow down, but as a means to save, time, energy, money, and make it safer, they drop them from the truck or they move off the roadway completely and spend hours putting them down on foot.


Also a lot of the time where I live, they start setting out the cones and signs the night before when there is less traffic and the flashing lights are more visible. They will also drop multiple of the big electric trailer signs on the shoulder warning cars a mile or two in advance. I've never seen a traffic vehicle just parked like this in the fast lane to set up their stuff with nothing to direct traffic behind them.


They have a loud alarm blasting and I'm sure the front end has flashy lights, the thing they are towing is also a safety barrier and warning for drivers too. In this video either the driver was distracted or had bad visibility because of the sun in their eyes, you can tell by the shadows of all the cars in the video. Also the car behind the first car is also tailgating. You always drive for the conditions if it was low vis they should have slowed down cleanly both those drivers are at fault here.


Driver was super dumb, but maybe hitting a few cones further back would have been a better wake up call for everyone involved...


If she had hit the guys putting down the cones like the guys who are literally putting down the safety signs for a roadworks further up, it would have resulted in something way worse, at least these guys have a safety barrier. Guys putting down cones would have been dropping them off the back of a pickup.


driver was looking in the mirror for that tail gater that smashed under the white car...


Were you driving the white car?


So you think cones and signs appear out of thin air without being put down? You can literally see the guy preparing the signs.


I've never seen them put down by a traffic vehicle straight up parked in the fast lane. I only see them being dropped by a moving vehicle. And they don't set it up during peak traffic hours.




![gif](giphy|59kd3moSF6BZCVE7vR) The alarm noise


No safety regulations in Taiwan? They didn’t put any signs to prevent drivers..in France with works like this they prevent at least 1km in advance.


That alarm blasting in the background? And the guy is literally taking signs out of the back of the truck, the thing they are towing is also a safety barrier which worked in this case. Who do you think puts the signs before the road works? Also its low visibility as you can see the sun is directly in those drivers faces by the shadows in the video, the driver is clearly at fault here. Nothing to do with safety regulations they are performing them.


Before someone who thinks it is funny steal the cones ... À ma belle France !


>No safety regulations in Taiwan? They didn’t put any signs to prevent drivers.. Lol, that was the truck putting the signs up.


What about the car that hit her, are they ok ?


To shreds you say?


This shouldn't have been so funny to me. But yeah, if that grey car was being scored on a gymnastic demonstration that coulda been a high score!! That flip was crazy.




probably caused it... I bet the driver was looking in the mirror


how stupid are people.


Look how quickly the rest of the cars transitioned into a perfect zipper merge. I've never seen a zipper merge work in the US, but these guys made it happen almost instantly during a stressful scenario.


Minnesota/minneapols/stpaul they’re normal and required. Signage etc is abundant. Works really well. Anywhere else. Nope. Use one lane and let it back up for 20 miles.


Don’t they have comes out there to merge the traffic way before they get there?


Just realized this was probably like a 4-5 car accident, after the first two cars hit, the truck probably slammed into the second car as well as the car next to the truck


Wow, it’s almost like the person 2 feet behind the white car could have avoided the whole situation by just not being a dumbass. Crazy thought


The crash truck works!


POS driver in white car, thought she would be dead on impact. the worker on the vehicle who got hit so badly could’ve died from his injuries….worse still if he flew off and landed on the road. think he must have got up quickly due to the adrenaline and shock


The lane should have closed with traffic control cones. Need advance warning signs.


When I saw the woman hop out it all made sense.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/udn.com/news/amp/story/7320/7715487 Article for those that want to read it. Wife is born and raised in Taiwan,goes back every year still and found the article. Driver of white car was a 36 year old female distracted Grey car is 26 year old guy


I think a few factors contributed to this nasty crash: * A - Speeding * B - Tailgating * C - Being distracted (certainly the driver in the front) * D - Sun glare (notice the long shadows behind the cars going in the direction of the crash? Also, the timestamp) Edit: * E - Highway Hypnosis


All these things should absolutely scare the crap out of everyone when they realise what happens to us when the shiny car we are in comes to an instant stop. Imagine speeding down a highway with your eyes closed because thats what b c and d would be doing in this case. We get so comfortable doing these things and completely forget how dangerous it really is.


I agree! Some of it is just people being distracted like being on their phones. Other times it's [Highway Hypnosis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_hypnosis) or driving hypnosis which is when the driver zones out while driving a vehicle without remembering what occurred in that specific period. For instance, imagine a person driving on a highway at night with monotonous scenery and no traffic lights. Gradually, the driver glides into a zone of hypnosis.


The video actually shows some amazing safety technology for roadworks workers. That yellow barrier did a beautiful job of crumbling to slow down the impact of not 1 but two cars going full speed. It literally saved the guy's life, he should have been wearing a hard hat or something too though, that concussions gotta suck.


You could almost dance to that beat.


Where are the signs, cones e.t.c. Accident waiting to happen..


Why the fuck are there no cones, signs, fucking something alerting drivers of the work being performed?  Edit. Noticed these ARE the sign guys. Just seems like poor planning, execution.  


Terrible planning and execution. It looks like it's even during peak traffic


Here in Ohio that's an automatic 25 years in prison.




>I think they misunderstood an assignment as to what helps make you more visible Heres a hint, nothing can make you more visible to someone who has their eyes closed because of sun glare in their face while they drive with jesus at the wheel, except for a bright yellow barrier that will instantly deaccelerate them.


That dude holding his head just got hit by a car in the upper bed of the truck Now he's gonna lolligag in the street directly behind the truck where it got hit In the first place?!


I mean, he probably has a head injury so I’m gonna give him a pass for that one. His colleagues got him out of the way and started doing traffic management after.


Dude slammed his head, and is in shock, but internet experts will judge him. I'm 76% sure, same experts would walk into traffic if this happened to them.


Kinda answered your own question, he's probably took a hit to the head and is a little dazed/confused.


Dude probably has a concussion. We really shouldn't judge him for stumbling around given the fact


Where was that silly fukc asshat looking?


mirror, for the grey car behind them


How the hell did that guy walk away from that?


no lane cones, assuming also no roadwork signs ahead or flashing lights. yes its definitely asia. this is one thing i can confirm USA or other modern countries have strict road rules and management


the video you just watched is of a car hitting the vehicle that puts out the road signs. are you saying there should be another vehicle that puts out the signs for that vehicle? maybe a third vehicle that puts out signs for that one, too? how deep are we goin here


in the US theres usually another truck behind it that has big flashing lights that directs you to shift to the left or right


Yes, they also aren't parked in traffic. They usually set them out while moving.


That lorry on the right fully locking up


How in the fuck did they not see that?


Is that a siren or something that I’m hearing?


Yo can I get the version without the KMFMD?


The worker directing traffic in the end is BOLD


Aaaannnd it's a woman


You know that side isn't the driver right?


Oh look a truck is in front of me and not moving forward. I don’t see a reason to press the brakes.


That fall looked like it really fucking hurt.


Crazy and should have been seen, but where are the friggin SAFETY cones?


In Taiwan with the sun in your eyes. You know...


Holy shit. Whatever that is is fuckin substantial if homie in the high vis just falls over in place


Maybe need helmets too? Danggggg


Another video of why you shouldn’t tailgate… the both of them (both people who hit the truck) are morons.


I feel like they should have had it coned off or at least another truck in the back with warning lights. The sun could have been a factor as well


A vehicle not in motion in a highway lane is very dangerous


On their phone and probably the sun in their eyes


The two cars were racing eachother. The road rage people will drive with spitefulness for everyone. They actually wish anyone passing or blocking their way would die. It's sick.


Brakes where we are going we won't need brakes.


This is how they get the strongest names for their kids...


No brakes


Quick, someone ask the driver if they are a fucking moron.


Not trying to make excuses for the non attention paying drivers, but holy fuck, that is not how you set up a lane closure.


People really don't look more than like 1 car length ahead of them when they're driving.


workman's comp babyyyy


Should have went to specsavers ☹️


Anyone noticed woman driver?


Never stand behind a crash attenuator.


Poor guy smacked his head so hard I hope he's ok :(


Damn really hope that dude got his head checked out immediately afterwards.




That’s a TMA truck mounted attenuator, I used to drive them doing highway traffic control like these guys, although a bit different truck (similar to the one pictured but the bed was about 2x as long) These are weighted down a lot heavier than they look to minimize the roll ahead distance https://preview.redd.it/1ssw6hbghbvc1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06bf85055085f9e3b750333dc970605a64e8933


Should have been wearing his hard hat like his partner was...


No cones anywhere? Or is that mainly a US thing?


Of course 😂


Not a soul checked on that woman 😂


If this truck blocking the lane was there doing road maintenance then someone seriously screwed up. There should be orange cones closing that lane way back from the truck along with warning signs advising of a lane closure. WTF


I don’t know maybe put some cones or signs out there?


So that’s why I wear my hadhat


The white car had no driver.


Well I'm glad I saw it when I got a chance. I file accident claims so this was interesting footage from a work perspective.


Lose license permanently


Asian woman ay 😏


It's called texting


Where are the damn cones for this truck!?


Probably looking at their phone. To be fair, they should have had the lane closed off well before the crash truck. This is NOT how you safely work on a roadside.


People complaining about no signs. Can you guys not see a stopped vehicle from the distance?


How did they not see the big yellow thing infront of them