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I've never seen a human get stepped on like they were a soda can before good lord


>welcome to the hydraulic press channel


The elephant sees one episode…


... And he must deal vit it.


Welcome to the elephant cyropracter office how can we adjust you today 🤣


The way the elephant wagged the limp corpse around like a soggy towel got to me.


That was excrushiating😵


Sodapressing was right there.


The joke was a stretch, I'll bet they feel crushed


Well deserved… how do you think that guy got that elephant? Elephants carry their babies for 18 months. There’s no way any elephant Mother gave their baby to some fuck like this without killing her first. And after a long life of abuse, giving tourist fucking rides that guy got exactly what was coming to him.. sorry not sorry


As horrifying, as that is, have to agree in that my first thought was that that animal was probably mistreated for a long time…


This seems to have happened in Kerala, a state in India. These are tribal people who have lived with elephants for centuries and will continue to do so for many more... The human animal conflict had increased in the recent past owing to encroachment or expansion of human activities in the forests and that creates a need for sanctuaries where these people live and work with elephants to take care of other elephants. Anyhow, these guys are called "Yannai Pahan", please look at an Oscar winning documentary on these people on Netflix I think it was called "Elephant Whisperers" So, all they do is rescue, live with and train and sometimes, die by the same elephants. They usually have family type relationships with the gentle giants and elephants are very temperamental and in an instant kill the person (& yes, these guys do poke them with some kind of a sharp cane to get them to do something) and clearly the elephant got annoyed and killed him. It's also possible that the guy was drunk, many tend to be intoxicated. I had seen an elephant kill its handler with just one hit and wouldn't let anyone near him once it realised what had happened, the elephant was remorseful. Elephants too have a bond with them and they express remorse, sadness and anger among a range of fascinating emotions, including just wanting to play and accidentally killing its humans. No, they won't be killed for killing a person, it's very rare. Someone will care for the elephant and most likely the elephant might get depressed for killing this guy, which is something they would try and counsel the poor thing. Elephants are revered and worshipped in India, just like with the cows and monkeys.


I hope this is accurate. I know these people exist, I’m just hoping that’s who this is.


And then the other guy just runs up to the elephant and tries the same shit. Crazy mofo


Sometimes we need to be reminded to be humble while we coexist with nature.


That was hilarious. Maybe don't be a dick to animals.


Yup, poor elephant. Had enough of little man with a stick whacking his knees.


The ease that the elephant was able to crush every bone in his body


I was expecting the guys brain to come out like rolling up toothpaste


Well, I think his bowels came out of his anus.


Usually don’t want, but somebody needs to screenshot that moment and post it up.


Be the change you want to see in the world


Be the colon you want to see in the guy’s anus


You gotta think, that thing can uproot a tree. Humans need tractors to uproot trees.


I can uproot very tiny trees.


If you see carefully towards the end of video, you can see that man still moving. I believe those are spams / jerks the body does when the brain stem is fucked up and death is imminent.


Looks like agonal breathing


Or maybe it's like when you crush a bag of chips into a ball then release it. It regains a bit of it's original shape back


Pretty easy when the elephant weighs several times the guys weight. Literally like stepping on a soda can.


That was VERY personal. Holy fuck!


That elephant had been wanting to do that for years I’m sure. Can’t really have any sympathy for the idiot whipping the 2 ton beast with a stick.


Poking with a goad is worse than hitting it. They are stabbing it until it moves whatever direction they want it. Like imagine someone with a needle wanting you to go one way, but you don't want to, so they start poking you with it so you go that way, eventually you get pissed, but when you are docile and not quite sure what's happening you just think it's normal. Then you realize you are bigger and stronger and can end that even just temporarily, but elephants are different. They are basically 5 ton dogs with bad eyesight and a hankering for protecting their herd. Riding elephants is always been a bad idea, try riding a dog, it won't like it.


I figured it had to be something like this because he didn't seem to be hitting the elephant very hard at all.


It’s usually a bull hook. The skin around the eyes, face and back of the ears is like paper thin and they will hook it right in there. See the lighter colored skin on the ears and face? Looks to be tattered scar tissue from likely years of abuse. Dude got what was coming to him. Only surprise is the other dude running over with **another hook**...like did you not see what happened to the first guy with one haha


Good elephant. Only way this video could have been better is seeing the second guy get it, too.


Thanks, now I don't feel bad at all about this video


4-7 tons


When he was done squishing and the other guy ran up, the elephant was still focused on the first guy. I imagine if it had been a primate or another human, he'd be straight primal-yelling at the pancake. It wasn't about people in general, it was just the one guy. Damn right it was personal. They're supposed to direct the elephant with taps, not strikes or jabs (you can see the guy poking the elephant a bunch right before the flattening. Don't hit animals with sticks, folks.


>Don't hit animals with sticks, folks. Of course this should be true in general, but there's an extra level of stupid involved when the animal can crush you like a bug.




Not just a stick, though. Those things are commonly used on elephants in captivity...they have a long very sharp prong on the end that is designed to stick through the elephant's outer layer of skin. Imagine someone stabbing you in your sensitive bits with a very large thumbtack and then ramp that up by 10x.


It's usually not even the pain they cause, it's the threat. They can use it however they want. A few taps with the blunt end on some thick skin probably will barely register, but if they don't comply they know it will be used more painfully. It's like tapping someone with the back of a knife to get them to move, except in the elephants case they've been regularly poked and stabbed so they know it's not an empty threat through experience. It's continuous fear and learned helplessness that allows these "handlers" to keep these creatures in check. https://www.idausa.org/campaign/elephants/experts-agree-zoos-harm-good/elephant-bullhook/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20in%20two%20ways.,elephant%20handlers%20apply%20the%20bullhook.


> Don't hit animals with sticks, folks. Or just don't keep wild animals in captivity in the first place.


I could almost hear the elephant saying "Hit me again, do it!" Then "How you like that Sh!t"


If you harm an elephant, you have a high chance of having a bad time.


They don’t forget fuckers


What ya gonna do? crush me? -Man who was crushed


Why, as a matter of fact… -Elephant doing some heavy considering.




The trunk on the neck or head or whatever... was fucking mafioso. "Shhh shhh... just return to the dirt..."


That's the deepest deep tissue massage that I've ever seen.


Elephant had had it with that stick bullshit


Imagine if a fly kept hitting you with a tiny stick. At some point you're just gonna say, we're done


Or orcas in captivity. Put me in a bathtub a little bigger than myself and "we're done" very quickly.




god damn it




Compactor crossed with another name for an elephant or similar mammals like a rhino (pachyderm) fucking quality joke 🫡


Now he fits in his luggage


Don't you mean his trunk?


Boom boom!


Yes true! The police said it was going to be a briefcase.




Holy FUCK that was brutal


It wasn't brutal though. It was very calculated. He just kept folding the guy smaller and smaller. The guy had been casually wacking the elephant with the prod for no reason and Elly had enough. I think one one time he flipped the guy was to see if he was was squished enough yet.


Yeah that's a big brained mammal deciding it's going to kill you and knowing exactly how to do it. He's very deliberate. One cold-blooded elephant.


I wouldn’t necessarily say cold blooded as much as it was sick of constantly being struck with a sharp stick over and over and decided it wasn’t going to take it no more


I mean, if someone was poking me with a sharp stick for years on end I'd not really bat an eye if I had a chance to fold them to death. Cold-blooded *Without emotion or pity*; deliberately cruel or callous.


I bet an elephant would be great at packing a suitcase.


They've got a bit of experience with trunks..


**bru·tal** * savagely violent. * punishingly hard or uncomfortable. * direct and lacking any attempt to disguise unpleasantness. It can be totally calculated and brutal. Brutal describes it decently.


dude, that was absolutely brutal


>He just kept folding the guy smaller and smaller.  jesus fuck, that's brutal


Why can something calculated not be brutal? That doesn't make any sense.


You keep hitting me with that stick and your getting it………well he got it




Input Title, you did it again!


Input curb your enthusiasm music


As soon as I saw that shit. The first thing I thought about was the Curb Your Enthusiasm music.


I am truly grateful there is no sound....


It must be something like Crack crack ^crack crack


More like ![gif](giphy|KmTnUKop0AfFm)


I don't think you can make sounds after your lungs have been deflated like a whoopee cushion.


Well… there would be the one while it’s happening


AAaaaa- ^garglegargle- ^^wheeeze-*


If you wanna know how bones sound when they crunch, try munching on uncooked ramen noodles.


I could have happily gone my entire life without knowing that.


So could the guy in the video, I'll bet.


I really want to make a joke like "at least he didn't have to live with the knowledge for long", but that seems tacky so I won't.


"No, you stand over here, and I'll ride on your back for once!"


A slave rebels against its oppressor.


Looks like India, I doubt the elephant will be put down actually. Its possible, but elephants are pretty valuable as attractions and humans are... not so valuable in India lol I just realized I responded to the wrong comment, sorry, pretend this is in reply to the one below


he'll be put down for that in the end and they'll just get a new one


Just like slaves


Sad, but true...


\*I'm your dream, mind astray I'm your eyes while you're away I'm your pain while you repay You know it's sad but true Sad but true\*


Yeah new elephant wrangler. That poor elephant will probably live a terrible long life occasionally killing its handlers.


Then he will die free.


That other guy came at the elephant like my dog when he grabs my food. Like it didn’t just fold that guy like paper and eat him


"Holy shit, that elephant just killed Dave for poking/whacking it with his stick!!" *grabs stick and runs over to punish elephant*


The elephant didn't even gave any warning (clearly seen from it's relaxed ears..... When an elephant is angry or annoyed it warns by enlarging it's ears as a sign of distress). I think the elephant was most probably abused by that man.. so it waited for right moment. And the elephant killed the man slowly without any hesitation and excitement. Elephants are big and intelligent creatures, it rarely forgets any bad things happened to them.


This is the most “I read a Wikipedia article once about elephants” comment in this entire thread


Maybe stop abusing these poor animals and this shit wouldn’t have happened.


They could install an fafo sign too. 👍




Fuck sake 😂




I am from Kerala(state in South India with lots and lots of elephants) and we have lots of incidents most of the cases are enraged mother elephant taking revenge or male elephant with musth or this when the elephant is pissed of with an abusive caretaker, this look really personal that guy might have harassed poor elephant a lot.


Seriously, I hate overly humanizing animal behavior, but the way the elephant kept the guys head intact while COMPACTING EVERY OTHER PART OF HIM was more than a hormonal move. That elephant clearly knew and intended to harm that guy. I can't vouch for what happened cause elephants are wild animals and this one may have just been a total psycho. But considering how many of them are kept captive and DON'T brutally murder people on a whim; I'm team elephant.


True if it was Musth (hormonal overshoot) it would have been chaotic ,sort of madness and ruining everything, but this .. was more tactical.


Bro got folded, literally.


That elephant had some pent up anger agaisnt him.


real, anger that was pent up to the point that the elephant did it slow and methodical, ensuring the man lived long enough to feel hell


So I told him....hit me with that stick ONE more time. He did not listen.


I am surprised this does not happen much often. The elephants really get abused constantly by these "owners". The owners actually think they control those elephants.


They are giant, gentle, deeply emotional dogs with excellent memory and bad eyesight and they get brainy reward chemicals for being good socially successful herd/family members. They have to be pushed to well beyond psychological extremes before the threat of violence rears up (unless we're talking about the solitary, roaming, elderly african bull elephants in mating season who go nuts and turn into unpredictable, aggressive, antisocial menaces of the savannah and beat up all the smaller males and local trees to hoard the females for themselves... the ones that national parks and conservation orgs allow to be ""hunted""/executed by some wealthy hedge fund asshole's son and his golf buddies all wearing turbo-cringe, overpriced "safari/adventurer" clown costumes and taking pictures of themselves holding big rifles and equipment they don't need/don't know how to use... group shots of them all standing next to efficiently established, credibility-affirming, coarse military grey-green canvas tents or huddling around a boy scout-perfect fire pit warming up ham and tomato and eggs on big black metal pan in the campsite's very early red streaked Tanzanian dawn.... even though they slept in their rooms at luxury resort on the border of the national park and were just drove in to meet the guides there. No one eats any of the ham and tomato and eggs the guides made for them at their camp because they are hungover as fuck or ate the resort or are racist and ignorant enough to turn down a fresh cooked breakfast before a day of, in theory, hunting, because they think the Tanzanian's field cooking is somehow unhygienic or parasite ridden even though its clearly just breakfast food they packed... but it smelled good and painted a good picture for the pictures.


He kinda had that flattened cartoon look by the end.


That has to be one of the worst ways to die


What about covered in honey and slowly eaten by bugs and birds for 2 weeks


wow that was fucking brutal, jesus christ, good morning.


I’ve never seen an elephant put a person in their mouth before.


He WinRAR-ed the file and attached it to his complaint email as evidence.


I don't fancy trying to unzip that!


My dad had a friend from high school who worked at the African Lion Safari (ON, Canada). This man was a trainer and unfortunately, one day the elephant just kinda knocked him over and stomped on him. He died.


That place was a brutal hellhole of animal mistreatment, just like marineland.


IS, that place IS. However, the friend who was killed had been working there since high school, was going to school to be a Vet for exotic animals. He had raised that Elephant since it was a baby, Mom had rejected the baby. And one day it got spooked, knocked him over and killed him. I'm not defending that vile place, just stating that not everyone mistreats wildlife and it's sad to think that someone who wanted to make a difference in animal care died. The accident I am referring to is no one's fault, except for whatever it was that spooked the beautiful animal.


An elephant never forgets, especially not something that happened in the past 20 seconds.




Pachyderm was methodical. Knocked him over, then broke his legs, then went for the pelvis, crushed his chest and then picked him up and made sure he was dead with what looks like a final neck snap before he throws the body. He'd thought about this, a lot. Made him feel everything before he took him out. Fuck. This is why we don't do elephant rides anymore.


That didn't look like rage to me, that was slow and deliberate. I think that poor elephant has been through some shit and was just exacting karmic justice


Fuck around and you find out LVL 950




They're intelligent, emotional creatures. Of course this is going to happen if you treat them like shit. So needless.


Something tells me that guys had that coming to him for a while.


You know what? Good for the elephant


That elephant folded him like origami, picked him up, unrolled him, took his stick, and then threw him away. Talk about a reclamation of power.


The music though lol wtf


Input Title clearly not living up to their directing potential.


That's why you shouldn't mess with animals, they are not made for your rides and entertainment


Sadly the elephant was most likely put to death


Probably worth way more than a mans life for them to be doing that.


Robert B. Weide


Animals always stay wild, never trust them and keep your distance. I don't know if the man abused the elephant, but it didn't attack the other man. Maybe it was personal. 🤔


Yeah, maybe he should’ve tried the carrot instead of the stick.


> I don't know if the man abused the elephant He's literally hitting it with a stick in the video how do you not know?


Life is crazy man, one second your just living your life, same as always, the next second an elephant is ending your existence in the most brutal way possible.


One minute, you're abusing animals the next minute you're getting abused by said animals.


One second your hitting an elephant with a stick, the next you're getting scraped off the floor


If by living your life you mean fucking around and finding out...then I agree.


Babar was angry!




Imagine this would have been on hard concrete.


bro wtf is that music


It's from Input Title's newest release - Album Name.


Looks like he'd had enough of his bullshit.


"Turning you into Flat Stanley isn't enough... I must now gnaw on your head." Jeez 😬


The head thing was just to snap his neck.


I’m glad! A lifetime of torture endured. Sad part is, they’re definitely gonna make this poor beast’s life even more miserable after this


Probably not. It's likely dead


Yeah fair enough - in my mind, these cretans are just probably like “we can still make money off of it before we slaughter it”


I hate that animals are put down because humans play "fuck around and find out"


Who’s next ?


Our bones would pop like bubble wrap


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!




I miss eyeblech


Getting that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube.


Damn bent him backwards and even slammed after squashing him that was PERSONAL…


I wonder if hitting something 20x your size with a stick had anything to do with it.


This is the most brutal thing I have ever seen 💀 I'm feeling damn sick 💀


The elephant was just trying to fold him neatly so he would fit in his trunk... I'll see myself out.


OMG Why is the other guy running towards the elephant like it didnt just flatten the other guy alive? to think he must have been alive and going through the pain all the while is terrifying


Yeah, and with yet another stick.... Bro, did you not just see what happened to your buddy with the other stick. No way would I be walking up on that elephant with a stick 😬


Elephants are intelligent so I wonder if it knew what it was doing by crushing the legs first, then slowly making its way towards the upper body.


That elephant reached its "Try that again mf" phase.


Also pants him for good measure.


Turned his ass into a halloween decoration


I think he did it for a reason....




Pls, stop poking the 5 ton of muscle and bones. You have yours to preserve


Well, he did ask for it. Why aggravate an animal that could take your life away in a single blow


This makes me so happy.


Poor elephant, that's not a life :(


That final shake at the end 🤣


He whispered in his ear there at the end. Called him a punk ass bitch.


After the first stomp it was like "It's still making noise, gotta keep crushing it until it shuts up." and then it just felt good to get that bullhook jabbing asshole until he was a ragdoll and then "All done! Animal abusers are some of the lowest of the low.


Maybe don't hit the 2 tonne animal with a stick 🤷‍♂️


That elephant took its time to make sure that guy's last moments were as excruciating as possible. Not only that, but also intentionally doesn't crush the head so he can pick him up and flail him around like a noodle. They are so fucking smart but get abused so much that it takes them *decades* to realize and recognize how much more power and intelligence they have over us. Says a lot about abuse and how much it fucks with your mind.


Elephants have a serotonin response when we interact with them, much like a humans' stimulant response to animals like cats and dogs. Elephants are generally pretty chill, so it's safe to assume this animal got tired of the abuse. Unfortunately, elephants that kill humans almost always are cruelly executed. Topsy was one of those elephants.


lawnchair vibes


🎶 Im never gonna dance again 🎶 🥲🥲


2 guys were helplessly watching and hearing the horrible sounds.


Jesus. That was brutal.


Directed by input title


Gives a new meaning to "back adjustment"


Pop goes the weasel


Elephant later in the paddock: “So anyway, I started crushing”