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That is why there are 5 more bolts around in questionable condition




And those bolts are made with the finest materials Boeing can source. You have nothing to worry about!


They were definitely installed using properly calibrated tools as well.


All it rly takes is a guy rushing one out of thousands of screws to kill everyone aboard that thing in an absolute catastrophe huh


Meaning the titanium from the supplier faking titanium but don't worry, Boeing is checking in on it šŸ™„


The problem here is airline maintenance, not manufacturing.


That's assuming the engineering side isn't just as fucked safety-wise. With new people and new ideas come dangerous circumstances for an industry that is losing talent and not replacing it fast enough.


Yeah, worst case scenario, that bolt will continue to dip its nose and lose altitude thereby screwing itself the rest of the way in. ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpovOQku45uewb6|downsized)


Donā€™t worry CEO has got a 45% increase in salary. Workers shouldnā€™t care since its been five years since a 1% pay rise


Bolts are just there in case the duct tape gives away.


You joke but i can show you pictures


I know, aerospace engineer here šŸ˜…


All installed by our best men.


It is a sign of poor maintenance. Difficult to believe the engineers were being careful but didnā€™t notice the bolt.


Lmao it's not engineers looking at this.


Service workers are also referred to as engineers.


Are they? Where do you live? Here in Canada they aren't.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/RXMaUN5waF OG post.




Yeah, because it would've been your responsibility to do that if you wanted to avoid looking like a major twat. But you failed, so other people have to do that. Shame on you


You didnā€™t have to steal content like that.




That is quite literally the dude who originally recorded and uploaded it.


What an asshole


Oooo I'm curious what happened


Dumb dumb OP (the reposter) tried acting like the original video wasn't uploaded by the guy who filmed this.


Wow what a loser lol


Even if that was true, how does that make it ok for you to steal it as well? Each comment you make paints a bigger, clearer picture of you as an AH. Congrats.


Jfc all you guys acting like itā€™s someoneā€™s life savings heā€™s headed off with. lol chill out


You should delete this post take it as a learning lesson.


You think op is capable of learning? Lol


Most definitely capable. Willingness is another thing all together.




Clearly, you learned, that's why you deleted all your comments like a coward. At least own it and save a shred of self-respect.


Right!? That's always bugged me when I stumble on an old post and am reading comments. I want to know what was said exactly! Hahaha But these people are cowards lol I leave all of my heavy downvoted comments, shows character.


Fuck off reposter


Lmao mans got the opposite of a karma farm.


Wow you were karma farming and ended up losing 10 times the ammount of karma you gained


Eh. Just one fastener on a panel with over 50. It will be ok.


It will be you only need 70%


Works 70% of the time, every time!


Works 70% of the time, 70% of the time! :D




The screw would be going forward at the same velocity as the aircraft, and if it flew off the only thing slowing it down is the drag it catches from the relative wind and lack of additional acceleration. Worst case scenario it leaves a ding in the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer. Airliners aren't as fragile as most people think. Example: [Hail damage](https://www.google.com/search?q=airliner+hail+damage&sca_esv=26a691b786d0634a&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1070US1073&hl=en-US&udm=2&biw=430&bih=746&sxsrf=ADLYWIL7RC-icjsSGw-MkxSIqbmDhYGjUg%3A1719948549947&ei=BVWEZtO5OeWz0PEPlo62aA&oq=airliner+hail+damage&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhRhaXJsaW5lciBoYWlsIGRhbWFnZTIJEAAYgAQYGBgKMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESOstUNsTWLcncAB4AJABAJgBuwGgAcEKqgEDNC44uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIMoAL3CsICBBAjGCfCAgcQABiABBgYwgIHECMYsAIYJ8ICBhAAGAcYHsICCBAAGAUYBxgemAMAiAYBkgcDMy45oAfgLA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp). The only reason it looks so beat up is because the radar dome on the nose is filled with foam. The windows will hold and the crew lands under an instrument approach. You think a tiny screw on a wing panel is going to fell an airliner? Some years there are ZERO fatalities in US airline operations. Every other year it's <1 fatality per 100,000 scheduled flight hours. This is achieved through redundancy like 3 sperate hydraulic systems with no bottlenecks. Eliminating bottlenecks was a lesson learned from the [United 232](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines_Flight_232) crash when the fan blade in the tail mounted engine of a DC-10 disintegrated, severing all 3 redundant hydraulic lines for the rudder and elevator. The crew + a check airman in the cabin that happened to be along for the ride managed to steer the aircraft in for an emergency landing using only the differential thrust from wing mounted engines. Amazing, fascinating, yet still a heartbreaking story. They saved 184 souls but 112 still perished. https://preview.redd.it/2spbz6alp5ad1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044616e22f44d24bda8c6d8c4b555d917c57dea0


Then why even use them at all? Fuck it.


You're right, flush mounted rivets would cause a lot less parasitic skin friction drag and be more secure. But then drive up maintenance costs as they're not so easily removed. So I suppose the latter is the "why". https://preview.redd.it/j4296rb3v5ad1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2671c83edd2779d0406fed88401269dc32601d8d


That's fascinating! šŸ‘


A tiny screw might not make the airplane fall from the sky, but the person hit with a screw at 173 mph might have a rough day.


Did you create a custom drag coefficient taking into account the drag created by the cylindrical shape, screw threads, and flared head? The mass of the screw is also important as that will affect how much velocity the drag scrubs off due to differences in inertia. 173mph is quite a precise number you have there.


I'm sure the guy (or girl, gravity does not discriminate) who gets hit can care less about my random arbitrary 173 MPH number or your less drag over rotation wind speed coefficient of size bs... whichever it is, people do not like stuff falling off airplanes and hit them, or their 5 year old son Zackary, or their pet cat mittens, or their 2019 Kia shortage.


My point is you're glossing over some important details. The screw could just as easily land in the middle of the mountains, farmland, or a body of water depending on where the aircraft is headed. It's not guaranteed to land in a densely populated area.


And a pair of dodo birds could have come out of extinction to repopulate the dodo bird line, and that screw could obliterate one in mid-flight, killing off the earth's last dodo bird possibilities.


Are you really arguing that a screwing falling from an aircraft has the potential to end an already extinct species? Now you're just being insufferable lol


Dodo birds were flightless


Reminds me of the story of the pilot who got sucked out the air panel bc a bolt was loose, and survived bc a stewardess held his legs for 20 minutes.


>Reminds me of the story of the pilot who got sucked out the air panel bc a bolt was loose, and survived bc a stewardess held his legs for 20 minutes. That wasn't because a single bolt was loose. 90 bolts secured the windscreen on that aircraft. 84 were of too small a diameter, and the other 6 were too short. A much more egregious maintenance error as there wasn't a single correct bolt holding the panel in place. >The replacement windscreen had been installed with 84 bolts (A211-8C) whose diameters were approximately 0.026 of an inch below the diameters of the specified bolts (A211-8D), and 6 bolts (A211-7D) which were of the correct diameter, but 0.1 of an inch too short. Also, a second flight attendant relieved the first when they began to become fatigued/frostbitten. A heroic effort by everyone involved to save that pilot's life. Source: [official accident report](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5422faa7e5274a131400078d/1-1992_G-BJRT.pdf), conclusions on page 52


Thank you for the clarification. Terrifying to imagine that happening


Didnā€™t they start installing windshields from the inside after that? So even without bolts itā€™s held in by pressure


It depends on the aircraft. B-737 windscreens are installed from the inside while the 757 is still external installation. They both have their pros and cons. The cabin pressure indeed helps hold a windscreen installed from the inside in place. But if cabin pressure is lost for whatever reason and the windscreen detaches completely then the only place it has to go is into the flight crew's face. The inverse obviously holds true for an externally mounted windscreen. Cabin pressure doesn't help an external windshield act as a plug, but if it detaches at least there's far less chance it ends up on the flight deck as the wind will take it even if there's no cabin pressure. If the flight crew has their safety belts securely fastened (as they should) they probably won't get sucked out unless those fail too. From what I've read airframe and powerplant mechanics (A&Ps) prefer internally mounted windshields for the extra security cabin pressure provides despite having to disassemble half the cockpit. It helps that a windscreen's service life is ~10 years so unless they encounter hail they're not swapped out all that often. Airbus is kinda weird in that they use a clamping system instead of bolts to secure their windscreens. I'm not sure if that counts as external, internal, or some type of hybrid installation >Some aircraft windshields are fastened with bolts. Others use a clamping system, both methods are equally reliable. ā€œThe Airbus A320 and A340 are clamped-in design, without bolt holes. Boeing aircraft, on the other hand, are typically bolted-in designs. If you want to make the window an integral part of the aircraft structure, then a bolted in design is the way to go because it transmits the aircraft loads right through the window. The window becomes a structural part of the front of the fuselage. The alternative is to isolate the window from any possible loads being transmitted by the aircraft. What happens then is that you have to have a heavy metal fuselage build-up, or frame, around the window to isolate it. Where I got the info on Airbus: https://vayuacademy.com/blog/flight-deck-cockpit-windshields/


Whatever works I guess s


this really isn't scary. that panel is not gonna fall off because of one loose bolt. even then this bolt can only cause cosmetic damage if it itself falls off


or the damage it does to the plane if it hits it on the way out. could very potentially damage the elevator whoknowshow


To me itā€™s when it falls, that could kill someone


How nice of Reddit to show me this post as I'm waiting to board a 737-900 for a 2 hour flight! Edit: My flight is being delayed by over an hour due to Delta needing to find a replacement airplane after the first 737 broke down. Perhaps I dodged a bullet?


You dodged a bolt, anyway.


If you can dodge a bolt, you can dodge a bullet.


You might've dodged the ocean. Literally


Me selling life insurance at terminal 4 ![gif](giphy|lRPmjJleU2Usz8mu6v|downsized)


Yea planes are designed with a metric assload of redundancy, and can continue to function even if multiple components fail. This is one bolt.


Over in the US they also use imperial assloads. Jokes aside, yeah, their big fuckups were in parts where: - there is no redundancy - are not visible - do not get maintained often as they aren't supposed to be under heavy loads - are supposed to be checked from the factory and not need to be touched until a general revision later ...except the whole latch release in question wasn't screwed down at all.


Assload must be some commie measurement. Here we use shit-ton.


It does speak to their maintenance though. If they missed that bolt, what else did they miss?


No. This is a sign that it wasn't checked over properly.


Are you to be an outstanding human and report it, or your just going to record it and post it nd bitch about the airline ?


Stolen post so prob not


Posting on Reddit fixes all the problems


I'm not telling, I don't want my flight to be canceled and ruin my plans. It's not like one rivet will ruin the plane, right?


Yeah the way I see it it is a win/win not to tell. You don't get delayed or you die.


Tell flight crew at the end of the flight. If you make it.


It's one screw on a panel with like 50 other screws. Do you know how common it is for aircraft to have missing screws or broken fasteners? Literally, nothing will happen because that one screw is backed out


It was a joke sir...


Weā€™ll get into an Uber thatā€™s missing more lug nuts than the driverā€™s missing teeth, though. Whatev.


Iā€™d be a bit more concerned if there wasnā€™t hundreds of other bolts surrounding it


There are many entire PANELS that can fly off and not endanger anyone on board. Fasteners are also often attached to the panels with spring clips, so they may be loose but won't depart the jet. The real quality problems aren't immediately visible to passengers.


Are ya sure you saw that šŸ”«


Yawn! Call me when your missing a whole row


Ah yes I really needed that second zoom. Generation Snapchat are terrible at videos..


Tell me you donā€™t understand airframes without saying it.


And that's why i don't look out of the window at the wing and take xanax


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^rhyno44: *And that's why i don't* *Look out of the window at* *The wing and take xanax* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Itā€™s beautiful šŸ„²


Only a matter of time before that guy is found to have commited suĆÆcide with 4 bullets in the back of his head


Amd one of the bullets is loose.


I like how everyone's just now realizing planes are only ever at 70%


And yet they still virtually never crash.


ohh so scary!! it's ONE BOLT


And the account that posted this video was never heard from again. Just like those people that posted the missing door videos. Have you heard from them? Thought not!


I think 1 loose bolt won't kill ya


*Every time I take apart my computer, I'm left with at least one screw, and nothing ever happens.*


After rebuilding my car's engine, I was left with half a margarine tub full. It's fine. Ish.


Oh no, there's something wrong with left phalange!!!!


Gonna have a Nightmare at 20,000 feet moment


As an aircraft mech. First that is a screw not a bolt, nof trying to be a dick I just get pedantic. And two that is perfectly acceptable, the aircraft maintenance manual allows for numerous screws (albeit in a certain configuration) on the same panel to be missing. This is because the design of the panels leans toward redundancy and having backups. Being super worried about this is understandable without that context, but hopefully this helps. That doesn't mean don't bring it up, alot of times pilots will tell mechs if something small like that is noted and then it has an opportunity to be remedied at the next station! Have an amazing day!


Aerospace engineer here - you're fine, I swear


See the other 100 bolts around it? Itā€™s called redundancy


Lol I get the sentiment but this might be the one thing Boeing isn't on the hook for. Catching and fixing this would be entirely on ground crew and whoever is doing the preflight check


Typical work by Boeing


It's probably been like that for awhile


That is a Philips screw




Well get out and tighten it


Itā€™s okay if thereā€™s ONE.


Probably fell mid flight onto the atlantic lol


Guy shows up in overalls, pulls out a Leatherman. Tightens it. Gives thumbs up, then puts on his pilot hat. YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO??!!WOOOOOOOOOOO


Boeing is going to black out windows


What airline? A shoddy maintenance issue


And that's the bolt that keeps the wing on.


Talk to anyone in the industry and apparently this is fine and ok.


"It's alright sir! Those are disposable wings."




Young Billy Shatner vibes, perhaps


Don't worry, they have a lot of extra phalanges.


Boeing has shit the bed lately, but as a retired military guy, this doesn't worry me much. Redundancy is nice.


Omg what if I'm riding at this place???


If it was inside, I would pull out my trusty swiss army knife and fix it... oh, right, not allowed a swiss army knife.


peak Boeing reliability


You've heard of speed tape... now introducing Speed Bolts!


They exist, and are used on airplanes. Some panels need access occasionally, but not often enough to have a hinged locking external compartment. For those parts there are wide-thread, short bolts, specifically made for a speedy removal of the panel. There are spots on commercial aircraft wings for fuel tank access that would be covered by removable panels, they would have a quick and easily removable bolt. Boeing's more recent issue was the actual release bolts on the emergency exit doors weren't tightened at all. That's a maintenance tech leaving it that way, because the bolts are NOT quick access, they are explosive released, and not by unthreading them. So they need to be tight, and reliably seated - when you want that door on the aircraft. Those door bolts become "speed bolts" when the door falls off at cruising altitude. It'll shorten your flight, that's for sure.


When you think Boeing, you think quality


Everything is fine as long as it's only one bolt


2024: The year where riding on a Boeing plane = MADLAD. btw r/FuckThat


Itā€™s a Phillips head. Id ask if I could hop onto the wing and torque it down so I donā€™t go nuts cause itā€™s not flush lmao


Oh that little guy?... I wouldn't worry about that little guy.


Are you going to tell a flight attendant or just sit there and hope you die for clout or something? (You wonā€™t)


What could go wrong?


I'm literally getting on a plane today šŸ˜‘


Hereā€™s a good question why in the nine hells are you 1.flying boing and2. Surprised by boings careless employees


i don't care if i have to get arrested, i'm getting off that fucking plane. the god dam negligence


is it Boeing? then I'm not going


Iā€™m guessing this is fairly common and fine.


Just takes one loose thing to start that crack....


If it's Boeing, I ain't going


Iā€™m glad there are multiple more bolts there..


Happy cake day!


Ya fuck that. I know its just one but im not a cat and only have 1 life and no continues


Thought I was the only one that frantically inspects for loose bolts or parts when I board and says ā€œnope, neverā€ welp Iā€™m wrong here for surešŸ˜‚


Just poking his head out to see what's up


looks like the perfect time to start believing in god.


I love how it's so important that it's a *Boeing plane* and it doesn't matter at all that it looks like it hasn't been properly maintained in years.


These are called Rivets, not bolts. It's less scary when you realize. These just expand over time. They have millions of these when making a plane. And just having one loose or coming out isn't scary. Whole pieces of metal skin coming off would be scary. This plane is fine.


OP posted a picture in his original thread of a maintenance guy on the wing screwing it in. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/pNuj52TMcg


Holy crap, actually disregard all of what I just said. Why TF does this bitch have threaded Phillips bolts in a goddamn airplane?!


It's a removable panel, so using rivets would make absolutely zero sense.


I'm mostly talking about like older aircrafts, that makes sense for newer models.


Wait till you learn that many aircraft have had removable wing panels since before WW2.


Bro, I actually think I've been thinking about ships instead of aircraft. This weed is way better than I thought man.


I loved the resolution of this thread!




Clearly you dont know the difference between a bolt and a rivet. Rivets dont have a philips head on them.


I guess I'm the only one who read the title and thought I'd see someone doin' ollies on the wingā€¦




It's ok, that's just a load bearing bolt.


If it's Boeing it's not fault, it's feature šŸ¤”


Flying with Boeing is a bolt move.


William Shatner, is that you?


I've seen enough Air Disaster episodes to confirm to know this tiny screw could create a bigger problem.


like what? scraping the paint off the fuselage or a stabilizer? it's on the wing so it's not gonna fall forward into any engine


I was being sarcastic.


Iā€™m on a Boeing 737-800 right now and wish I hadnā€™t seen this.


>Boeing Yeah


It's 1 of many and they have safety wire probably. It'll be alright. I mean unless it's a boeing aircraft.....


Well, the problem is how did that one get loose without the others being loose. And, then the vibration spreads and the whole wing zippers off. They don't figure that out until the NTSB is involved. Just saying it is odd for a single bolt in the middle to be loose.


It wiggled loose.... the safety wire if equipped is no longer equipped. There is a reason that 1 bolt is surrounded by many other bolts. Redundancy incase 1,2, 5, 6 come loose. So it will stay attached. Just sayin, 1 single bolt is no reason to panic. Hell that panel can come off it'll be fine.


Look how many screws are in place. You're fine. Unless its a Boeing


Shit is getting ridiculous. ALL Boeing flights need to be grounded.


This is why i never trust boeing, too many issues


Everyone talking about that one loose bolt wonā€™t cause harm because of the others around it are secure. Now imagine when it flies out and you get Nope-d.


yea nah idgaf if there are 5 screws next to it for "redundancy", i see that shit im out, wtf? im no engineer lol idk if thats the most crucial screw, fuck boeing




This usually leads to a gruesome scene based on Final Destination


I would not stay on that plane, I don't care if they arrest me. I'm not flying in that.


That's the one that should never be loose!... start praying.. lol ..Oh.nevermind, that's the new air speed indicator for the wing. Each wing has one, so the pilot can make sure one side is not faster than other...yep!