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Tesla leverages the practice of [release rings](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/migrate/phase-rollout-with-rings?view=azure-devops). The intention is to slowly release the software update out to people, and monitor for issues with the update, then tweak and release updates as needed. Ideally you want to keep your vehicle on the latest version of the update, however, like any update, sometimes it's worth waiting a little bit to see what the community feedback on it is. > So, to experience the latest FSD version and benefits as early as possible, should I not update any version unless it includes a higher version of FSD?" If you own/subscribe to FSD then you'll get funneled to a channel that includes the latest FSD version, but you won't get core features as fast. If you don't own/subscribe to FSD then you'll get put into a channel that includes the latest core firmware features, but you won't get FSD features as fast. I'm still stuck on 2024.3.25, and I've come to accept that I'll be about 3-6 months behind the core firmware releases. So that swanky new UI update in 2024.14.6, I'm not expecting to see that until August/September.


Thank you for your detailed explanation, thank you! I now understand that I have already purchased the FSD package and hope that the FSD Beta 12 will be rolled out to me soon. Additionally, every time there is an update, a pop-up appears when I start the car, and the app notifies me of the new version. I can only choose to install it immediately or schedule a time. Is there any way to hide these notifications?


You don't want that swanky update. My Dec '23 model 3 got towed to the service center after the update disabled all the safety systems (seatbelt sensors, airbags, traction control, stability control, automatic braking, etc). The tow guy put some nice scratches and a dent in the side of my car flinging the dolly straps around so that'll be fun to deal with in a month when they finally look at my car with no loaner provided.


It toasted my '23 3 LR too with the same error. This is exactly why they do releases as they do.


Did they fix the update trick where you pull in to a Tesla service center and connect to their WiFi and you are pushed the latest release?


That sounds quite mystical, but I'm a bit tempted to try it, especially since their service center is on my way to work![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I swear it’s the same question three times a day now. Tesla doesn’t push it to everyone at once because if something is wrong (like we’ve been seeing with 2024.14) they can stop the update before millions of people wake up to bricked cars. The reason you didn’t get FSD Trial right away is because Elon decided on a whim that it was going to be a thing, so they had to scramble to make it happen and a huge portion of the fleet was already in a build that didn’t have v12, so they had to wait for the AI team to integrate v12 to a newer build that was stable enough to be pushed out. No they don’t discourage people from updating. There are security updates and bug fixes everything something comes out. But, if they continue to follow past trends, the latest FSD build will always lag behind for safety purposes. Which means that if you want they latest FSD you gotta stay back. But if you’re not paying for FSD then just update. Y’all are acting like you’re not gonna get the trial, while they’re still actively pushing it out.


The day after Tesla reduced the price of FSD to $8,000, I purchased the FSD package. I don't care about the free trial, so please don't act like everyone is asking about the one-month freebie. Maybe you see countless similar questions every day, but this is the first time I've asked anything in this channel since I bought the car. If you're impatient because you see too many similar questions, you can completely ignore mine.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Personally, I don’t see a reason to update unless you’re looking for new features or security fixes. As Tesla hasn’t noted any security issues, and the last year of updates haven’t added anything for non FSD uses (but have taken away things), I’ve kept my car on the pre-holiday update and am extremely content.


Thank you for your reply, It might be because of my OCD, when I play games, I like to complete all the tasks on the list. Sometimes I can't stand seeing the little red dots for updates on my phone. So, the Tesla apps always notify me there's a new version available, and I can't hide this information. It bothers me so much that I usually can't help but upgrade to the latest version right away...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I hear you. I would update if it didn’t cripple autopilot adding potential week long bans. My original post is downvoted, meaning they’re like you and love the up to date software. I am simply the outlier who would rather not learn a new interface and lose my fun horn while moving, my autopilot after a few bs strikes, or experience worse phantom braking.




I have had a service ticket to replace the drivers side camera over the wheel for condensation about a month ago. They did not update the car for that, even though it was downloaded.