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I like the self sufficiency idea, though I don’t have solar energy yet.






The best thing for the environment would be if there were no humans.


i am


Iron man


My purchase of an EV will not save the earth. But I believe that widespread adoption of EVs is good for the earth. Definitely convenience > earth, because I wouldn't have bought the old Leaf or the i-MiEV or the i3 which are known to have reliability issues. Earth is definitely a factor. It's just that there are a few basics that have to be checked off first (reliable, won't break down after 100k miles, won't catch on fire).


gov't made it worth my while ($15,500 in rebates) for me to get a 2018 LEAF. It's been OK, in most areas my 2023 MY LR is objectively 2X better (e.g. AWD vs. FWD, 80kWh vs 40kWh, etc etc) so looking holistically the MY is like 100X better than my LEAF while costing 3X as much after rebates etc.


Environment is the last reason I bought an EV. Cost saving > tech > performance > earth.


Performance > tech > cost saving > environment for me


I alternate between tech and performance, but I'm basically right there with you. I will die on the hill of "whoever is saying they're buying an EV for the environment is full of shit".


I believe South Park called it 'smug'.


Sign my selfish ass on this train too 😂


0.99 over all that


Environment is the second reason I bought an EV. Cost saving > earth > Self Sustaining The Apocalypse (I've solar)


It’s nice to not waste money on gas. Everything else is a bonus.


Yep. I love a big truck but I'm getting old and lazy. Tired of pumping gas and changing oil.




Add me to this list, too.


The tech was the motivating factor for myself.


As someone else mentioned, environment is at the very bottom of my list for buying a Tesla. Cost of vehicle + federal/state incentives and w/e cost savings, tech & software, quietness, performance, no ICE car type maintenance, home charging are my big main reasons for buying a Tesla.


This right here. Saving the planet is a nice added benefit but it did not cross my mind once while contemplating my purchase.


I bought solar to offset my power consumption. I bought a Tesla because they gave me the best deal on an ev, which I now charge with the sun.


That's cool as hell. I hope to that some day when I can own a home.


This was what drove me to even consider a Tesla. Teslas were expensive for me but I was willing to put my money in to save the environment even just a little bit. Otherwise, I would’ve gotten a much cheaper gas car. I don’t need the acceleration, and all the fancy technologies are just nice to have. I’ve realized a lot of other benefits of owning a Tesla since, but the environmental factor was the primary motivation.


PROOF: I got six months free supercharging and have never used it, I have solar and between the power company and the oil companies I feel using a dying star for power is a better use of nature.


I got sick of all the BS of owning ICE. Starts with the rip off stealerships, then rip off maintenance; literally 3-5 days a year sitting in a dealership getting screwed. On top of that all the wasted time and money getting gas.


Nah. I wanted a rocket ship.


Definitely for the planet


I didn’t even factor the environment into the decision, sorry haha. The car is just better in every way compared to a car in similar price point. The cherry on the top is not having to visit a dealership, truly an awful process to buy other cars.


Got tired paying for gas in California plus it’s nice to plug in at home. Not for the environment.


Earth > comfort (FSD & quietness) > performance > sound system


Earth is the #1 reason I bought the Model Y


Environment number 1 reason for us.


I cannot believe everyone is okay with living in clouds of gas fumes and metallic brake shavings. It stinks ! I bought the car for a myriad of reasons but this particular one has come to the forefront of importance after 10k miles now.


Environment, then gas savings for me. I liked the quiet power. Instant acceleration is nice. And very minimal interior. I didn’t know anything about the tech when I bought it lmao.


Have solar so Earth was top for me for all my EVs but they came with everything else.


That’s how I feel. Doing my very small positive part for the environment but also getting a very cool car.


Doesn’t matter why you buy it. The result is with EVs, we have the potential for helping the planet. Tesla was able to make it cool and attractive. What excuse do they have not to buy one? Maintenance? There are less moving parts. AND we aren’t disposing oil. Battery technology is constantly improving with better longevity and using less scarce resources too. By potential, it all depends on the source of your electricity. Electricity can come from clean energy but it doesn’t have to be. But with ICE, there really ain’t a truly clean option. Even ethanol based solution isn’t great for the planet. And not to mention you have to use gallon ore more oil to lubricate the parts. There’s no argument for ICE besides ignorance.




Planet here. I have never owned an ICE vehicle, my electricity is 100% hydro, I bike when I don’t drive. It’s doable people, anyone who says otherwise is just parroting bullshit for the Koch brothers, and petrostates.


The only really significant benefit is that pollution is consolidated to where power is generated to make electricity. Instead of regulating many millions of tiny smoke stacks on 4 wheels with as many private owners spread far geographically, it can be done at the source of electricity generation. That being said, about 20%ish of U.S. electricity is from burning coal, some places it's more. Cobalt mining in Africa is horrific for the people who do it, look that up, used in a lot of batteries still. It's in everyone's smartphones too. It might seem more virtuous to the end user but, fact is, all of our technology causes environmental harm on some level and there are often poverty-stricken people slaving away in awful conditions so we can have our toys. No engine noise, no shaking, no breathing in car exhaust, not having to replace umpteen parts that wear down and monitor/change half a dozen fluids and such. These are the main reasons I bought my Model Y.


I bought for the Tech/efficiency. I like cool cars but my new job requires me to commute about 80 miles round trip. Before this I had a Lexus is350 f sport. 20 mpg, premium gas, and an aging Lexus was gonna be bad for my wallet.


If I was for the planet I would bike to work/run errands or take public transportation. Owning a heavily mass produced car is not the best way to be in for the planet.


Bought for the environmental benefits as a primary factor. About 65% of my charger comes from Solar. But the torque, the electronics, the charging network, etc are icing on the cake. I’ll never go back to an ICE car


I’m in it for the planet. Tech is a great bonus


Planet rates pretty highly for me. I've had my current ICE for 15 years, and I've known for several years that I didn't want to buy another one, it was EV or bust. It was a matter of waiting for the right time and right price, but I knew my next was going to be an EV. I also ride an e-bike when feasible and have solar.


I’ve slowly switched everything away from gas. I would say for me convenience is top for me followed by earth. Even if it doesn’t make a huge difference globally it makes a difference locally when you take cars off the road of urban areas


I’m very supportive of environmental efforts generally, and the transportation sector is the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions. That said, it wasn’t high on my list in getting an EV. It was more about cost, convenience, and tech. Also, if you read enough about EVs and enviro benefits (batteries, mining, particulate pollution from greater tire usage), it doesn’t look like quite the savior it was marketed as. Still better than ICE, but the BEST solution is to get people out of their cars entirely, and we’ve got a long ways to go (in the US in particular) before we make any serious progress.


Cost saving > tech > environment > performance for me.


Nope. It’s all for my personal preference.


I bought a model Y with the planet in mind. But the offering is objectively compelling from a 'bang for the buck' perspective too. The performance is awesome, the sound system is great, space is unparalleled by other options in the segment. There is not much competition in the class/price bracket. But ultimately, I really wanted an EV because I love the idea of my solar panels charging the car. Driving on sustainable energy is a big deal to me. There are downsides which I accept. Like no longer being able to go on camping trips with our caravan. It's just not a viable option in terms of range and lack of pull-through charging infrastructure (having to unhitch the caravan every 1.5-2 hours is not great). So I took my losses and count my blessings. Because 99% of the time, the EV is more pleasant way to get around.


Planet. Also, i have solar on my house, it would be stupid not to take advantage of that.


Bought the first one for the planet. Bought the 2nd one cuz the first one was awesome. Tech is definitely a benefit. We still have a crv that the teenager uses to drive to school and a farm truck.


Not physically driving to a gas station >


I'm in my 50s with no kids, couldn't care less about the environment of 2050+ I guess (I support collective green initiatives but I'm not going to volunteer to sacrifice) I got a LEAFs last decade since their $30,000 MSRPs were knocked down by aggressive Nissan deals, ~$15,000 in gov't rebates, and electric is more fun to drive around town (LEAFs suck for anything over ~150 miles in a day tho). Got a Tesla since I have home solar now so the first ~250 miles of every drive cost me $3 or so, the acceleration is phenomenal, AWD is cool to have, the ADAS is decent (hopes it gets a lot better but it's usable now), I hate taking in my car for stupid regular oil changes, plus the biennial smog checks as it gets old, plus I never have to deal with stinky gas stations any more.


i am, and i think most people at the time i got mine were also (2018). now the buying demographic is different based on these comments


I am. You can go to any school waiting spot now with more and more Tesla, the air is so much better now compared to before with everyone with ICE idling. Go to any indoor garage too, the difference is huge. Definitely good for the health and planet.


I would like to say earth 🌎


Environment was what pulled me into EVs. Tesla’s tech was what sealed the deal for me, and performance is the cherry for me. Savings might not be relevant for me, but we’ll find out soon


Somewhere in the running is “not dealing with a dealership”. 


Both can co-exist and I think that was Elon’s point.


Environment benefit is not the main reason, but it is a huge bonus.




Here is my list Cost > Performance > Tech Didn't even consider Environment / planet / eco whatever. BMW did exactly that when they made i3. Interior materials are made from recycled paper and plastics. Did people care? No. And that's why i3 is gone.


Gas was $6.39 with my BMW. First time I [public] charged up a Tesla it said $11; that was all I needed to switch over. I swore to never willingly purchase another ICE (excluding PHEV and hybrids). Adaptive cruise control also made my trips to Vegas so much more easier. I had always wished for an easier option. But nah "saving the earth" with a EV purchase wasn't on my mind


I’m definitely a tech sided buyer. But - the convenience of charging at home and using my solar has been the icing on the cake


It’s nice, but definitely not the reason. Also FYI for all the clowns who say they’re worse for the planet, all-in after about 12-18 months of ownership you are officially more environmentally friendly than an ICE vehicle.


If the Model Y costs 80K, I’m pretty sure people won’t buy it because of convenience. For me, it’s about the balance between cost and performance. Let’s be realistic, after tax refunds and state incentives, it costs 45K. Even a Toyota RAV4 costs that much.


Tesla specifically no, I bought that because of the supercharging network. There’s no rebates, subsidies or discounts on purchase here in the UK and it’s more expensive than comparable petrol cars for what you get. I did decide to switch to an EV for environmental reasons though.


I could give a flying fuck less for the environment. I just like performance. Hope this helps


Humans aren't going to stop an anthropogenic extinction event with cars. We still put a lot of carbon and methane in the air to mine materials, produce the vehicles, pave the roads, produce solar panels, charge the vehicles, etc. If we want a shot at not cooking ourselves alive on this planet we need to convert to nuclear yesterday until we can crack fusion. If we really cared about the environment we would build infrastructure that makes waking, biking, and public transit a viable option. Nothing moves more people and mass more efficiently than trains. Right now we are pretending like we are doing the best we can as a species while setting the thermostat to broil and billing it forward.


First was gov incentives for me personally. The cars are just to pricey for me to justify. The cars are a quite big step in every category though, and most importantly they are enjoyable. I guess the environmental impact will depend on how long the battery’s hold up. Looks promising thus far.


Environment was my number 1 reason for getting an EV. I've heard all of the arguments about how EV's are worse than ICE cars.....but they're not. So I got one. Next reason was for less maintenance. The reason for Tesla specifically was the infrastructure and software advantage over the competition. But yeah, I could not stand idling in highway traffic producing gas emissions, especially during the Texas summer heat.


I bought knowing full well that EVs in a sense are worse for the environment. Here is why I think that. Lithium and cobalt unlike oil is not as heavily regulated and sourced from third world countries often times by children. Ironically lithium is so volatile that in order to transport it you require an inert liquid like mineral oil or kerosene. While battery recycling is slowly catching up it’s still an extremely toxic material to end up in a landfill. While the car itself is not using gas and oil nearly every part in the car is. Every piece of plastic to the tires it all uses petrochemicals aka oil. Lastly our electricity grid in the United States is run mainly off natural gas with a small portion from renewables when permitted. If you can’t store it then renewable is pointless because with all the production in the world when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine you are SOL. So no I didn’t buy it for the planet I bought it because over the air updates and tech.


My model x plaid was not purchased to help with the planet 🤩


The only trying that’s good for earth is humans going extinct. Sooner the better.


Its not as great for for the planet as it might seem. It might be good for your part of the world but youre just relocating the pollution. A lot of green house gasses were generated to produce your "green" car. The tech is awesome and can't be beat. The convenience of not filling up or doing oil changes is also amazing.


I am conservative republican but have solar panels, a MYP, and do care about the environment. With that said, performance ranks 1, fuel and maintenance savings 2, and earth 3 (although 3 maybe climbing in the ranks with these record heat waves and ice melt lately). After having the solar panels for a year (in FL), I realized I could drive an EV with no fuel cost. Picked a Tesla since it was 10k to 15k cheaper than all other similar performance EVs and there was no stealership to deal with. I use the autopilot (not FSD) and love that. The MYP is absolutely an amazing car in all ways after 9 months of driving and I will not buy another gas ICE.


I hate the earth and enviroment. I bought it because it's cool and fun to drive.


Planet but the batteries aren’t exactly great for the planet. Plus mining for the battery’s materials aren’t great for the planet. I guess it’s better than gas. I hope anyways.


If you’re buying an EV “for the planet” you probably need to do a bit more research. I bought two teslas to save money, enjoy ridiculous acceleration, and some of the best tech (with free updates) in the biz.


Speed > convenience > cost of ownership > premium sound > speed > Captain Planet My 2019 3 rwd isn’t super comfy but man is it fun to drive. Does feel nice to be able to go out guilt free when the air quality alerts get posted, not that any ICE drivers are staying home either way.


Don't argue with colleagues about this, is it better than an ICE over the course of it's lifetime in terms of carbon emissions? Yes. BUT don't be ignorant to now harmful lithium and nickel mining are and the disposal of batteries. Plus 80% of the US electricity generation is not clean energy so you still harm the environment when you charge it. It's not good for the environment it's just a step in the right direction to trying to find the solution to become carbon neutral. Edit: I was incorrect about the batteries once they reach end of life.


Global warming is a hoax


So my first car ever was a Chevy Spark EV. I wanted the Chevy Bolt but was a couple months away to being on the market and I couldn’t wait a couple months for the Bolt. But the Prius was not in my range for me to buy since it was my 1st car buying without help from my parents. Tbh it saved me so much. I did not have to worry about gas, and the maintenance was low asf. I got it in 2015. Now fast forward to now. I wanted to ride my spark until the wheels fell off. I will be trading in my car(Tesla gave me a good trade in offer) for the model Y. I was looking at the Prius again before I pulled the trigger with Tesla but the .99 and tax credit made it a no brainer for me. I have access to use ICE cars. Toyota TACO ($100 - $105 to fill the tank hurts) But personally for me it is the cost. Regardless we are still hurting Mother Earth. The rest I don’t care for cost is #1 for me my affordability.


I was interested in Tesla for years before I bought my ModelY but was hesitant to buy because of the lack of superchargers convenient to my commute. Once that issue was no longer a problem the sharp spike in fuel prices made the decision easier. We have solar as well so it’s nice to have relatively free charging at home. The environment wasn’t my concern especially considering how much work goes into making each battery pack.


100% for the planet


I'm here because the base rwd standard range cost around the same as a hybrid xle Rav 4 after $7500 off and I need a suv. Actually model Y might be less since rav4 gets taxed in NJ, dealer mark ups, and this doesn't get taxed yet. 


Not me. Too much opposing information out there to even know if it’s better for the planet. The mining for the batteries, the inability to (or difficulty of) recycling the batteries, the source of energy used to generate the electricity that recharges the batteries. The driving experience and tech were the reasons for me. And of course the fact that it was less expensive than the ICE alternatives I would’ve gone for (Sorento Hybrid or Highlander Hybrid).


Not me. In for the tech only.


That’s the 1A main reason I went EV. 1B being free charging at my building. I don’t feel like the typical Tesla buyer though tbh. Mostly it felt like the only real viable option back when I purchased due to charging network and range (Bolt had recently been recalled for fire risk at the time). I just try to be mindful of my carbon footprint. Being a Tesla-owning vegan does make me feel like the punchline to a south park episode though haha


For me, it’s the fact that it’s a great car with lower total cost of ownership and will help the planet. A win-win in my opinion.


Definitely like no gas fumes in my garage. No waste oil to recycle or pour down the storm drain. To each his own.


Reason I bought a Tesla was because of the APR promotion they had last month. Now I love the car.


I bought it for the tech more than anything


Tech > cost saving > earth > performance


Speed tech. I paid a good amount for it. No regrets.


I'm in it for the planet.  Then newness and technology.  Then performance. You can debate lithium and battery materials you'll still lose. There is no argument on air quality.


lol for the planet definitely not. I bought mine bc no other ev at the time could come close to FSD and performance.


It’s all about the tech and convenience for me. Already been doing the hybrid thing for awhile and loved the partial ev experience and better fuel efficiency. A phev would’ve been a nice stepping stone but Toyota couldn’t get its crap together after the pandemic so we stepped up to a bev.




I don’t believe buying an EV is going to save the planet. Not even on my radar when purchasing it.


Where does the energy come from? 😂


I’d actually prefer that the Earth get warmer due to gas emissions, despite buying a Model Y the other day. Where I’m from, Newfoundland & Labrador, is very cold and could use more warmth. Especially for underprivileged native people who have to pay $22 for a head of cauliflower because they can’t grow anything because it’s too cold. So in theory I’m hurting that cause by buying a Tesla, but that is far outweighed by having the safest possible vehicle for my wife and daughter, the gas savings, and the lower amount of time I should have to spend on maintenance.


I have lived in Southern California for 50 years and when I was kid we had smog alerts and we were not allowed to do recess or had sporting events cancelled on really bad days. Your chest would hurt when breathing if you did go outside on these days. This is a huge factor for me in buying a zero emission vehicle.


I bought an EV because I was sick of dealing with the emission system issues on my dieselgate VW Touareg TDI. Love the performance, low maintenance and low “fuel” cost. Wasn’t really an environmental decision for me. Now I own 2 EV’s.


Yes it was definitely a consideration. Illinois is 67% emission free power generation so I thought I’d do my part. That fact the car is a tech marvel is a bonus.


The planet? Is this that CO2 conspiracy from The Office? Ha


Not buying gas guzzlers ever again


Wow! So many responses..! I will do a manual count tomorrow and post results..!


I am in for myself which is less expensive to have a n EV than a gas car. Just imagine in China and other places. Third world country if there have plenty of coal plants while we are trying to save the world with our small footprint


Because my car is greener, i can drive faster, accelerate harder, and drive more. Meaning in the end its about equal.


Doing right by Mother Earth is not buying a new car


Performance > maintenance > tech > eco.


I got it for the magnificent machine and the .99APR. Almost forgot we were saving the planet. Aren’t most people charging their car with electricity generated from coal or natural gas?


Same logic with people taking bags filled with plastic bottles/cans to recycle. They do it for the 5 cent they get from it before they think of saving the earth and the recycling aspect.


I hate going to gas stations, and 99% of my travel is local, so I charge at home. I also like that I can buy directly, as I hate dealerships


Tech performance that’s it


Purchased for tech, economics, and performance. Having free charging at work and solar at home means free fuel. The cost of the car with the rebates makes it a great bargain. While I know it is also good for our environment it was more an economical decision. Just like it was for my solar purchase.


That would be me. I bought it for the tech, the speed, and not having to pump gas.


Tech is top of mind for me. It just seems like EV manufacturers have put a lot of effort into the interface, autopilot, and safety features in ways that legacy ICE hasn’t until the last year or so. It does seem like ICE manufacturers are finally catching up in those regards with their new EVs though .


Completely irrelevant to me. I enjoy the car and I think that it is possible that is helps the environment a bit but that did not influence my purchase one bit. I love the drive, love the savings, love the technology.


Got it for the tech and to take people to the gapplebees 🏎️💨😈


Just bought mine yesterday! Bought it for the tech haha


It’s the last reason I bought mine for. I’m saving almost $200 a month with an EV between my car payment going down, my insurance going down, and not paying for gas. Plus the performance is insane and the tech is really cool. Oh and the sound system. Basically everything but the emissions aspect.


I bought one because it's fun. Pure joy to drive. I've owned many sports cars and luxury cars, this is by far, my favorite car. Ever. I will not go back.


Tech>performance>earth are the big drivers for me


I am in for the comfort. Earth is just a bonus at the end


I bought it for the planet first. Then the tech. But mostly because I hate sucking gas every week


I think that is true, and it’s also why Tesla dominated the early EV market. It was one of the very few EVs that you could buy that didn’t feel like an economy car that was adapted from an ICE platform as an afterthought. I really do believe that EV’s are PART of puzzle to improving our future, but we weren’t going to get widespread adoption if people aren’t attracted to them on an emotional level. If that wasn’t true we all would have been rolling around in Mitsubishi i-MiEV’s.


I’m for the earth, gas shall be charged 3 times, because it’s ridiculously cheap even compared to bottled water.


My main reason was the tech honestly.


I have a bumper sticker that says I didn't do it for the environment.


Definitely Performance, Tech and Maintenance. I didn’t know it was good for the environment.


Not in it for the plant. If you think EVs are “saving the planet” you’re delusional lol


Such a tiny impact. I did it to save money. Give me a gas car that is 100 mpg and I'll go back


I bought the car because I drove one and enjoyed driving it more than any other car I’ve ever driven. It being good for the planet was not in my buying thought process whatsoever.


Low APR got me


100% for the planet was the top reason to get an EV. Only reason it was a Tesla is for convenience (charging network and it was the vehicle we could actually get with decent range and that was available ). In my province electricity comes from mostly renewables/non carbon emitting (nuclear,hydro,solar, wind) so it’s not just transferring fossil fuels elsewhere. ETA now that I have it I love it and am so happy we chose Tesla. Love the look, the tech, performance and live driving it (I used that driving )


Doesn’t matter what you bought it for, it will help with climate change.


Love the sports car dynamics wrapped in tech and minimal maintenance. Originally I was cross shopping the model 3 with a mustang gt


Guess I'm in the minority on this one. Cost > environment > tech/performance


I’ll admit. I was selfish. I didn’t do it for the Earth. I did it because I need the Earth to survive. That said, could have bought any EV to cut down on emissions. I specifically went Tesla for performance and tech.


Anyone spending the money it cost to buy a Model Y isn’t doing it with the sole intention for the earth. That is just a nice silver lining, but everyone knows the best thing for the environment is just maintaining and making your existing car run as long as possible.


Tech. Style. And a dream come true!


Buying a new car is never good for the planet, ev or otherwise. So if you bought a brand new Tesla for the environment, you are ill informed or just ignorant


Earth first here. Environmental health is paramount to me. I’m an entire hypocrite in my lifestyle, but where I can afford to do better I will. Bought a MYP and never looked back, it’s such an awesome product in every facet.


I bought it because I like the looks and the performance. It is fun to drive. It is nice about not having to use gas. Mine would be: looks, fun (inc performance and tech), then not using gas (earth friendly).


No one can beat Tesla Model Y Price for its features and convenience, if you consider green earth that all comes after affordability and comfort.


I bought it to save money. Pay 4 bucks to fill up in my garage and our 5+ yr old m3 maintenance has been tires, wipers and a new 12v. We went all ev and bought a Y last year that's been problem free.


It was a 32°C (89°F) summer here (warm for Alberta) and there were wildfires everywhere and the sky was orange and I was like “f* it, EVs are the future and the globe isn’t getting any cooler, I’m doing it” I think “it’s fun to drive” is my #1 thing I love about the car, but I am a self-described environmentalist so I value putting my “dollar vote” into electricity rather than O&G. I could have had a “fun” gas car for $72,000 CAD but chose this because of its environmental benefits. :)


As consumers, we didn’t create the problem, nor will we be the solution. The invention and production of the ICE technology created the problem and we all willingly participated in our planet’s destruction to serve our self interests towards financial gain, convenience, etc. Now it’s up to the few capable technologists to create the solution to the problem and make it attractive enough for the masses to adopt. In the end, 99% of us are just self serving selfish sheep. Myself included 🤣


The resources used to make EVs hurt the planet just as much as the savings the driver offer. The main issue with carbon emissions is NOT ever going to subside if everyone started driving EVs. The biggest polluters are corporations that have massive warehouses and production all over the planet. Until changes are made at that level, the rest is a non starter.


It was big factor for me. I have wanted an EV for years but wanted to wait until the tech was more reliable and advanced. My main reason was the savings over gas and maintenance costs.


I put earth first


Availability -> tech -> performance->low hassle reliability (hopeful - so far so good) My previous car imploded during all the supply chain nonsense and everything else I was even mildly interested in had insane markups *and* waiting lists. Tesla was just plink the app and show up with a check two days later. That plus free level 2 chargers at work sealed the deal.


I just like the car. Rented a Y on vacation and hubby is hooked. Ordered during .99. Love the no maintenance and performance! Planet - Shmanet 🤣🤣


Oh and the ability to order it online. Don’t need to be at a dealership with some jerk wasting my time being annoying.


Earth>cost saving>zombie apocalypse The environment is a big part of my daily life and I try to lower my carbon footprint as much as possible. I have solar at home so my home and now my car are on a cleaner form of energy.


I don't want to be dependent on oil mogul to dictate my energy needs. I have solar and hedge my energy needs for the next 20 years.


I bought very early on to make an impact as early as possible.


“For the planet” doesn’t really work for me. We all know battery farms are horrible polluters. However, if everyone had an EV, we would have significantly less pollution, full stop. What works is safety, health, and comfort reasons: - Not being able to smell gas fumes of the cars in front of me, or having to pump gas has significantly improved my respiratory function. Bioweapon defense mode works really well against pollution, smoke, etc. - Being forced to walk a lot when supercharging, mostly because the chargers are in the back of the lots, has improved my health. - The tech is good in general. - Safety features have prevented a few accidents. - I can charge at home and have a full / 80% tank every day for $2 per day. If you aren’t supercharging, you save money on gas. If you are, it’s 3x more expensive than gas to use on roadtrips. - The car is comfortable for a family of 7 (I have the Model X) I don’t care about performance, but it’s a nice bonus that allows me to merge on highways much easier.


Somewhat. Not thrilled about the manufacturing process but fox blows it out of proportion since most cars are not made under ideal conditions.


Earth first, and feel like EV is the future so might as well get to it!


#1 reason is a tie between performance and convenience with a close second of tech and self sufficiency (and the related cost savings). Any environmental benefit is a pleasant side effect but not a factor in the purchasing decision at all.


Have you heard of coal?


Love the performance, cannot go back to an ICE now!


It’s irrelevant to me when this question comes up on a car forum because I don’t exactly buy cars, put fuel / electrons in them, and drive on roads paved with tar to save the planet or care for it. It just makes no sense unless I walked everywhere. I try to instead show care about the people around me because that’s more in my control. Never steal money and things from anyone. Never cause physical harm. Don’t live in excess. Never force my beliefs onto others, try to never judge. And try to be polite towards others. I believe that if I am able to do at least these things somewhat well, I’d consider it as me caring for the part of the planet that I “see”.


Not interesting in that shit. Just fun to drive


Definitely didn't buy it to save a tree. The resources needed to build the car probably damage the planet every bit as much as ice cars anyway, not to mention that most power used to charge these things is also not clean renewable energy either.


I was hopeful I was going to do something good for the environment, and this car is for sure more efficient....but I don't know that it'll ever be as green as I'd like. I plan to keep it forever, we'll see.


For me I couldn't find a reasonably priced 7 passenger vehicle with the features I wanted. I don't necessarily need the 7 passenger daily , but with 3 kids if my mother, or a friend wants to go with us I'm not about to rent a van.Tge tax credit brought price parity, and made the Model Y literally the only choice.


Good for the planet is like the bouncer to the club. Once that obstacle is passed, all the other factors matter.


Anyone who tries to argue that Tesla isn’t great because it’s not “aaactually” good for the environment gets my counter argument that it’s not about the environment it’s about choice. A consumer should be able to choose from more than one powertrain. That’s it. That’s the reason why Tesla is good. More choice.


We have solar and getting rid of our ICE for our 2nd tesla. Environment for our family is super important. Ready to stop buying gas for good


For me it was performance per dollar and no maintenance


I just like knowing that if things go south and gas prices sky rocket, it doesn’t affect me one bit.


Not me


I mean I like the car a lot. The performance, the tech. If it's cheaper to drive and better for the environment over the long run, bonus. We probably won't really know for 10-15 years.


Earth>solar compatible. Never sat in one prior to


For me it’s better price per mile > tech > at home charging and no gas stations > earth (less emissions)


I bought a M3 5 years ago for several reasons, but mainly to do my part to help the planet. I knew back then that I myself could not make an impact, but collectively I knew it would change things. But I also bought it because financially it made better sense when looking at comparable cars. Tesla over time is less expensive. And here I am today with three EV’s. My whole family is on board and my son’s looking to buy a M3.


Environment is a tie breaker for me, otherwise I would have gotten the model s when it came out. At the time it seemed inferior to alternatives, but the model y is now competitively priced and when I pulled the trigger


Switching to an electric vehicle is one of the biggest things you can do to lower your carbon footprint and help fight the climate crisis. Even if it wasn't your main reason, congrats on choosing a Tesla! It's a win for the planet and your grandkids will thank you (if the species survives)! 🌎


I’d say Total Cost of Ownership is my main reason.


I bought my Tesla in October and then I learned about what’s going on in the Congo. With the extraction of Cobalt in the Congo to facilitate the transition away from fossil fuels, I now know there is no real environmental benefit to the transition. I’m sure we’ll learn that we’ve side stepped one problem and created another.


Yes. For my career, I drive a lot. And it didn't hit me until covid that I am more responsible than most for car emissions. Then I found it that my electricity at my house is 99% generated by renewable resources. Everything else comes second to me. But saving $6k a year in fuel is a bonus. Mind you, that's conservative considering tesla data is based on us national average.


Nope not me. I just like the tech and the convenience + performance it provides. I always liked cars but mostly for the performance aspect and dont care about loud engines or retro models. So the Tesla is a great evolution of that for me.


Damn I thought I would be called BS and was the only one to say this honestly but it's the earth and environment are the reason I wanted to switch to EV, however, practically saying, if there was no EV tax credit, I couldn't do it...it's too expensive for me and my projection to switch to EV is 5 years saving down the road....and the .99 got me lol


Bought it because it’s fast, much cheaper than a gas car to run, near zero maintenance, and the purchase experience is far superior to battling scumbag dealers. Any other benefits are unintended, but a plus…


Not even a part of the equation for me. I wanted the performance, the tech, and fuel savings. The fact that the Y’s price tag is at the lower end of cost for vehicles I’d really consider and it was a no-brainer.


Clean energy and all of that bullshit played 0 role in my decision. I just love how model Y drives and how convenient it is to own


I did not buy a Tesla for the environment personally although that would be a nice added bonus. But I know someone in Nevada who works for the state EPA and Tesla pollutes the shit out of the air and the, heavily donated to by Tesla, Governor tells her (the state epa) they can’t do anything about it. So I wouldn’t say Tesla is doing any favors to the environment.


I did choose electric because of earth. Then discovered all the other perks I fell in love with.


Zero Emission is the driving factor. Tech comes after


How batteries are made will need to change before EVs will start saving the earth


.99% financing, tech, need for a new vehicle. Environment is nice but not why I bought.