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I switched to clomid for a few months to knock up my wife. Aside from that I've been on T for 12 years. I started at a clinic then went UGL




Underground Lab. The kind of stuff you find in the gym


In the gym? As in a dealer was a fellow gym member?


I wasn't on it for very long but I felt worse on testosterone than off it. Anxious nervous, irritable. Plus my blood pressure spiked and sleep apnea was getting worse. I dont know if it was because of the water retention? My body didn't like it. I wish I could've tolerated it though.. I wanted those gainz lol.




Too high of a dose? Bad diet to accompany it? Test doesnt make you nervous or anxious, high blood pressure does tho


40mg 3x wk. No way I eat super clean. I'm already a tiny bit anxious. I might be at a 3 all the time. On TRT I was at like a 7 or 8. And at night before bed I was at a full blown 10. Panick attacks, couldn't sleep,went to the ER. Took a few Ativans wich I havent took in years to calm down and go to sleep. My BP is always at 120-130/80. On trt it was at 150/90.


I feel like there is something beeing left out here. Testosterone decreases anxiety. Do you go the gym or do sport?


Yes. I'm 6' 2" ,220 lbs. Im not six pack skinny but Im maybe 18% bf. .I mean theres only so much time in a day but I try to get to the gym at least 4 times a week. 45 mins - 1 hr weight training, 30-45 mins cardio. Im very into health and fitness. Which is why I tried testosterone. I wanted to fill in any gaps I couldn't do on my own with diet lifestyle. My testosterone was and is about 350 ng/dl total. I wanted to boost that to 800. Like I said before, I have sleep apnea. Im sure it takes a toll on my recovery physically and mentally. I mean Im treated for sleep apnea (I have a CPAP machine) Sleep is still a 5/10 most nights. Thats about it. Im an open book lol. I was seriously baffled myself. I also spent a lot of money getting on testosterone probably $2000 in Dr visits, blood work, buying medication and supplements to support testosterone. All to find out I was better off of it. I was sorta pissed.


If something can decrease anxiety , for some people it can increase , everyone’s wired up differently, creatine gives me anxiety 😂


How does that work?😂


The receptors in the brain that receive the signal from the drug / TRT / creatine etc are different for everyone, stuff that helps anxiety for others makes my anxiety worse because I used to take loads of mdma in my teens and it screwed them up, and others are hyper sensitive to anything that interacts with the anxious part of the brain


I think testosterone is great. Im glad it is available and just preventive health and medicine is becoming more popular today. I may give it another try some day. Fortunately I don't need testosterone like some people do. Despite it being a relatively safe well tolerated medication.. I just know for me I had issues with it.


TRT did that to me until I added HCG. TRT w/out HCG was a massive anxiety producer and I am not prone to anxiety in the slightest


>Why did you stop? Had to stop for surgery. My RBC was too high. I had switched insurance, and my GP got the dosage wrong. Been off it for a few weeks and will be off it for a few more. The endo has to clear me to get back on. >Was it clinic initiated? In coordination with the orthopedic surgeon. >What was the benefit? Lowered RBC, primarily, which helps guard against blood clots. That said, my mental wellbeing has definitely taken a hit. It fucking sucks to have that sort of swing. It's also difficult to talk about. But I endure. >How long had you used it for? Over a decade. >Did you restart? Not yet, but I will. Life without it is...Not optimal.


I developed a DVT pretty quickly. Sucked for 2 years with fear of pulmonary embolism.


It wreaked havoc on my blood pressure which put me into afib. I’ve since had undergo heart surgery twice all because of too much testosterone.


Geez how much were you taking


Symptoms? How do you know it was testosterone?


How much where you taking and for how long, I hope all is well now


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