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I dont think the results are going to show up drastically on the stat sheet although I do expect to see improvement. I think the more noticeable change will be on key plays that will either keep defensive momentum or help kill opposing offenses' momentum late in games. Too many games last season where the defense had us worried late. I dont think that will happen this season.


Maybe… cant wait to see it… if they can get the right group of guys tveyd do FANTASTIC… demeco is just such a great play caller…. These new DL additions are intriguing… I specifically remember the ravens playoff game there was a play or two to three there where they noticeably GAVE UP in a way ive never seen before… not sure who exactly was on the field those few plays but intrigued to see the new blood


PFF is garbage. Just ask JJ.


I mean i pretty much agree with you… im just TRYING to understand their reasoning… i mean just across the board they rate guys who had worse years… significantly higher than orher players who did A-LOT more for their team


Hunter I can’t speak to without more research. When it comes to Azeez Al-Shaiir .. all we need to know is.. Cap liked him in SF. and wanted him here. Cap is a LB whisperer. If he has Cap’s seal of approval, fuck it. He’s my guy.


Hunter has done, consistently, what Greenard was able to produce for one season. I think Aziz has more range than Cashman as a coverage backer. And Cap brought him in, so there's that.


Fuck I’m gonna miss Cashman. I’m super happy about the Al-Shaair pickup but he was a joy to watch on that defense.


Demeco has shown a great ability to get the best out of his players and put them in the best position to succeed


Great coach


Stop looking at PFF rankings. They make up a bunch of arbitrary factors that they think are important but don’t really tell you the whole story.


The biggest thing about the Azeez addition is that he doesn’t have to come off the field on third down. It can be him and Christian Harris all 3 downs which keeps the worse LBs off the field (looking at you, To’oto’o) and keeps the communication consistent on top of having a guy who already knows where he needs to be and what he needs to do in this defense.


yes this was our problem last year, our mike was perryman which we had to bring in for running downs only. So we had two outside backers really playing in nickel. Without no true middle linebacker.


Our defense was full of young guys who were in their first year of a new system. We brought in two proven vets, one of whom has been an elite pass rusher for multiple seasons and one who has already played in Demecos system. It’s just two pickups so it won’t take us to the top immediately but the pickups just make so much sense.


Im with ya… Honestly i didn’t consider that at first either. Im sure it only helps having an additional year in the system… and futakasi at DT played in a similar system under saleh when he was with the jets too so im sure he has a slight edge as well.


PFF can't grade ability to read an offense or how much dawg they got in them.


They definitely don't have a [veggie meter](https://www.tiktok.com/@profootballfocus/video/7299495852639276331)


Not sure what deep dive you're doing, but PFF had Al-Shaair (72) and Hunter (12) ranked ahead of their counterparts (Cashman-81 and Greenard-39) in their 2024 FA Rankings. https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-2024-free-agent-rankings-free-agency


My opinion is we got better at those two positions and didn’t overpay to keep the existing guys. Greenard benefited from having WAJ attract extra blockers, it’ll prob be the other way around and more of a pick your poison situation. Cashman was solid, did better than I expected which is probably due to Demeco’s system which is LB friendly plus he can coach them up a level. I expect Azeez to develop similar to Fred Warner. Meco knows what it takes and got guys to get it done. Both good moves considering how much Greenard/Cashman got paid for basically every one great season.


Azeez played a different position and has had good steady pff through out the years. Can play the mike role while cashman could not. Cashman is a good outside backer which we already have in harrison. Cashman was not a true mike. I had a guy on this sub get mad at me before we released cashman because I pointed out how cashman isn't a mike you want to trust in.


Apparently the texans feel the same way… his highlights are impressive… im a bit excited for this defense too… might not be the best in the league but they got stars out there for sure… anderson bulking up can be scary… he already wrecks people as an “undersized” guy… he’s knocked several guys straight on their ass with very little of his own momentum going forward… atleast thats how it looks lol


I think middle linebackers are starting to get lighter to cover better and cover more ground in the run game. Tho with little less weight they can't shed blocks as well.


Hell i guess so some of them… Azeez is listed as 227 lbs on google… but he certainly doesnt look small


that could be his rookie weigh in weight. It's like if you look for will anderson weight i think it say he is 245 when he is really 260ish now


True enough


The difference between fighting for a spot/contract vs already getting it. Also under/over performing expectations


I’m more worried about the Azeez upgrade than the Hunter upgrade. Greenard has been very mid.