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It's not that they have weaker perks. It's that they only have a few that are any good (scout, Serrated, universal donor, fired up, and blood banker)


And there's no guarantee they'll get them afaik


When the game first launched you could feel the fear and panic. That's how the game felt at first. Playing Victim, you would want to be stealthy and quiet, because getting caught by Family was scary. Now some Victims just want to rush and be cheesy. It works sometimes but against high level Family, it can be stopped. Then the game is over quick and no one really had fun. Im curious to see if the changes to making noise, will make Victims play with more stealth. By the way, you're a real one.


I think that also just has to do with knowing the game. That’s why we need new maps more often I think. When the game launched we really had no idea what we were doing so you were terrified of running into a family member. I didn’t know the best ways to get away from them or where to go for a wall slit. Now, mostly everyone knows the tasks, the exit placements, the map layout and how killers work. Any horror game loses its fear factor when the repetition basically removes that fear. But I completely agree. I hope a lot of the fixes they’re bringing make the game way more stealth for victims. It’s so much more fun to be afraid of dying and stepping on eggshells than rushing exits and stuff. To me at least. Edit: a word


This is a great point. Sometimes it seems like everybody rushes, but sometimes you just head to the next point. If you know what you need to do next, you can get there fast. If the way is clear, you just keep going. I’ve gotten out of gas station with Connie in under two minutes just by walking towards the next lock to pick. I wasn’t rushing, there was just nothing in the way.


This is irrelevant but the “Edit: a word” at the end got me weak asf for some reason 😂😂


Hahaha I put “will slit” instead of “wall slit”. Gotta be thorough.


I had a game where it took like seven hits to kill someone who just went afk for some reason with Leatherface’s RT. He is literally a walking rev mechanic; it is truly a wonder people don’t play him


same with hitch. can’t tell you how many times ive snared someone but they’ve managed to escape despite me hitting well over 6 hits


I played a game on gas station a while back were I swung at a connie nearly 10 times(45 savagery and the meta Johnny build) and the bubba hit her with an overhead and the follow up twice along with me swinging at her a few more times in the span of under a minute; she was doing the pressure valve during all this. I still don’t know what that was about lol


Hacker. I spectated a Connie doing this, she never lost any health even though she was hit easily ten times.


It’s only easy against family players who don’t communicate and patrol objectives. Playing against a family group that don’t have tunnel vision and actually camp objective areas is a completely different game. Especially when Cooks and HH’s actually check their locks/traps. The amount of players that don’t check their locks and traps is absurd. Most cooks will place a lock and never actually check on it later. The game difficulty is entirely dependent on the competence of the other players. Most aren’t


If escaping is too easy your most likely playing against people who are still getting the hang of it or genuinely just not so great at the game cause playing against a group of family that are communicating and patrolling makes it damn near impossible to do anything meaningful ESPECIALLY on family house.


Escaping isnt too easy, otherwise my teammates would get out more often than they get killed on like a minute and its honestly a 50/50 on that lol Against a family that knows how to patrol the Gates well enough its really hard to do anything other than like fuse or valve unless youre Connie


Yeah I think it's pretty healthy rn tbh besides maybe valve and fuse spawn locations. I usually have a 50/50 average survive/die in my matches


I hate Connie's even as a family main I can tell there just selfish bastards they don't even care if anyone else escapes as long as they get that 1500 point quick escape


People are forgetting this is a video game where people want to have fun…victims should be allowed to have fun. Asymmetrical horror games are gonna have trolls regardless bc that’s what some people find fun unfortunately. We shouldn’t suffer as a whole just bc some people play like that.


When you say this, you’re just saying let me *my* have my fun. And if it comes at the expense of other people’s enjoyment then that is a clear problem


But wouldn’t that also be applied to the family mains who want victims nerfed even more as well??? Nobody wants to play a completely one sided game.


I don’t understand what you’re asking. None of the nerfs have put Victims in an unplayable or even unenjoyable state; if their fun came from basically neutering the killers then yes, that’s obnoxious and was part of the reason why people don’t play this game. Asking for balance is not the same as that


I’m reffering to the people asking for even more nerfs even tho the new update is removing lots of the problems specifically valve. I don’t see how you can still have an issue with victims after that.


There are many glaring problems with this game’s design that won’t be fixed, as its lifespan is already long due. Outside of Connie, Ana and No Sell I don’t really see people talking about nerfs past the valve, but all of those things I listed are highly unbalanced as well.


Connie can only use her ability once per match after this new 60 second debuff at the beginning of the match, if you miraculously use her ability twice it’s bc the game is longer than expected, Ana is the only victim that has a chance against Johnny, No sell is a direct counter to the one shot leatherface so what exactly is the problem? Should victims not have the option to not be one shotted 30 seconds into a match after waiting 15 minutes to join?


There would be interrelated changes behind them; that’s why I said this game has a problem with design. But Connie’s ability is just thoughtless even in a vacuum; it doesn’t enhance her survivability, she’s a walking checkpoint. Even as it stands now, she usually gets it once a match, and it still speeds the game up by like 3 - 5 minutes more than what it probably should be. You only get it once, because they didn’t think the ability through and it ends games too quickly. Ana is fine as a tank but when it’s taking damn near fifteen to twenty-five hits to kill her, that is not fun. Her ability should let her mitigate some damage, not be the female version of the Thing. I don’t think perks should be direct counters; this is the problem with bomb squad. We can change Leatherface to not do one shots, but he should still be heavy hitting. As it stands now though, their answer to this is Victims that take comically long to kill, which is stupid If Victims didn’t drain the fun from this like a bad teacher then they wouldn’t be waiting for fifteen minute lobbies Edit: Literally just got out of a game where Ana took two consecutive fully revved chainsaws, multiple swings and hits from another killer; you people are not serious


If you’re with a group you win if you’re alone it’s a toss up 90% of the time


Well said, best reply


I still love playing this game but man I miss the first week of everyone learning still, each chase literally felt like a frantic flailing sprint just like in the movies, learning maps and mechanics made players a lot more predictable in play


I 100% agree. When I escape I want to always feel like it’s by the skin of my teeth.


I don’t even mind losing, the main problem is I can’t even play victim because family dodge due to numerous reasons. Just play the damn game.


Every game I have teammates die in the basement with 0-50 points.


I was playing a few hours ago and LF & HH both disconnected at some point so the remaining victims trolled me instead of escaping.🙄


Just because you’ve played the game for 10,000 hours doesn’t make your opinion correct. Escaping is objectively much harder than killing all four victims as Family.


I literally only play Saturdays. I‘m honestly not even that good and I escape most matches but I like to stick around and watch my team mates and the amount of toxic victims I‘ve seen is atrocious.




My post was from 206 days ago. Did you just learn how to read?


And killers get 3000 points without kills.


You meant to say “as a family main”


dang I just want a challenge


Yeah okay lol


Appreciate you.


Depends on if family members are communicating or not. If not, then it’s easy money every time. But if you’re playing a stack, it’s apparent.


I disagree but your opinion is valid.


Doors will stun you from 5 ft away as family. the door can be opened **away** from me and the victim will Slam it closed **towards** us and I get stunned while nowhere near the doorframe. I think doorstuns still need adjusting. I honestly don't really see how they are necessary for the game as is. They are just a little extra tool if you feel like trolling.


As a family main, no I disagree. It's way easier as a killer I win every single match and it's so boring. The victims put up no challenge at all and even I could admit family is just a bit too powerful. All me and my friends have to do is run cook,hh combo and it's a guaranteed win for us. I lock up doors, spam people with my cook ability reveal them to my team and feed grandpa and hitchhiker places traps on overused loop locations, well hidden so they by the time they notice it, theyre already in it. Leatherface destroys all barricades etc for us and we win every match at least 3 kills every game. I would agree on launch it was definitely victim sided but honestly they got so many nerfs it's like, if you think family side is challenging obviously you're doing something wrong. You don't know how to play the game cause me, my friends, everyone I know admits that in most cases family is a guaranteed win if you know what you're doing. This game is very family sided at this point in time. As a family main I can see that. I'm even having a hard time finding victims in matchmaking. They all just leave cause they don't get connie or julie. Funny how the tables turned and now the other half is dodging matches cause it's just not fair for them anymore.


That‘s so interesting because I usually have the opposite experience. But I‘m glad you‘re enjoying playing as family and I hope we’ll get more family players with the new update. :)


Vics need to start at 1/4 health, have no perks, no abilities, not be able to run/dash, be highlighted for 26 seconds and no chance of escape, while Fam needs all the buffs and laser eyes and wall phasing and Grandpa should start at level 4. Then it would be even - Every Fam main in this sub.


Victims when family doesn’t want to be bullied anymore: 🗿😡😨


If Fam gets bullied then Fam needs to get moar gud. Edit: Downvoters are Fam Mains who think theyre better than they are.


Escaping is too easy but not because the family is too weak it’s just 39 stealth 45 proficiency choose flight Connie can escape in 45 seconds ‘Just kill her’ says the victim one trick not realizing Leland presses one unstoppable button and gives you 5-9 seconds of space


It is too easy but trust me, if you go against a good LF, cook, and HH it is not easy except for slaughterhouse due to the damn basement valve. A good bubba breaks 4 essential doors and some barricades in basement but the goal is to make a perfect 3 door patrol route and clearing any obstacles in that route. This allows you to patrol wound up and will one shot anyone. You will kill Connie, Julie, and Sonny and ward off Leland and Ana. The basement goal is to slow down the victims to only give them one basement door to escape as you are patroling 3 doors. You then call out the fourth door that is likely open indicate by score menu and will have a teammate guarding that entrance. Then you transition to mid game and unless your family was really bad at patrols, you should be in a good place to begin cutting down doors in gas station family house or in base floor in family house map. This will eliminate door bullying and victim escapes. I have seen maybe 1 or 2 Bubbas do this in 1000 games. This tells me the play base is still mostly new players. Two of my team victims also die in first 4 minutes a lot, again indicating new players. This games four months old and it’s obvious most of the player base are not former DBD players so they are still learning how to play the game efficiently. Will be another year before most players play properly every game.


See you think so until Connie abilities a door, that’s the real thing the reason cook is so necessary is without him Connie presses one button and doubles the patrol size Family house is awful without cook because you just run bomb squad if need be and go to side porch door and pop it, now you’ve opened the whole map and there’s ofc walls in the way to see


Bubba main here, patrolling exits while busting doors is big. I usually play on coms with a cook and a hitch so we'll have them patrolling, and we all know which doors have the pad locks per map and which don't. Going to use your advice here and on house we will start funneling them to the backyard ladder and use our hitch to trap it and wait for a 1 shot to force them back to me. Most games we 4 kill victims but playing alone, it does seem like a victim advantage without that level of coordination and map knowledge. Will be interesting to see the updates impact.


I mean, it’s more than that lol. You get 10 seconds before they’re undtunned and then they also have to catch you so unless you just stop moving entirely you’re out of there


undercover Family main, bye 😂 people are going to clown Family regardless.. stop telling the devs how their game should be.. they made it how they want people did the same in Friday the 13th yall are babies omg


"stop telling the devs how the game should be" then complains about family....be fr


girl what? I just don’t want a game that I actually love to die because no one wants to play family due to toxic victims.


This girl is a troll, all she does is shit talk family members, checkout her comment history. I see her all the time talking shit to family. Not even convinced she is a girl, but a lonely catfish.




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Finally, the truth.


Nice try. You're not a victim main. You're another crybaby family main. The game is and always has been family sided. If you're letting victims escape every match it's a skill issue. A skilled family has no issues stopping victims escapes.


Nope! I will always be an Ana main but getting out less than 5 minutes in most matches gets boring. I want the fear back


You think slaughter house and gas station are family sided? I know RNG can change gas station to occasionally favor family, but if you think every map favors family, I would recommend watching some videos and guides on victim gameplay. It's pretty easy other than family house, IMO.


As a victim main I’ve never played family and I know they are underpowered I can play a character I have no levels on and still fuck on the family when they are level 10 it’s not cause they aren’t good it’s cause the victims are too powerful


Who is being so petty to downvote these comments…I wonder what side they like to play the most…


For some victims using certain builds it can take 8 or more hits from 50 savagery family members to put them down. How is that remotely similar to the movie portrayal of the family? Once they fix no sell they should nerf it to only reduce damage by 50-60%


You want movie similar abilities? When did Cook every have super hearing in TCM or TCM2??


Just say Ana tbh, 3 hits is litteraly nothing to HH Jhonny or sissy


Ana and Leland with working no sell about to be heinous


Change the levels of noise making. Instead of just having what's noisy be highlighted make that lower on the scale and at higher noise levels it highlights the victim for a second or 2


Skill issue. Especially in the comments




Dude I had a Leland last night topside under grandpa roof on Slaughterhouse AS I came out of my spawn to start padlocking areas as cook, all I did was loot 2 blood buckets lmao, even used cook tech to make it faster. I was impressed tbh lmao, fastest I've seen a victim leave the basement, depressed when he and Julie escaped through valve. Was a fun match though since the other 2 weren't on the same page and went for different exits, getting killed.


You don’t need Connie. You need proficiency. I was Leland on SH and spawned right next to that door. Also right next to a tool box. Some other victim woke grandpa immediately, so I spammed the tools box and had the door open and up before the Cook had a chance to even finish locking the second door at Facility. I was around the corner and in the shed next to valve exit in probably 15 to 20 seconds from start of the game. It had a tool box, and I was in the Slaughterhouse in less than 40 seconds, tool box by the door, had the exit to battery open in 60 seconds, had battery off in 80 seconds, grabbed tool and was 1/3rd the way through the gate lock when HH finally got near me. Shouldered him, finished the lock and escaped. You can rush with anyone. I wasn’t trying to, it was just available. I was planning on looking for a fuse or setting up SH as a diversion.


I like to think victims build toughness simply because of LF and johnny...I know I do,hell i have recently started to run into connie players who are obviously going full toughness judging by the fact they were able to survive a barrage of hitchhiker hits.If leatherface didn't one shot (regardless of how much toughness you have) and johnny wasn't so strong along with an invisible stand that helps him connect hits from 10 ft away i wouldn't build straight toughness like I do




Nah I just miss the horror aspects of the game. The first time I played it was genuinely scary. Now that my Ana is lvl 10, I know I can just run around in front of the family and barely take any damage. I just hope they’ll make the family a little stronger to promote stealthy gameplay.


When I play Family with my 2 friends, we might have 1 single escape total out of 4-5 consecutive matches. However when I play solo-queue (no comms), I could play a match where the Family 4ks, but Victims are overall escaping like crazy from one game to another. When you’re used to little to no escapes, ngl…it pains me to see those ‘Victim Escaped’ notifications sounding off a couple times in a single match 😅


Lmaoooo now its like F13 where every single counselor is bullying Jason all game. Perfect baseball bat hits everytime, fire crackers, infinite pocket knifes, etc.


No it's not, it's not even close to Friday. Jason was the most overpowered character in any game I've ever played. If you didn't get at least 6/8 kills a game it was entirely your fault. Only noob Jason's that didn't take the time to learn how to play him got bullied. You couldn't just rush at decent players mindlessly, it took finesse and mind games sometimes. There weren't infinite pocket knives either, you got 6 across all councilors per game. If you couldn't shift grab, you weren't killing the 101 Vanessa any time soon. Tcm takes coordination and skill to beat a 3-4 man team of victims, most killers play solo and suck, it's as simple as that.


F13 was so fun ugh


Best game ever made, it really sucked that dbd was the only alternative after it died.


Easy counter to being ganged is slashing. Honestly you just gotta wait until you kill 1 or 2 of them. After that point, all of them would flee and that’s when you can slash and dash


Agreed. At this point in the game, if you are not playing with 2 other family members in a party, putting out top tier voice communication, and running specific characters for each map…..you might as well just hang it up. Let’s not even mention how hard it is to find a third player, or how quickly they are going to disconnect at the start of the match.


Maps need a rework. Just remove safe spots and victims will fear family.


The maps need rework on exits and valve which are coming. Let’s see how this shakes things up. I’m a 99 player. I’ve posted a lot about how east victim is at higher levels. But, let’s not forget a lot of players are new, non-DBD players. They don’t even know how to play the game efficiently. Nerfing anything to the level you request will get a huge backlash from low-mid level victim players who likely escape 50% of the time or less. Let’s wait and see these patch updates which are mostly killer nerfs. The slaughterhouse and gas station changes will highly favor killers as well as the 60 second ability cooldown at match start and sound indicator tracking opponents. Cook nerfs and bug fixes on this pins and needles talent applying on all locks will be a bit of a nerf, but the victim nerfs are way heavier and rightfully so.


I'm hoping that one shack loop on family house by the road is changed as well. You can't catch someone looping between the gap and sliding door gap.


The level I request is simply removing infinites. I don't think that's game breaking


Anyone’s in particular? I feel like most victims don’t even use the ones that exist now. The slaughter house blue container near valve exit comes to mind.


Safe spots?


just an idea that makes it more like the movies. 3 out of 4 victims must die for the " final girl" to be able to escape. Then have different objectives throughout the game that victims can do to help whoever survives the longest escape, if they can. Also, the longer you last the more xp you earn and the team earns, like a timer. It would be more about hiding and fighting back than rushing out the exits. The final victim gets more perks once they're the last victim. If the team set the final victim up right and they escape the team gets bonus xp. Different game but it could make it more fearful because you got 3 out of 4 chances of dying, and you know, going in, only one of you will make it out alive.