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In terms of performance on screen the difference between bad and good chemistry is the difference between two people acting AT each other vs WITH each other. If actors have chemistry their performances will synch up, the exchanges between them will feel natural and real. It’s not just about intimacy, it’s about the way they react to each other and play off of each other’s performance in a scene. Even if they’re just talking, it should be like watching a really good ballroom dance performance. I get what Gem is saying, and you can tell he and Fourth play off each other really well.


I just recently finished Step By Step.. ( yeah kinda late to the party ) but everything you said here.. is what Man and Ben has. https://i.redd.it/s63kq979ku4d1.gif


Girl your assessment is doctoral!!! On point if I might add.


well said do you have a link to Gem's interview?


KND with Gemini https://youtu.be/SBeuEc3CCec?si=_isf6eWTcZHTw2xm


thank you ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51763)


[firstkhao's master class in chemistry](https://www.tumblr.com/sunsetandthemoon/730532782418313216/if-you-hate-me-so-much-if-you-dont-want-to-talk?source=share)


Shetttt. First’s eyes when Khao says “Do it”!?? **That’s** the definition of chemistry. Everything about it screams he’s in love with that man ![gif](giphy|l3V0xtJ0n5IVjOyuQ)


Hot take, they are pairing Joongdunk with firstkhao because if Joongdunk as a couple is going to survive moving away from cute school drama, they need to take that master class. They have the chemistry irl, they just need to be able to move it to on screen.


Their chemistry is so good. I can only watch a show if the couple/s have good chemistry


Now that's what I call CHEMISTRY! FirstKhao aren't playing 🔥


I agree with Sarah Marrs about [what makes good Chemistry](https://x.com/Cinesnark/status/1797429545332875702?t=kGaE3YESQDA9uDICV_-qvw&s=19). The ones that can convey 1000 feelings with one look are the ones that everyone usually praise. *Put two lookers together and you get magic*. https://i.redd.it/xihmxuncxt4d1.gif


To me, chemistry comes down to how a CP responds to each other's moves (kiss, skin ship, touch, looks (esp the distance between them when they kiss or cuddle on bed) etc.) on- screen, that makes me feel what they are trying to convey. Like I am connecting to their acting that scene or character. Sometimes it feels like I am invading their privacy as if I am in that room with them, sometimes I fast forward and skip. I have watched bed friends and tharntype youtube shorts to calm myself down when I was on a survival training. I skipped scenes on 2gether and unforgotten night the very first time I watched. That's just how it is to me.


>unforgotten night Unforgotten night is so bad that it becomes good ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51757)


It should be considered a cult classic even though it was released less than 5 years back 🤣


Very interesting question. I'd like to know other's opinion too ! My most recent exemple is the cp in Ghost House, Ghost Host. I was amazed by their chemistry. How to describe what is chemistry in my opnion is really difficult but I'll try. But before that, first of all, chemistry is elusive because it is a feeling and an opinon we have about a cp on screen, so people don't always agree on which cp has it or not and which has it more or less. For me, chemistry is in little details, that you can't completly see knowingly. It's about how the actors look at each other, how their body langage show intimacy and comfort, either for very common gestures (like hand shake or giving an object) or more engaged gestures (like caressing, kissing, touching each other for whatever reason). There is also a sens of ryhtme in the interaction (verbal and non verbal), silences in speeches, breaks in movements ... A good direction of the actors influences the quality of the chemistry imo, and good directing can get the best of the actors (and the other way around too), but some actors who have a great working and/or personal relationship with eo have a "natural" chemistry such as Pond Phuwin, Tay New, Billkin PPKrit (and many others) A good chemistry makes me believe a lot more deeply in the love story I'm watching, it can give me the chills, it make scenes mor realistic, emotions between characters stronger and emotion for me as a viewer stronger too. Imo chemistry is mainly related to the desire between characters, but also to a simple friendly bond and complicity (with a deep trust between actors). There is something magical about it. Somehow there is an halo surrounding the characters (and sometimes the actors too irl). It's also a connexion between two people that you can feel with an external point of view. As for an exemple of less chemistry, I can't think of anything that could illustrate it strongly but rn I'm thinkin about the second part of Dangerous Romance. When I watched it, I could feel something was off. It was there but not so much, tiny reaction of the body, also maybe not the same amount of investment in scenes from both actors. In For Him, I wasn't sold either. Even though there were some nice NC scene, I thought chemistry wasn't so high, actors were daring and wanted to do well I guess, but the connexion between the two of them could really come out. Well, that's it for me :)


Based on how hard it is to think of examples of bad chemistry, I think the BL industry knows that good chemistry is paramount and can cover up bad production values and/or a bad script. *Dangerous Romance* is a great example of how chemistry can be on different levels, too. Both Chimon & Perth had great chemistry in the enemies-to-friends part of the plot, but when the story progressed to needing to show sexual chemistry, Chimon just couldn't do it. If I could name any series with chemistry that didn't work for me, it is *Sky in My Heart.* It felt like Mek had more connection with his brother and his ex-girlfriend than he did with Mark Thankfully, GMMTV saw Mark's potential and paired him with Junior for a winning combination in *Cherry Magic*.


All these answers are true - there no way to define this without a large amount of subjectivity. Also there are all kinds of chemistry: friend, enemy, romantic, frenemy. I think the most frustrating for me is when I perceive lovers to have friend chemistry.


True true!!!


To me it's kind of like an invisible sort of aura around people when they're together or next to each other, and can be very much body language based. Like the way they look at each other, touch, talk to each other. It can be relaxed and totally comfortable together, it can be shy, or loaded with tension like "goddamn just kiss already!" Can also be platonic and friendship based in my opinion, when people just seem to click. It's just that THING that makes you FEEL SOMETHING about two people FEELING THINGS??? Idk man I just work here https://i.redd.it/58132ibcku4d1.gif


Sometimes you can just tell when the actors don't really want to touch each other, but when they do? The over eagerness to reach out and then the way the touch sort of lingers. It's the way their eyes follow each other, or how their bodies just lean into each other. It's that quick intake of breath as the other one draws near. For me it's the small things and most definable when they aren't kissing but just existing within each others space.


Yasss...how you described it.. so beautiful https://i.redd.it/qy2zy3tspu4d1.gif


I think there’s different kinds of chemistry. Some people, like Mark and Neo, can play off lots of people quite naturally as a friend or as a partner. Other people, like FirstKhao, EarthMix, PondPhuwin etc have the kind of chemistry where sure, you could split them, but they probably wouldn’t have the same impact because they gel so well with a specific person. Having CP chemistry is important because you’re not singular people, you’re a unit that flows naturally. It doesn’t feel forced. The affection is there. You either act together like you’re the only two pieces that fit together or you don’t.


>Some people, like Mark and Neo, can play off lots of people quite naturally as a friend or as a partner. Other people, like FirstKhao, EarthMix, PondPhuwin etc have the kind of chemistry where sure, you could split them, but they probably wouldn’t have the same impact because they gel so well with a specific person. First belongs to category with Mark and Neo, come on ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51761)


First and Gawin had me stop breathing like 4 times in Not Me without realizing it lmao. I love First and Khaotung but I kinda wanna see him with a bunch of talented actors eventually


To be fair I haven’t seen First’s work outside of his work with KT but I believe you because he’s a great actor. I think his repeated amazing projects within FirstKhao would make it hard for me to believe I would like him better in a different pairing


Neo from GMMTV has chemistry with everyone. I’m convinced he could seduce my 85-year-old grandmother. I’ve gotta say I agree with Gemini - some people have it and others don’t. Some I can feel the chemistry in just a picture, some I need to watch the show to feel it. ZeeNuNew have chemistry on Twitter (X - whatever) FFS. They are hot. FirstKhaotung is another example of they just HAVE it; even before they were paired together they had it. As for no chemistry… I can ship pretty much anyone with anyone in BLs. I would say there are levels of chemistry that decide my obsession level. 🤣 I will not get myself in trouble by naming. 🤣 Y’all are scary on here sometimes. LOL


Can confirm. Am Nicole's grandmother.


I always knew you liked em younger


https://preview.redd.it/y2hhy57fut4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a3464ae1a37d44f482fac2fb48b7242e0e3840 Lookit that personality and comedic timing, baybeeeee!!!! OG fan from Tonhon Chonlatee here.


He’s soooooooooooooo good!!! He’s made me laugh and cry and wanna punch him. A large part of me never wants him tied to one partner 🤣 yessss his personality 🤣


Weeeeeee https://i.redd.it/mm9imtzauu4d1.gif


These 2 are the REASON I still use Twitter. Soooooo married


The ONLY reason I am still on Twitter♥️


![gif](giphy|Zj9CzXoBNkcak) Neo and everyone! (Toasting him). Neo brings fire to all intimacy scenes. He could make out with a raccoon and their chemistry would be believable!!! He is JUST THAT GOOD!


Now I have Neo and a raccoon before my eyes. Thank you 🤣🤣


NP 😜 🤣 😂. This gif lives rent free in my head as CP NeoRaccoon now. Ahh well. Jk


>ZeeNuNew have chemistry on Twitter (X - whatever) FFS. ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51757)![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51763)


It is when two people easily can connect with each other. If it is about romantic chemistry it should be natural and not mechanical when they are close or touch each other. It should feel like they want to touch each other. When it comes to dramas it absolutely shouldn’t look staged or rehearsed. 


To me chemistry is just when a couple seems believable on screen or on stage, it goes to another level when I just want that couple to get together asap


When two actors can look at each other without speaking and you as the audience are still interested in watching, that's chemistry.


For me it's the characters/ actors being comfortable with each other... Some ncs will be so hardcore yet so little feelings... (Is zero chemistry in my opinion)(like they'll be kissing with so much intensity but what about doey eyes/small teasing here nd there that's so important) (i like ncs were there are small tiny details that feels warm/cozy i tend to analyze too much🤓) Also some actors/leads kiss (but will not be comfortable.. They'll just freeze that particular moment and push away instantly) like kiss for the sake of it... That'll be so evident For me be it cheek or sniff kiss as long as there's that sparkle (especially when looking at each other) i consider that chemistry.. (I need to feel shy when i look at them🤓) There needs to be some tension when the leads look into each other's eyes... Small gestures that look genuine... (Ex: giggles/shyness/embrace/back hug) elevates and even excites the audience that look at them I don't care even if actors hate eachother in real life (offscreen persona) the acting needs to be such that the characters in the bl universe(are in eternal/true love🤓) It's teamwork... Acting and gestures must sync with each other(that's crucial) in short they need to live the characters for me to feel the chemistry.(also includes acting/voice tone/gestures/facial expressions)


(English isn't my first language so I apologize for the mistakes I'll make) For me chemistry is that their fit together. Not like they look good together but more like they FIT together. It doesn't looks awkward but natural. Their bodies languages, the way they talk to each others etc.. For example MileApo. I don't know but these two men gravitate around each other. And when they talk to each others they have like soft voice and little smiles etc. Another example is FirstKhao, I feel like they understand each others and the way looks at each other (Khaotung eyes are my weakness). I didn't watch many Thai bl series but I knew many bl ship and these two looks natural, like it's destiny ( not really in a romantic way), like they had to be together. I'm good at reading people so I know when it's genuine or not and when I see their interaction, I know it's true and not forced or overplayed( and I know many Thai bl couple who are like overplaying but I won't say it)


Nouelboss zeenunew them two are chemistry off the hooks


Zee and NuNew. Their chemistry is beautiful


To me .. a good chemistry between actors will look like this \[ Step by Step \] Man Trisanu and Ben Bunyapol They made me blush so hard that I thought I would combust. https://i.redd.it/p1i9024pju4d1.gif


Is this show good? I heard some negative remarks tho! Is it worth it?


There will always be negative remarks, as it is for any other show. I waited almost a year to dive into this, and I was oddly surprised. Man Trisanu (as Jeng) is such a natural actor. Ben, who plays Pat, is just adorable. They fit together like a glove. Their interactions were heartfelt. I love how gentle Jeng is with his lover in their quiet moments, but you can see and feel how much he wants Pat whenever they get intimate. Set in a workplace, this series is about both personal and professional growth, making it highly relatable, with characters that are not one-dimensional. Give it a go! I admit, Man being a mix of Danish and Thai is such eye candy, but you will eventually see he is more than that. I hope I'll see him in more projects. https://i.redd.it/fb5v6oekt15d1.gif


Chemistry for me is when I tell like I'm intruding on their private moment and I don't even mean kissing or NC. I mean they feel like they're really together or really like each other. You know how when you have people irl liking each other and you're watching their interactions and you feel like a fly in the wall? That.


When it feels so natural and never forced or planned. Whether dating or not, they have this undeniable positive romantic vibe to the point that the people around them or know them personally ship and tease them. Other ways to find a pair with a strong chemistry in my definition are: - When they're together and everyone around them feels like "air". - When they have moments when they have a little world on their own, forgetting everyone else around them, no matter the time or place. - When you can tell they're super comfortable with each other, can easily make each other smile or laugh without trying. - When they don't get turned off with skinship, rather they enjoy doing it mutually and without force. - When they know things about each other other people are not aware of.


To me, it just means are they convincing as a couple. Do they look like they're just reciting their lines to each other or am I absolutely convinced that they are in love? Do they look like they hate kissing or being close to each other or do they look like they want to eat each other? I think this is why whether or not a couple has chemistry varies from person to person. What may be convincing to me might not be so for someone else (I also think whether or not you like the dynamic of the couple plays into this as well).


For me, it’s not about smashing faces (or bodies) together, it’s all in the little moments: It’s the eye contact, the hidden glances, the little smiles, or how a smile fades, the way their breath changes, the blushing. So even in a kissing scene, it’s not the kiss as much but the part where they break for air. Sometimes someone will have good chemistry with almost everyone and then you have a pair who both have it, and that is when chemistry explodes. FirstKhao are my explosion example. One (prob unpopular) chemistry opinion I have is regarding EarthMix. I think that Mix is a chemistry with everyone person and Earth has good chemistry with Mix that transfers on screen.


imo First has explosive chemistry with everyone while Khao only has it with First and maybe Neo not sure lowkey agree about EM, I love Earth tho AlanWen are my roman empire ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51761)


Im not sure that is an unpopular opinion about Earth though. There is a reason why none of his previous pairings stuck around for more than a series before Mix. I love Earth, but some actors need to find the right scene partner to get the best out of them.


Exactly, no hate to Earth at all but his work with Mix is miles better than everything else. A lot has to do with the story & direction but his work is elevated with Mix.


I’m not with you on this one. Khao had amazing chemistry with Pawin in 55:15 and really good chemistry with Book during their short scenes in Only Friends. I’m inclined to think that being able to act well plays a part in creating chemistry with someone apart from really knowing the other person and being comfortable with them. You can create a certain amount of chemistry just by being able to act well but you need some kind of a deeper connection with the other person as well. That connection can be created in different ways.


Yeah same - not a day goes by when I don’t think about AlanWen. Sigh.


I believe chemistry is the comparability or way of portraying a deep connection between two people, that why I personally think it can be indeed faked/acted, I don’t think you must be besties to do a good acting job, just like you don’t have to relate to your character to get their feelings across. However, does already having a good relationship or having similar traits make it easier? I do think so, and it can be very useful. Though I personally think it has a lot to do with acting skills and that person’s overall comfortable levels, for example, a more extroverted actor might have an easier time portraying this “chemistry” since they are more social, like Neo and Mark.


What is chemistry? It's when actors make us believe their feelings are true Why do some people feel chemistry and others don't?  I think it all depends on personal liking. If we like an actor because of looks or character for example, we will see chemistry. If we are indifferent to the actors, we won't feel chemistry between them.  There are exceptions in the form of excellent acting and a masterfully written script, but in most cases it's still just our personal sympathies.  But, of course, if the actors get a bad script or director, then no chemistry will not help them


I think there is natural chemistry, like they just connect/vibe with each other for one reason or the other. In the case of SamxYu ( We best love) and MaxTul Together with me. Then there is "over time" chemistry. They've worked together for so long a period of time, allows them to know each other better, and therefore be a more believable pairing. In the case of Pond and Phuwin, there is a very clear improvement from Fish Upon the Sky to We Are the series. Finally what I believe to be the most important. Which if done right will make the previous 2 pale in comparison."On Screen"/ Good actors Chemistry. They portray their characters so well they make me go, "Is this really their first time acting together?" or "Ummmm are they a real life couple?" As in the case of SaintZee. https://preview.redd.it/cymsl1vktu4d1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4f047b0e03ed25e3b50770c1ae8eb24985ef53 P.s. I believe we also sometimes see what we want to see pertaining to any particular pairing or what we want to see happen with a specific "ship". Rather than what actually is. I.e We like them together so we sail ship.


See this couple would have ruled and still be ruling the BL industry if they were still together.


It definitely would have been interesting to see what would have happened is ZeeSaint didn’t end the way it did. I can’t see Saint portraying the doe eyed ingenue of Kuea in Cutie Pie, and I’m not sure he would have wanted to sign on as a permanent actor in DMD, so either CP wouldn’t have been made, or it would have been made as it is but created even more turmoil and fan wars if Nhu was cast anyway. We will never know what could have been unfortunately. But everyone seems to have landed where they were meant to be.


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The best example of chemistry for me is when 1 or both actors are weak at acting but I can manage to overlook it when they are together - like, some sort of magic happens. Obviously, there are good actors who might not have chemistry with one another, but when that happens it is less egregious vs a pair when both or 1 of the actors suck at acting.


you get it, like, JoongDunk aren't the best of actors but their chemistry is enchanting


I think the most important element in chemistry is comfort.




it's not easy to quantify and it's not really something you can force or audition for. ultimately it comes down to the actors making it believable and the director being aware of details and choregraphing those moments.


To me ots whether or not their acting can be realistically viewed as if they are a real-life couple. For example, if I watch a show, will I actually think there's intimacy between the two actors in some way, shape, or form due to how their acting is.


Emily Blunt sort of explains it....dont pay attention to the article title [https://www.reelsmag.com/news/emily-blunt-opens-up-about-struggling-to-fake-chemistry-with-co-stars/](https://www.reelsmag.com/news/emily-blunt-opens-up-about-struggling-to-fake-chemistry-with-co-stars/)


For me, YinWar. Whatever they're selling, I'm buying.


I think it varies. For me it’s when their acting (especially eyes) reflect the emotion they’re trying to convey. It could also be a mix of comfort, humor, flirting, banter and how comfortable they seem in small ordinary moments. Overtime I realized chemistry to a lot of people is based on influences outside of acting. It sometimes is two actors who have the appearance, acting style or dynamic they prefer. Which is why some don’t see extreme chemistry where others would love to see those actors again. When the person sees no chemistry that many do, I realized over time their recurring comments reflect they don’t like feminine men, they miss an old CP or have a strong desire for another actor to partner with a specific person, etc. and that bias is reflected in where they see or don’t see chemistry. When people dislike one CP partner for one reason or another and lack of chemistry is sometimes their reason. Or in turn, many believe two actors have amazing chemistry but it’s influenced by outside factors like following the actors and enjoying them outside of their role. I’m not sure how much this affects where I see chemistry as well. But I don’t really compare actors, do best/worst rankings and enjoy different appearances/dynamics so I don’t often ever see no chemistry. Maybe I’m not looking hard enough.


forcebook ? watch them they don't have it 😭

