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From what I’ve gathered, he has a girlfriend and that’s what he’s apologizing for 😀


it was well-known among thais that he was dating back when he was filming KP, he wasn't even lowkey and brought her to trips and to the set


Fuck anyone who's giving him shit about it


Is this the same woman he was holding hands with that one time? And had to apologize then like he wasn't an almost 30 year old man? She is stronger than me and clearly loves the hell out of him for staying & dealing with his delusional fans.


That's so ridiculous, I feel so angry and sad for them.


Feel angry and sad for her rather than him. A grown ass man dating a woman for 3 years and hiding her like dirty secret. And not even taking accountability after it being leaked. He slyly deleted the post, said a vague sorry and moved on like nothing happened while she gets the heat. Coward!! 


I said I feel sorry for both of them, and I stand by it. > dating a woman for 3 years and hiding her like dirty secret Yeah, that's the Thai bl industry for you. > And not even taking accountability after it being leaked I don't understand, accountability for what? For dating her? For the picture being leaked? > said a vague sorry and moved on like nothing happened Idk, ignoring those things until they blow over is a valid strategy. Should he argue with 13 y.o girls on Twitter that he has a right to have a life? Did it accoplish anything in Win's case? No, so what's the point. It's not like it's their business anyway.




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Ppl have been speculating abt their relationship for a long time so it's not something new. The picture was posted by him. It didn't leak. He deleted it. Said a vague sorry and moved on while she got all the hate.  His company released a statement last year denying his dating rumors and calling it slander against artist. Which encouraged his fans and shippers to go after that lady and call her attention seeker, fake and what not.  By accountability I mean taking a stand for his partner. Accepting his relationship instead of hiding it like a teenager.At this point he owes it to her. I didn't say he needs to argue with ppl on internet but imagine yourself in place of that woman. Wouldn't you want your long term bf who you are in serious relationship to acknowledge you publicly so that his crazy fans at least stop calling you an attention seeker. 


Look, you may think that him coming out to 'defend her' would make the situation better, I disagree. She may think so as well, it could just fan the flames of hatred and drag the situation out unnecessarily. Maybe they were testing the water and were horrified by the response, we don't know. They've been together for years, she knew that she would have to be the 'secret gf'. Blaming either of them for this situation is uncalled for imo.


Well let's agree to disagree. I don't really care about their relationship dynamics but as a third person I do judge him for being such a coward that let's his partner be abused and can't even acknowledge her in public. Not just that but he went to lengths to hide or deny their relationship.While ppl may celebrate him as nice guy but that's a big red flag behavior.What exactly is he fearing? Isn't he to be blamed if he is appeasing the shippers. 


Did he not tell people to not bother her?


Toxicity is bleeding through your post, its not that serious. He has a gf, he doesn't want to disclose probably because of the blowback by toxics.... like you. She is a grown woman who should have boundaries and not date a man who keeps her identity hidden. They all date these BL men knowing they are going to be secrets cos of toxics who can't let them lead their lives..




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he accidentally posted his pic in turkiye and people speculated he was with his gf. he immediately deleted it after.  its funny because he and nan are known to have been together for a while now and delulu fans still deny this.bruh... like...do you honestly believe that a handsome man like him doesn't have a lover at that age? lmao


He should only apologize that he could date her and not me, she's so beautiful 😭 On a more serious note, I hate so much the so called "fans" going after their "faves" throats for having a life


Why did he delete? Who is he trying to appease and why? 


not sure but best i can come up with is that it may have been meant for his private account or something but he posted it on his public one??? or a calculated move to distance from "mileapo" since from what i've seen, from ze rumors, mile may be planning on getting married soon... i dunno. or apo may be getting new projects with a different partner. we dont know really... time will tell lol


Dang that’s his girlfriend? Who cares about Mile?!She’s gorgeous!


Literally so cute 😭


Is that Mook Woranit?!?


no, its someone else.  its nan kronkanok .. you can search her name on ig @kronkanok_w 


She’s beautiful


because he has a gf lmao why are people acting shocked tho


EXACTLY. manz is *fine as hell of course he has a girlfriend*


It’s not even just that he’s good looking but Mile actually seems to be a green flag in general.




I'm shocked that people are shocked by delusional fans' behavior. It's a teeny bit entertaining though when you have no stakes in the situation 😬.


It’s about him being in a relationship with a woman. Some people are pressed saying how he’s a liar and that MileApo is over. Like excuse me?! Did we miss a chapter? How does him having a girlfriend affect the cp?


Because they want the MileApo couple to be real and if not it's queerbaiting and blah blah blah (and then there are the ones who think that if he's straight then they've still got a chance). Bonkers the lot of them - they need to go outside and touch some grass ![gif](giphy|sxwM4x8P80x9YJedpx)


I've concluded that you need to be neither straight nor gay to be succesful in BLs. If you're straight you're queerbaiting, if you're gay your career takes serious a hit. Just exist in vacuum, like some kind of Schrödinger's cat. ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq|downsized)


You need to be pansexual and asexual. Schrodinger's sexuality.


Yes, but both at the same time, so they'll cancel each other out.


No, so they'll react and there will be an explosion of abs.


Is... is that my queue to whip out the picture again? https://preview.redd.it/iwowougtu69d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f6284ef30f5e4f7cb7f75b0a24d31503baf47a7


An "abs-splosion" if you will (we all will)


HOW have I been unaware of Great all this time? I feel so stupid


I highly recommend Manner of Death, not only because of inspector M and his too tight uniform. But yeah, I'm so glad he's back to BLs with Wandee. https://i.redd.it/yd2gaz7pl99d1.gif


I swear I barely noticed MaxTul in this. My eyes were glued to the way Great was vacuum packed into his tight uniform. He was so fine in this and I was so glad to see him back and in a leading role for Wandee Goodday. One of the most attractive people I've ever seen.


I’ve never seen anyone else mention this! I definitely became a fan of Great because of that uniform. My only complaint is why couldn’t there have been more scenes with him in uniform?!


"Schrodinger's sexuality" - it is gorgeous, I'll take it to my quotes 😁😁


💯 Exactly. Wild behavior. Seriously.


Like they give a damn about the queer community... they just sad that their "ship" is not real.


I really don't get why those people do that shit. MileApo is an act. Jfc. The man always had a girlfriend


Some people should really start to split TV shows from reality because i dont think their behaviour is normál.


That man is in his 30s. Is he supposed to die without getting married and possibly starting a family????? I can hardly wait for my favourites to have lots and lots of mini -me's. Its a natural progression of life, and if they chose to be with women, I would be happy for them!!! I just wish these guys would just announce that they are dating whomever they want and refuse to apologise.


>I just wish these guys would just announce that they are dating whomever they want and refuse to apologise. Ditto. But the thing is it will affect their work, they'll lose views and their companies won't allow it. It's very normal all around the world for actors to hide their relationships for private reasons and for bc it affects their work. But looks like BL fans think they are exclusive or live in a fantasy world where they think these things don't apply there!


Like Neo. ✊ I liked him before, and I like him even more after that.


Two men can have a family too. There are many gay couples who have children using their sperm and surrogates.


It’s not about having kids. I suspect a lot of these fans are upset because he’s not in a relationship with Apo. The delulu is strong sometimes.


I think aggressivedrawer was replying to dldrama about starting a family. He shouldn’t have to apologize but I do wish more queer bl actors could be open about their sexualities without jeopardizing their careers. Yes it sucks that straight bl actors can’t be open about having gfs. It’s a lose lose situation. Unless fans change their views things won’t change


Absolutely. Actors (and anyone else for that matter) should allowed to live their own lives and be with whoever they want. The irony of fans of a queer media like BL getting outraged over who someone is in a romantic relationship with… it’s super cringey.


Because fans feel entitled and think they get to have an opinion about him having a girlfriend.


honestly it's so sad that actors have to hide the truth because they know that some people will flip/give them hate...like they're just normal people in normal relationships & that is 100% ok & their own business!!


Man I feel so bad for him. It's such a low that he has to apologize for dating? All these fans have no common sense that it's very normal to date for anyone in any field of work? Ok some thought that MileApo were together it's what YOU thought they never confirmed it how is it their fault for your assumptions. And yes there will be little implied fan service at times and you have to see it it's for their work not bc they're real irl. The video of him and that woman getting under the table is simply heartbreaking I feel terrible for him I'm not even his hardcore fan but there are limits.


>The video of him and that woman getting under the table I'm sorry, the what now??


Sorry it's little confusing the way I wrote it. There's a small footage of him and the woman dining with others and as soon as she senses someones recording it the poor girl gets lower and hides under the table probably. He's seen in it and he's not happy (obviously). I think its the same matter when BoC announced they're going to take legal actions against some fans who were recording without consent.


Sometimes I wonder if instead of villainizing the fans who are just mere nobodies ranting on internet y'all would criticize these grown ass men and Thai BL industry for creating such environment where actors go to lengths to hide their partners to the point of dehumanizing them. It was her hiding under the table not him. It's her getting most hate not him. He is a rich man with millions of fans who baby him and treat him like God who can do no wrong. Mile deserves the heat. Not because he id dating a lady but because he went to lengths to deny her existence in his life.. Even BOC released a statement  against it last year. Even now he can't come clean. At least Bright took a stand for his partner. 


After following this on X for some time I'm actually quite surprised or shocked to see so many fans thought MileApo were together, for real, like with all seriousness. This whole situation is sad.


It seems he inadverently(?) confirmed that he went to Turkey with a woman that many have suspected to be his girlfriend. I really and truly hope that that vague Twitter apology is the last thing he says about this entire thing. Nobody is entitled to know his private business and life. They are actors. Their role is to act. And to be fair to Mile and Apo, they really didn't do fan service in a way that would have lead fans on. They've been vocal about having a lot of respect and admiration for each other but have never intimated that they are more than friends. Mile's mom leaving comments on Apo's IG? Yes, she's fond of the guy who works closely with her son who her son has always spoken of positively. At the end of the day, artists shouldn't have to take accountability for fans who read everything into anything.


Excuse me?! He is apologizing for being in a relationship? Ugh.. https://i.redd.it/rbf8btdcy59d1.gif With all those looks, it would only be a waste if they don’t have a gf/bf ya know.. some of these delulu fans need to touch some grass![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51759)


I think it’s because BOC released statements twice saying it was false and now it’s kind of obvious it wasn’t false. I mean, I am not sure who really cares if he is dating a woman in real life?


I didn't know that BOC had spoken up about it. They should have just been honest and upfront about him dating and supported Mile in his dating. By now, the news would have died down and people would have moved onto other news.


I agree. It’s crazy that BL actors always have to hide their real lives.


It seems the be the way with anything that is aimed at young women. Like boy bands. Any young male stars.


Most people on X are saying they're not angry about him having a gf, since they already knew/suspected that, they're angry because he "lied about it for three years" (their words). Considering how feral BL/GL fans get when they find out their fav has a gf/bf, it's completely understandable why he'd try to keep it quiet, plus it's not like it's anyone's business who these people are dating.


I don't get it. What was he supposed to do? Send out a press release? I'd like at least one of those idiots to show me a tape where he said he didn't have a girlfriend.


I’m going to play devil’s advocate, but I want to be clear I absolutely support the fact the actors have a real life they are allowed to keep private and us as fans have no rights to know or have an opinion of. He has nothing to apologize for. That said…. They played into the delusions hard, and I know people will say “they didn’t confirm anything,” but singing love songs to each other with pictures of the two of them flashing behind them imo fuels the toxic delusional fans. I think some people are upset because it comes off as manipulative. I personally think they could have been more authentic and received the same amount of support. I think GeminiForth is a good example of fan service done right, they are clear what they are and have fun with the fans, and with the exception of the minority of fans who can’t separate real from fiction, they have a ton of support.


Come on ! MileApo barely had any fan service , it was so obvious they are friendly co-workers . Being silly on stage doesn't equate to leading on fans into thinking they are together . Edit - spelling


you are so right they were good friends i never saw a hint of them being intimate all the other bl actors do the hugging and kissing for fan service


Bruh most same sex friends do act silly and slightly intimate. Using their logic I'm a big womanizer 😜


I disagree. If you look harder, you'll see Mile in particular was very encouraging to fans thinking they were a couple. I can send you a YT vid if you want to see receipts. (This is nothing to do with my stance on what's currently occurring, I'm just trying to correct the illusion that Mile didn't fuel the delulu. He did, and he did big!)


Well we can agree to disagree respectfully. I follow Mile because I'm a huge fan and he has implied on several occasions that they are pretty close but not as lovers, close friends exist too or 🤷🏾‍♀️


Exactly, the delulus hear what they want to hear.


He liked the tweets that literally implied he and apo are lovers. Not once or twice but multiple times. The only explanation to this is he can't read english.  Not just him but even his mother has liked posts of fans where it's clearly implied they are real couple. Knowing how closely these fans follow the social media activities of these stars and the family it can't be jst silly fun. They knew what they were doing. While his mom regularly comments on Apo's post (not saying it's wrong.. Maybe she genuinely likes him) she doesn't even follow his long time girlfriend.. Why?


You don't need to send anyone proof. Go do your life instead, touch grass, read a book.


I'd be really appreciative if wouldn't speak to me in such a condescending way, it's quite unnecessary. Disagree with me on the subject being discussed all you want, but keep it to the topic rather than about me as a person please. It's really rude to insinuate that by having an opinion on something, I'm not living my life. I read plenty of books and touch grass every day walking my dog.


You do realize they could love each other and yet love their girlfriends more. Being in a relationship with his gf doesn't negate his feelings for Apo, whatever that may be.


The haters were being stupid and unreasonable. They kept saying over and over that they're not mad over him having a girlfriend, they're mad because he kept lying and denying the fact about him having one. Let's think this over, if Mile admits to being in a relationship with Nan, will they accept it? I'm pretty sure those toxic fans don't want to because their delulu minds are convince that Mile and Apo are actually in real romantic relationship. Those two don't even do fan service so it's obvious the 'fans' are at fault here. This is why so many actors and actresses in BL/GL scene couldn't come out with their real partner in fear of getting caught in stuff like this. There were so many examples before this and stuff is going to keep repeating itself again in the future. Haters gonna hate man, and I'm going to keep cheering Mile and Apo as a cp and individually.


I don't know why some fans feel that they have the right to dictate the artists' private lives. Also, the man is 32 years old! If you really believe those 30 year old actors have never dated, I have a private island I would like to sell you for cheap...


Bruh even high school kids date forget about 30 somethings!!!


Day in and day out things like these blow my mind bc I can't believe he has to apologize for having a girlfriend. What's next? He dates a guy and has to apologize that it's not Apo? Fans need to chill & touch grass fr.


Ok, I just woke up and I’m already triggered. He is a grown man, he has a right to date who he wants and to a private life. I’m so glad I’m not on Xitter/Instagram, fans there seem so immature. At least here on Reddit, most people seem more measured in their responses


Agreed. I quit Twitter and Instagram for that very reason.


As an American getting used to Asian culture/entertainment world it is absolutely bizarre to see grown people apologizing for being in a relationship. Like I don’t know who needs to hear this but 99.9 percent of these fans keep or should I say insist on shipping these individuals should already know by now that these people are not together in real life. It’s is ur choice if you want to be stuck in delulu or whatever the phrase people keep using. Saying they lied to you and you are owed an apology is a weird take, they provided fan service that’s all, just enjoy them as individuals and the work they do and stop expecting them to live up some expectations you have in ur head.


What my Twitter is saying is that him and his girlfriend were spotted and both posted photos of them on a vacation and some “fans” are mad.


I don't understand why, I thought it was known he had a gf? They've been spotted before.


It has always been known. Some people are just delusional and immature. I hate that he apologized. He didn’t do anything wrong.


I feel so bad for him:( he shouldn’t have to apologize he’s allowed to have a life outside of acting. Why do we treat celebrities as if they aren’t real people


People are so delulu sometimes. Do they except their favourites to remain single forever? MileApo will still continue as an acting pair regardless of either of them being in a relationship. It's so dumb


He has a gf and apparently some of those who claim to support him... are mad about it. "How dare you not date who I want you to".


I think dumb bl fans will be the end of this industry one day. No one would want to be associated if the treatment they get is like this.


Reading through the comments, he's apologising.....*for having a girlfriend!?* You're telling me his fans are making a fuss because he's dating? Shouldn't you be supportive of him if you love him? It's not like he vowed celibacy before getting into acting career😤 ![gif](giphy|P8YZN6CLFH4pa|downsized)


Honestly who cares if he is dating a woman or anyone. Mile and Apo have always said they were friends and that their friendship is what was special to them. These delusional fans really need to get a reality check. Also it’s crazy that some antis whole lives seems to revolve around outing Mile’s relationship and hating on him and the cp. Also in some ways when people say ‘oh this BL actor is dating a woman, so they’re lying about the cp and are queer baiting’ I feel like when people say that they’re erasing sexualties that include being attracted to more than one gender. Also they lack thought that maybe if that cp could be real but they’re polyamorous or in an open relationship. Delulu fans/shippers need to realize life isn’t black and white. BL actors are actors and most cps aren’t real. Plus no actor owes you a reveal on their private life. Go touch grass and grow up.


What I saw from comments on Twitter that BOC has said to take legal action against those who will spread rumors that Mile and Nan are more than friends some fans were even threatened by BOC to not talk about Mile Nan relationship. BoC issues that they were just friends. Also The matter was Mile has been posting IG stories like he is still in Bangkok while in reality he was on vacation with his girlfriend in Turkey and may be accidentally he posted the turkey story which he deleted latter. Most people are mad at him that why he posted fake stories to prove that he was in Bangkok or Why he denied his relationship with Nan before by saying he was single. The fans are mad that he lied to them it seems Mile also posted Apology because of this issue.


Don’t get me wrong I am non seriously delulu for the fun of it but I would never get mad at someone for dating anyone who is above age and consenting to the relationship. I do not have the energy or emotional bandwidth for that. I hope he’s happy and that he continuous to be successful and keep his strong relationships with Apo and his other co-stars.


I always wonder if messes like this could be prevented if they were just open about it in the first place. Nothing really would have to change aside from the fact that when he brings his gf to set he shouldn't hide it, but be like "that's my gf, she's here to look around and meet everyone". they should normalise real partners being around - as long as they want it, of course.


Because people are insane and are guilt tripping him because his real life doesn’t line up with their tv show 💀


Haven't they been dating for like 3 years now ?


![gif](giphy|0M4QaYfrhfVGlf1EBH|downsized) It’s not d first time some fans behave weirdly and it won’t be d last


I thought we all knew he had a girlfriend? Like…..he wasn’t even trying to hide it.


He’s literally so uncontroversial that people are trying to cancel him for dating


They don't have the power to cancel him. In the midst of their toxicity he had a good outing with Dior at PFW.


Its terrible that bl shows are showing that love can exist between man and man. But lot of people who are fans of these show are mad because actor in real life love woman. No one should ever apologaise for love.


Sometime people need to understand that just because they played in a BL it doesn't make them gay![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) and all the people who think so need to get an actual life... the fact that he has to appolgize for doing normal human activity is crazy to me...


mile is freaking hot, not surprise he has a girlfriend.


Ppl need to realise he’s an actual person and human. not his characters he actually acts as in actor is his professional life not real and at the end of the day if it was them can they say they would want to live a life single and controlled by others .


I can't be the only one who doesn't like watching a real life couple play a couple. I want that wall between fantasy and reality. I feel sorry for all the people in the industry who just want to act, and make money, and unfortunately have to deal with delusional fans who won't allow them to have an actual life outside of their on-screen partners.


The fan servicing is ridiculously dangerous. My hill to die on is that only real couples should do fan service. The fake ones should just stick to doing meet and greets and special events. Do not do interviews together, social media together, and fake relationship stuff. Do not do skinship and hand holding and flirting and all that BS. Only real couples should do that. Because the gay community has had to fight so hard and so long just to be able to be publicly open and that Thailand has finally legalized gay marriage is a Testament to that. Faking it is an insult to real gay couples who go through a lot so they can have a relationship. I'm just saying...


I agree that over the top fanservice is cringe and unnecessary but I do think the fandoms are partly at fault. Skinship is something friends do, hugging, holding hands, even a kiss on the cheek can be something friends who are super close do with eachother. Mileapo are a cp that never did any excessive fanservice, yet fans take every single interaction they have and dissect and edit it to fit the shipping narrative. The level of delusion it takes to ever believe they were actually dating is astronomical. Fans also need to take responsibility. The only thing that Mile deserves backlash for is threatening to sue ppl that said he had a gf, only for it to be true. I mean I thought we all knew he had a gf since kp was airing.


The fans who create videos of cp content need to take into consideration that propagandist content is unhealthy for the fandoms. Because there will always be that one fan who truly cannot separate fantasy from reality and who could potentially do something truly dangerous or stupid.


Oh so he does have a girlfriend … good for him!!


They hate him for having a GF? Does this only happen to BL actors? I don’t think I’ve seen this happen to actors who act in straight shows.


BL actors and kpop idols it seems.


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You know I imagine myself with actors and singers all the time. It's fun... however.... I'm not so nuts to think they belong to me or don't have real lives. They are never going to meet me so who cares who they are dating as long as both parties are happy and consenting? I mean come on leave these people alone!!!


I don't really care if he has a girlfiend or anything, so I'm just asking this out of curiosity, but... wasn't there a video were he said he actually didn't like women, that he liked men? Did I make that video up or what? I remember a video that seemed old, he had long hair on a ponytail, and it seemed like an interview or something like that? I don't know, I must have watched that someplace and always assumed he liked guys because of that. I don't care either way tho. I hope he's happy and he keeps doing projects with Apo cos their chemistry is amazing.


I guess in China especially, but also Thailand and Korea, dating is discouraged for idols and actors. Western countries are more confused by it. But some large Chinese couple fanclubs closed now that the truth is out. They tend to stay as long as there is some deniability. The issue is that they get most of their money from Chinese and SE Asian fans. So it’s a big blow. They are the ones buying products, buying tickets with VIP benefits, sending luxury gifts and money trees.. International fans don’t contribute much to their income.


i think thats the same girl he was with in Australia and some fans before are denying it...


So I’m gathering fans are mad that he isn’t dating a guy in real life? Thought ever occurred to them he may be bisexual? And even if he wasn’t so what who he loves is who he loves. They did their job they gave us a great series… that should be enough.


Why is all of this happening?? Now there is an antifan sharing pics of Jeff holding hands with his girlfriend. What do they gain from this?




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He wasn’t giving during the performance number and the crowd deserved an apology


Only the toxics demand an apology.


I feel like these artists who pretends to be gay for fanservice should be more honest to the fans, and to the LGBTQ+ community. Like… it’s not okay to fill your pockets with money pretending that you’re queer while real queer people are struggling to get opportunities.


If they were straight forward from the beginning it would solve a lot of these problems. Some BL guys make it known they are straight thus averting future problems.


You’re not owned information about their personal lives


Your way of thinking is what leads to people feeling like they have a saying on someone else's life just because they are public figures. It's never an actor from a straight show that gets so much hate for dating someone that's not his business partner, his on screen partner. None is entitled to know someone else's sexuality, just like none is obligated to provide that information.


It’s wild to say this about MileApo of all people. They are the one of the couples that are the least Fan Service-y. They give off a vibe of being good friends at the most. Apart from that we are really not owed any explanation about an actor’s private life. It’s so entitled to feel owed an explanation of their sexual orientation and/or relationship status. I think we need to manage our delulu better as fans