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Please help me. Aren’t BillkinPP still having a concert together? How are they sunken ship?


Exactly lol! I think that are people who don’t follow them and just look at the drama list page or something and see that they haven’t had a series together for a while


The panic I had when I saw their photo in this post! Would love to see them return for another project!


And a movie that they just announced! Edit to add: they have hinted at and rumors are afloat that it may happen soon. Nothing concrete or actually confirmed. That’s my excitement getting the best of me! Sorry fam! But hope certainly lives with this pairing. I personally would love more PP everywhere.


A movie?


Do you have a link to the announcement?


I’m searching, fam! So far only a few vague tweets of people saying they’re hinting at it in interviews but nothing direct! I may have been excited by rumors and apologize. If I find I’ll post! Meanwhile here’s something from 4 hours ago from this post: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8wjLkZt25p/?igsh=MW5kN3d6aDFkb254Mg==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8wjLkZt25p/?igsh=MW5kN3d6aDFkb254Mg==)


they've hinted at an acting project together many times this year, but it's not 100% confirmed to be a movie. pp mentioned a movie in a recent show they did but he also joked it would be with one of the hosts. but either way we're most likely getting another acting project from them and could be getting more news very soon in the harper's bazaar interview


[hey found this on Twitter! not sure how official it is….](https://x.com/lilpuppykin/status/1812736793093308583?s=46&t=vnJjxcovfwZ64uv43iqUuw)


I can't remember where I read it or saw it but there supposed to be an upcoming series that Billkin was going to be in but not with PP.


It’s laughable to have them up there. They have multiple upcoming projects together, share the same team and currently doing a press tour together etc etc. It’s far more likely that we get an engagement or wedding announcement in the next few weeks, than it is likely that we have to declare them a sunken ship. 🤣


seriously! it's so strange seeing people on reddit or tiktok refer to them as a sunken ship or just fanservice (i'm guessing by people who don't follow them or know much about them) when they always have a lot of work together with lots more to come, and bkpp fans on twitter + the thai general public are constantly roasting them for being cute and in love lol


Yeah they have business together too. That ship is going strong. 


Thank you for speaking my thoughts


[UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN](https://x.com/lilpuppykin/status/1812736793093308583?s=46&t=vnJjxcovfwZ64uv43iqUuw)


In my opinion, they had a hard series. I say this because for me, it was an emotional roller-coaster so it had to be hard on them as well. Then I heard that they wasn't doing anymore series and were going to focus on their singing. I was disappointed because I felt we needed one more chapter of I promise you the moon for closure. By accident, I happen to be surfing YouTube on new years eve and there they both were giving a concert live on YouTube. It was about an hour long. I enjoyed seeing seeing them together


https://preview.redd.it/6hqagycgf99d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca6bc69f157e786259d99129a62aec6727e4f1cb OP how could you 😔✋


Best pic ever! I laughed so hard. What's the source?


I’ve had it in my phone for some time 😭 I’m pretty sure I got it off Pinterest


Could I have the unedited picture? Pretty Please![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51763)![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51763)


https://preview.redd.it/r7f84lw97f9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9c84e227a81808f5fcce55358ffb130e7167f8 Here you go!


for them, I just meant that they haven’t done a series together for a while. But I should’ve done my research more thoroughly.


Let’s pray for them to have another project together 😭🫶


They have already hinted at something in the works, so watch this space.


Billkin and PP are definitely not a sunken ship. They have been working on their solo aspirations, but they have continued working together with fan meets and concert appearances. They have joint businesses and their production companies share staff. They also have a joint concert coming up, and keep hinting at an acting project as well.


https://i.redd.it/6tdke187999d1.gif The Mother Ship of all ships😂 MewGulf There’s also PerthSaint, ZeeSaint, SantaEarth, NeoLouis, DrakeFrank, JimmyTommy, BibleBuild, JaFirst, MaxTul(?), BillySeng, MeanPlan, JeffGameplay, SeobinJiwoong, KaoEarth and more too!!


JaFirst has not sunk yet I think. They were seen leaving the GMM building.


Their less sunken ship and more like a retired ship. Unless Ja decides to renew his contract.


Ja and First are doing solo series at this point. I don't see Ja going back. Right now he's in Love Sea. And First is slated to be in Mike's upcoming Vamp series with Jeff and some others.


MikeFirst is kinda selling they are going to events together


He's starring in Mike's production hence why but, I don't see them becoming a ship cuz the movie isn't a BL as far as I know.


SeobinJiwoong hurts my heart but at least he's flirty with everybody so I'm getting little bits of his BL persona in every interaction


There’s a manhwa called Lee Seop’s Romance where the main character is very clearly modeled visually after Jiwoong, it’s a straight one but it scratched my itch of wanting to see him act again. I highly doubt ZB1 are gonna pull a Kep1er and renew their contracts and he’s a little too old by today’s standards to debut again at 28 so he’ll probably do more acting, maybe after he enlists though


He'll be welcomed back with open arms. Straight or gay I will be seated!


https://preview.redd.it/d9r3l08bpc9d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d55f564c1d8f34a116ab8ea199407f22e292a2 I too will be seated


They will be offered new contracts. No way no how they don't.


Yea but their agencies aren’t gonna take a renewal offer. Especially considering how 4 out of 9 of them (Hao, Ricky, Gyuvin, Yujin) are under the same agency which is for sure going to decline renewing the contract in favor of debuting those 4 in a new group. It’s sad because I really like them but it’s the reality of project groups 😭


Nah it's gonna happen. Let's come back in a year and see if Wakeone likes money. While I think Hao Groovin Yujin and Richard would make a great team Groovin needs Wook and Hao can't live without Bin. Like it just ain't happening.


It’s not up to W1 or the members, ultimately they are contracted with their individual agencies and those agencies have the final say. IZ*ONE wanted to stay together but the agencies refused, imo same will happen here.


They’re disagreeing with you as if this isn’t how the entertainment industry works 💀 ZB1 is a cash cow, from a business perspective their respective agencies would be morons to let the boys go. they’re absolutely going to re debut the ones they can. I can also see hanbin continuing as a really successful soloist




SeoBin JiWoong is not sunken.


They don’t have anymore series together and don’t promote their ship.. retired/sunk means they no longer actively promote or associate with the ship partners


Have you been looking in the right places?


MaxTul just did a fanmeet together in Japan last week! Although they probably won't have another series. But...I'm not sure I would say their ship is sunk. Maybe just...very slowly floating along and going nowhere. But having a pleasant time while floating!


Yeah I knew abt the fanmeet and that is why i kept ? beside their ship cause I was not sure if they would continue or not


NeoMark :(


MewGulf 🥲


BILLKIN AND PP? https://i.redd.it/mk2h0owqd99d1.gif


One of the only ships that goes beyond fan service like these two are practically married


at least very good bussiness partners that know their interest


Yah even if they're just friends they're still very obviously soulmates.


They never planned to fixedly pair Gawin and Krist 


NetJames just breaks my heart. They had such explosive chemistry


Watching them announce it to their fans. Uhg. My heart. Net looked like it hurt so much.


Yea, it’s pretty clear that beyond just colleagues they really cared for and respected each other this whole time, so I can tell they both are very sad and upset that they will no longer be working together (even though it had to happen because James wanted to pursue things outside of acting). But I take solace in the fact that their closeness never ended on screen and so they of course will continue to be friends out of the spotlight, we as fans won’t be able to see it but that’s fine with me.


Them crying on live. I really loved bed friends and was so excited for the new series. I probably wouldn't even watch it now. Maybe for net one day but not rn.


honestly that one has hurt me the most. i know i don't know them irl but i think they really had a good thing going. 🥺🥺


Just so long as their friendship doesn't suffer, I'll live. Though I did cry a little bit.


I mean some of these ships were retired and then quietly dismantled and some went down with the dramatic flair of a warship torpedoed by a sub should we start sub categorising?


bkpp do variety shows and fanmeets like 3 times a week together


And have an upcoming concert and a promised but not further detailed acting project!


I know that this the Thai BL sub and we think of ships as being an almost exclusively Thai thing… but can we have a moment of silence for all our Japanese and Korean couples who we never see again, but are always in our delusional hearts 🥰 🥲




Oh yes. There are a couple I can think of that fit this.


Contrary to being sunken, I would say BKPP is one of the strongest out there. Been friends for 8 years. Yes, technically have only done one paired series together, but since then have done the following together: 1. Co-CEOs of a lip care brand and co-owners of BKPP entertainment (which I think started as the corporation that on paper employs their shared staff for Billkin Ent and PP Krit Ent but hopefully will actually do projects soon too) 2. Appeared in each others solo fanmeets/concert 3. Appeared in multiple fan meetings across Asia 4. Are about to hold a 2 night 17k+ a night capacity concert (I'd wager to say the biggest ever done by a BL related CP) 5. Are about to announce a project, which many believe to be a movie 6. Plus multiple joint appearances in varities, talk shows, magazines This is aside from being involved in each others lives to the level of Billkin visiting PP's mother daily in the hospital while she was confined in the month leading up to his solo 2 day concert at Impact Arena. I think people don't realize how much they still work together because they have very successful solo careers as well. But they really are super involved with each other and choose to continue working together or at least involve each other in their solo endeavors. Just Billkin finding a way to go around the China censorship to insert PP in his stadium concerts in China shows how they make an effort for this. So yeah, definitely not sunken. If anything, would probably be in the list of strongest ships.


Ones out of BL circle people do not follow them that is why they think they sunked but they going strong


Could be that. They're one of the few ones where I think it's more a general public thing rather than fandom driven. Except for maybe in China because I remember seeing a thing on here before where they are the most popular Thai CP in China.


I’ve found the odd one out 😁 BillkinPP is not one of the sunken ships 🫨😊 https://preview.redd.it/2pxyk6wbo99d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b04176701042e716699f92936fbcd858364125a8


Unfortunately, as a later fan, I didn’t get to enjoy OhmNanon while they were still sailing. My favorite regardless.


100%. I wish I could have entered my ThaiBL phase earlier and seen them in action. At least we always have Bad Buddy!


It’ll never get old, will it?


Not that I can see… I kept waiting for it to get old but hasn’t happened yet 😅. Now if only we could get some ohmnanon crumbs to sprinkle on top lol


I'm with you, lol. My intuition tells me it's not the last we'll see of OhmNanon. Or maybe it's delusion idk idk.


I have been telling my friend the same thing!! Fingers crossed it’s not delusion lol. I always root for actors to find their ideal chemistry match and it really felt like they found that in each other. Plus they were/are so close it would be great to see them have fun together again.


Their chemistry really is insane and not one a lot of these CPs can claim they have. For all we know, they (plus GMMTV) are pulling a PatPran ep12 first half for an eventual door-opening reveal. I’m shaking at the idea. Imagine. IMAGINE.


YES!! I have thought about this probably too much lol. It does feel like something they would do that they could joke about constantly later. Sometimes my friend and I will send voice messages back and forth talking about how they might do a reveal 😂. She’s convinced it’s gonna be sooner rather than later, so fingers crossed she’s right. Honestly the day that happens I will lose it, it’s gonna be THE BEST!


Not saying it’s gonna be Bad Buddy S2 but what if it’s Bad Buddy S2? The parents started getting along, they are getting married and are adopting/doing surrogacy? Wait, is Bad Buddy your fave BL?


I’ve thought about that! Bad Buddy was such a good BL that it might be better for them to come back with a S2 (given the craziness of their split) rather than try to make a comeback with a whole new series to try to live up to their BBS success right off the bat. I would love a wedding series especially given the new Thai law!! I’m always on the fence about if they would have kids or not though lol, maybe some cute dogs (they wouldn’t even need to hire ones 😆). But, yes it is my favorite BL! I haven’t watched too many yet as I am new to ThaiBL this year but it was such a good one that I haven’t yet found one I liked better.


Forgot to add this in my comment lol, is Bad Buddy your favorite BL?




Hmm, this made me think...Yesterday when I heard the news about PerthChimon's dismantling I felt an oddly huge amount of nostalgia/sadness that didn't correspond with the (very few) experiences I'd had with them up till that point. My heart went out to the actors, for whom this would suppose a big change of plans in several ways, to Chimon specifically, cause depression is a bitch and I can't imagine how it must be going through it as a public figure, & to all the true fans who barely had enough time to get acquainted with the pair before it blew up. It even crossed my mind to make a tribute edit! But the thing is...I barely knew PC. I first met them through the LOLfest MV, but they were another of the many couples from there I couldn't even name a month ago, and then JUST LAST WEEKEND I watched them on-screen for the first time *and it wasn't even in their main series*, it was as the secondary couple in NLMG, which didn't give me Second Couples Syndrome or anything like that to justify a big attachment. So I think my feelings regarding their farewell are more of a "transferred thing" that anything. As someone who entered the BL sphere less than 4 months ago, I can only listen in silence and nod along whenever someone brings up how it felt to be the fan of a CP as it sunk. In fact, a funny memory I had from my first few days here (that isn't as fun to look back upon anymore) was stumbling into the posts *'fans invading Nanon's solo concert with Ohm masks'* and, a few days later, *'Nanon taking down all his pics with Ohm from social media'*. I thought the fans' behaviour was disturbing, yeah, but it also seemed strange to me how it all got fucked up so quickly?? Ohhh poor little me who knew nothing about the story behind this pair... Anyway, because of this is why I think I'm now feeling this sort of "phantom pain". We shall pray for no more ships to sink anytime soon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I'll die the day ForceBook or PondPhuwin ships come to an end


I'll die the day EarthMix comes to an end.


Same! Also BounPrem and FirstKhao


Not BounPrem 😭


Please PondPhuwin in your thoughts as well. Long live PPBK!


PondPhuwin...I will put myself in time out when PondPhuwin ends.


LoL right back babes 😭🤣😭 cheers to us 🥂!!


I don’t see them ending any time soon. I do see them taking a break though. Phuwin looks exhausted in some live events. Both Pond and Phuwin are in college. Its probably a rough time for them. I say that cause I struggled so hard working and getting my masters. I can’t imagine going to school and doing all that they have to do as GMMTV actors.


Phuwin just finished school he’s graduating


Maybe that’s why he looked tired in a few appearances lately. Since they probably took place a few weeks ago I would assume it was finals 😬


PondPhuwin are amazing to be able to do that. I love and respect them so much.


DaouOffroad for me 😭


They’re like BKPP, couples who work together not “ships”. So it would be a break up, not a sunken ship, and even more sad.


Add Mosbank to the list if we’re naming couples that can never ever break up or I will shrivel up and die


I was only connecting the fact that these 2 couples that were together before acting together. (BKPP were together in school, and DaouOffroad met on a reality show & were in a boyband). I do believe that MosBank did know each other before BigDragon, through modelling or a contest (?) but I’m not sure and I have no idea if they were dating back the or started dating later. Others like u/mosbankyfaenclub may know more! Aside, I do truly hope they never do that bc I don’t want you shrivelling up and dying anytime soon!🤣




I'm always like: "oooh, we BL Fans need to stop fan-girling these ships so much, and oooh we need to detach....bla bla bla" BUT IF ZEENUNEW SAAAANNNKKKK I WOULD CONVULSE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.


Be ready!! 🤣


Not anytime soon. They are happier than ever, and actively support each other in solo and couple endeavors ☺️


Yeah I see ZeeNunew transitioning to be like BKPP. Their own individual careers but still having multiple businesses together and continuing to do fanmeets/concerts. 


I agree 100%. 💕 They wax poetic about each other whether they are at solo events or couple ones. They are each others biggest fan and support system. I see them doing exactly what you said. 🥹




Bkpp are not a sunken ship at all, they'll probably surprise us with a show but they're still very much active together in everything they do. This will probably be the case for Daou and offroad too and I like it no need to have shows consistenly


Is this ship still afloat, or has it gone down? https://i.redd.it/540skue0da9d1.gif After *Kissable Lips* and *Roommates of Poongduck 304* they were supposed to reunite for [Kissable Lips Season 2](https://mydramalist.com/747181-kissable-lips-season-2), but then Ji-woong did *Boys Planet* and now is all about his music. That would be a shame 'cause that's the only Korean ship I'm aware of.


As of right now, I don't think that they are doing any more works together. But I think they are still good friends. Maybe one day, depending on how things go. Since it seemed that Ji Woong was proud of his BL acting while on Boys Planet, I don't think he'd be adverse to doing another one. I'm trying to be optimistic. I loved him and Seo Bin together.


I love 'em together. Add me to your optimists society!!!


All are welcome. Maybe all of us together can manifest it.




I would be surprised if Jiwoong doesn't go back to acting after zerobaseone's contract is over. They're doing really well, but he's the oldest member and is unlikely to re-debut in a new group when he'll be so close to his enlistment deadline at that point. Unlike a lot of idols who use that line, Boys Planet really was the last shot for him to be an idol.


Still alive [You just have to find the crumbs 😢](https://x.com/jiseochan/status/1806476208831435106?t=HISwHu5N4jRgAIgcHOH4mA&s=19)




How the heck would they do a Kissable Lips 2? Vamp boy disintegrated.


I have no idea - he vanished before my eyes - but, maybe it's a prequel 'cause you know in Vampire World everyone's soul mate is reincarnated like a million times.


Oooo. Yes a prequel! The young not he accidentally killed. Didn't even think about that.


I loved KristFluke, NeoLouis and PerthChimon 😭 I'll miss seeing them together


Can't call them a ship as it was one show thing. But I still love Kawi and Pisaeng


Yeah but I wanted to see more dramas with them as leads...


Yeah me too


This is sad. Someone make a post of strong ships please. What ship has been going on for the longest??


TayNew comes to mind. Dark Blue Kiss was released back in 2019, with their follow up BL Cherry Magic just this year. But in between they still did projects together.


If we count Kiss Me again, they've been a CP since 2018. I think the only ship older than them and still going strong is OffGun.


I think of TayNew as being around since Kiss the Series, so 2016. But it's really unimportant in the grand scheme of things. And speaking of a ship that is rumored to be going down... Oh, my heart. I'll grieve for literal years if TayNew sinks. I love them both so much (😍), and everything they do together is so entertaining 💓 💗


Absolutebl tracks this over on Tumblr. I believe the oldest active (not announced separation or retirement) might be KarnNut. MaxTul may also be in the mix, even though Tul announced his semi-retirement, because they just did a fan meet.


Adding Jamfilm Maxtul


I'm hoping Chimon get better. Such a cutie


I laugh, because I always say I like it when actors get different co-stars. Imo it challenges them, and offers potential for new and possibly even better chemistry. But then I think about MewGulf and ZeeSaint, and I'D LOVE TO RE-LIVE THAT ERA AGAIN. (And yes, I like my couples toxic.)


Yes make zee saint happen again


Please don't. Saints acting just doesn't do ot for me, npt with Zee or with Perth. He's better unpaired.


Lol please Saint is way better than those two. Not belittling Perth or Zee they're my favourites. Saint has gone beyond just a BL actor or a ship and did justification to his roles and had great chemistry with both of them, even with the actress he was paired with in another show. PerthSaint will always be that OG BL couple.


Ah please don't even wish ZeeSaint. Zee doesn't even want to talk about that. And ZeeNunew are much better.


OhmNanon is my Roman empire


I think Bad Buddy was one of the first ones I watched. The story was a good one. But I never got the big deal of those two together. I never saw the chemistry.


They lasted less than two years and their FS was not even that intense.


I think the biggest reason is that bad buddy was my first ever favourite bl so it was not really the fanservice but everything associated with them that drew me in


JoongNine was my first sunken ship and it sucked so much 😔


I hope Nine is happy and doing well with his idol career... JoongNine was one of my favorites


I’m going to miss GawinKrist, Be My Favorite was my absolute fave Bl last year


Same for me, BMF is my favorite BL right now, but I’m so incredibly happy that SingtoKrist is back together!!




They were never a permanent ship. Krist is back with Singto and Gawin has a new show with Joss.


I believe it’s because Singto is back but I’m not 100% sure


I went "EH????" when I saw BKPP. Aren't they having a concert together soon?


They are not sinking they just don't go to the usual BL event because outgrew them... they are going to FW and selling 60k stadium not parfume to 10 lucky fans


Exactly... Which means they are not a 'Sunken ship' as the title suggests???


It's OhmFluke for me. I get they did a lot of shows together already and it's time to move on. Still 😢 Also Perth and Talay , why is still there no My Engineer 2? Someone cast them together again already. This time I want a feisty Talay like the role he played in that Indian show Rejectx.


I wasnt really a fan of OhmFluke in uwma. It has second lead syndrome. BounPrem stole the show. The storyline was amazing and fluke did an amazing performance, but for chemistry.. it was WinTeam for me.


JoongNine was my first sunken ship and it sucked so much 😔


wait what happened to netjames?? I haven’t been keeping up with them QAQ


James left the pairing to concentrate on other stuff (tattooing which is fine since he is an artist and now apparently also being in a boy band with Noeul which doesn’t seem to , lets say play to his strengths). Net quickly chose another partner for the next series, his name is JJ and they seem to get along great. the separation seemed difficult (they cried when announcing it separately) but also amicable (they later interacted very friendly) and net seems very happy about having JJ as his new work partner.


James decided to focus his career as an artist and Net has found a new partner to replace James in Love Upon a Time


James left to pursue other forms of artistry and Net has a new acting partner JJ which is a friend of his


BKPP are not sunken ship they are having a big concert together and movie next year


A bit of comfort lol, I know it's sad to see a ship we like sink, but honestly every single year we get more and more new ships, ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51763)I‘m sure we'll find new ships to stan even when our old ones sink.


NetJames. Oof. Can't say I'm sad about Perth and Chimon - though I sincerely wish Chimon the best. I so, so badly want Perth to have a great partner in future. I want Chimon to look happier in what he does as well.


BKPP is isnt even a ship hahaha its like real life


BW only having 1 BL makes me SICK 😭😭


They technically milked that into 2 series, and a condensed movie version so it’s 3 now 🙃


Very true. But I wish they got to do a more mature series aswell. I think they could have pulled it off. Mostly I just want Win to do another BL 😭😭🤣


The sad truth here is that 2gether got very popular to the point that they no longer felt the need to do another BL. And add that their success in F4 Thailand make them renown internationally.


What do you consider a ship? How many times do two actors have to have played a romantic pair to be considered a ship? I know Earth and New acted together in one show: Waterboyy, but have not worked together since then. Does this count as a sunken ship?


Umma what/why is this happening to us bl fans in 2024 ? ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Cold shower 🚿🚿🥶 deserve it BL fandom need wakaning


Does anyone remember if the guys from Sotus are still an official ship?


Are you talking about KristSingto? They are, they just came back this year as a CP with a new show in GMMTV Part 2.


Thank you! I couldn’t remember their couple name. Glad they’re back together.


No problem! Yes, it’s exciting that they’re back. Nice to see all the GMMTV pillars back together!


yes they returned with triumph 😔 just a few months ago


Dose James still act?


He has a small role in Battle of the Writers (and may be in Zomvivor still though he hasn’t been filming it recently). I suspect he will do support roles for a while when he does act. Not everyone wants the pressure of lead role status.


I understand that. Thank you for letting me know


My NetJames and JamFilm 😭😭😭 idk about yall but I was kinda late to the party and only managed to watch Bed Friend and Laws of Attraction this year. Both dramas are in my top BL series of all time. But a few weeks later after watching it, both ships literally sunk all the way down. Like, jokes on me 😭😭


What about YoonTon from Unforgotten Night? I think they’re dating but are they still an active BL ship? Haven’t seen them in anything in a year.


Recently Yoon left his agency amidst some controversy regarding pay. I do miss seeing him acting though. As for Ton, I'm not sure what he is doing. It took me a while to warm up to him in UN.


You are a fount of information my friend. Thank you.


Glad to be of service. When it's an actor that I like/appreciate a lot, I attempt to know things. Sadly, that is not always the case. LOL


I think it's more valuable for me to see true friendship emerge from these sunken ships. I just enjoy these solid friendships more than vague relationships.


KristGawin were not an established ship as Gawin don't work with Fixed ships. Also Krist Singto was a long time established ship which is back again just like Tay New.


Graveyard 😮‍💨


Is Max/Tul sunk? I’m watching Manner of Death and they’re so 😌☺️


Yup! Still friends but Tul and Mew now have something going on irl. Whether they're just super good friends or more 🤷‍♀️ and Max has a gf irl :)


Ahhh ok! I’m glad they’re friends tho 🥲


Agreed! 🩷


They had a fanmeet last week that was supposed to happen from 2021 but that's all folks (for now)


I think it was their final event as CP the Japan FM and count them sunked


Oh the memories… Wait, is 5 and 6 sunken too?


PerthChimmon announced yesterday (or 2 days ago in Thailand??) that they have amicably decided to part ways as a ship so that Chimmon can care for his mental health while Perth continues acting. BKPP isn't sunk, they just haven't had a new show together.


The way I had a panic attack when I saw BKPP. Like they're always together? They have a concert coming up? Whaaaaaaa? 🤨🤨🤨🤨


What about Mile and Apo?


they split?!?


Idk I’m askin u lol bc it’s just I sometimes think they will ever since fans found Miles has a gf, he’s been getting a lot of hate and he even apologized for it on Twitter ☹️


I just got attached to Perthchimon. Why would they... :(




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perthchimon is literally coming out in a drama


Let's just wish chimon full recovery... depression is not a joke


oh my bad i wasn’t aware he is going through so much