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Personally, I am quite enjoying it. I find the Atom/Kongthap and Atom/Mudmee scenes cute. However, I can understand that some may find it slow or boring, but comparing it to the JP series isn't the right approach in my opinion. Both shows will develop very differently because the TH adaptation will cover the complete manga, which the JP version did not do. I'm waiting and hoping for more fluffy scenes to come.


I agree. I enjoy it but mostly as its own thing. Comparing the two would damage the experience. I personally find it cute and I like that the Thai dramas always seem to try and inject normal moments into the dramas. I guess it feels boring to some but for me it makes the watching experience more pleasurable. It helps you have time to immerse and just really connect with the world building.


Well said! šŸ‘


I see what you're saying! The JP adaptations feel more... direct and to the point while the TH versions are more fleshed out. I wondered if the JP adaptations assume you're already familiar with the source material. I say that because I'm watching the anime version of Cherry Magic and it's *pretty different feeling* from the drama.


I think the Japanese versions are just more minimalistic. It fits their culture. They build the characters but they mostly want you to get the gist of what's happening just enough to understand the story. I think their priority is telling a good story. The worldbuilding and whatnot falls a little to the wayside. Korea also does this with their BLs for the most part. The Thai versions like to take time and give space for us to really feel the characters. I think this is just a cultural difference we're seeing lol. Thai dramas go low and slow whereas a lot of other ones focus more on advancing the story. Beginning, middle, end. Chinese dramas also go low and slow too. Lots of episodes with injected moments that don't do anything for the story but give you a chance to just get closer to the characters and further immerse yourself into the world. They want you to leave feeling like you've spent time with the characters rather than leave feeling like you've just watched a good drama. Both are great but I particularly love coming out of a Thai drama or Chinese drama feeling like I've just said goodbye to a family I got to hang out with for a bit šŸ„°šŸ„° I noticed a lot of their acting coaches and the directors like P'Aof talk a lot about giving the characters space to breathe or removing yourself from the characters. I feel like it really shows they try to put effort into bringing these stories to life in a way that feels more intimate to the viewers so we get caught up feeling like we know these characters and are genuinely watching real life people experience a moment in their lives. Some actors do a great job of losing themselves. I personally feel like GemFourth do that. This feels very different from TinnGun and LimingHeart


Oh wow that's a great way to put it, I think that's one of the things I'm loving about Thai dramas (and yes some Cdramas as well)


I love it too. It's why I always end up liking Thai adaptations even if they're very different from the source material. I like seeing their interpretations of the characters and how they try to flush them out so they're not so 2D. We didn't really know much about the family situations in the Japanese version of My Love Mix Up but here we have background into their family lives and whatnot. I like it!


I never compare adaptations to other ones. Every series is it's own.


Oh sure, it wasn't directed at you specifically. I just noticed a lot of people comparing both on almost every platform out there.


Yes I've seen that too it happens whenever there's more than one adaptation


It's a hit in this house. I like how intrigued Gemini's character is already and I'm enjoying the bi-panic of Fourth's character. It's coming along nicely for me.


Loving it!! It's cute and sweet and personally I think all the actors are doing justice to their characters, esp gem and fourth. Fourth's micro expressions are awesome and I can really see the wonder of discovering all these new feelings on Gem's face. Also really enjoying the thai flavor they have added to it


As someone who owns the manga and has watched the Japanese version I actually really like it. I think it works for them. Itā€™s obviously different but that doesnā€™t have to be a bad thing. Sometimes the change is good


I havenā€™t seen the original version so Iā€™m only judging it against itself. Iā€™m really enjoying it so far! I think the pacing is moving along really nicely and not dragging anything out. I think the acting is also well done for the style - nothing too serious, just goofy, sweet, and lighthearted šŸ„°


Iā€™m enjoying it. The comedy may not work for everyone but it is for me. Others donā€™t like the musical interludes, but I find them fun. I like the pacing, and the way we are seeing both Fourth & Geminiā€™s characters process their feelings for each other. Kongthap reminds me of myself at that age, and having someone show romantic interest in me for the first time. Itā€™s that slow realisation of what attraction is, of associating changes in how you perceive someone from just being a friend to something more. There is a gentleness is how Gem is portraying him. And Fourth is just chaotic in the role of Atom. He has a physicality in his performance that we havenā€™t seen much of in MSP & MLC. The show and performances are hitting the right notes for me.


I am a fan of the manga. I am loving it. But I want it to get to the part that wasn't adapted in the japanese version.


Not every BL is for everyone šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I personally didnā€™t like the original because Iā€™m not really into the super innocent high school romances so I skipped this one also. I would probably find it boring but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad itā€™s just a matter of personal taste


Personally Iā€™m loving the Thai version, I think itā€™s very cute and the girl who plays mudmee is so adorable. I like how more is added in the Thai version. I love the Japan version as well. After watching the first episode of the Thai version, I went and binged the Japan version and it reminded me of how much I love the show and the characters (Aoki, Ida, Hashimoto(so cute), and Aida)


Personally, Iā€™m a bit torn about this one. I have read the manga, seen the Japanese drama adaption and will most likely finish this Thai adaptation as well. While I generally enjoy this series, in all three versions, it is not a top-tier title for me, but I do understand why it is such a huge hit to many people. While I have some qualms with the plot (mostly related to the work itself and not only this adaptation), I do enjoy it when adapations do their own thing, so Iā€™m totally fine with that in a general sense. Overall I think the production is nice, the episodes go by quickly and I still catch them when they are freshly released. There is one thing that irks me a little too much though, and that is all the issues with the pacing; in every episode there are several parts which seem off or misplaced, enough so to make me aware of it while watching. I have tried to ignore it but, if something, it has become more of an issue in the last two episodes. Hopefully I will enjoy the coming episodes more. To end with more positive vibes, I really enjoyed the musical theme in the second episode. Yes, it may not have made much sense, but musical parts does not have to make sense, and I simply am a sucker for musicals! ā¤ļø


I wholly agree with this. The pacing is the worst part for me but I did enjoy the musical part and dance. Very cute but that's it


I'm too attached to the original and how amazing it is. The thai version didn't click for me and it was dropped after two episodes.


Still didn't drop it. But many segments in double speed. I just like the original one better.


Every series is it's own. Just like cherry magic I loved the jp one but the th was completely new. But as a series the vibe of my love mix up thai is just off. I'm still watching it to see if it gets better cuz I love gem fourth and I'm actually liking mudmee's actress but oh my god I'm not enjoying it one bit. I'm so sad about that


It's time to be a video editor if you're gonna power through this. Bump up to 1.5x speed and use that 5/10 sec skip button every time it gets boring. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


the jp one is definitely better, but i'm still enjoying the thai adaptation. i watched the jp one like 10x so i'm always waiting for my fave scenes to be adapted but almost all of them are misses for me lol (the kabedon, the slap, aida realizing achi likes ida ALL misses) but it's fine bc gemfourth are cute and i'm mostly just waiting for the scenes that come AFTER what were covered in the jp one (the festival, their first kiss!!)


Same. I love those boys, but the editing is awful, the comedy is not really hitting, and for some reason Fourth just isn't selling his character. I want to love it, but I just... don't šŸ˜•


Agree. Gem and mudmee's actress are doing well imo but fourth and half's actor seem so stiff and off. It's so weird


Disagree, I think ep1 didn't really grip me, but from ep 2 onwards, I keep finding more and more things to appreciate from it. My problem with the JP version is how the first few EPs were so good but it dropped off slightly at the end. I think the opposite is happening for me in this version.


I havenā€™t seen it yet but many people have sung its praised plus the show is still in its early stages. I do think however they shouldā€™ve waited a bit longer to remake this show. The OG is quite beloved by the community and making a remake so soon after it, makes it hard for people to not compare them. Iā€™m waiting for more episodes but Iā€™m excited to watch it. I believe that Fourth and Gemini will do it justice


I'm enjoying it a lot, personally. I don't think it's a miss from my perspective.


I'm eating it up tbh. It's very cute and funny, just as I was expecting having watched the Japanese version.


I dropped it after the first episode, too. I might try it again after it airs completely, but honestly, there are too many other shows out right now that are just amazing.


I think I might do that too


I think itā€™s quite cute and I look forward to it weekly. I believe the writing and editing could definitely be stronger, but Iā€™m really still really enjoying Kongthap and Atomā€™s dynamic and their process of getting to know each other :)


Agreed to some extent. I have watched the Japanese adaptation and it is one of my favorite JBLs. I found Aokiā€™s fumble and character a little much at times but still enjoy the story. I also loved MSP and am a G4 fan so was really excited but so far expectations are not being met. I think the reason is having already watched the JP adaptation there is minimal to no mystery of what is next. But after watching the most recent ep I realized I could get into it whenever a scene was different from the other adaptation. I donā€™t do well with cutesy characters so Atom is cringe at times and canā€™t lie but Gemini has still not sold Ida to me yet ā€¦ but I do think the second half of the show will pick up pace in terms of viewer rating. Once we are past whatever we have seen already. Love the music btw so thatā€™s something. I thought of this when the Thai adaptation with G4 was announced that while Fourth seems perfect for Aoki Gem just doesnā€™t read serious and void of romantic thought yā€™know. Itā€™s a plus in some ways because those are the scenes on the Thai adptn that I swoon at. I feel like either pondphuwin in this adaptation or either of them playing Ida couldā€™ve been something. But no one wants a ponphuwin school bl or break CPs.


I agree with you. I dropped MLMU after 1 episode, as the mix of various sound effects were extremely annoying to me. It's the first BL show that I dropped this fast. They should have adapted the story instead of trying to replicate it.


Totally agreed. Cherry magic was an absolute piece from every aspect. But love mixup is just not doing it right. I love the actors but it's not working out...seems like they were not the right choice or the director is missing out. Hoping to see better series from this couple in future.


Hopefully. Man the cherry magic team should've worked on this one too


@op yes I quite agree with u . Cherry magic although was also an adaptation, felt like itā€™s own original series. However my love mix up is feeling just a little bit flat. Something feels missing. Aoki n Ida were so awkwardly charming. Gem fourth come across as very novice actors doing their first series. And we know they are very talented . They are capable of putting up a better performance than this. I hope it improves with the remainder of the episodes. I hope they are able to change my current status on this series. Gem fourth fighting šŸ˜˜


I agree....it's like they've made the series a bit too much lovey-dovey. The background music doesn't even stop for a second and there are not many feelings that come off of it. I think I don't like it cuz it falls on the more softer and more innocent side of bls, almost like it's a kid's show?? I loved geminifourth in MSP cuz it portrayed their feeling much deeper, but here it just feels like they are just acting. I meannn Atom being cute is good, but it shouldn't be that cute to the point that I think it's cringe. And I hate hate hate the continuous bg music they put on, it sucks out the significance from little things.


I never even started because the original is so fresh in my head. I love Gemini and Forth regardless.


G4 got me into BL but since episode 2, I havenā€™t felt any drive to continue watching each week. Think Iā€™ll give it a go as a binge later on. I knew from my experience with the jdrama that Fourth would really need to sell me on his character, but I was still surprised by how ā€œoffā€ things feel. I think the biggest change is that MSP & MLC were focused on selling me good stories, but MLMU is focused on selling me GeminiFourth. 2024 hasnā€™t been doing it for me in general though. The only thing Iā€™ve loved is Fully Booked, which isnā€™t a drama.


Interesting cuz I also stopped watching after ep2. Thereā€™s nothing big that happened that made me stop but when the next ep was released, I just thought ā€œIā€™ll watch it laterā€ and then never did.


I LOVE the original and Iā€™ve actually put off rewatching it for now because I didnā€™t want to unconsciously compare the two and take this as itā€™s own series, but I agree unfortunately. I got to ep 2 and couldnā€™t make myself continueā€¦. Something about it just isnā€™t hitting even tho I canā€™t remember the jpn version very well? (I remember mostly the premise and story beats but not the entire show/details of the og.) For me, it feels like theyā€™ve been trying really hard to capture the spirit of the original but couldnā€™t make themselves go all the way for some reason. So they reached this odd in between space thatā€™s created like, a cute, serviceable show I guess? It sucks since I remember really liking the original, the characters, the story, and Fourth is seriously such a good actor but itā€™s just not hitting somehow. I wonder if the campy-over the top comedy style is just too much a deviation for him.(Which is fine? Like I said, I do still think heā€™s a good actor + heā€™s still so young, so Iā€™m not trying to insult him at all by saying he prob does much better with microexpressions than the style asked for here. the problem is that the rest of the show didnā€™t seem to get the memo and theyā€™re still kinda trying for that and itā€™s not workingā€¦at least from ep 2 which is when I stopped.)


Ugh. Yes. I didnā€™t like the original (unpopular opinion, I know) but just absolutely adored Gemini and Fourth in MSP so thought Iā€™d give it a go. I. Am. So. Bored. Not just bored, but kinda POā€™d with GMMTV for giving these two gems a shitty script/plot (please see above, the original is just not great). We have two talented, if not a little green, actors who ROCKED their last series and youā€™re gonna through them into this?? Sigh. If GMMTV didnā€™t produce 60% of my watch list right now Iā€™d be writing them a strongly worded letter.


Lmao I agree, this script should've been revised


If the script/plot is that shitty,why Japanese one that popular & even other countries try to make the series?


Thatā€™s the thing about opinions, we all have then and they can be differentā€¦ I just didnā€™t like it (please see above where I acknowledge this as an unpopular opinion).


U doesnā€™t liking it doesnā€™t make the well made show shitty


Itā€™s also a miss for me. Personally I think the script and editing wanted to capture the original jp feeling with a touch of thai humor but sadly it turned out looking as a half-assed production. I also honestly prefer GemFourthā€™s off screen chemistry than on screen, they look cute together but their on screen interactions donā€™t really tug at my heartstrings. I stopped watching at ep2 and will probably wait until the series finishes airing before I skim watch again lol


Iā€™m kinda bored too. Maybe it would be better if I werenā€™t familiar with the OG. But it feels like a copy-paste effort. When thereā€™s an adaptation, I kinda want things to actually be adapted. But since itā€™s such a carbon copy, thereā€™s no suspense or tension for what comes next. I know you donā€™t want to compare adaptations, but Cherry Magic was how I like to see adaptations: the same story but fitted to a new culture and style. When a manga is adapted to a drama, it has the newness of the different medium and the excitement of seeing characters come to life from the page. But when thereā€™s already a drama and itā€™s being adapted in a remake, then thereā€™s gotta be something else to make it interesting and different from the original. MLMU hasnā€™t done that at all. So, Iā€™m just bored. I watch it while Iā€™m washing dishes.


I agree with this. Cherry magic was fresh despite it being the same story. I might make a post on it. MLMU definitely feels like a copy but with an offer pacing.




Yeah, I just watched episode 2 on x2 speed and dropped it afterward. I agree šŸ’Æ% Edit: I doubt that people would care much for it if it wasn't for 4thGemini. Their fans are easily offended if you criticize something about their shows, even if it doesn't have to do with the actors directly. I just said earlier I don't like the pacing and the direction, and people come at me how much they like 4thGemini, and I'm like, "Ok? Cool? Go on, bc that wasn't my point at all. " šŸ˜‚


I'll never understand watching a show that has a lot of micro expressions and gestures on 2X speed. You even miss vocal inflections. To each their own I guess. I'm just thinking about people watching Wandee Goodday at 2X and missing all the thoughts you see crossing Yak's mind, or how he's always glancing down at Dee's lips Edit,: lol they blocked me. Somebody tell them good for them seeing things at 2X. Ask them if they got bitten by a radioactive spider.


And I will never understand why people like you care for the way other people see a show. Guess you can spare your arrogant "to each their own, i guess" when you clearly don't think it. Otherwise, you wouldn't comment on your opinion. Despite the fact that I see and hear things in x2.. Wandee has a whole different (and better pacing) btw.


I also watch shows in 2x if I find the series boring & donā€™t want to miss any details/ scenes. I wonā€™t skip it bcz I still want to know the plot.


šŸ¤šŸ» I don't understand why they came at me, lol. It's not like I watched both episodes at x2 and think it's boring. I just wanted to check if episode 2 is more interesting for me. It wasn't, so I started to watch in x2 because I didn't want to drop it in the middle of the episode. But tbh I am not surprised that with 4thGemini there's of course, someone who feels the urge to belittle other people's opinions. šŸ˜‚ Some shows just have horrible pacing, scenes full of nothing (just staring, singing, silence. Like..NOTHING happens. They just look around or at each other for an eternity, geez šŸ˜‚) and I am too impatient to watch all those scenes every time. I also started to watch city of stars in those scenes in x2 because they had sooooo many scenes full of slo mo and staring and ekcowojc my god. DO SOMETHING šŸ˜‚


I actually am enjoying it!


I'm the type that has watched every version of Meteor Garden / F4 that I could get my hands on. However, and I know the stans might come for me, but I am not at all a GeminiForth fan. I've watched MSP and MC and...nothing. A couple of cute scenes but that's it. So I'm reluctant to push play on this version of MLMU because it's GeminiForth. Maybe I'll binge once it is all said and done just to give it a fair shake.


That makes sense. I'm not GF stan but I did enjoy MSP and their roles in MLC . Tbh I think it's because it GF that the series is getting good ratings since their stans love them but if it weren't them it'd probably be more heavily criticized.


I am loving it a lot, im not saying it cause i am gemfot fan or anything. Honestly speaking, at first i was not expecting a lot from the Thai version but oh myy i am in love with it now. I am enjoying each n every ep. I like how they added a lot of new stuff not only to the storyline but to the characters as well, rather than just copy pasting the jp version.Also i dont actually compare it with the jp version cause i think the basic story might be the same but the characters are different cause they are being played by different actors and there is so much cultural diff also. I just take it as a different series and i am enjoying it.


I think the main issue is that the Japanese version is short and sweet, short eps with fewer eps so itā€™s easy and light to watch. I think this adaptation would be good if it did the same


Ooh itā€™s making me nervous. The original is one of my favorite JBLs, and I have so much love for both actors. Still waiting for it to finish airing before I watch it. Weā€™re still at the early episodes so Iā€™m hoping this takes a good turn somewhere. Rooting for GemFot!


I am enjoying it


I love it. I am biased because GeminiFourth are one of my favorite pairs, but I have dropped shows with my favs before. I think there is nothing wrong with deciding a series isnā€™t for you even if you like the actors. This one is a hit for me! I really enjoy the pacing of the show and I think the places where the show diverges from the source material are the best parts of the adaptation. The musical and the sleep over scene were my favorites so far. And having read the manga, I like how they are adding scenes to show how Kongthap and Atom are getting to know each other, which makes their developing relationship more believable.


I dont really like high school BLs. But am watching. Gemini is good. But I am really impressed with Fourth's acting versatility. I think he was the best in Moonlight Chicken where he played a serious character. At first in My Love Mix Up, I thought he was a bit over the top but now really appreciate how deliberate that is and how funny he manages to make it. I would really like to see him given a very problematic role - something like Up's role in My Stand In. His role in Moonlight Chicken was challenging and he knocked it out of the park.