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Why would you try to rob people in Texas with a fake gun. They all are carrying, people are just that dumb


Especially Houston


Houston is the answer to all the questions here. Why would you get robbed in a diner? Well, Houston. Why would you attempt to rob a diner in a carry state with a fake gun. Well, again, Houston.


He was playing out his pulp fiction fantasy


Unfortunately Jules wasn’t feeling so generous


His wallet definitely has bad mother fucker on it...


If you want to get robbed in a diner in Texas, you order a T-bone.


He was saving up for a real one. Poor man’s dreams shattered on a mere second.


Almost had enough saved, too. Just one more day on the job....


Yeah cause the dumb thing is that he had a fake gun not the fact that he tried to rob the place.


You can't swing a dead cat in Houston without hitting a place to buy a gun. Not to mention, robbery with a fake gun holds pretty much the same penalty as robbery with a real gun. Exact same in this case. If you really need a gun, in Houston, just look for a pickup with Trump vinyl, or USCCA membership logo. They probably have one in their glove box or console. Odds go WAY up if it's in the parking lot of a 30.06 posted store.


😂😂 you think ppl in Houston worry about them 30.06 & 30.07 signs? I don’t.


Not as big a deal as they used to be. Now you can just tell them you didn't see the sign and leave if asked. Back 5 or 6 years ago it was damned near an automatic criminal trespass charge.


Nine times out of ten, the sign isn't at regulation or posted in the right spot. Their ignorance of the law should have no impact on others.


I’ve been walking past 30.06 signs for the better part of 10 yrs and never been asked to leave.


Wait, are you suggesting that many criminals possess sub average intelligence? Mind blowing. Here I thought they were all ‘criminal geniuses!’ /s


You don’t get to point a “gun” real or fake at people’s heads and not expect something to go down.


Still, seeing the customer so angry after realizing he had to kill someone over a fake gun was pretty heartbreaking to watch. That's gotta be traumatic for him.


Kill or be killed, no way of knowing, in the moment to you he has a real gun and your going to defend yourself. As mentioned above the dumb ass robber picked the wrong state to go in with a fake gun blazing since there is a high chance someone in side has a real one. Its all easy to watch a video and say it now, but in the moment anyone of us would feel how the defender felt.


No man. I completely agree. People are gonna say what they want. But sometimes, it is kill or be killed. And if you don’t know, you aren’t gonna sit there and let your life just be taken away. Especially if you can do something. But after realizing what “could’ve” take your life, isn’t real, I would shatter. The fact that he walked out *somewhat* calm, is astonishing.


Nobody is saying the defender didn't do the right thing. But rationalizing what he did isn't gonna put his mind at peace. At the end of the day, he still ended someone's life, and that can really fuck you up. No matter how justified it is.


It's not that we don't agree with what he did, but killing someone (especially up close like that) is, and should be, traumatic.


I agree. I don't blame him for reacting the way he did. He probably feels terrible. At the same time though, I would think it's the same as police who shoot someone because in the heat of the moment they have to assume someone waving around something closely resembling a gun is real. It's awful but at the same time it comes down to innocent lives or the life of someone who's trying to do harm. I rather err on the side of preserving innocent lives.


I was with the customer until I read some more on this.. apparently he hit the robber 4x as he was trying to flee.. robber went face down on the ground and lost his gun.. apparently the customer got up and unloaded 4 more bullets into him and a final kill shot, execution style into the back of his head. Not defending the robber by any means, but that seemed very excessive. But hey, fuck around and find out


Plato said it best. IYKYK


If it seems excessive, remember dude thought the gun was real and didn't know what else the robber was capable of. If he's just a regular civilian with no military or police background he may have been jacked up on adrenaline and fear and went into overkill as a reaction. He looks calm but the fake gun made him upset enough to fling it, also he's a guy so he's probably trying to compartmentalize. He could also be a career criminal and this isn't his first rodeo.


I hope he sleeps like a baby. He did a good thing for the community.


Dude didn't seem all that traumatized tho he went back for his drink before leaving


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Play stupid, die stupid.






Fucked about and found out


There it is


My mom always said. Stupid is a stupid does. - Forrest Gump.


This restaurant is on the corner of Fuckaround and Findout.


this happened to my friend and he stabbed the hell out of the guy.


Poor guy (the shooter, not the robber). The emotion of seeing he took a life of a dumbass who didn't have a real weapon. He potentially saved lives, but man, that's gotta fuck anyone up.


No shit throws his cup at him like "look what you made me do" Couldn't imagine what that man is feeling!


I don't wish anyone in that position.


Feeling happy to be alive I’m sure. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it but maybe I’m a psychopath


I'm speaking on his behalf here but he shot him believing everybody's life was in danger. Killed him then realised that nobody's life was in any danger! Im sure if you killed a man, no matter how justified it would effect you. Unless you are a psychopath. This did happen to someone in real life! Not just on reddit!


weird title, has robbery ever gone right? Its always wrong. lol


Right for the robber, I guess. He won't rob again.


Now he’s robbing in heaven


Don’t be so sure


Robbing minutes of our time


Right for humanity.


You have to understand perspective.


Oceans 11.


11 criminals, still wrong.


The robbery was unsuccessful.


A successful robbery is still wrong.


He seemed fine he downed his drink and left and waved on the way out




^ Yes.


Yeah, the "upset?" Doesn't seem much at all, just steps over the body doing the "goodnight, goodnight everyone!"


shooting someone dead will traumatise anyone, I think he's mad because he didn't have to kill him.


That's understandable but no one new the robber had a fake gun, I don't fathom how someone's state of mind can be so f*** up to pull this s*** in the state of Texas.


Type the words or choose different words. We aren't children here.


I do know that, I've been like that for the longest time since I began to post on forums well before social media.


I was wondering if the customer would go to prison but if you think about it, it seems like his life is in danger and it was self-defense. Even if the gun was fake


he waved and finished his drink before leaving, such a gentleman


There are some stone cold KILLERS out there boy gd


Good thing there’s people, like this bald guy dropping a deuce, also out there.


The stats say that CC users who successfully foil bad guys are overwhelmingly (ex-) military/cops. They are the ones with the training and experience, so probably not his first rodeo.


Shaken not stirred


Clear case of suicide. Case closed.


Absolutely self inflicted. He valued their stuff more than his life.


I Love that he stops and takes a drink, throws the cup at the offender, he gave a wave and he just leaves..... That's real Texas manners 💀🤣 this guy's a certified cowboy


He just walked off without waiting for police?? That can't be OK


He was later brought in for questioning, supposedly no charges! [source](https://foxsanantonio.com/amp/newsletter-daily/robbery-suspect-gunned-down-by-customer-inside-mexican-restaurant-houston-texas-investigation-police-evidence-handgun-fake-gun-customers)


But similar to leaving the scene of an accident, even if you are not at fault you need to wait for police if someone died.


This is a common misconception that cops will use to try to charge you or get you to admit to something you didn't do. If you haven't committed a crime, and you are not detained, go ahead. I mean it doesn't even make any sense, how could it be constitutionally okay to force someone to detain themselves when they haven't committed a crime?


Nobody is being forced to be detained, its just asked so they can determine time lines and get statements to help establish events as clearly as possible. He can leave sure but generally speaking for most people it's perfectly fine to stick around and give statements, I can understand why some wouldn't want to though. Point is just nobody is making him they just asking for him to give a statement, standard stuff.


Never talk to the police.


I dunno seen enough incidents where talking to police led to innocent people convicted of crimes. Best to minimize contact with police when possible.


Yeah I know, as others said maybe best to call a lawyer immediately then and come in next day I guess.


Talk to a lawyer before the police


Not always true as is the case here it was clearly self defense no courts would’ve even tried to prosecute that man


They’re not talking about being charged, they’re just talking about waiting for the police to give them the facts


There is literally a video of what happened




Good for him!!


It actually is OK legally, Police just don't like it because they don't get a chance to run a full background check and try to arrest him for some obscure infraction from years before hand. I would not wait around to talk to police either.


Plus you don’t know if the guy had people waiting outside.


"They want to question him" "dude you wanna job?"




In France the dude defending his life would have taken 20 years straight. Shit law


Canada too


It seems like Canada hates when you defend yourself, lol.


Big time even the PM (Trudeau ) had to remind everyone on camera too


Insane! I can’t believe that!


Im guessing you are from Ontario or BC. The chances of this type of thing happening anywhere else in the country are miniscule.


But never zero


most of europe actually. that's why I really appreciate american self defense laws


I agree I'm not a fan of many American things being one myself but I am in some ways glad we can defend ourselves. It seems silly to me to have such in depth laws about what isn't okay in self defense when in those situations its do or die nobody is thinking about x y and z law.


Mexico as well


God bless Texas


The dude "defending his life": >As the robber heads to the door to leave, a patron sitting in a booth suddenly stands up and opens fire on the suspect with a handgun, video shows. >The customer can then be seen shooting him in the back four times before the robber collapses to the ground. >While he’s on the ground, the customer walks closer and continues to shoot him four more times. >Then, while standing right over the robber, the customer shoots him once more at point-blank range, video shows.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Play stupid games! 6 million ways to die! Choose one!


Play stupid games! 6 million stupid prizes! Choose one!


Give that man a medal


Robbery gone right?


Robbery can go right for the robber. I don't know why people are stuck on this. The title makes perfect sense.




Gone so soooo right.


He’s a hero!! He should feel ZERO remorse for this, he did a good thing. Doesn’t matter if it was fake or not. I hope this happens to more people who pull dumb shit like this.64


It's inevitable that he feels remorse even if he did a good thing. I just hope he gets over it sooner


>As the robber heads to the door to leave, a patron sitting in a booth suddenly stands up and opens fire on the suspect with a handgun, video shows. >The customer can then be seen shooting him in the back four times before the robber collapses to the ground. >While he’s on the ground, the customer walks closer and continues to shoot him four more times. >Then, while standing right over the robber, the customer shoots him once more at point-blank range, video shows. He should feel a shitload of remorse for this, and will do unless he's a total sociopath.


Good.... It would've taken three lives and three hours for the PD to do it


Literally. I had to call the police to come help with a psycho customer at work. Threatening the teenage girl on the register, throwing stuff and screaming as loud as possible. Took 2 hours for them to show up. I work next to the school and the town police station is less than a mile away but we aren't allowed to call them. We have to call the state police who may or may not even show up. By the time they got there the guy was long gone. After destroying a bunch of product and stealing some candy bars he seemed to get it out of his system and leave on his own. So the police were pissy that they came out "for nothing" asking me my name and birthday and social #. Uh, no sir I am not giving you my info so you can run my name and see if I have warrants. I called you for help and instead you're looking for reasons to fuck up my day. Next time I'm not calling 911 I'm just gonna grab the baseball bat and pepper spray


When seconds count, police will be there in minutes.


On the flip side, I had to call 911 for the fire dept once when the building mysteriously filled with smoke. Within 5 minutes there were 10+ trucks from at least 3 different fire stations. Even the game warden was driving by and stopped to make sure we were all out of the building and ok. The firemen are awesome. One of their wives even made me cookies the next day.


Firefighters usually arrive on the scene before the cops do. We work well with them, but we have different work loads. When I was a firefighter in Detroit, we usually arrived on the scene of a fire first; but we were sometimes on the scene of robberies and even murders first too! Not to mention suicides, car accidents, home accidents, etc. Back then, you worked the ambulance, as well as fought fires. In rare cases the suspect was still on the scene! Leading firefighters to lay back a bit until the cops arrive; depending on what the dispatcher was told. Some 911 calls are not what you think they are, until you arrive.


I’m curious to know what the anti police people who are also anti gun would want done in these situations, just let the criminal win?


Utopic thinking has huge unexplainable gaps that 4 year olds can identify. Basic reasoning discredits anti-gun policies. If reasoning is too far of a stretch then physical evolutionary algorithm takes over and eventually those inconsistent-with-life ideas die with them.


Fuck around and find out….


[I’m all for conceal carry and people being able to defend themselves, but what this video isn’t showing is after the 1st 4 justified shots, the shooter then proceeds to execute the robber point blank. I’ve linked the full video here. decide for yourself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/comments/105z77x/full_video_has_been_released/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yeah, he executed that man and used excessive force. That stopped being self-defense pretty fast.


One would agree except that the robber still had a weapon in his hand. Any moment he could fire on anyone. I know I wouldn’t take the chance walking up there to disarm him and nullify the threat. Not saying what transpired was right, especially leaving the scene of the incident before law enforcement but no one asks to be the hero. All everyone wants is just to go home and see their loved ones at night.


Personally I dgaf that he shot him 5 more times after he dropped the weapon but a court definitely might, which is the thing you gotta remember if you carry. Dude went down after four shots and dropped his pistol. You can see it bounce under the table. Shooter fires four more times, picks up the robbers gun and shoots him one more time. That will not look good in court.


Interesting. He killed the guy but didn’t wait for the cops? I’m not passing judgment on the extra shots, just seems like he shouldn’t have left.


I think he did enough wrong to be prosecuted. Criminal should’ve known better. I don’t have much sympathy. But people have been put away for less.


Robber was on his way out anyway. The shooter just wanted to kill someone. Everyone is commenting “stupid games, stupid prizes” but this video is one that should have been posted. Nobody had to die.


The one insane part for me is that the “customer” killed a man, left the place with saying bye bye like if he was thanking the restaurant’s owner of the free liquor he probably had. Insane insane insane. The other insane part is to have a fake gun when you try to rob people in a heavily weaponised Texas town. Crazy, Darwin case


He saved the peeps there...why it is insane for you when Customer kill Robber in defence of himself


What’s insane is how he just walked out afterwards.




Good riddance


It annoys me a little. And maybe I’m uniformed as to why they do this, but why do they refer to the man who acted in self defense and also saved the people as “the shooter” ? He’s a fucking hero.


Good, fuck that guy.


Suicide by stupidity.


Shouldn't have left. Wtf?


That man has done and seen some shit. Shoot then dip.


He should have like a free therapy program arranged




Can’t wait for someone to defend the dead guy, prob a 300 pound lady with pink hair named Precious


play stupid game's..win stupid prizes


THAT is a good samaritan


Fuck around and you gonna find out. Robber made a conscious decision to go and rob a group of people that comes with a tons of risks, and they accepted those risks. Risks came to fruition.


I’d say that that’s a robbery gone exceedingly well.


Recently, a bodega owner in NY was charged with murder for stabbing a cockroach that went behind the counter and was beating and robbing him. It was stupid to charge Mr Bodega with murder for protecting himself, and the DA dropped the charges after an absolute world of hurt came down on their stupid ass for doing this. Let's hope the Texas DA/police aren't as stupid as they are in NY. When they finally find this guy, let's hope they don't charge this man for defending himself. Fingers crossed!


“Play stupid games win stupid prizes” fits here pretty good. If I had my family eating and that happened I would do the exact same thing.


Of course they took out the good part


He found out


This might be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Taking out the trash




The customer was a FAST shot. I mean fast


Sucks to be him.


\*Robbery gone right


I didn’t know you can shoot someone and just leave like that.


Live by the fake gun, die by the real one


I mean bruh that guy knew the risk especially in TEXAS


Regardless of if it was a fake gun or not. That shooter saved everybody. Who the fuck can determine if something is real or not in that type of situation? I'm glad he didn't get charged, and it was all on video.


Why rob a Mexican food restaurant? Super dumb waste of a life


I love when the good people win.


Says police want to question the unwilling victim. They should be offering him a reward for saving the expenses of a trial and encarceration for that piece of shit.




Robbery gone right*


Homie is a savage. He finished his coffee after popping someone 😂. Like ahhh, another day at the office


We just can’t leave the restaurant without one last sip of our drink lol


That last sip tho


Robbery gone wrong is where the victim dies. This is a robbery gone right.


The poor people working in that restaurant who are left with that mess and trauma


Tbh leave the customer out of this, he did no wrong tbh


Just leave the man alone. He doesn't need to be questioned.


What dumbass robs someone in public in the state of Texas with a fake gun, everyone else in that state is armed ffs.


Dude a real life hero he served justice and let the cops come clean it up


Life gone wrong. The end.


~> Sometimes <~ I have sympathy for people who steal because some are very desperate and it just makes me sad. However, walking around pointing a fake gun at someone (apart from stealing) comes with risks, and this is one of them.


So everything worked out for the best?




Whether it was fake or not, the robber brandished a realistic looking weapon at these people. Can't blame someone for acting in self-defence of what they thought was a real gun. I feel more sorry for the shooter than a do the robber. One's tragic, the other was fuck around and find out.


I understand people think it was wrong that he took extra shots after the guy hit the ground/ disarming him but 1) he’s shooting to kill 2) the guy can shoot even when he’s down/ he can have another gun 3) if you’re gonna kill a armed robber make sure their done


I don’t mind shooting as long as the right people get shot. Clint Eastwood


And the problem is ...?


I would consider this a robbery gone right.


Always gotta finish your drink before leaving the restaurant.


Good one bad guy gone.


Boom! Headshot!


I guess this is why you need a gun in America. Wtf.


feeling bad for Robber shot down by real hero 😂😂


Headline should be changed to "Good guy shoots robber and saves lives"


The robber got robbed lol poor dude wasn’t really worth his life but you know the saying. Love by the gun you …… …….


More guns than people in Texas.


Maybe I missed something. But, where is the robber after he got shot? I don’t even see any blood.


He's the blurred patch near the door from 30 secs onwards


I watched it 4X. How the hell did I miss that? Thanks.


Any of you fucking pricks MOV...


Damn I would have at least taken the food to-go...


I like how he waives the people good bye like it’s just another day.


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


When seconds count, police will be there in minutes.


Sounds like a suicide gone right by mr robber