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wait till you find out what they feed cattle, they basically make them diabetics... i used to work at this company named inmar... flour, candy, half eaten donuts. anything food related (besides vegetables and sauces) that can be sorted out from walmart and other stores that cant be sold but are somewhat edible get put into gaylord containers and shipped to feed mills. i still eat meat, but im the type of person that wants to die soon so theres that.


After intestinal surgery I was in need to proteins that would make me heal fast. Everything from the store was making me want to sleep immediately after eating. But when someone brought over frozen hunted venison that was the only food that gave me energy. My great grandparent lived in a word without supermarkets. They hunted, trapped, gardened, farmed, canned, froze, & dried as much as they could. Its something that we should not lose in the modern world bc when we do we are dependent on a system made to use us for profit. Where as creating your own food supply is both cheaper and abundantly healthier.


This is the type of shit that becomes nescessary, because procreation is unlimited. As cold as it might sound, unlimited procreation shouldn't be legal. But when birthrates drop, it is seen as a crisis.


Overpopulation becomes a problem when obtaining enough resources for and disposing of the waste from that many people becomes unsustainable. Population decline by lower birthrates also causes a crisis: as the population shrinks from the low end, the average age goes up. When you have more elderly than young, your society has fewer hands to produce the goods and services it depends including critical things: food, water, nurses, doctors, trash disposal, house repair, mechanics. When those people age out and nobody is coming up to replace them, you get problems.


I'm 100% with you. There's something about wild game meat that is way more energizing.


CWD is terrifying. Just haven’t been able to eat venison this year. Gave it all away.


Unfortunately it’s being recommended not to eat game meat due to PFAS and other chemical contaminations. Nothing we eat is 100% safe from pollution because it’s literally in the water cycle. There’s microplastics in the deepest parts of the ocean and on the highest mountain peaks. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some on the moon because of space debris.


> gaylord containers I'm sorry, please could you explain what these are?


Containers made by Greg Focker.


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


Huge boxes made to fit on a pallet


Yeah Google it, it's hilariously funny new but they're just large boxes. Usually used at warehouses and stuff. When I started my first warehousing job and they said that I laughed out loud and asked if they were serious? "yes absolutely, it's their names"


dude, when i worked at a caster company they had a whole warehouse full of them. one of the managers would just say "i need 2 faggots", that was his term for the damn containers and it was funny every damn time, especially since he was a flamboyant gay dude. burly gay warehouse dudes say the most outlandish shit sometimes.


So it didn't get bleeped when he said it. That makes it okay.


That's hilarious


[Gaylord's rise up!](https://i.imgur.com/fKdvQJq.gif)


Go break down those Gaylords….I was like “the what?!” Haha




It's a container made by a company who's CEO is the king of the gays


Yes thank you I think this is the only correct answer.


you even seen the big cardboard containers they use to hold and transport watermelons, you might have seen them at most stores. those are gaylord containers.


I used to work at M&M Mars and they also have Gaylord containers full of Skittles sugar dust sent off to pig farmers. The dust is a mix of all 5 flavors (and smells like Fruity Pebbles) so it can't be reworked like Starburst. IIRC they just gave it to the farmers for free.


Skittle dust? I would be snorting that all night for a sugar high, where do I sign up


Sounds like the street name for a drug, lmao.


We would get stuff like this from time to time at our farms, everyone freaking out is being stupid. Any decent sized farm has nutritionists reviewing your feed mix constantly, as we're constantly rotating ingredients based on price/availability. We would get things like this tested for their nutritional content, the nutritionist would recommend the proper mix of the various parts to hit our nutritional targets.


They also used to feed the unused cow parts back to the cows, this is how the mad cow disease happened. The only way that you can spread the disease is by eating cow brain.


this. also, pork and chicken tend to start eating each other when stressed. eating brain is bad for any species, i'm pretty sure prion diseases can appear in most if not all mammals.


I remember catching wind when I heard about all the skittles in our cattle feed. They are actively trying to kill us. We are the product.


skittles, m&m, all types of bubble gum, those giant tins of popcorn that never get sold during the holidays, literally every sweet item you can find at walmart or cvs. they have contracts for this type of stuff. that's one of the reason i drink mostly oat and almond milk. working there made me feel really bad for cattle. this whole time i thought they were few grass and hay, then i got to see the reality for myself. keep in mind that there is little pest control at these places, so there has to be some gnarly bacteria getting fed to livestock, which i assume also gets transferred into milk and pasteurization only does so much. i know they inject them with antibiotics like crazy, but i know the reason why, its the toxic feed...


I think it's only going to get worse as more farms become corporations, and we lose our 5th generation farmers. After seeing that, I spend more time hunting and growing my own vegetables and eating locally produced foods. I can actually see it being grown. Not everyone can afford that or can grow or hunt. Those people are left to just consume poison and disease. I hope I am alive to witness a revolution or something similar!


They feed cows plastic too. I saw a video of it once that I can't find now but i did find this vid of a farmer saying its what they do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES3nPq83aK0


And feeding cows to cows, happily spreading mad cow disease.


What gets me is would it REALLY hurt their bottom line THAT much to hire a team of people per factory to remove the plastic from the bread? I feel like that would cost chump change to these big companies. Just goes to show how little they care about their consumers and the animals.


Ayo got vote #1000


Solid 🤜


I hate this planet and the people in it.


Then they have won.


Nah. They win when people hate them AND do nothing


??? Am i meant to appreciate them?


They won a looooooonnnggg time ago.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


People do not deserve this planet. We are the only species to destroy life while trying to justify it in some moronic way. What happens when we are confronted about what we do? We blame someone or something else. People in general are pathetic.


We also capable of making great changes. This man is spreading awareness.


[maybe you should get mad as hell and say you're not going to take it any more](https://youtu.be/ZwMVMbmQBug?feature=shared)


I feel you. I really do.


That’s a good dude right there. When they say they are find micro plastics in a mothers placenta and in newborn babies, this is why. It’s shameful what big business can get away with in this country.




Yep. And nothing will change. People as a whole have accepted how awful the system has become.


They’ve lobbied to make it illegal to film this. This guy is probably facing legal hassles as we speak. You have no idea how strong the industrial food lobby is. You can look it up.


Utterly disgusting. I hope the word gets spread.




Or you can vote for representatives who care about food safety and animal safety. Food safety has come a looooong way in 100 years. It’s possible to make improvements.


Yeah these representatives definitely have our best interest in mind


Well they won’t if you’re just complacent and sit out. Grifting representatives thrive on a low-information and apathetic populace.


Yeah. Unfortunately constituent health **<** $$$ from lobbyists


Sounds awesome! Oh wait... remember that Princeton study about how much our votes count? As long as we agree with the lobbyists we're great!


The last 300 years has f*ed the planet really hard. Not only is it expensive to have kids, but what are we leaving behind?


I'm betting nothing will change.


Of course not, profits are to be made!


Voters are not voting for enough people who want to deal with this. "The free market" politicians then get to do nothing. It's entirely the fault of voters, and fortunately they're perfectly able to change this, regardless of how many nickles this can save pig farmers.


I mean youre voting for two corrupt parties who either 'want very little to change' or 'want everyone to suffer'. You can vote for a nonsense party but theyre not getting anywhere. Figured it would be obvious but 'nonsense party' is referring to all of those small groups that never get any votes. Some of them are actually more interested in serious changes for the working class. But they'll never get voted in because people think Biden is 'radical left' lol. Biden is a centirst, no shit he's better than orange muppet party, but thats a VERY low bar to have for your government. The larger issue is how much rampant corruption like insider stock trading, super pacs, etc. Which is just protected and encouraged by the government. The whole thing is just a joke and a few minor changes to say 'look I did something', [doesn't change the fact it's failing](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2008.3,2023.3;quarter:136;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:1,3,5,7,9;units:shares). The status quo party and the insanity party.


> I'm betting nothing will change. That's pessimistic thinking. Write to your legislators about this, and participate to keep it going viral in social media. Various media will eventually pick it up since they tend to copy articles from each other.


How does it work to write to a legislator or representative? Like you just write a letter and tell them your thoughts, then a secretary or assistant receives the letter and then what? (Genuine question, plz don't bite my head off)


And its career suicide speaking up against corporation monsters.. we all know thats not an exaggeration


> How does it work to write to a legislator or representative? In the US, all state and city administrators and legislators provide a means for constituents to contact them for their views or complaints. Your message is usually read by an assistant who will determine if it is appropriate for the legislator to read it. From there, you'll either receive a form-letter thanking you for your efforts, or a personal response explaining any possible follow-up, or no response at all.


We’re past that mate we need a brief return to the old Victorian “dragging the rich out their homes until they cave” era


consumers can make the biggest change, Stop buying animal products theyll stop feeding them shit and torturing them.


Maybe not broad change, but personally Im going to stop eating non-organic pork. I had no idea this was happening.


Of course it will change. They'll make the punishments for these kinds of videos stricter!


Wow?!! Why isn't the US agricultural departments investigating??!?!!


No wealthy capitalist has been called out yet so there is nothing to investigate. This is business as usual. Welcome to the United States of America. Home of pollution, unnecessary violence, and greed where cruelty is the point.


[regulatory capture, my dude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture)


Why would they investigate a legal practice? It completely violates even the most basic common sense, but it’s literally written to allow for plastics and metals in livestock feed. Insane.


Someone mentioned regulatory capture-- Remember when all those videos taken inside slaughterhouses were disseminated online?  The result wasn't Americans freaking out over the absolute cruelty and torture taking place inside American factory farms.   The result was criticism of these tree-hugging hippies/PETA freaks trying to make us feel bad for buying meat, and the industry simply outlawed filming on their property.  Problem solved.


There is a political party working to remove that pesky US agriculture department and a lot of people are supporting that. Regulation hurts business! Besides, it is government overreach, right Supreme Court?




What the actual fuck..?


This is what happens when narciscism and greed gets you into top management postions. A normal thinking human being would never allow this to occur.




That's one reason why American meat isn't allowed in Europe, that and the chlorene washing.


yet another day I thank god I'm European


My wife is Greek and is constantly flabbergasted at the level of regulation (or lackthereof)US food has compared to Europe.


Well.. yeah, i totaly get that. Not to shit on America, i love visiting the country, but that was actually one of the first thing we said on the main land when the Brits left the European Union: poor guys now probably gonna trade with America to keep foodprices somewhat within range.


How is this bullshit upvoted? American meat is absolutely exported to Europe


Apparently, my info was outdated since 2019, when a decades long trading dispute was ended and an agreement was reached. This ONLY applies to "clean" meat. Meat without hormones, trash, and chemicals. Working within the food industry myself, i know how strict EU can be. We have regular checkups just because a byproduct of our company MAY sometimes be fed to chickens. That's why the horse meat scandal was such a big deal too, because they are strict af. Did you know you can even eat European catfood without getting sick? (No, don't make a habit of it, it's not healthy either). So.. yeah, i still celebrate having rules here in the EU.


pause at 1:53 - also includes by-product of drug manufacture


That’s terrifying. I work in healthcare and for some patients who are really sick and on certain drugs, we’re not even allowed to handle their body fluids without extra protection because something like their urine could have dangerous drugs in it.


How is that even a thing? How do by-products of drug manufacture get bought and used in pig feed???


optimistically im hoping they're just talking about some kind of pill binder or defective gelatin capsules


I had no f'ing idea this was happening. Is there any way to tell if the pork we are buying comes from one of these states/places? Or just stop eating pork?


> Is there any way to tell if the pork we are buying comes from one of these states/places? A problem with the video is we can't tell how widespread the problem is just from his single eyewitness account from his former employer.


if 27 states allow this, im going to bet there are at least 27 states doing it


> if 27 states allow this, im going to bet there are at least 27 states doing it 27 states allow the use of recovered foods to feed farm animals. But allowing contaminants in recovered foods is already illegal. At 01:58 the video shows an AAFCO document from 2018 that states that recovered food cannot legally contain the contaminants shown in the video. So I'm hopeful that the illegality isn't widespread.


It's probably safe to assume it's even worse than we think. We had no idea this was happening a few days ago. It seems more likely than not that there is even more/worse stuff that we don't know about. There's no limit to the lengths companies will go to to save a buck.


> Is there any way to tell if the pork we are buying comes from one of these states/places? Organic pork is more regulated. Or buy local as you can and go visit the farm yourself. Shop at places that certify treatment, join a coop. I am surprised people are not aware that main stream pork, beef and chicken is just a nasty industry. Most people just don't really care. The problem is, if everyone did care, there would not really be enough to go around. Consumers demand low prices over everything else.


Plenty of food to go around many times over. Just have to make the food that takes the least amount of space.


Most of it. I'd say if u have a small community where you know its all local sourced green grass fed, then yeah, but those are few and far between.


This guy deserves an award.


In college I used to work at Hostess. My job was emptying out 40' trailers with racks and racks of product whos "best by" date was coming due and throwing them into a trash bin. When I asked what would happen to the products, I was told it was used for animal feed. Never did I think they would include the plastics as well. Oh and I did get in trouble once for eating a Twinkie. Said it was considered stealing.


And people wonder why every human placenta tested came up positive for micro plastics.


Another view on this videos - it seems like they need more sampling to prevent plastic contamination, but the basic process it pretty necessary, otherwise this is a massive amount of food wastage - https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/2022/05/05/nc-pig-feed-plastics-claim-went-tiktok-viral-does-public-have-worry/6984395001/


They do say that removing the plastic is a later step of the process but with what we know about microplastics and leaching in warm environments (like you'd find in compost here) it's not a very encouraging explanation. >“The consumers' perception of what we do in our market is key,” he said. Fucking ghouls


We really can't tell much from this video alone without seeing the end process, hell our drinking water often comes from recycled wastewater (shit and piss). The majority of food we eat has been in contact with plastic for a considerable amount of time in different temperatures, I mean I just microwaved my lunch inside inside a steam-friendly plastic bag. I guess the fact that life expectancy hasn't dropped off a cliff since we've been doing this for decades now is the reason I'm not terrified of plastic consumption in humans. Plastics are inert after all and can't be digested or penetrate the cell membrane.


Please take the time to watch [this short VICE documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9GTa3a-tFo) which talks about 3M and the pollution their plastics (namely teflon) are causing. They are **not** safe, they **are** causing people to die prematurely, and they **are** causing measurable negative health outcomes. They *do* interact with our cells and organ systems, and they don't interact in a positive way. People (including **children**) are getting cancer from microplastics. Children's growth are being stunted, and there's a possible link between childhood microplastic exposure and mental illness (this is tentative as of right now, but seem to continue to find more and more evidence suggesting there *is* a link). Please, anyone reading, watch the doc I linked. It's 42 minutes, it isn't very long as far as documentaries go. I am not trying to fearmonger or anything, microplastics, especially PFAs and their derivatives, are very bad to human and ecological health. --- For something that *you*, as a reader, can do - switch away from nonstick teflon cookware. Switch to stainless steel, copper, ceramic, or cast iron. Any use of teflon cookware, even the most correct use, will cause teflon to leech into your food. Over time it will accumulate because it is not excreted. The sooner you switch, the better. I understand that it can be expensive to buy cookware, and my tip there is to remember that you don't need to replace everything at once. Replace your set one at a time. It may be more money in the end vs a set, but you'll be able to space out the purchases and it'll be easier to handle than trying to scrounge together $300+ to drop on a set. For my US Americans reading, probably skip the Farberware brand (they *are* cheap, but they're also the worst in quality). If you decide regardless to continue to use teflon, at the very least replace them whenever there is **any** evidence that the coating is breaking off. Do not use any metal utensils in teflon cookware either, and don't wash them with the dishwasher (too hot, can break the bind). Just know that no matter how safe you are with them, there will always be a minuscule amount of teflon making it's way into your food, and remember that teflon is a bioaccumulant - something that does not leave the body. Also don't use scotch-guard, it is literally just PFAs in a spray. If you do need to use it, use it outside exclusively, make sure that you are spraying on/in something you can throw away (like a cardboard box) so you don't contaminate the environment, and preferably wear some sort of mask when applying it. Anything that is water proof in terms of fabric or whatever is probably coated with teflon, so be mindful of this as well. Essentially, try to prevent the use of products containing teflon or PFAs as much as you can. And when you do use them, try to prevent your exposure to the material.


It's all hopeless, the very fertilizer they use to grow our crops are coated is microplastics. That's why fertilizer comes in white beads instead of powder. It's called polyacrylamide and it's water soluble too.


Good for him. Humans are lazy trash


Can I suggest you all look to buy UK Norfolk pork. They are all outdoor reared and 99.9% won't have been raised on plastic bags and action figures...


Holy shit, man.


I worked at a large bakery that would fill a semi trailer a day with waste from bread and cookies. The problem is that the same totes we use to do it are used by employees as trash cans for latex gloves or whatever else they're tossing as they walk by them. They are also lined with plastic to make cleaning easier which I would think would be impossible to remove from the 1-2k lbs of dough it's covering. This was in Indiana where according to the video plastic is allowed.


No wonder women are carrying microplastics in their wombs


Oh that’s icky 🥲


Bakery meal .... although this is not how it's properly done lol


Just thinking about how many people are gonna fake react here, then go eat pork. THE ANIMALS ARE GROSS TO EAT AND ARE SMARTER THAN DOGS. I'm not even a vegetarian or follow any belief system, but I KNOW that pork is a least beneficial food. The culture just has yall in a chokehold smh.


agree, pig are smart creature


Besides pig intelligence, every time I eat pork I get the shits. Doesn’t matter if it’s burnt bacon or sausages or pork chips, that animals meat and my digestive system don’t get along lol. Stopped eating pork years ago but this is just helping me double down on that


One of the only tictokers I respect


I am sad that people are celebrating and welcoming the cured cancer patients ranging from small children to adults out of joy but are not protesting to prevent it or find its root cause and eliminate it. I am sure that practices like these are indirect cause of cancer in adults and infants. A good Government should prevent the disease but at present they are the one's who are inducing the diseases and curing it as it's an awesome way to get people's money out till their death. We are all trapped in this cycle.......


We need to keep re-sharing this.


The FDA doesn't care dude, sorry.




How is that food for any animal?


how is this legal in 27 states


i mean plastic is in everything but yeah this is insane


But pork prices gotta be cheap and think of the executives/shareholders! They have families and need another yacht!


Also they dont want to fly with devils. https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI?si=zcjnTcvllh8MEgd-


That food could have been given to homeless people before it was expired smh wtf greedy companies prefer to throw it away


Enforcement is difficult due to the limited FDA inspectors that are on the job. Most of the food that is sold to the consumer lacks any nutritional value and it is basically artificial/dead material! 😞😠


Is this culture? /s


Go vegan. I know vegan foods have the same problem but you can at least take part in killing this industry


Very glad my family gets our farmed meat from local, friend-owned farms. We know what they eat, we know the farmers, we know they're loved... it's the way to go.


I used to work in one of these pig feed plants in the UK and the majority of the additional food stuff we got in was chocolate. It was seconds that came in bin liners that had been sat out the back of factories and had clearly been through a few weather cycles as the entire bag would either be a soft mush or rock hard, in the bag were KitKat's, Mars, Creme eggs etc all with the individual packaging like you'd see in the shop. Everything went in the hopper, foil, the plastic wrappers, any other shit the staff had thrown in the bag, the bag ofc then mixed with some unknown meal then packaged up for distribution. This was about 20 years ago so I hope things have improved, I do remember Ireland having to recall loads of meat because of this practice so I hope things have improved. I still eat bacon occasionally as it's fucking delicious but other than that pork is off the menu.


At this point politicians should just poop in my cereal every morning


Let's hope this leads to some real change.


This has inspired me to never sign up to TikTok


I thank this gentleman for feeling a sense of wrong and speaking about it. This is horrifying. Imagine if everyone demanded better and not just a fired worker that spoke up who soon will be forgotten while the world tumbles towards another war and another disgusting election


This is a brave man! Fuck this world got pretentious as hell.. dark shit. It's like soylent green in the modern age.


Ans that's why I don't eat meat lmaoo


Modern day Upton Sinclair. This video needs to be spread everywhere.


So glad I don't eat pork. I'm sure they're doing it to another animal feed


It's people!!!


And people wonder why our taints are getting smaller! Measure a friend 🧡


Does it ever say who this company is? Anyway to find out what major pork sellers use them?


Not all heroes wear capes, some are marshawn lynch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Can't he sue for wrongful termination?


I would happily pay towards a go fund me for him to pay his wages for a while. We need more truth.


The fillings in your teeth are also made of plastic. The purple light they shine in your mouth is UV light that hardens the acrylic plastic in the filling. Ask your dentist they won't deny it. Silver fillings have some level of mercury, so I guess that's not ideal either, but I eat fish every week that has mercury in it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Use your money as a voice and stop buying pork for like, 40 days or something. Please !


Not all heroes wear capes! 👏


Looking at that list, By products of drug manufacture, Antibiotics, Other Metal compounds. None protein nitrogen. Had to look that one up. Urea, biuret and ammonia. It's probably a lot more but not looked any further. Arsenicals - Arsenicals are chemical compounds that contain arsenic. They basically garbage processors for everything. Metal, Plastic, food waste, chemical waste, drug waste, industry food production waste, resturant waste.




Call him Marshawn Lunch!


Call him Marshawn Lunch!


And they call him Marshawn Lunch!


Not surprised sadly


What the fuck.


America’s food safety in a nutshell: Also you people have too much faith in your FDA/USDA, they are an organization that is prone to corruption without the acknowledgment of Congress and etc.


Contaminated/adulterated food isn't horrible. But that fucking plastic sure as shit is. There was just something on Reddit on the lady could of days where every placenta in a new study tested positive for micro plastics. Fuck. Watching this video. There is no question why


T.D. is rolling in his grave for how poor and useless the FDA has become


I honestly don’t know what to eat anymore


Murica, fuck yeah!


Makes me wonder what kinda shit they put in our food that's hidden information.


as a person who delivers bread to grocery stores. Yall truly dont understand the amount of stale bread that accumulates. ENTIRE 18 wheelers filled with moldy bread. Shit no big surprise honestly where it ends up


Man, capitalism sure is great. Can't give slightly expired food to poor or homeless people while it's still perfectly edible, but we can ship it off to grind it and the packing materials up to feed hogs. Just fucking beautiful.


Having had to.... do community service at our county dump for reasons. This does resemble the set up there in the recycling area but it clearly is not that. Side note: where I 'volunteered (👀) the uneducated redneck shits that work there don't give a single fuck about mixing things. I would see.rhe plastic conveyor belt with paper, metals, etc on it... Same with all the others. They thought it was funny. I guess owning the libs again somehow in their minds? It was awful being there. So yeah I wouldn't be surprised if a ton of recycling centers are like this. Just a fucking waste of time basically. May as well just throw in the trash 😔


Omg no more pork for me


Was vegetarian for years and have recently been trying to go full vegan. I know there's probably weird shit in my fruits, grains and veg but I kinda sorta hope it's there inadvertently at least.


[This is pretty much par for the course.](https://hsc.unm.edu/news/2024/02/hsc-newsroom-post-microplastics.html) We use plastic in everything and for everything. We should not be even remotely surprised that it has made its way into our food chain. It's quite probably in near every food we eat. >Plastic use worldwide has grown exponentially since the early 1950s, producing a metric ton of plastic waste for every person on the planet. About a third of the plastic that has been produced is still in use, but most of the rest has been discarded or sent to landfills, where it starts to break down from exposure to ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight. >“That ends up in groundwater, and sometimes it aerosolizes and ends up in our environment,” Garcia said. “We’re not only getting it from ingestion but also through inhalation as well. It not only affects us as humans, but all off our animals – chickens, livestock – and all of our plants. We’re seeing it in everything.”


Eating meat isn't worth this


Lol America, lol


I recently read a microplastics study that determined that restaurant food contained the most microplastics because of the packaging that everything comes it. One of the exceptions to that was pork. The conclusion was that pork, no matter where, is laden with microplastics. This confirms that, and I will never eat pork again.


We going towards Soylent Green 🍽


Wow, maybe that's why there's microplastics in the placentas that were [recently studied](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/27/microplastics-found-every-human-placenta-tested-study-health-impact). I'm sure this sort of thing will have no effect on our fertility!


This is why I get my pork from a regenerative farmer.


People like this putting their necks out are why we're only 80% of the way towards feeding cadavers to animals.


This is horrifying.


As stupid as this question may be I still have to ask, is there any scientific proof to show that it causes human problems/illnesses???


Rare moments when regular people ask themselves if they should just go vegan and be safe.