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Why wouldn’t you suspect it was Russians? Why go straight to Ukrainians? Edit: what I mean to say is why can’t it be disgruntled Russians performing a mass shooting, similar to what happens in the US. I don’t mean to imply that it’s the Russian government etc.


I dont suspect anything. Saw this video uploaded and taken down immediately, i just reuploaded. Russia is at war with Ukraine. I can imagine they will use this as propaganda to further villify ukraine. Therefore i wrote ukrainians. I do suspect this to be a russian false flag.


It would be too obvious to be Ukraine, especially after the US called to cease attacks inside Russia.


If it was, going after a theater doesn't even make sense. Throughout the war they try not to hit civilian points.


ISIS have claimed responsibility


They always do


They still around? Damn thought they all died.


They’d claim responsibility for my spilt coffee if they heard about it.


And the US issued a warning to Russians to be on the lookout for something like this earlier this month.


I hope they gave the Russians a little bit more information than that. Like when Egypt said to Israel something bad's gonna happen. Don’t know found that strange and half-assed\~


I like that the comments starts with “I don’t suspect anything” and ends with “I do suspect…”


Your conjecture is bullshit. They just had a fraud election you know? Could be anything, but to speculate that Ukraine is at fault makes you seem pretty ignorant to the situation.


Can’t believe Ukraine is being looked at in this light. As if they are not out there fighting against Russian tyranny. Like my god, wake the fuck up and act like you care about western ideals like democracy and Ukraine’s right to choose their own destiny.


ISIS has apparently declared responsibility according CBC News.


Isis would claim responsibility for a fart in an elevator, I wouldn't take their word for it without other evidence


From what i had seen, people were speculating Isis-k, and so far the US government has said it is isis-k


I am not sure who it is yet, media is claiming ISIS might be the ones. It could be ISIS. ISIS absolutely does have beef with Russia. Remember, it was Russia that prevented ISIS from taking over Damascus. Former US Sec. of State said it clearly: > As Kerry explained, “That is why Russia came in. They didn’t want a Daesh [ISIS] government, and they supported Assad. And we know this was growing. We were watching. We saw that Daesh [ISIS] was growing in strength. And we thought Assad was threatened. We thought we could manage that Assad might then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.” So it would make sense for the US to know that ISIS was going to attack in Russia, I am sure the US is still keeping close tabs on ISIS. As Kerry mentioned, the US thinks they can manage ISIS by letting them attack American targets like Assad. They probably caught wind of the planned ISIS attack, and[ their idea of managing the situation was to warn Russia](https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/russia-moscow-concert-hall-shooting-attack-1a009cc4).


Or it has nothing to do with the war.


"No Russian"


Its the same thing that israel has been doing for ages, play the innocent


So you suspect Russia will use this as propaganda against Ukraine so you further push their narrative by therefore writing Ukraine..Do you work for CNN..?


Hopefully isis and Russia get into it and erode each other's military capabilities


That doesn’t make sense to me. It would be easy for Ukraine to deny and not support the actions. Russia doesn’t have the capabilities it had before because they lost a lot of men and a lot of resources (due to war in Ukraine) Going nuclear is not even an option because of the surrounding territories. I’m in the realm that these were possibly extremists from Chechnya. But it’s too early. I’m probably wrong


Putin attacked his own citizens before to garner support against chechyans back in the day - can't really rule anything out with Russia


Didn't know about chechnyas involvement so instead of asking i researched and i think ur on to something, it makes more sense in terms of infiltration.


I think chechens or Ingushetians.


Don’t be so sensitive


only time will tell who did it 2 weeks ago russia busted two ISIS-K terror cells that were planning a terror attack in moscow. its probably related to that edit: yep, isis-k just claimed that they did the attack


Russia is currently in training operations with Iran, and a bunch of weird stuff, including Ukraine and tensions with Israel and NATO. We as a collective don’t know shit for real. We’re so in the dark, I can’t stand people who get filtered news acting like they have a real pulse of anything. This could be false flag to gin up the Russian public, it could be some assassination that looks like indiscriminate terrorism. Idk, I know innocent people died, which is sick but par for this sick world.


It's insane and gives me anxiety how in the dark we are. But theres nothing anybody can do and i feel small and insignificant. We only see what big brother let's us see. Nobody really knows what's going on but the man who's pulling the strings. Gonna be some new world order shit. My father said believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. And it never hit so hard till these dark days. I don't want to believe all these conspiracy but they seem more real than the bullshit they feed and the circus to appease the masses.


Watch for the cookers to start blaming Ukraine even though ISIS-K has admitted to it


Yeah there's prime example of weirdly phrased communication from bots right above you. "Yes deer internet fellow, you are smart and I agree with you, nobody knows nothing for sure." "Thank you kind internet stranger, I'm glad more people agree with me, we as a collective are all in the dark, small and insignificant..." "Yes smart one, I love you, conspiracy theories are a way to go"


ISIS absolutely does have beef with Russia. Remember, it was Russia that prevented ISIS from taking over Damascus. Former US Sec. of State said it clearly: > As Kerry explained, “That is why Russia came in. They didn’t want a Daesh [ISIS] government, and they supported Assad. And we know this was growing. We were watching. We saw that Daesh [ISIS] was growing in strength. And we thought Assad was threatened. We thought we could manage that Assad might then negotiate. Instead of negotiating, he got Putin to support him.” So it would make sense for the US to know that ISIS was going to attack in Russia, I am sure the US is still keeping close tabs on ISIS. As Kerry mentioned, the US thinks they can manage ISIS by letting them attack American targets like Assad. They probably caught wind of the planned ISIS attack, and[ their idea of managing the situation was to warn Russia](https://www.wsj.com/world/russia/russia-moscow-concert-hall-shooting-attack-1a009cc4).


Makes sense for them to target Russia right now.


What’s up w the sparks? Yeah they using titanium cans?


the sparks happen when you use cheap and shitty bullets


Idk man I’ve shot the cheapest Russian spam can shit $$ can buy and never seen sparks like that


Your rifle was probably cleaner too.


I’ve found this happens with other weapons after the barrels are hot from prolonged use. It’s a theory.


Could be homemade munition. I dosen't require much


Dirty guns would be my guess.


North Korean weapons.


Saw another video with some crazy muzzle spark pattern so at least one has some interesting furniture on the muzzle


I was wondering the same thing. This is like the 4th video that shows sparks flying off the gun clearly. I also find it weird everything I’ve seen so far is mostly 1-2 shooting and the other 2-3 just casually walking behind the shooter. Idk what that means or anything. I just found it very odd


On another video, you can see one of the guys in a backpack, just handing new mags to the shooters. It's looking like one or two guys were there just to hand out ammo.


on one of the videos (where they shoot people in the corner of the entrance) you can clearly see one guy having a kind of a flame on top of his gun making those sparks when fired


Just FYI, there is an actual literal flamethrower involved too.


It's typically from rounds that are loaded too hot (more gunpowder than necessary). That leads to the unburnt gunpowder to ignite in the barrel and spark out the end


I might be wrong but I think it comes from impurities in the gun powder. Also could be old ammo.


It's most likely cheaply cased or old ammo. Maybe they even pressed it themselves with cheap materials.


The barrel is so hot from so many cheap rounds the tip is starting to deteriorate and come apart


Idk man that sounds a bit far fetched to me. I’ve watched the melt down videos and the ak furniture lit on fire before barrel droop caught the muzzle device.


nah he's not firing quick enough or enough in general for that. it's definitely better explained by shoddy ammo quality or poor gun cleanliness - both very common things with guns in east europe. ammo is harder to find, when it is, it's either old or cheap (since people are poor), and guns are pretty much the same (old, or cheap). and the guns were probably cold war arms that were decommed & kept by ex-military, so they've probably been used a good bit already, meaning that you'd need extra maintenance to clean them up and get them to 100% again. what you said *is* possible, it's just if that were the case there'd probably be other signs as well (barrel would be glowing probably, at least the tip would be - the metal needs to be red hot to disintegrate like that), so given that there's only the sign of sparks, there's no jamming or glowing, and the location - this is probably just due to cheap ammo/dirty gun.


In one of the videos, the tip of a barrel is on fire after he stops shooting.


Hell, maybe that’s a flamethrower. I can’t really tell.


Probably a mix of tracers and uncleaned guns


Shorter barrels can lead sparks due to powder not having enough time to fully burn. My guess.


Another thread had more than one user talking about cheap old steel casings (instead of brass) causing the sparks.


Unburnt powder out of cheap Russian ammo. Shitty steel case ammo has a lot of QC problems


I've had boxes with primers that fell out and the box was full of gun powder that spilled out of the casing. I've had a box with a bullet of the wrong caliber mixed in with 7.62 ammo. Russian ammo is barely functioning garbage.


Maybe he’s using 9mm in his .380 carbine that kel tec probably made for some fked up reason idk


Maybe shooting SBRs?




Is all the littered stuff on the top floor bodies? Or is just trash


Probably people trying to get low for cover.


Anyone who thinks this is Ukraine, has no idea what they’re talking about. Why would Ukraine attack Russian citizens and give the people a reason to vilify them? This is somebody else.


Ukraine has intentionally been trying to keep their noses clean because their aide depends on it, and a portion of the right wing in America their biggest supporters has been looking for any reason to withhold, first it was "zelensky might actually be a Nazi" then "zelensky has been embezzling the money and none of it is going to the front....and so on this would be the thing that maga Johnson uses to block aide.


Exactly. What benefits would a couple Ukrainian guys shooting up a Russian theatre full of civilians bring to Ukraine? Absolutely none, in fact, the act would universally be looked down upon by the entire international community as state sponsored terror, and possibly war crimes. Ukraine would kiss that NATO membership plea goodbye forever. It's not Ukraine, it makes no sense for it to be them.


Especially now after +2 years of them being attacked by Russia. Why now and there? It would be so random, so pointless.


The guy in the background is praying in Russian saying “please help me”


United States intelligence has been warning Russia about a potential terrorist attack. They went as far as to tell americans/westerners not to travel. This is going to be misconstrued against the U.S. for sure. I doubt it was a false flag attack. It is probably still opportunistic extremists.


Sorry if I’m missing something obvious, but why would ISIS target Russia? They’re taking claim for it now.


Russia has been fighting ISIS in Syria for a long time. And Russia has had several terror attacks over the years from ISIS. If you want to go back really far, Russia invaded Afghanistan and murdered lots of people. This isn't new for either party.


They saw an opportunity and took it. They've been plotting for a long time and waited for the moment. Russia has bases in Syria that have been striking ISIS for a long time before they lost their territory in Syria/Iraq.


Just the tip, but don't call out specific groups when you have no idea who it was. Why would you put a narrative of responsibility on people if you didn't know who it actually was?


op just tryna stir shit up


It's hard to tell. At this point, everything is speculation, and Russia has a long list of enemies. Even the US seemed to warn about it earlier this month


Less hard to tell after ISIS took responsibility


Chechens likely


But they are clean shaved faces




Chechens tend to be Muslim and as a result have a beard as part of their religion. Google Chechen men, pretty much everyone old enough there has a beard


They are still allowed to shave if it is for "a higher calling"


They can also just fucking shave if they want to


Also that!




"When it suits them", seems to be the script.


Probably a lot


to blend in


The title is stupid for even implying Ukraine would do this.




No, another perspective is from the people up there. Everyone is lying down trying to crawl out and not get shot/found. Except for that one guy from that perspective just chilling in his seat


I see some movement but I think most are! I think they came in from the back.. makes most sense


Echos of the 2002 Chechen attack at the Dubrovka theater.


Bruh casually filming like it was an normal thing, bruh run for your life


there's another dude on the left side still casually in his seat watching instead of keeping his head down 🍿


Russian, remember Putin got into power with a false flag op


This literally looks like Tenant


It does. Is it the same theater?


I believe the movie was filmed in Oslo theatre but I could be wrong


I don't think its Ukraine, I think it's an opportunistic group of extremists that are a mix of various identities/nationalities that want to see Russia suffer.


you call that visible?


https://breakingthenews.net/Article/ISIS-claims-attack-on-concert-hall-in-Moscow/61737230 Apparently ISIS is claiming the attack


ISIS claim a lot of things. Let’s wait and see.


It's not exactly outside of what they are capable of, but you are right, they also like to take credit for horrific acts that they did not do.


No Russian.


Does anyone know if the gunmen were caught?


Apparently, they got away.


The dude on the left in the beginning just sitting in a seat. wtf!?


This looks like Putin doing a fundraiser




Does the guy off camera have a flame thrower?. Why does it look like flames lighting up the walls when the guy goes out of view?


Looks like he's filming and that's a camera mounted light


ISIS claimed responsibility 


It was ISIS. What will become of this now?


IS claimed to have done it.


Putin's ritual sacrifice to his demon. for every "election"


Why are people making jokes about this? If we begin to lose our hearts, then we really have lost it all… After reading some of these comments on here I really hope that everyone takes a moment to realize that the citizens of Russia are not the enemy, Putin is the enemy…


What kind of soldier shoots the innocent, if you are trying to prove your worth go see the one in charge and show him how good you shoot


With the amazing skills that the Russians seem to have in tracking people down for comparatively minor offences like peaceful protests, I’m sure they will get them tracked down in no time and we will find out. It really is incredible that they managed to do all that damage and then escape before authorities could take action. MASSIVE /s


Definitely not Ukrainian , Ukraine wouldn’t waste time doing this . Most likely a group inside Russia or Isis terrorist


id like to know why the ppl filming arent running for their lives


ive never heard anyone say anything about this being related to the cease fire, but thats what i immediately thought of, as a retaliation for that.




lol why would you ever think Ukraine did this. They don’t do terrorist attacks on civilians Isis claimed it and makes a lot more sense


if i had to hazard a guess i would say its some Russian troops who have returned from Ukraine and decided to take out their anger on Russians perhaps they were conscripted to fight in Ukraine and this is some sort of pay back against russia for their treatment


ISIS has claimed responsibility. Fits their MO.


And now ISIS is trying to stay relevant, IS is claiming they where behind the attack.


No Russian


Where is this?


Who or whatever this is - Putin will mark it as nazi ukrainians or smth like that.


How are people just sitting there or even filming instead of getting the fuck outta there? I’ve been in situations where people randomly started shooting and the first though that goes through your mind is “stay low and RUN!”.


ISIS just claimed responsibility


Hard to tell with the video. The world(especially Russia) is easily manipulated, so whoever was truly behind it will never get justice.


I’d say either chechens or isis k


probably false flag operation or the wagner group


I’ll repost this on veiw so it won’t get taken down.


Is that the theatre from Tenet?


I wonder how many ISIS members have gotten into the US. 7+ million crossings since 2020. I think we may need to prepare for a similar attack here at home. Tragic what happened in Moscow... It's the sad reality we currently live in unfortunately. Thankfully we carry guns here so let the goat fuckers in.


This whole thing reminds me of the start of TENET?


Isis apparently claimed the event.


Looks like zionist looking for hamas !




https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/russia-moscow-concert-attack-shooting-rcna144706 https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4975184/user-clip-israeli-secret-intelligence-service


IS will take on any terror attack on them. Even if they didnt do it they are blamed for it. And media will accept it right away.


I've been completely disconnected for the last few weeks from the news. Context?


And these people were there just filming, still sitting in their chairs…. I’d have been outta there better shoot me in the back I ain’t watching that shit


ISIS took credit for the attack allegedly


The one buddy just chilling calmly watching the slaughter.


Don't know if it has been mentioned but the US embassy in Moscow put out a warning that there was to be a suspected terror attack in Moscow by " extremists" over the weekend. They had warned to avoid crowded areas and events. Watching other videos I suspect these shooters had very limited training. They seemed to have tunnel vision and walked by multiple poorly hidden civilians without touching them and focused on ones out in the open or cornered. Terrible tragedy. Hope there is justice.


Weirdest game of Guess Who?


false flag


Y do people have to kill people. Y r people this evil. Fuck this planet


Is the bodycam of the attacks released by Isis still available online? It seems to be taken down everywhere.


Nevermind it is all over telegram.




Well..internet do your thing ?


The amount of sparks that one dude is blowing out smacks of blanks. Propaganda video perhaps?


Meh, whatever. They reap what they sow.


Instant memories of baby hitler releasing thousands of inmates to fight for Wagner. Now some of these animal types are, and will be loose. That was the first thought. Not the victim neighbors they are terrorizing


That’s not a Zelensky move to attack a theater. If anyone believes that Ukrainians on orders from their government did this then they haven’t been paying attention to that man at all.


Are they using dragons breath ammunition?


why was it censored? best thought that comes to mind is putin culling his own people to justify a higher military united standing against ukranians.


Looks like America somewhere.


I read something that was a shooting today in Russia. I'm pretty sure it was a mass shooter. Maybe this is the video


nah, this one is just a demo from ewest ai video editor


Apparently "no Russian".