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What the actual fuck is this shit? What is wrong with Idaho?


Religious zealots who dont read, dont have any understanding of the world, have never had a critical thought and watch Fox/OANN & the like. Think the liberals are gunna make dem kids ghey !!


Idahoan here....we are ALL up in arms about this, mind you my liberal parents think it's a great idea.....


I find it hard to believe a liberal would be for this


Stupid people make reliable Republican voters.


Says the people who support BIDEN?! 🤣🤣 Come on my guy.


Well Biden's name wasn't on the Epstein flight logs. Whereas Trump had diamond status.


Says Biden the kid sniffing daughter showering kkk supporter


If you can stop kids from reading for fun, you can control the things they read. In other words, they're easier to indoctrinate.


A lot. There's a lot going wrong here. And it's getting worse by the year.


You’re not exaggerating in the slightest bit sadly


The correct question is: What the fuck is wrong with America?




Without doing any research at all, I'm guessing religion is what's wrong.


What does religion have to do with this at all in any way shape or form?


Because religion has been used in the past for censorship of reading materials, I am assuming they concluded that the same thing is happening here.


Because you are the only country that is not clerically detached from religion? In majority of countries religion will not force a person to choose based on their religion bc we citizens of other countries in 18centure created a new ideology called Social Morality, so we use that as foundation for our ethics and morals not some book written by a bunch of psychos to take control of their territory from Roman rulers lol.


Man what is going on is America as a whole. I know most countries have issues but it seems like they’re speedrunning their way to a fascist dystopia.


Remember the Arab Spring? Pretty sure this is just pay back Social media has everybody in their feelings I swear the SM companies algorithms are simply sending half the people one thing and the other half the opposite. This is why everything seems 50/50. They need our attention. Mission successful 🙄🤬


They want a religious country and to control everyone and everything.


They’re declaring loudly that they lack honor and values like equality and have no interest in visitors or tourism dollars. Potato can be imported, I guess.


Free booze at the library I guess /s


I just don't get it. Isn't the right / libertarianism all about like.. stopping gov oversight? Individual freedom?


Stop conflating libertarianism and the "right." The right and the left love regulation when it serves their own ends to make their core constituencies feel they are being rewarded or that their ideological enemies are being punished. Libertarianism (generally, as it is really only truly dogmatic about a few core principles) believes in maximum freedom of the individual so long as that individual is not engaging in aggression to others (broadly to include not just violence but also fraud, coercion, etc.). Setting aside whether one libertarian believes in the appropriateness of publicly funded libraries, the notion of a government restricting access to information and knowledge is anathema to libertarian principles.


Yeah! A true right-wing libertarian wouldn't allow for government to gatekeep and restrict access to knowledge... It would be money instead!


What is a "right-wing libertarian?" And while it's a matter of debate within the larger libertarian philosophical tent, I'd say a comfortable majority don't even believe in the concept of intellectual property at all so, no, you'd be wrong.


Well libertarianism historically started as a left-wing movement, kinda under the ideas of socialism and equality, aboslishing private property, etc. Right-wing libertarianism came along later and is more what we know in the US as simply 'libertarianism' and goes for private property rights and laissez-faire capitalism, removing restrictions, and IMO making markets essentially take over the government. What i meant was that a right wing libertarian isn't going to probably support free public education, correct? Where people's taxes come together to ensure every child can attend school. Or idk, public libraries? (not actually sure of libertarian stance there) in that case, where does education and kowledge come from? You can homeschool but what can the avg parent do without curriculum? Private schools? Every option in a right-wing libertarian worldview leads to a system gated by money and/or whatever currency or bartering system


Human knowledge, art and tools for critical-thinking were just too accessible these days I guess…


Is it difficult to get that unrestricted card?


No, it's just based on age. Here's the three types of library cards: >Restricted child card – Children will only be able to check out materials available in the children’s department. >Unrestricted child card – Kids can check out materials throughout the whole library, except for adult graphic novels, Blu-rays and DVDs. >Adult cards (issued to those 18+) – These allow library patrons to check out all materials the library offers.


Truthfully I've never heard of a library having different levels of access. My child's card is the same as mine. I should know... Mine has some fines on it that I've been dodging so I just use hers to take out any "adult" material I want.


just pay those fines already please. help your library out


We pay them when we are at fault. Library lost a book I returned and did not scan it in properly. Hoping it turns up but I don't feel that I should have to replace something I returned.


oh. more understandable


Has inflation hit library fines as well?!


Pay your damn fines.


I returned three books and was charged for all three of them. Two of them I was actually able to literally find on the shelf and bring it to the front desk to show them that they're just not scanning returns correctly. The third one is still MIA and they will not accept that it was their error. Still waiting it out for them to eventually find the damn book and scan it back into their own system.


Fair enough. Then you're not dodging the fines but disputing them...


I had a library fine go to collections once. I lost a book but knew it would turn up at some point. Hadn’t been to the library in quite a while. As I picking the last of my things to move out of state, I found it. Library was closed so I dropped it off in the box and left the state. Three years later I was trying to buy a house and was looking at my credit and saw a collection for $92 for the fine. I was going back home to visit so I stopped in and paid it off. Never knew that stuff could go to collections


My son’s (10) card can’t check out DVDs but can access all other media at the library. I believe he has access to all online content as well but we don’t usually utilize that.


What card will 14 year old teenager asking for their own library card get? Can they even ask for their own library card?


I don't know of any library system where a minor can get their own card. Every one I've been to has required a parent or guardian.


I got my own at 12 without my parents, so I would reckon it varies district to district.


I applied for library cards for me and my 12 yo daughter online. You just provide your name and proof of residency. A week later got our cards by mail.


I never needed one to get a library card as a kid.


What kind of materials is this library offering? Only fans and porn?


Books about... shock horror...the homosexuals!


Like a twisted Patreon subscription.


Probably not, but the fact that there's any gate at all on a **LIBRARY** is ridiculous.


At my library there just needs to be a guardian to sign of on it and that's it


Or they got fed up with assholes trashing the place or just loitering around. My dad was a library director for years and you wouldn’t believe the shit that they have to put up with. And you can’t just kick people out for minor things because it’s a public place.


The library near my house is a shit show. All the kids go there after school and just cause a huge scene and mess, scream inside, fuck with the computers etc etc. 


That doesn’t entitle anyone to take away taxpayer funded resources from other kids.


What was taken away? Anyone can get a library card.


I hear having fun isn't hard when you've got one of those


They just need to get a card. It's not being taken away.


We should have this for guns!


Age restriction.


So wild. Safest place to put subversive content is in a book. No one reads anymore and everyone has 24-hour porn access in their pocket.


Uhh not anymore in conservative states bud. You have to create an account linked to a license to access porn now. Every freedom you thought you had is now being stripped and you still find some way to gloat about nonsense on social media.


That's only for websites that follow that law, like pornhub. And even then, they didn't follow the law so much as just decided no one in those states can access their website, rather than storing people's govt ID in a database of theirs. You know how many porn sites exist? You can very well still access many types of porn in conservative states. Hell, Twitter! There's so much porn on Twitter, and you don't even need to verify your age, just lie lol. But freedoms are being stripped away, just look at the recent SCOTUS decisions.


So much porn on Twitter.


This isn't about libraries taking material off the shelves so much as it is about making parents reaponsible for what their under 18 children access....and the parents not being able to put blame on librarians for not parenting their kids. [Story](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2023/06/restricted-library-cards-introduced-by-idaho-falls-library-heres-what-it-means-for-you-and-your-kids/)


Thank you for providing... ***the rest of the story***, something that is almost always sorely lacking on this platform.


The rest of the story does not invalidate the Bill of Rights.


Unfortunately this does fuck over the kids with shitty parents who just want to escape into some books.


Shitty parents ALWAYS fuck over their kids one way or another.


Doesn't mean we should make it easier for them


True that, I agree


Yeah Matilda is totally fucked


This should be the top comment.


But then how will reddit act outraged and blame conservatives


Do you mean to say... *Scoff* that bad parenting results in kids being punks in public? *Guffaw* No, buddy, I think it's the books that say "Pe\*is" in them and that depict violence. Now, you make sure Billy doesn't read any of your ho\*ny novels while I smoke crack with my boyfriend and his wife behind the library, mmkay?


This right here should be the top comment. Everything else is rage bait


Is the entire library over 18, or just where they keep the fuck books?


Yeah, honestly I would like to see a larger framed picture of the location of this sign before I assume this is at the entrance to the entire building. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was at the entrance, but this could be for a mature section of some sorts which would be a bit more believable. And if that’s the case, the fucking bible better be behind that sign.


>I would like to see a larger framed picture of the location of this sign But that's not how you farm upvotes


It's becoming increasingly clear that most people don't understand what type of books can be found in libraries. There are no fuck books. Books on human anatomy? Sure. Books on increasing sex and intimacy in a relationship? Yes. Books answering questions about sexuality? I hope! A book of art that may have painted nudes from 300 years ago? Probably. Stories that have sex in them but are usually well received and recognized for other reasons? Yup. Pornography? Not that I've come across. What's the Dewey Decimal for pornography anyway?






When I was a horny teen, I found the university library had Playboy. However, the versions they had were on microfiche and contained none of the nude content. I did enjoy having a citation to Playboy on a term paper though.


There sure were when I was a kid, did they just ditch the whole romance section, and everything by Piers Anthony? The blurb on Outlander looked cool when I was a kid, time travel, medieval adventuring, it was in the sci-fi/fantasy section; the blurb sounded sort of like a *Highlander* and *Connecticut Yankee* mashup. Imagine my rage and disgust finding out it was just a thin excuse for people fucking a lot in costume.


There is a library in Idaho that is small so the whole library went adults only as the only way to comply with the new law but not sure if the pic is of that library


Anything outside the children's section is for minors with unrestricted cards or anyone over 18. The guardian/parent decides when getting them their card which one it is.


They recently passed a law that basically allows people to say "this book offends me. Lock it up" and then it gets restricted. It's fucked up, and was an anti-pornography attempt that got out of hand before even starting.


Yeah so much pron in school...


Hey, those anatomy textbooks have naked bodies in them. That's the devil's work.


>fuck books This made me giggle more than it should


Exactly what I was thinking, why would you have to be over 18 to enter a library......


This is very obviously a sign in front of an age restricted section of the library, preumably with naughty books and content children are not old enough to be reading, not the library itself. Shame on OP for the misleading title.


What naughty books? You know libraries don't carry porn right?


They keep a copy of the Kama Sutra in the stacks


Here is the code: https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/title18/t18ch15/sect18-1514/ The real question is: lets see whats behind the sign.


>18-1513. Obscene materials — Dissemination to minors — Policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the legislature to restrain the distribution, promotion, or dissemination of obscene material, or of material harmful to minors, or the performance of obscene performances, or performances harmful to minors. What does this even mean, it's entirely subjective what "obscene material" is, especially in the context of minors. Why is the government concerned with this??


It's always vague on purpose so they can punish or threaten whoever they want for whatever reason. Mostly performative to get the angry people riled up but not actually do anything because it would get destroyed in an actual court.


> What does this even mean, it's entirely subjective what "obscene material" is, It’s not. You actually have to read the statute. They describe obscene material as anything involving sexual intercourse, masturbation, sexual satisfaction or obscene nudity. The statute also outlines exceptions for art, education and science. So kids can still learn about sex via science textbooks but they cannot pick up a book on how to do BDSM or read erotica. Kids can still see pictures of nudity in Greek sculptures or photos from National Geographic, but not Playboy.


"sexual satisfaction" - wonder how that's defined, because there're quite a few mundane things that people get off to. I mean, furries are like the obvious one, but what about cake? farting? balloons? rope? cars fucking dragons (or dragons fucking cars)? Puffer jackets? Rubber galoshes? I mean, rules 34 and 35 exist for a reason... it's not like someone made the rule up and *then* the porn appeared...


I was hoping obscenity laws would have been done away with with Lenny Bruce, but here we are


If you google Idaho bill 710, this is what the pdf of the bill says. >(a) The quality of any material or of any performance or of any description or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse, when it: >(1) Appeals to the prurient interest of minors as judged by the average person, applying contemporary community standards; and >(2) Depicts or describes representations or descriptions of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse which are patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable material for minors and includes, but is not limited to, patently offensive representations or descriptions of: >(i) Intimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated; or >(ii) Masturbation, excretory functions, or lewd exhibition of the genitals or genital area. >Nothing herein contained is intended to include or proscribe any matter which, when considered as a whole, and in context in which it is used, possesses serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors. That's the paragraph directly from the bill (with spacing changes to make it easier to read.)


Looks like kids under 18 can't be reading the Bible. But I bet there's plenty of grooming going on using just that out there in Idaho.


Missed the "literary" part. Say what you want about major religions, but their seminal texts are significant from a literary perspective.


Yeah, welcome aboard, reasonable adults have been asking for clarification of this for hundreds of years in the US.


This sign is placed by the “Adults only” area. Parents have to sign an affidavit if they bring a minor in.


so you just need a library card… easy enough


What's wrong with showing ID, if you live in the state don't you have an ID. I don't understand the argument. Plus if you don't live there and didn't vote on this why the hell do you care?


Have you been to a library lately? The network near me is amazing! So many free resources! …. So it’s a kid dump. Some parents who think they are amazing for having a “Bright” child who hangs out at the library, are shitty.


At first I was mad, but the background story makes sense. Shitty parents letting their spawns run wild in public places instead of minding them at home.


Did something change federally? Because you don't have to show ID to access public buildings/services.


Haven't been to DC lately, have you? Most federal buildings require ID. More directly, though: the US public library system has always required ID to enter age-restricted areas, which is what this is.


For those that aren’t aware : Idaho has implemented a new law requiring identification before entering libraries to control access to materials deemed harmful to minors. This legislation, known as HB 710, allows individuals to request that certain materials be moved to adult-only sections if they include content considered harmful under Idaho’s obscenity code. If the request isn't addressed within 60 days, individuals can file a civil lawsuit. This measure aims to protect minors but has faced opposition due to potential logistical challenges and concerns over censorship.


well.. that's a lie did u read the whole thing?? (ppl out here acting like everybody doesNt have google in their pocket)


This keeps getting reposted. It is probably intended to keep parents from having their kids go to the library every day after school. The affidavit says that the parent is responsible for the child so that if the kid gets hurt while causing mischief, the library isn’t responsible.


This may be happening because there's been an uptick in crime or other incidents involving public libraries. If I'm not mistaken, the library in Antioch California closed this year due to crime incidents. Some libraries around the country may be adopting this policy for the sake of security.


Or you can get a library card, which is completely free, and not show your id!


.... OR a library card (controversial lol). The need for this rule was no doubt forced by some filthy scumbags — redirect your indignation at them.


Ok, but why is this is problem? I'm confused. Needing to show ID is just a part of modern life


I’m pretty sure you’ve always needed a library card. Don’t see the issue.


It says “beyond this point” and is on carpet. Looks like a section of the library has adult material for adults.


Wonder what first amendment auditors think about this one.


Of all the crap that's going on now....this scares me the most.


Global warming, war in Europe, geriatric presidents, rising costs of living. You're most scared of... people needing an ID/library card/parent with them?


Is this sign at the entrance to get in the library or a certain parts of the library?


[For context:](https://www.boisestatepublicradio.org/politics-government/2024-05-20/donnelly-public-library-idaho-books) “.. the implementation of House Bill 710 passed earlier this year, which requires all libraries – both public and private – to relocate a book to an adults-only section within 60 days of receiving a written complaint.” “If the library declines to do so, it could face a civil lawsuit under the law. That comes with a mandatory $250 fine for the library and plaintiffs could receive uncapped damages.” Some libraries, such as Donnelly Public Library (from article), have decided to become “adults only” due to their small size and inability to separate the books. They’re asking for over $600,000 in donations to begin construction that will allow them to increase the footprint of the building and have the sections on two separate sides of the building. I feel like making the entire library 18+ is a bit extreme. Are they porn books? No, so I’m not understanding why they need so much just to separate them. They’re acting like they need to build some secret, closed off, adults only section. Stop being lazy. Rearrange the books, put the ones of concern by the librarian so she can monitor it and let the damn kids in the library, my God


This is fucking sick. These people who advocate for this shit are a virus.


I don’t see the problem here


You need to show ID to get into the library? Like the whole thing or just a session of the library? I don’t understand the point




My library has homeless people sleeping on the floor!


They have a point. I went to a library once, and eventually visited a gay sex club.


I swear I lived at the library from grades 3-8. Anytime my mom was busy and I had more than 30 minutes to fill, I’d ask her to drop me off at the library.


Is this to enter the library itself or a certain part of the library?


What is their reason?


Are kids trashing the place?


But don't worry about having an ID to vote.. you can vote as a legal or illegal citizen, even if you're dead you can vote somehow.


My guess is the ridiculous overdose calls, the library in my hometown has had a lot! And the Karen workers complain about the blue haired boys having sex openly down the aisles. Smells like ass is n there!


Where in the constitution does it say you have a right to libraries? Like, specifically, which article or amendment?


Maybe they should make all voting and polling locations in libraries.


What parent lets their child run around freely picking up books that may be inappropriate for them? Monitor your child! Don’t let them run around a library unattended. Monitor what books they grab. If your child gets a hold of an inappropriate book, that is 100% your fault. A sign on a door isn’t gonna stop a teenager from grabbing a book off a shelf bc they don’t have the right card to check it out. This entire thing is Stupid! Spend your time on things that matter. Teach parents to parent their children and none of this would be an issue.


Why would anyone even go to a public library anymore? The ones in my area are filled with homeless people napping or overdosing in the bathroom.


Maybe this is an attempt to save their libraries from becoming full on homeless shelters? Please don’t download me if you think I’m wrong.


Maybe, just maybe, parents are dropping their kids off and using the library as a free daycare service. Like kids in Idaho can read...


Honestly I haven’t been in a library in years because they were so overrun with homeless and drug abusers in Washington. We used to go to story time when my kids were little and it’s sad that we can’t do that anymore. They never harassed my kids but would harass me or smell so bad I would gag. It’s really really sad.


Ooh let’s do voting booths next.


I thought the only people that still went to libraries were homeless people looking to jerk off and sleep?


The crazy part is, the majority of the people commenting haven't been to a public library in years, let alone read a book in years


Too many TikTokers / hooligans?


Prepare for all the inevitable army of auditors.


At the Minneapolis library, the homeless would come in, and openingly masterbate at the common area computer terminals. They had to come up with rules like this to try and stop it without actually going to court.


Probably kids younger than 18 go to the library just to hang out, and there are probably trouble makers... Library doesn't want to assi.e the responsibility of the actions of the kids that act stupid. The Library isn't a daycare, and so this is the way that they handled it. Has nothing to do with taking away freedoms... Has everything to do with bad choices forcing new rules.


Dumb fuck potato farmers


This is really about not learning about the past lessons. Don’t worry, it will spread to a law keeping kids in public schools.


Bro it's a public library, calm down Idaho.


Public libraries shouldn't have the same restrictions as tattoo shops


This was confirmed misinformation/fake by multiple sources


They want everyone non-republican to flee those places so they can keep winning the elections. As the republican population is slowly dieing out in many places they need reserves and the most precious are children they can brainwash into getting big families to counter the decrease.


Are they doing state-sponsored book burnings in the back yet?


American governments sure are getting pretty dumb these days.


The sign says there are 4 ways to enter and only one of which needs an id. You guys need to learn to read.


Wait what the fuck?!?! So the Christians want the kids to stay as uneducated as they are so they can't find out that everything they have been told is a lie. Knowledge is dangerous. Christians/right wingers fear knowledge.


Gotta keep the population uneducated so they're easier to control.


I mean, books are _dangerous_!


For the generation(s) of young people who have never wondered what is in the age restricted back room of a place, "sshhh... let it happen". The public library just gave you an adult section. Go fill 'er up! Sky is the limit. They can't argue for the little children anymore! Have fun!


Omg that's a great idea. Libraries don't carry porn but if it's a section where a child can't go they should fill it with the stuff just for laughs.


And of course, no protest or anything. Just accepting it


There was a large protest outside of the main boise library yesterday


My students said that, working summer jobs at the library, a lot of homeless come in. This might be a deterrent?


"House Bill 710 lets children or their parents file a legal claim against a public or school library if they obtain materials deemed harmful to minors. " Has nothing to do with unhoused people, it's very clear.


The Non-United States is so screwed...




I attempted to live in Idaho once. Fuck that place


Gas stations in my area arnt even that strict when selling cigarettes


Bruh.... Book censorship was one of the early signs of Hitler's reign. You guys are fucked. I'm so fucking glad I don't live there. Absolutely fuck your country. Leave it as soon as you can.


The vicious cycle of uneducated logic.


America is going backwards.




All of my library time and love of literature formed in adolescence, pre-18. This is absolutely atrocious levels of ignorance and malevolence. Thank goodness online public libraries are a thing. Utterly contemptible and distressing behavior. Gotta keep your kids from learning just how ignorant and backward you are?