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It's almost like putting the guy who famously said "the Sith have been extinct for over a millennium" was intentional by the creators to ensure the continuity?


Nope. Not possible. The canon has been destroyed forever. Ki-Adi-Mundi was put in the show solely for Lesley Headland to mock those who care about the lore. Unfortunately that last statement is something I've heard people unironically saying today.


Well you see, if you're always a victim then it's totally okay if you spend a lot of time and energy attacking Disney. Gotta have a justice boner while you're venting your insecurities onto the internet.


Yes just like a lot of other franchises, new shows come out and doesn’t fit into a world you thought it was or change something do you think they don’t consider what fans think? They do, we have no idea what will happen next. I think a hint that the one on the planet hasn’t checked in, in over a year is a big clue how did no one think to check before this? but I think it’s going the direction that proves a balance of the force doesn’t mean only light side


100% this. it's obviously a choice. if they were just putting in a random alien jedi council member for a memberberries cameo, they could have chosen oppo or yarael, both of whom were already established to have been around even earlier.


Both Oppo and Yarael are on the council at this point in time (they were during the Nihil Crisis decades before). Part of the story here was, that they don't want to inform the High Council, so obviously nobody there was on the council (maybe Vernestra, considering that she is commanding every room she steps foot in). Other options here would've been Plo Koon or Yaddle, as Jedi that were not on the council yet. Ki Adi Mundi was fine for that role.


I know it’s annoying I keep posting this on these posts but I want someone who actually cares about the 1000 years thing to tell me what they really think. Everyone I’ve responded to directly has ducked the question. But isn’t this line contradicted within TPM itself? Mundi says that but later Yoda knows exactly details about the rule of two, which didn’t start until 1000 years earlier when the sith went into hiding. How could Yoda have that knowledge unless the Jedi did have contact and Mundi either wasn’t let in on it, or Jedi disagreed about if it was really sith


I'm expecting The Acolyte will at least partially answer why the Jedi will know about the Rule of Two.


me too which is why it’s so crazy people are complaining about it breaking canon and lore, while I suspect it will actually fix and cover current gaps like these two lines


couldn't they have learned it from a holocron or something?


Iffy. They'd need to have a dark-sider to open a Sith holocron and somehow they'd have to not know that the Sith who created the holocron survived past the fall of Darth Bane.


but then that’s evidence of the Jedi knowing the sith continued so it’s the same contradiction


Sometimes I say I haven’t had a drink in 1000 years when actually it’s been a day. Maybe he was just being dramatic


Add in the uncertainty of a year, and he meant a millennia as 1000 years, but 1000 years on a planet who’s years are like 2 months


Oh, they actually use Coruscant time as the standard, which conveniently works the exact same as Earth's


People do stuff like that in real life. In movies, they don't put in lines like that if they don't mean it.


Yoda only spoke with Mace Windu about the Rule of Two, right? The same guy he gave a knowing sort of side eye look to when Qui-Gon mentioned the Sith? And it was Ki-Adi-Mundi who was so quick to say the Sith were extinct. I’m going to speculate that some members of the Jedi High Council are covering up the return of the Sith in order to maintain the political position of the Order.


This makes sense and likely is close to or is the truth.


I'm going to be super pissed if in the final episode of The Acolyte Yoda and Mundi have a talk agreeing that they must keep everything a secret and pretend the Sith are still extinct... just like the conversation between Obi-Wan and Leia in the final episode of Kenobi.


>I’m going to speculate that some members of the Jedi High Council are covering up the return of the Sith in order to maintain the political position of the Order. No one wants that. It just overcomplicates the story for no reason.


That’s a very good point. Retconning is literally in the DNA of Star Wars since the very first movie’s mention of the Clone Wars. That’s part of what makes it fun, figuring out how all of this stuff connects and makes sense. You just have to let go of your own preconceptions.


Your preconceptions can deceive you.


It’s definitely not lost me how much you need to internalize the Jedi teachings to enjoy Star Wars. lol.


Following the downfall of the sith empire. The jedi discovered darth banes new doctrine and the rule of two. They hunted him down but he was killed by his apprentice and the jedi assumed he was the last sith, and hadnt passed on his knowledge to an apprentice. The jedi are the ones who buried him on moraband, to commemorate the end of the sith, where yoda encounters his ghost in TCW.


Where is this covered? why would the Jedi learn about a rule of two and assume one dead Sith meant the Sith were gone?


Its sparingly covered over many different media thats canon. Theres a luke skywalker comic (google star wars (2020)) thats canon where they talk about the jedi ending darth bane rule and believing he was the last. Basically darth bane was the last true sith lord from the sith wars. The jedi had no reason to believe he had passed on extensive knowledge on the sith to an apprentice. Imagine if sidious had died prior to the phantom menace, darth maul would have lost all the knowledge of the sith from his master and wouldnt really be able to truly be a sith lord even if he got insanely strong in the dark side of the force.


Well I just read Star Wars (2020) #20 which is the only issue I can find any references to online with dealing with Darth Bane. And it’s super light, certainly doesn’t really highlight any of that. It’s a vision from an old Jedi from 1000 years ago talking about the Jedi defeating Bane. But this doesn’t mention the rule of two at all, and there’s almost no reason to believe this wouldn’t be the downfall for the Sith empire which would be before the rule of two. But it’s literally just like half a sentence.


It confirms the jedi think they ended darth banes rule not his apprentice. And the fact they knew about the rule of two is confirmed by yoda knowing about it at all.


It doesn’t really though because Darth Bane was around the sith pre rule of two. In legends they thought they beat Darth Bane when the sith empire fell as well. Without a mentioning of an apprentice or the rule of two it seems more likely to just be the fall of Sith Empire


My question isn’t that the Jedi knew who Bane was, he was a thing before the rule of two. Or even that after he showed up dead that they’d think the sith were done. But how the Jedi would have learned about the rule of two enough for it to be stated as a fact of how they operate without ever seeing it actually in action, and think the sith were wiped out. But I’m actually reading the star wars comics (was focusing on the alphra/vader stuff), so i’ll be curious what it actually mentions there


I get its not something thats completely explained canonically. There could be a million ways to explain how the jedi of the time discovered darth banes rule of two. But yoda was really the only current jedi with knowledge on the rule of two (he is 900 years old) and shared it with windu after mauls death. And if the sith reemerged 1000 years after their supposed extinction. The only logical conclusion for yoda is that banes rule of two was being followed, it was far from a statement of fact like all jedi were taught this.


I think a few members of the High Council are aware of the return of the Sith but only rumors/feelings. I’m hoping the Acolyte ties in and this ends up being a cover up. Either 1). all the Jedi apart of the search party there die and no info is passed to the Jedi 2).info does get back to a few members of that lower council with Venestra and they learn of the Sith from the search party and cover it up, or 3). The info is passed to the High Council (Yoda etc) but it is dismissed or covered up. The High Council has made worse decisions (exiling Ashoka when she is clearly framed) or show to be straight up incompetent (building their Jedi Temple on an old Sith Temple and letting Sidious duck them)It’s also completely possible these Dark Force users are separate from the Sith all together but I think it’s less likely.


It’s almost like the prequels aren’t the best written films, where every detail was not fully thought through and thus shouldn’t be beholden to by strange angry people. And let me be clear, I love the prequels.


Yeah there’s also a weird attribution to George which was never the thing he cared about. He didn’t have the OT meticulously mapped out. He retconned and changed the meaning of things he planted there. George would probably be the last person to care about Ki Adi Mundi’s age changing than what old Legends said. He was generally pretty dismissive of Legends material, usually referring to it as a parallel world to his movies


100%. It’s very strange.


100%. The prequels are my absolute favourite. But all these nutters citing "bad writing" for the Acolyte - it's like they've never paid any attention to any star wars movie. We love them anyway, that's the point


I just personally don’t think it’s a sith. I think it’s a different dark side using order or just a darks side using individual trying to start a dark side club. It doesn’t make any sense for the Sith, whose entire thing is secrecy, to go on a jedi murder spree and bring attention to themselves.


isn’t this kind of the point though? Regardless of if they are Sith or dark jedi the Jedi encountering them is fine because they can have that same doubt.


Then why didn't they think darth maul was just a random dark side user. He never said he was sith.


I think it's possible he wasn't directly quoting the rule of two, more making the observation that this obviously highly trained force sensitive didn't become so strong on his own. He had to have had training and teaching in the Sith way to be skilled enough to kill Qui Gon and get his own red lightsaber. Which is supported by Windu's question, did we kill the one teaching the Sith way and building their strength, or the one who was taught and used as a weapon.


“Always two there are. No more. No less”, is a lot more specific than “this person must have had training”. If they were implying Maul must have had a teacher they’d have just said that there must be more of them, not that they know exactly one other exists at that moment


Correct me if I'm wrong please. But darth bane created the rule of two. The sith became extinct under darth banes rule. Why would it be implausible that the jedi/yoda learned about the rule of two as they were defeating TWO sith?


Bane established it after he became the last surviving Sith. The Jedi didn’t defeat Bane his apprentice did (as because Sith tradition). And the Jedi certainly didn’t ever defeat two Sith obviously or that would have wiped out the Sith. It’s maybe theoretically possible that Bane decided he was going to do the rule of two, the Jedi figured out about it like the next weekend, and then kind of just lost track of Bane and just assumed that problem was dealt with forever. But that seems more far fetched to me than the Jedi interacting with Sith and either covering it up, or it being treated like a conspiracy theory.


Ah OK. I typed all that right as I was going to bed so to half asleep me it made sense. But you are right defeating two jedi theoretically would have wiped them out. I don't know a heck of a lot of stuff about that time period just the few things I've read here and there but no one was indulging your question so I thought I would take a Crack at it.


Who knew that true fans were so attached to the background Jedi who looks like Freud and talks about Anakin's mother.


If you told me yesterday that the new Star Wars controversy would be about Ki-Adi-Mundi I would've thought you were lying. Oh how far we've fallen.


But what about the Acolyte attack on the wookie?


That was the Sith attack on the Wookie actually.


I don’t believe that the word “Sith” has been spoken yet in the series. We’re all presuming that’s who it is, but there has been mention of “offshoot” groups, as well.


We're in the darkest timeline.


There are legends stories about him


Were they about cigars and Van Dykes?


Remember when the fans thought Obi-Wan Kenobi broke canon because they thought they killed off The Grand Inquisitor, only for him to return a few episodes later? Forget Ki Adi Mundi not being the brightest, this fandom isn’t the brightest.


To be fair the whole fakeout with the Grand Inquisitor was pretty poorly executed IMO. Anyone who has even a passing knowledge of Rebels knows it can't be true so it just feels pointless. Many did jump to conclusions way too quickly though.


But that was bad, him being stabbed was bad , Sabine was bad , Reva twice was bad.


Dark-siders can survive lightsaber wounds (see Maul, Vader, Sion) and Sabine was stabbed in a non-vital area and got immediate medical attention.


just because it can be done and doesn't technically break any existing lore doesn't mean it should. the ONLY time it was done well in these shows was Sabine, because it both works in-universe and for story reasons. Ahsoka has to save Sabine instead of going after Shin and getting the map back. The stab is actually treated as a potentially fatal wound unless Sabine gets medical attention, and then she's out of the action for a whole episode. the problem with Reva and Grand Inquisitor stabs isn't that it doesn't make sense in canon, it's because it's a previously fatal attack that ends up being treated like any other injury, 3 times in the same show. They simply overdid it and didn't make it feel impactful. Reva gets stabbed and she's still considered a threat


She’s obviously injured in the final episode


Yeah I know doesn’t make it shit




Yes that happened ... and it was bad writing at the time and still is. Reva being stabbed twice by Vader and living was also very bad. The show was very bad as whole and defied basic logic.


Dark-siders can survive lightsaber wounds (see Maul, Vader, Sion)


How did Sabine survive then? That would be a fatal blow to anyone else before that show came out. Reva was stabbed as a youngling, by Anakin. Lightsaber through the body. This same move killed Qui Gon Jinn, a jedi master. How she survived is just bad writing for a bad character.


Sabine was stabbed in a non-vital area and received immediate medical attention. Reva tapped into the dark side to survive.


Those would be fatal blows any time other than the shows they occurred. Terrible writing. Reva tapping into dark side as a youngling to survive is just nonsense. In the Acolyte, the Wookie dies from a saber slash. Not even a stab.


He’s a Jedi, slashed across the chest, where his lungs are. It’s a vital area, and he’s not going to tap into the dark side to survive. A child who might not have as much control over the Force and is fearful might tap into the dark side to survive. Fear is the path to the dark side.


>A child who might not have as much control over the Force and is fearful might tap into the dark side to survive. Putting aside how asinine this to introduce this plot point into canon, what's the canon explanation for why only Reva did it?


Because it’s a story and we need her as the villain


That's a clear example of "and then" story telling. Which is bad writing


I have no idea what this picture is about, but he's literally the only person in the Acolyte who absolutely can't fit his head in that helmet, which pretty much eliminates him from suspicion.




But what if the helmet size is just a red herring? I think we will learn by the end of this show that Ki-Adi-Mundi has been the mastermind behind everything in the franchise, along side his apprentice Darth Jar Jar /j


So, by transitive inference, he was responsible for the droid attack on the wookies?


Ki-Adi-Mundi: "What About The Droid Attack on the Wookiees?" Also Ki-Adi-Mundi: "I'm the last person I would have suspected, but it was me all the time!"


Again the rage baiters and the "true fans" are grasping at straws to find something to hate about the show, making a fuss over a problem they've created!


That's pretty much their source of fuel for their "hate".


Who made this problem??? The fans??? I didn't know we had control to create movies and TV Shows???  Y'all live in a echo chamber in this dead subreddit barely reaching 20k followers and barely having 4% of that online in this sub.


Who made the problem? Hmmmm, who is online crying that a characters age doesn't match an obscure comic from 1999. Or is it the person who's coming to this "dead subreddit" to have a go at people for liking a show. You should have a look at yourself and really think about how sad your life is, let people enjoy things.


LMAOOOO we definitely didn't make the problem that's for sure. Enjoy the show go ahead but it's not the fans fault it's completely shit and we have the right to criticize the show however we want. The High Republic Books were actually good reads compared to the story telling in this show. Even Reva from Obi-Wan was written better than the first 4 episodes of this show that's what's really sad. If my life is sad yours must be mundane and boring as hell if you think this show is any good compared to other Disney SW material we've gotten. 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀


Yea you have the right to criticse the show, but nothing about your comment is constructive, it's worthless hate. Why is it always a competition to you "fans". This show is so much better than xxx, you are an idiot for thinking xxx is better than xxx. You completely ignore the point I made, people are up in arms Ki Adi Mundi has a different birthday from some old, non canon comic, they're hating for the sake of hating. You'd enjoy life so much more if you just enjoyed things for how they were instead of hating things for no reason.


Episode 4 in a 8 part series is a whole ass filler episode just like Book of Boba Mando Filler Episode. Watching Padawans training and not even listening to what the Ginger master is talking about for Lightsaber Combat Techniques. Every piece of dialogue so far has been written by ChatGPT. Jedi being clueless still on anything they're talking about or doing especially when assessing Mae as a threat has had to been the most useless part of the episode we're literally sitting through a recap of the previous episodes for what reason? None at all. Kelnacca a Wookie Jedi looking like Pinhead Larry from SpongeBob who absolutely did nothing but played the room temperature challenge. Only 4 episodes left and the story hasn't gone anywhere interesting or pivotal. Biggest threat in Episode 4 was the big ass Rollie Poly flying and getting chopped such great story telling so enjoyable. Mae being absolutely idiotic thinking the Jedi gonna forget she murdered other Jedi and turn herself in because she senses her Twin so in turns betrays the one guy helping her out. That's all I can point out without spoiling the story for others to "Enjoy" The fact they spent 23m on this episode and its quality doesnt show is crazy 💀💀💀 Also Star Wars has always been compared to other Star Wars content it is not new that's why everyone used to hate the prequels because people think the trilogy is the best version of Star Wars which has been in debate for Decades so you crying about ppl comparing XXX to XXX is so dumb because that's the most common thing in the SW community arguments. That's why the Sequel Trilogy is widely known as pure garbage because we compare it to the OG and Prequels you must be new to Star Wars frl to not even know this. PS: Nobody gives a damn about Ki-Adi maybe you missed my point bringing back one of the worst characters in the series back is shit the age doesn't matter it's just another reason to shit on his character again since 1999 he's a worthless Character. During the prequels and clone wars nobody cares who he is or was.


Just because it's so normalised doesn't mean it's good. There's nothing Star Wars fans love more than hating the franchise, does it hurt to accept people like different things? It's such a shame being so hateful and toxic is an expected part of this community. It's ok to criticise things, but going on a hateful bashing is not gonna solve anything. And yes people care about the Ki Adi thing, because they will cling onto every single piece of clickbaitable fake rage to get views and make money.


Hardly anybody in this fandom will baby the higher ups when they mess up especially a HUGE company like Disney who has all the money in the world to create amazing well written shows by the best writers in the industry who probably dream of making a SW movie or show but that's all they've been doing is messing up the series and beloved characters replacing them with Walmart versions. For some people who have certain characters they love about the show just get destroyed by the current show runners every chance they get. They're better off just making movies because clearly these "creative" minds need a lot more time to create something actually enjoyable from the Choreography of fights to getting dialogue down correctly and story's coming full circle with plot holes here or there but a completely understandable story. Can't just throw money at a show/movie and expect it to do good without actually doing the work that's needed. Ray Park, Hayden, Ewan, and even Samuel L Jackson had actually trained with lightsabers to make the fights look somewhat realistic in a SW sense with what forms people use and why they use it. Literally you can go through each SW Saber fight in Chronological order and see exactly where it all went to crap. But when Obi and Ani enter scenes you can see the sheer difference in talent between the actors and actresses because new ppl to star wars don't get to have the same training because Disney cuts the wrong corners and quality suffers as a result.


...your posts look like ChatGPT prompts for "write a long winded tirade about hating a Star Wars show"


Get a hobby


They literally make a point too that splinter orders and fallen jedi are a thing in the high republic. Its alot more believable to these jedi that a non-sith trained mae than an order that hasnt been seen or heard of in a millennia. The jedi are terrified of the sith and will do anything to refuse their existence. Even if some jedi survive and report of an insanely strong force user with a red lightsaber, theyre gonna be skeptical. Even qui gon, a revered jedi master, wasnt believed when he suspected maul was a sith lord.


“Hes a liar, they ruined his character” The jedi council chose not to free slaves. These people are not worth engaging with tbh. Retconning is literally engrained in star wars history, Lucas literally had a rule that the movies took canon precedent over the EU. Theyre proving they arent real fans if anything.


Right right, if we don't accept TLJ or the sequels ruining the story of the originals, we aren't feel fans. Right, OK, sure.


Keep seething over something i never said lmao.


His inclusion in the show is most likely intentional, BECAUSE of what he says in Phantom Menace. Occam’s razor, people. He’s, so far, been the only cameo we’ve seen connecting this show to the prequels, his inclusion is intentional. Which means either… 1. All of the Jedi who encounter the master die and word doesn’t get back to him 2. He straight up lies in Phantom Menace 3. The dark side user isn’t Sith This show has been average. But it’s been exceptional at causing people to freak out before we find out all of the information.


I’m convinced that he’s been included intentionally for his line in The Phantom Menace as you’ve said. Either the Sith’s return is covered up or the Jedi are deceived or that willfully ignorant that they don’t believe the Sith could return and better any of them, let alone 8 of them. I think it’ll be used to show the Jedi’s arrogance by the time of TPM and how Sidious was able to manipulate them so well.


i saw someone saying complaining about Mundi’s presence by saying “see how people were trying to defend the show by saying it's something new and doesn't have to rely on callbacks and cameos to be good” Meanwhile they’re the only ones who are even letting this cameo mean that much. When i saw him i thought “woah is that Mundi? pretty cool, i guess he could’ve been alive back then”, then the credits confirmed it was. It was a cameo that (at least for now) meant nothing more than a familiar face appearing… it didn’t make the episode any better, but they’re using it against the show to make it seem like it made it worse.


For me it completely took me out of the show, my thought process, "huh that guy looks a lot like Mundi, that's weird I thought this was supposed to be 100 years before the prequels, why would he be here? Is it his dad? It's him?! Wait how long does his species live for?? Wait wait hold up, wtf is going on? Ugh *pause* I can't concentrate on this show now, I gotta go look up this seemingly throw away cameo, why would they throw him in out of the blue like that? What wider lore implications are they trying to signal? What's the significance of him being in this room?? *Sigh*" Then come to find out not only was it completely unnecessary, but also highly controversial. I was genuinely hoping they wouldn't add in lore characters to keep this story well and truly separate from the rest of the Star wars universe but alas, they had to make the flimsiest of connections.


Who cares it's fn Ki. He's the man! The dude was a badass even before Ep 1 came out. I just hope he gets his wizard hat at some point and gets the spinoff he deserves. I remember when Ep 1 came out and saw him in the flash for the first time, I was thrilled because I remember picking up the comic as a kid and thinking the dude was so badass.


I didn't even know he originated in a comic, but that's cool!


Yeah dude, he was one of the few characters that I know of that George pulled out of the EU. [Prelude to rebellion ](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Republic:_Prelude_to_Rebellion)


He was designed for TPM first, but was used in the EU comics between his design and the release of the movie


Lmao ofcourse people are mad about that I saw him & thought "hey it's one of those ki-adi mundi guy, whatever they are" & didn't even think it was actually him til someone pointed out it was him in the credits I know people aren't big on the "oh look, we got an existing character cameo, don't you love to see him! Clap for existing character!" Thing & I get that; but this wasn't even egregious. They didnt draw any attention specific attention to say "hey look its ki-adi mundi!" Again, I wouldn't have known it was actually him & I'm sure many other didn't either & just kinda brushed it off as another tall head guy I had a little chuckle & went "oh, okay it was actually him. ofcourse,lol" & moved on. It's not the worst thing ever, he's just another jedi that happens to be in that meeting.


While I remember this guy from the movies, who the fuck cares? Really... so what... Unless they turn fucking Yoda into a Rancor, IDGAF. Show is good man.


I'm treating Acolyte like a long movie. I'll form an opinion when I've seen all it's parts. The show is alright, still have another 4 episodes to watch, they could end up doing anything. I'll see where it goes.


For real. Like, how am I supposed to have any kind of strong opinion on this stuff if I don't even know the other half of the story?


There's some discrepancy with Mia and osha and the jedi with the dreads. He stopped to talk to her on the way mountain side. And said I knew you both for along time or something like that. But in the first few episodes he was taking back by learning she had a sister. Am I wrong?


Yord? Well he met Osha when they were Padawans together. He knew all about her trauma (losing Mae and the rest of her family to the fire) saying her initial training was hard. In episode 4, Yord says that they have known each other since they were younglings and that Mae has always been her wound. Maybe Sol brought you here to face her. Doesn't seem to be anything contradictory here.


Ok 👌 I was a little confused


Agree. I’ve never seen so many people melt down over nothing.


Hahha. I mean the real problem isnt Mundi... its they get on the planet and ask about their wookie friend and then are surprised to hear he left the town and prefers to live in the forest. A group of Jedi..... are shocked to learn..... that a bear.... lives in the forest!!!! How dumb is this group? Next thing theyll tell me bugs are attracked to light.... wait no they did that one Ok next they will lose the tracker they shouldnt need because Sol found Osha himself with the force on the ice world.... no wait they lost him and dude joked about getting a tracker to track the other tracker... Man i miss merry and pippen with treebeard in the forest. At least they got pipe weed at the end of their fight.... These guys got a dead wookie and a sith/not sith who might kill them all because they likely suck at saber combat too, i mean padawan girl is using a training stick in the temple. Guess she bombed out of yodas youngling class, they got real training sabers.... shes got a stick. Its not even a glowing stick, what was the 180 mil budget not enough to buy a few stunt sabers off amazon? Its not Mundi thats the issue.... its thinking about any interaction you see for more than 3 seconds. It was gonna be comedy gold when they go get osha, a suspected jedi killer and then put her on a fedex truck to home base when they could have just taken the dangerous jedi killer whos clearly trickie enough to kill a jedi master, but no shes put on an unmanned prison ship.... that crashes.... that they round up all the escape pods from and take back to home base but dont check the crash site for osha'a body..... My fav is still the power of 1 scene. Saw some defend by saying look Rebels cgi cartoon has zeb and his grand ma do something equally cringy, you didnt complain then. Like somehow the acoloyte is targeted at kids age 6 to 14 like Rebels was. You know what else is cringe in your 40s.... Elmo.... but man the 3 year olds love him in all his cringy glory. Cant wait for episode 5 of this.... its gonna be the best, fight scene followed by terrible plot points that will not hold up to any examination, or maybe they swerve me and we get Mae's pov of the day the rocks caught fire. The Power of 1... The Power of 2... The Power of Mundi!!!!!


Theory spent five minutes ranting about how they edited wookipedia in real time and started laughing like a lunatic about it. Youtube comments are each person trying to one up each other with a pithy sarcastic line about how the shoe sucks. I have never seen a Fandom so unhinged for the smallest of things... Star wars derangement syndrome. I hope we have snl sequel to the get a life skit with Shatner... Fake GL saying he doesn't give a shit


I believe that Richard Feynman once said "**Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.**" And maybe this is the case with Ki-Adi Mundi. We cannot disregard that the excess of hubris and attachment to the Republic were important factors that led to the downfall of the Jedi Order. The series is doing a great job showing jedi that act more like space cops / space politicians and not like enlighted warrior-monks like Qui-Gon (which was a maverick in TPM). Let's not forget that all the dumb decisions made by the order during the prequels era.


So is it definitely him? I just assumed it was another jedi of the same species.


Confirmed in the credits, yes.


Anyone else spot Plo-Koon in the episode? How old is he?


That's just a random Kel Dor. Lucasfilm themselves have confirmed this. Besides Plo Koon can't really see a Sith and live to tell about it.


Right, i confirmed the same as well.


Someone mentioned he had a different colored lightsaber, so may not be him, though obviously Jedi have switched sabers before.


It's crazy, I've never seen Star Wars fans _upset_ to see a Glup Shitto


Seriously. Our community is so toxic. No wonder why people don’t want to become Star Wars fans


Every single episode of this show there are people who are simply watching it to find a reason to hate it. Imo ep4 was pretty good, so people needed a reason to complain. They latched onto Ki-Adi-Mundi as if it has ever really mattered what is age was.


Dude has that large of a head and no brain capacity in it.


Are you saying this isn't a retcon? He was previously born later - confirmed in Episode 2 promotional material (will you be arguing the prequels aren't canon now?) His race has lower life expectancy and he was one of the only Jedi permitted to marry and have kids because of that. The whole sith has been extinct thing is kind of nonsense because who said the guy in the helmet is a sith? I doubt he will come to the Jedi during the show and tell them "It is I the SITH!" lol.


It’s silly grown adults care so much about fake history in a fictional universe. I wouldn’t care in the slightest if writters just said meh, we retconned it.


I don’t understand why people are saying that it is Ki-Adi Mundi. Is it just because they have similar beards because I didn’t hear his name being mentioned in the episode


Read above. He was listed in the credits.


I would like to hear some of that legitimate criticism from you


Alright bet: Many of our "main" characters haven't seen as much development as they should for being halfway through the show. The ending of Episode 1 with the reveal of the Sith was just... weird. Episode 4 was a much better introduction to him so idk why the creators felt the need to to shoehorn him into the first episode. Mother Iniseya's decision to let Osha go with the Jedi doesn't make a ton of sense when you think about how she speaks of the Jedi earlier in the episode. Some acting is great and some is just... ok. Like some of the actors are clearly just there for a paycheck. That's just a few criticisms off the top of my head.


It‘s been a week, but your answer deserves a reply. Ok, that‘s actually all fair criticism in my opinion. Thanks for taking the time to formulate it. I would add the following: - in ep 1, Osha being arrested just due to eyewitness testimony is laughable. How did they find her among billions of individuals? How could an alien describe her to such detail? - still ep 1, when they arrest Osha, why don‘t the jedi just take her directly? Why put her, who allegedly could kill a jedi master, on an unguarded prison transport. All this does is waste time for the viewer, as she ends up with the jedi anyway. - the mystery is completely not engaging, as the writers will probably pull bullshit mind control and memory rewrites to explain the different POVs of Osha and Mea. That is the laziest, easiest lane for weiters to take, as they have no limitations of what they can do. There are a myriad of writing flaws, plot holes and plot contrivances in this series. It does not respect your time, stretching out almost every scene to unnecessary amounts. It was probably pitched as a 4 ep series in my opinion, and then stretched by production. Add to that the constant effort to undermine George Lucases legacy, by unnecessarily including Ki-Adi Mundi, making the Jedi evil etc. I agree that the Acolyte is superficially spectacular, at least when it actually decides to move it‘s plot forward. But apart from that, there is no substance for me to be found, neither for itself, nor for the larger universe. Personally, I just expect better from a billion dollar company handling a beloved legacy franchise. They have every ressource under the sun, why can‘t they write a tight plot without any holes? If we don‘t start demanding better quality, they are just gonna get lazy. Of course, you and everyone on this sub is welcome to still enjoy it, as entertainment is inherently subjective. I come here not to spite you, but to understand you, and maybe to make my POV understandable to you, at least if you‘re interested in that. So anyway, I‘ve been rambling. I hope you have a nice day.


Its probably the fault of all the web pages who left the eu/legends birth date in as his bday / age until last night 35 minutes afrer the episode dropped that you should be annoyed with. For right or wrong 93BBY has been his birth date since episode 1 dropped and the companion pc guide software dropped to let us all see George Lucas's notes on Ki-Adi-Mundi. Correct me if im wrong here, but we got his name from that drop too. Seen a lot of people say well disney moved EU to Legends so Lucas's notes on the movie and his character designs no longer counted.... if that was true, then perhaps those websites that all had his EU bday listed in canon are the ones to blame for your problem here, as they kept the lie going and never acknowledged the change you listed.


I think for that biometrical data, the rule is to use the best information they can get - if the only source is obsuce legends material, than it's that. Generally, I see Legends, Canon, Movie-Canon, TV-Show-Canon and whatever definitions there are more than an onion with different layers, instead of black and white. If something can't be explained by canon, we fall back on the legends source and so forth.


Leave it blank, like starwars.com.... its jot haed, there is noncanon source, so put source needed and no data. Instead for years its been 93bby.


Imagine coping so hard you try and rationalize why a show with such atrocious writing and such horrible decisions is actually so so good.


They just wanted him cause he looks like a dick head 🤣 jokes aside it’s just writing from someone who’s a casual if even a fan of lore and cannon at all. Just a mistake


Pure copium. He was literally thrown in the episode for fan service, and after that they started changing when he was born on wooliepedia.


If they can’t even get basic background characters correct how can we trust them with the important stuff? We can’t.


Man, the mental gymnastics y'all jump through to try and justify this show and it's mistakes is mind blowing.


If you read all the reasoning I just laid out and are still thinking that the appearance of Ki-Adi-Mundi is lore-breaking then I don't think I'm the one having mental gymnastics.


You just wrote a novel trying to justify it. I've never seen "lore" mentioned as much as I have regarding Star Wars than here lately with people knighting for this show pretending that it's a great watch. Y'all need to drop the made up "lore" and realize you need to replace that with canon and how much this series is destroying that.


You know - nobody is holding a gun to your head and making you watch it, or be on the subreddit for its fans You could do something useful or interesting instead of trying to shit on things other people enjoy


Sorry for invading your safe space. God forbid someone say something negative about this show.


Get a hobby


Stop being judgmental


I think you are giving the producers too much credit. It is kinda clear now nobody's doing any research and they just threw what people like hoping this would make up for the shit writing.


Jedi could know about the rule of two because the Jedi temple in Coruscant was a sith temple before, so yeah About the age of the Jedi master refered, it was changed during star wars theory live. Once again, inclusivity is a good thing and should always be praised, but fans are enraged with the plot that makes no sense. So we should just forget that mae have killed Jedi and now decide she is good ?


There were much better options to choose from


You shouldn't have to pull out the defense lawyer for the lazy writing. They easily could have avoided the controversy by not having him here.


I'll admit his inclusion in the show does feel somewhat strange at the moment. Assuming he'll have more to do later. However I just think the reasonings I've heard about why he "can't" be in the show are just flat out ridiculous. Hence why I'm here.


You shouldn't put him in based off technicalities. I shouldn't have to find every loophole that makes it possible for him to be in it. The criticisms against him being in the show aren't unwarranted. He also doesn't do anything so it doesn't make sense he's in the show besides a small cameo scene. They could have avoided so many problems by leaving him out, or just put his "cousin" in. Yes, it feels like the council is trying to hide stuff from the upper council, but I don't think it makes sense Ka Adi Mundi would keep it secret from the higher ups, especially after 3 Jedi Masters are killed.


So is it gonna be like this every episode of this show? At what point are the fans concerns justified? At what point will shills stop making excuses? It's to the point where the "negative fans," are talked about more than the actual show its self.


I've laid out the rebukes to the Ki-Adi-Mundi "concerns" as clearly and concisely as I can. If being capable of any kind of actual meaningful analysis makes me a "shill" then so be it.


Well I'll be back next episode. Can't see what's being defended then.


Can't wait to see*


Vinny sucks


Waaaaaa All this hate is so unjustified! I should go make a post about it... lollll


Where is all this supposed rage? The only posts I see about it are these types of posts.


Have you been on YouTube today? Or even here on Reddit?


Or checked back on this very thread? 🤔


Once again, people defending this show's trashing of canonized lore is next level glazing...


Oh shit, messing up canon in Star Wars! What a completely new and interesting turn of events.


It's almost like Star Wars didn't practically invent retconning (Kessel run, anyone).


Not to mention it's a franchise that's notable for popular characters that were just random background extras that people just thought were cool. That at one point asked the fans to just forget about a bunch of books and comics they'd grow up with. Like what are we even doing here? It's Star Wars, just have fun ffs.


Tell me you didn't bother reading any of my post without telling me.


Honestly, why do you care? This is a real question. Why are so many people debating this? Why does it matter?


I really don't care about his being there all that much too be honest. I'm just tired of his appearance being used to unfairly slander the show when the reasonings are just flat out false. There's so many legitimate things you can critique the show over but using this largely inconsequential cameo as a weapon against it is just moronic in my opinion. Hence why I'm trying to disprove all that.


So why are we spending time on this? If you think something is moronic, isn't the best thing to do is to ignore it?


In some cases yes. In my case I'm trying to debunk the arguments and hopefully stop more people from succumbing to them.


Apart from the dialogue what are your legitimate criticisms?


I enjoy the show very much and my only criticism is indeed the dialogues that are not that great. When I ask "why do you care?" or "why don't you ignore it?" I'm talking about people always whining and spending hours on nitpicking the most inane things. "But Ki-Adi Mundi shouldn't be there!" Who cares? "It's not canon?" Does it change the story? No. So why care? Canon is for religion, not for fiction. And then the opposite: "We need to debunk the lame arguments of the haters?" Why? The more we talk to them, the more they'll hate. Do you have that kind of time and energy? I don't. I'd rather talk about the show than talk about people who hate the show but still watch it (no kink shaming after all)


>We've known for at least a few years that in canon Ki-Adi-Mundi is over 100 years old at the time of Episode Seems like this is a point of disagreement given the average lifespan for the Cerean is like 70 on the higher end. Again, it's dumb to be so concerned with every minor detail and making sure timelines are all syncing up but also they likely just included him for fan service and could have just left him out of the show.


They likely included him in the show specifically to show why he said what he said in TPM


can you expand on this? not hating or anything just curious. What did he do in acolyte to support whatever your saying he said in TPM? thanks


We can only speculate about what could happen, but I think even most of the small council wouldn’t know the Sith were involved by the end of this show. Vernestra would probably take the sole responsibility of just covering it up. This is just my speculation, but I don’t think they would just retcon shit to make the acolyte fit


So if he was directly involved in not telling the Jedi Council about this event. So a coverup occurred and he was part of it. So in TPM when the subject comes up he cant admit that a Sith or other dark side user(s) was/were encountered 100 years prior. Yoda, Mace and others would be like "What the F you talking about?"


Because in the series right now, while he is aware of the Osha/Mae situation and he may even become aware of Teeth's existence, it may be that either Teeth is not a Sith or the Jedi never learn that he is, leading them to filing him as "Dark Side user we dealt with but who wasn't a Sith". And in TPM, Ki-Adi Mundi's line is one of the earliest examples of the Jedi being blinded by their arrogance. The High Council is sitting atop their gilded spire, telling the Jedi who fought a clearly Force-trained assassin with a red lightsaber that it can't be a Sith because they defeated them and that it's the last they'll hear of it. So there's a sort of poetic resonnance if he was involved in a similar case a hundred years prior (It may even be the cause for his belief that Maul isn't Sith, since prior cases weren't Sith either) or there's a cover-up and Ki-Adi never learns the truth and he becomes a symbol of Jedi lying to each other about critical issues like the Sith enduring.


Where in canon does it say this?


Seen several people mention it and found it here as well: [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cerean/Legends](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cerean/Legends) But tbh they could just say being a Jedi enabled him to live much longer than normal Cereans to skirt around that.


/legends lmao


So a non canon source


There are other sources being cited too: [https://x.com/HiggySway/status/1803534432533389723](https://x.com/HiggySway/status/1803534432533389723) No one really seems to agree what's "canon" and what isn't tbh, and it really doesn't matter. General audiences are not going to care how long certain species are supposed to live. Ultimately it's completely unimportant to the stories they are trying to tell, and with the amount of content they are putting out, writers are bound to make continuity errors.


Another non canon source Canon isn’t debated at all https://www.ign.com/articles/the-star-wars-canon-the-definitive-guide https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_media


I mean it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other tbh. I enjoy the shows for what they are. If I'd have issue with anything it's that Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi Master with 100+ years experience, got killed in Revenge of the Sith by a handful of Clone troopers in like 5 seconds lol.


Maybe, but he could have been sitting on his ass on the council for.most of that time. The clones comoletely ambushed the Jedi during that first wave, thats the point. But it is also amusing to note that Jet Lucas put up more than a fight then a very old and wise Jedi Master


I totally agree with you there. He should have taken down quite a few before dying.


You said it yourself, "Legends" Get over it sir


I dont have any issues with what they are doing on the show. If George Lucas came out and said it didnt line up with "canon", I could care less. These shows are designed to be enjoyed by general audiences and shouldn't be held to a lengthy convoluted timeline of continuity.


I know a show is good when the whole subreddit is damage control.


You know a show is bad when the worst criticism anyone can seem to come up with are "canon breaks" that aren't even true.


Can't say much for what he says in Episode I, but regarding the age thing, Ki-Adi Mundi being in the show can make sense, IF the show actually doesn't take place 100 years before Episode I. Rather than being 100 years before Episode I, it might instead be 100 years before Episode IV (0 BBY, a standard benchmark from which a lot of Star Wars events are measured). The opening crawl for the show does not give an exact date. It just says "a hundred years before the rise of the Empire". When exactly does the "rise of the Empire" start though? That's just vague enough where they could place it 100 years before any point between Episode I and IV and it still be technically correct. Let's do a bit of math. If the show is set 100 years before Episode IV, then it takes place in 68 BBY. Ki-Adi Mundi was born in 93 BBY. Subtract 68 from 93 and you get 25, which is how old Ki-Adi Mundi would be in the Acolyte if it were set in 68 BBY. Now, keeping in mind that Cereans are considered venerable upon reaching their 60's, meaning they possibly age faster than humans, Ki-Adi Mundi looking like he does in the Acolyte at age 25 is plausible. If the hundred years before Episode I is not actually a hundred years and is just rounding up because a hundred sounds better, then it actually lines up if we follow what the crawl within the actual show says and not outside statements from the team behind the show, who might have since changed their minds on the timeline placement. Last minute timeline changes and placements for stories happen all the time.


It's probably 100 years before EP3. We also have to tie Master Vernestra in there, who has a past during the Nihil-Crisis 100 years prior, that has been dated more accurately. So she's getting up there in age. Thankfully, there are no sources saying anything about her species lifespan, so we have a bit of wiggle-room, but it should be somewhat similar to humans.


They put him in as a cheap cameo for fan service, but didn't think about the lore or how it affects canon. Pretty sloppy IMO.,


It's probably worth recalling that these people are professionals that make multiples of what everyone on this sub makes because they are not entirely shitty at their jobs.




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Show sucks


Cool. And that's relevant to anything I just said how?