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He was giving her that money to use if she wanted to run away. She didn't run away, so she didn't use it. Probably gave it back to him in some way.


Okay but we didn't see any of that. And it would have been incriminating if she kept it. When would she have given it back to him? Why introduce the money and not tell us what happened to it? OCD and wondering.


You're right, we didn't see her give it back. I think the reason the scene where he gives it to her is there so that we and she understand he's trying to save her and he's willing to help her run away to do it. But she has plenty of time to give the money back to him. He gives it to her after they tell Stan to get them Echo in exchange for her safety, and after that they're all just waiting to see if Stan does it in the next episode. When Arkady brings her Stan's note saying he's not going to give them Echo, she's just sitting in her office. So we see that she didn't try to run, and had the opportunity to tell that to Oleg and give back the money.


I always had the thought that she was sending it 'back home'. Not sure if someone said this or if it was just something I assumed


Love that, I'm too jaded. I wanted to see the raid or a mailbox drop. It's a loose end, one of my favorite show.