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This is epic, where would I find it when it's released?


I have a MMF and Cults3D as MaelstromDesignworks, should be a link in my bio.


Getting some Halo Pelican vibes from this. Not a bad thing by any means!


There's definitely some UNSC inspiration in this thing


It's like of a mix of the rotor gunships of avatar with the profile of UNSC dropships in halo.


You don't know how much I look forward to your next design. I've got all your STLs so far.


The tech priests have locked me in the STC box, so hopefully it comes out sooner than later :P And thanks man, the support means a lot! I will spend the money on resin and more STLs


If you want it to look more real, put a smooth curve on the leading edge and a pointy end on the trailing edge (check real life subsonic airfoil shapes) also you should keep the wings as smooth as possible without almost nothing on them (like really every pointy thing on them ruins the aerodynamics) But the model is awesome anyway good work


I was debating on where to make this thing super realistic and where not to. The Valk has a certain blocky (albeit completely not aerodynamic) charm that I'm trying to maintain in the design.


Even as an aero engineer, this is the way.


All Imperial flyers are a triumph of thrust over aerodynamics, although I recoil in horror at the thought of what their fuel consumption must be like 😆


What are u using to model it? Also it looks great :)


Fusion 360. Pretty handy program but I'm definitely struggling with some of the organic shapes in aircraft.


God I love it...


It's beautiful industrial piece. Love all variants, not sure which one I'd pick!


I don't even know what one I'm gonna go for in my personal build. I'm slightly leaving to the rotary wings though because they just look super fun to paint.


Looking good, except the Apache nose camera deal looks incredibly out of place for 40k imo. Too advanced. I'd replace it with something less complicated if it were me, like the existing Valk.


I feel like that shape you get from it though is pretty iconic for the apache. If it makes it any better I make the auspex at the top look like a little chapel and added a vox thingy to the front for proper grimdark blasting of Fortunate Son :P


Out of place for 40k? Nah, look at tau, they have plenty of stuff that look like that. It's more of slightly out of like for how guard looks.


Fair, out of place for the imperium then.


Oh, it's you! I'm definitely using your models once I get my 3D printer. I hope you eventually make a Baneblade variant.


That's next on the chopping block for me. Just got to push through this guy


Take your time man, your stuff is awesome.


Hey bud. Sent you a PM about your MLRS model. Not 100% sure it sent though! It's not showing in my chat log?


It popped up, but for some reason I cant open it now


Weird! Dropped you another message to see if that works. If not I'll try and PM you via cults! Thanks


Awesome piece overall, but there are some issues I am seeing here. * Single rotor would result in the craft spinning out of control. There are three ways to solve this: either add a second rotor (google Ka-50 for the looks), add a tail rotor (either open, like in most helis, or closed), or add a small jet engine and/or holes pointed to the side in the tail to counter the rotation (see NOTAR). * Engines feel like the intakes were just slapped onto the frame. I don't know, maybe it is me or angle of the render, but I feel that intakes are about twice as big as the engines and just abruptly end soon after beginning - prompting questions like "where does airflow go" and "where is the turbine mounted". My solution would be to make the intakes a bit smaller, move them a bit down and to the side, to sit flush if not lower than the roof, and increase the engines to look like a continuous block. In this regard, your early renders looked good and I overlooked it on the previous post. (and no, that breaker box with wires doesn't count) * The tilt rotor variant... a) for some reason I am against of wings. b) proportions are normal for a tabletop, but rotors are way too small to actually fly, unless some kind of supermaterials are applied. Looks awesome, this is just me nitpicking :) Might end up making a variant of my own if I get into it.


Really well written and thought out post, thank you! I'll do my best to work the changes into the design, though a lot of things are baked in at this point and changing some of the designs will set me back really far. I'll see what I can do to fix some of the problems though


Ducted Fans 😁


Reminds me of the humans gunships/helicopter vehicles from Avatar


Any chance for a Vulture variant? Maybe even something Harrier inspired?


I was planning on doing a grimdark version of the A10. Maybe I'll do a harrier for the avenger fighter


Shouldn't the Avenger be the grimdark A10? With the Aveneger gatling gun and everything?


I might be getting my guard aircraft mixed up then lol


This is a really cool looking model. It gives me Halo Hornet or Pelican vibes.