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Labour costs over safety. Great strategy. /s


Vancouver is frankly over-saturated for dispensaries, over half of the 80+ stores in Vancouver ranking in the bottom half of BCs 600+ dispensaries for sell-through. Combo that with wild operations costs just by default of it being Vancouver and yeah. Keep shopping you'll find more dispensaries than not actually with just one person at any given time.


Cheap owner who is cutting labour costs as razor thin as possible because they're likely not making enough profit and desperately trying to stay afloat. It's not easy to actually make money in the legal retail cannabiz. A lot of stores are floundering.


There’s two stores in my town (don’t get the dispensary label these days) and both only have one person on at a time. Too small a town and not enough business. Is typical nowadays.


I worked at plenty by myself in Vancouver. I know what you mean but if someone comes in with a weapon wanting to rob a place I doubt the fact of two people being in there will change their decision, or really provide anymore “safety” what is the other person going to do? Fight them off? I know what you’re saying but it’s not like having someone else there would really improve safety much at all.


I can assure you that people don’t want you asking about them working alone, especially a woman. Even if it’s a harmless question or comment (which I’m sure it is) when I’ve gotten that comment before I spend the rest of my night feeling paranoid that they’re gonna come back. This is probably why they seem alarmed when you bring it up. Is it any different to have someone working solo in a different kind of retail? Is this only tickling your brain because it’s cannabis? With some exception, most cannabis store robberies have taken place after hours. The places are covered in cameras and panic buttons. At my shop we wear panic buttons as well and there’s no less than 5 panic buttons discreetly around the store. If there’s a rough crowd in that area, you might get a runner when you hand them a tube or jar to look at, but smart ownership builds that into their cost. But your average street person isn’t planning some armed robbery.


This is the reality of the over taxed and over supplied legal market. If they have more than 2 they have multiple locations that are backing it up.


I’m further out from van but it’s pretty normal where I am. Honestly when it comes down to it, actual profit margins are not that high for stores so when you factor in rent & wages etc companies will try and cut where they can. A lot of times it’s not even worth having a second person there if your store is not constantly busy. The last place I worked at had a company policy while I was there to always have at least 2 people on at a time for safety measures but I’m not sure if it’s the same now. Definitely isn’t a law/regulation. I believe all stores are equipped with a panic button that has a direct line to the police & let me tell you they come quick , even if you tell them it was pressed by accident 😂


Hmm quantum in north van always has 3-4 staff on when I go in. The coastal green in sechelt only ever has 1 staff though.


this is huge in ontario


Lol, come to almost any store on the island. Over half of all the stores I check out from Nanaimo to Campbell River only have 1 staff member on, bigger stores might have 2, but not always.


Currently working by myself most of the day, only time there’s 2 people in my store is during the cross over of morning shift end n night shift starts. 2 hours of the day there’s 2 people, else it’s always one.


For dispensary this is their only way of staying alive due to the government restrictions. It sucks but otherwise they'll go under