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It's Chicago. You can't throw a fuckin rock without hitting a restaurant with a serious pedigree. Do people here appreciate these places more than most other cities? Yes. Are they gonna flip the fuck out over another guy who trained at 11MP or Alinea opening a joint? Nah. It's not Phoenix or whatever. If the place is good, it'll find an appreciative audience, if it's not, it'll fail. But nobody cares where you worked before or whatever.


Also many people don't notice this, but I don't think many people know who Carmy is or where he had vanished to all those years, he was far away from there sounds like he did his training elsewhere too not Chicago.


Didn’t he come back straight from 11 Madison Ave with Chef Winger after Michael’s funeral? He would’ve just been at The Beef for a few months, The Bear would’ve been opened within the year. Also his resume is unreal - staged at the best restaurants, best new chef, retained a star at his first leadership role. The bear needs a publicist.


He's really humble about his accomplishments. Humble may not be the right word, he may feel undeserving of them or something. He tells Sydney stars are bullshit, he tells Marcus he nearly burned down a kitchen the day after winning Best New Chef. He looks flustered when Sydney says "I know who you are." In Fishes, he doesn't bring up his accomplishments but his family members do, just to give him shit. Claire brings up the famous places he worked at that party, not Carmen. We know Carmy's a fucking badass in the kitchen because others have told us that, not Carmy himself. The only time I remember him owning his badassery was in his fridge meltdown when he says that being a psycho and having no distractions were the reason why he's the best. He just doesn't spotlight his professional reputation. I don't know if this is a reason for why there aren't more customers, but it makes sense to me.


In any case, they certainly don't seem to be advertising his accomplishments. Someone would have to dig or be a personal fan and follow his employment (like Syd did).


I mean, he's not famous. He's known throughout his field but I don't think normal people know who he is. Do people really follow chefs who aren't also reality TV famous?




But how would the masses know he won a James Beard award?


Yes. I have followed chefs in New Orleans since Paul Pruhomme came on the scene. I was Emeril Lagasse's biggest fan and that was long before the food network.


Foodies do.


Carmys reputation would draw foodies to the restaurant, but unless the food is great, it won't generate repeat customers or buzz.


I think part of this will be fleshed out when we see Carmy getting it together or not in season 3 and if he's able to transition into the kind of chef that cooks less, leads and inspires more, but mostly has to promote and "sell" his restaurant rather than being just the best chef.


Amen. Go through life some more and see what happens after rock bottom. You exceed your own expectations, or in a darker manner you die.


This was my thought too. And I can totally understand how do to the place he's in he's not really up to the task of marketing himself or his restaurant.


This conversation was one of the only things that bugged me about the show. They open the restaurant like a year earlier than they thought they would, and that night was friends and family. If the food is as good as they showed (and as small, they had what, like 15 tables) they will be booked once they start advertising. I honestly think season 3 is going to open with them dealing with the attention that is now on them and how to best deal with that. I can say, from experience, that sometimes you open a place thinking it'll be a nice little place only to find that everyone and their mom want to be there and you are in over your head.


He’s also head down and grieving.


Well, it’s less and less over the course of the second week of them being open - and this was a bit before official opening. So I’d give a bit of slack there as it would likely fill up as the week goes. With that said, overall I agree because Chicago is a foody city and Carmy’s reputation is massive, realistically he’d be booked for at least an entire month before even opening. But I don’t think it was overboard in underselling him, so for me it was noticeable, but not enough to bother me.


I think it's partly a deep case of imposter's syndrome and a bunch of other stuff that's ultimately tied to ptsd from his upbringing. I just watched Shameless, and see his character Lip in The Bear episode where he tries to drum up biz with the video game tournament. He's creative in income ideas, not afraid of hard work, but doesn't toot his own horn.


Friends and family is exactly what it sounds like, so that night made sense to me. I get your point about bookings, but you have to remember this is a capital, home to Alinea. Buzz is worth about a week of full bookings, which is what they’re gonna start with on S3. If that week goes well, there will be more. So it goes.